ilch Forum » Allgemein » HTML, PHP, SQL,... » SQL Fehlermeldung :-/

  1. #1
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Hallo ich habe iLCH wieder neu installiert und ein backup eingespielt, jetzt bekomme ich folgende Fehermeldung im AdminCenter :

    Warning: is_dir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/customers/5/b/d/ in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 19 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/b/d/ in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 23

    Ich habe das BackUP mit iLCH 1.1P erstellt und bei 1.1P wieder importiert.
    Da ich den "myphpadmin" verwende habe ich auch auf UTF8 gestellt.
    Ich nutze PHP 5.6
    Die Seite funktioniert aber ansonsten.

    verwendete ilch Version: 1.1 P
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  2. #2
    User Pic
    Mairu Coder
    Registriert seit
    386 Beitragspunkte
    Das liegt an einer Unachtsamkeit in der admin/compatibility.php, du kannst eine Korrigierte Version von Github laden.

    Entscheidend ist die Zeile 19.
    Und auch immer mal ein Blick auf die FAQ werfen. | Mairus Ilchseite
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  3. #3
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke,hat geklappt lächeln
    Jetzt habe ich nur noch eine Meldung.

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /customers/5/b/d/ in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 23

    Ich habe die Datei einfach mal durch die design.php in deinem GitHub Verzeichniss ersetzt, die Meldung ist trotzdem geblieben.
    Zeile 23 wäre :

    header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=' . ILCH_CHARSET);

    Ich habe jetzt eine Meldung, dass zwei Dateien angepasst werden müssten, da ich PHP5.6 nutze.

    muss zu
    htmlentites($variable, ILCH_ENTITIES_FLAGS, ILCH_CHARSET);
    geändert werden.
    Die Codestelle in der allg.php
    function html_enc_substr($text, $start, $length) { $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); return(htmlentities(substr(strtr($text, $trans_tbl), $start, $length)));
    recaptchalib.php aber da zeigt er mir die Änderungen nicht an

    Nun ja wenn ich das so ändere wie dort rot markiert crashed die Seite völlig.
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  4. #4
    User Pic
    Mairu Coder
    Registriert seit
    386 Beitragspunkte
    Die angepasst Version der Funktion ist eigentlich bei 1.1P schon dabei.

    Mit dem Fehler, liegt wohl an einem nicht sichbaren Zeichen, was du unabsichtlich mit eingefügt hast. Du kannst die Datei auch direkt herunterladen, indem du sie "raw" öffnest und dann speicherst.
    (ggf. auch mal die allg.php anschauen, wegen der Funktion ->
    Und auch immer mal ein Blick auf die FAQ werfen. | Mairus Ilchseite
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  5. #5
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
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    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke :-)
    Danach bekomme ich eine BBCODE Fehlermeldung und die Seite lässt sich nicht mehr aufrufen. weinen

    Zusätzlich habe ich heute eine neue Fehlermeldung entdeckt :
    Ich habe ein neues Profil-Feld eingefügt und dann ein Zitat in die entsprechende Spalte. Danach erschien folgende Meldung :

    MySQL Error:
    1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'm gonna paint the town re-e-e-ed...')' at line 1
    in Query:
    INSERT INTO `ic1_userfields` (fid,uid,val) VALUES (22,1,'I'm gonna paint the town re-e-e-ed...')
    Debug backtrace:
    	@ mysql.php:46 -- debug_bt()
    	@ mysql.php:64 -- db_check_error(...)
    	@ profilefields.php:40 -- db_query(...)
    	@ profil_edit.php:155 -- profilefields_change_save(...)
    	@ user.php:25 -- require_once(...)
    	@ index.php:36 -- require_once(...)

    Das Zitat heißt : I'm gonna paint the town re-e-e-ed...
    Wenn ich was anderes eintrage funktioniert alles super..

    Zuletzt modifiziert von HATEFRONT am 10.03.2015 - 20:10:57
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  6. #6
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
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    327 Beitragspunkte
    das liegtan den Sonderzeichen ' entferne das mal in der db

    Zuletzt modifiziert von Siggi am 10.03.2015 - 19:45:26
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  7. #7
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke :-)
    Welche Sonderzeichen und wie entfernen ?
    Sorry Datenbanken sind neuland für mich.
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  8. #8
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
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    327 Beitragspunkte
    Es darf kein ' in den Satz vorkommen da es die Zeile beendet deswegen kommt es zum Fehler
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  9. #9
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
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    2 Beitragspunkte
    achso also darf ich allgemein kein ' verwenden ?
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  10. #10
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
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    327 Beitragspunkte
    Nein weil es immer das Script bzw. die Zeile beenden sollte diese fängt ja mit ' an und hört mit ' auf.

    kannst es aber sicherlich herausfiltern aber so gesehen wäre es das gleiche ob du es einfach nicht schreibst oder herausfiltern lässt
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  11. #11
    User Pic
    Mairu Coder
    Registriert seit
    386 Beitragspunkte
    Naja das ist eher ein Bug in der includes/func/profilefields.php

    if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = $_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]; } else { $v = ''; }


    if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = escape($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']], 'string'); } else { $v = ''; }

    Und auch immer mal ein Blick auf die FAQ werfen. | Mairus Ilchseite
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  12. #12
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
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    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke, hat funktioniert ! lächeln

    Jetzt habe ich noch einen weiteren Fehler, der die Funktion stark beeinträchtigt. Wenn ich nicht angemeldet bin und auf einen "news eintrag" klicke, erscheint dort folgende Meldung :
    Fatal error: Call to a member function out() on null in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 239

    Woher kommen die ganzen Fehler, vorher hatte ich nie welche ?

    Zuletzt modifiziert von HATEFRONT am 13.03.2015 - 18:14:56
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  13. #13
    User Pic
    Mairu Coder
    Registriert seit
    386 Beitragspunkte
    Für den Fehler brauchte man dann noch die Stelle in der news.php, da es sich nicht um die Standardversion der Datei handelt. Wäre dann ggf. noch interessant von welchem Modul die Datei ist.
    Und auch immer mal ein Blick auf die FAQ werfen. | Mairus Ilchseite
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  14. #14
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Ich benutze noch zusätzlich das Modul "News Teilen v. 1.0" von Maretz.
    externer Link

    In Zeile 239 steht nicht wirklich viel.

    #   Copyright by: Manuel
    #   Support:
    defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
    $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: News';
    $hmenu = 'News';
    $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu );
    $design->addheader('<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="News (Atom)" href="index.php?news-atom" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="News (RSS)" href="index.php?news-rss" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="include/includes/css/teilen.css" type="text/css" />');
    function news_find_kat ($kat) {
                    $katpfad = 'include/images/news/';
                    $katjpg = $katpfad.$kat.'.jpg';
                    $katgif = $katpfad.$kat.'.gif';
                    $katpng = $katpfad.$kat.'.png';
                    if ( file_exists( $katjpg ) ) {
                      $pfadzumBild = $katjpg;
                    } elseif ( file_exists ( $katgif ) ) {
                      $pfadzumBild = $katgif;
                    } elseif ( file_exists ( $katpng ) ) {
                      $pfadzumBild = $katpng;
                    if ( !empty( $pfadzumBild ) ) {
                            $kategorie = '<img style="" src="'.$pfadzumBild.'" alt="'.$kat.'">';
                    } else {
                      $kategorie = '<b>'.$kat.'</b><br /><br />';
                    return ( $kategorie );
    function url($teilenurl){
            $protocol = ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "off") ? "https" : "http";
            $protocol = 'http';
        return $protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    if ( !is_numeric($menu->get(1)) )  {
      if($menu->get(1) == 'rss' || $menu->get(1) == 'atom')
          $feed_type = $menu->get(1);
        $abf = "SELECT MAX(news_time) AS last_update FROM prefix_news";
        $erg = db_query($abf);
        $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg);
        $last_update = str_replace(' ', 'T', $row['last_update']) . 'Z';
        $abf = "SELECT
          a.news_title as title,
          a.news_id as id,";
        $abf .= ($feed_type == 'atom') ? 'a.news_time as datum,' : "DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%a, %e %b %y %H:%i:%s') as datum,";
        $abf .=
         "a.news_kat as kate,
          a.news_text as text,
 as username
        FROM prefix_news as a
        LEFT JOIN prefix_user as b ON a.user_id =
        WHERE a.news_recht = 0
        ORDER BY news_time DESC LIMIT 15";
        $erg = db_query($abf);
        $tpl = new tpl( 'news_'.$menu->get(1).'.htm' );
        header('Content-type: application/' . $menu->get(1)  . '+xml');
        $tpl->set_ar_out(array('FEEDTITLE' => $allgAr['title'],
                               'UPDATED' => $last_update,
                               'SITEURL' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])), 0);
        while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg))
          if($feed_type == 'atom')
                    $Z = (date('Z') > 0 ? '+' : '').date('H:i:s', date('Z') + 23 * 3600);
                    $row['datum'] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $row['datum']) . $Z;
          $a = explode('[PREVIEWENDE]', $row['text']);
          $tpl->set_ar_out(array('TITLE' => $row['title'],
                                 'TXT' => bbcode($a[0]),
                                 'LINK' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']). '/index.php?news-' . $row['id'],
                                 'AUTHOR' => $row['username'],
                                 'DATE' => $row['datum']
                                 ), 1);
        $limit = $allgAr['Nlimit'];
        $page = ( $menu->getA(1) == 'p' ? $menu->getE(1) : 1 );
        $MPL = db_make_sites ($page , "WHERE news_recht >= ".$_SESSION['authright'] , $limit , '?news' , 'news' );
        $anfang = ($page - 1) * $limit;
        $tpl = new tpl ( 'news.htm' );
        $abf = "SELECT
          a.news_title as title,
          a.news_id as id,
          DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%d. %m. %Y') as datum,
          DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%W') as dayofweek,
          a.news_kat as kate,
          a.news_text as text,
 as username
        FROM prefix_news as a
        LEFT JOIN prefix_user as b ON a.user_id =
        WHERE ".$_SESSION['authright']." <= a.news_recht
           OR a.news_recht = 0
        ORDER BY news_time DESC
        LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit;
        #echo '<pre>'.$abf.'</pre>';
        $erg = db_query($abf);
        while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) {
          $k0m  = db_query("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `prefix_koms` WHERE uid = ".$row['id']." AND cat = 'NEWS'");
          $row['kom']  = db_result($k0m,0);
          $row['kate'] = news_find_kat($row['kate']);
          $row['teilenurl'] = url($row['teilenurl']);
          $row['newsteilen'] = '<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick ="document.getElementById(\'teilen'.$row['id'].'\').style.display=\'block\';document.getElementById(\'teilen_out'.$row['id'].'\').style.display=\'block\'">Teilen</a>';
          $row['teilenpermalink'] = '<input class="teilen_input" value="'.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'" readonly="readonly" type="text" onfocus="">';
          $row['teilenbbcode'] = ''.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'';
          $row['teilenhtml'] = ''.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'';
          $row['teilenfb'] = '<a class="teilenfb" href="'.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'"></a>';
          $row['teilentwitter'] = '<a class="teilentwitter" href="'.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'"></a>';
          $row['teilengoogle'] = '<a class="teilengoogle" href="'.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'"></a>';
          $row['teilenmail'] = '<a class="teilenmail" href="mailto:?&subject='.$row['title'].'&body=Folgende%20News%20wurde%20dir%20empfohlen:%20'.$row['teilenurl'].'?news-'.$row['id'].'"></a>';
          $row['datum'] = $lang[$row['dayofweek']].' '.$row['datum'];
          if ( strpos ( $row['text'] , '[PREVIEWENDE]' ) !== FALSE ) {
            $a = explode('[PREVIEWENDE]' , $row['text']);
            $row['text'] = $a[0];
            $row['readwholenews'] = '&raquo; <a href="index.php?news-'.$row['id'].'">'.$lang['readwholenews'].'</a>  &laquo;';
          } else {
            $row['readwholenews'] = '';
          $row['text'] = bbcode($row['text']);
        $tpl->set_out('SITELINK', $MPL,1);
    } else {
     $nid = escape($menu->get(1), 'integer');
     $row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM `prefix_news` WHERE news_id = '".$nid."'"));
      if ( has_right(array($row->news_recht)) ) {
        $komsOK = true;
              if ( $allgAr['Ngkoms'] == 0 ) {
          if ( loggedin() ) {
            $komsOK = true;
                      } else {
                        $komsOK = false;
              if ( $allgAr['Nukoms'] == 0 ) {
                $komsOK = false;
        # kommentar add
              if ( (loggedin() OR chk_antispam ('newskom')) AND $komsOK AND !empty($_POST['name']) AND !empty($_POST['txt']) ) {
          $_POST['txt'] = escape($_POST['txt'],'string');
                      $_POST['name'] = escape($_POST['name'],'string');
          db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_koms` (`uid`,`cat`,`name`,`text`) VALUES (".$nid.",'NEWS','".$_POST['name']."','".$_POST['txt']."')");
              # kommentar add
        # kommentar loeschen
        if ($menu->getA(2) == 'd' AND is_numeric($menu->getE(2)) AND has_right(-7, 'news')) {
          $kommentar_id = escape($menu->getE(2),'integer');
          db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_koms WHERE uid = ".$nid." AND cat = 'NEWS' AND id = ".$kommentar_id);
        # kommentar loeschen
        $kategorie = news_find_kat($row->news_kat);
                    $textToShow = bbcode($row->news_text);
                    $textToShow = str_replace('[PREVIEWENDE]','',$textToShow);
                    if ( !empty($such) ) {
                      $textToShow = markword($textToShow,$such);
                    $tpl = new tpl ( 'news.htm' );
                    $ar = array (
          'TEXT'  => $textToShow,
                            'KATE'  => $kategorie,
          'NID' => $nid,
          'uname' => $_SESSION['authname'],
                            'ANTISPAM' => (loggedin()?'':get_antispam ('newskom', 0)),
                            'NAME'  => $row->news_title,
                                  'NEWSTEILEN'  => '<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick ="document.getElementById(\'teilen'.$nid.'\').style.display=\'block\';document.getElementById(\'teilen_out'.$nid.'\').style.display=\'block\'">Teilen</a>',
          'TEILENPERMALINK'  => '<input class="teilen_input" value="'.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'" readonly="readonly" type="text" onfocus="">',
          'TEILENBBCODE'  => ''.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'',
          'TEILENHTML'  => ''.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'',
          'TEILENFB'  => '<a class="teilenfb" href="'.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'"></a>',
          'TEILENTWITTER'  => '<a class="teilentwitter" href="'.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'"></a>',
          'TEILENGOOGLE'  => '<a class="teilengoogle" href="'.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'"></a>',
          'TEILENMAIL'  => '<a class="teilenmail" href="mailto:?&subject=Title&body=Folgende%20News%20wurde%20dir%20empfohlen:%20'.url($teilenurl).'?news-'.$nid.'"></a>'
                    $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 2 );
                    if ($komsOK) {
                      $tpl->set_ar_out ( array ( 'NAME' => $row->news_title , 'NID' => $nid ), 3 );
        $erg1 = db_query("SELECT text, name, id FROM `prefix_koms` WHERE uid = ".$nid." AND cat = 'NEWS' ORDER BY id DESC");
                    $ergAnz1 = db_num_rows($erg1);
                    if ( $ergAnz1 == 0 ) {
                      echo '<b>'.$lang['nocomments'].'</b>';
                    } else {
                      $zahl = $ergAnz1;
                      while ($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($erg1)) {
            $row1['text'] = bbcode(trim($row1['text']));
            if (has_right(-7, 'news')) {
              $row1['text'] .= '<a href="?news-'.$nid.'-d'.$row1['id'].'"><img src="include/images/icons/del.gif" alt="l&ouml;schen" border="0" title="l&ouml;schen" /></a>';
            $tpl->set_ar_out( array('NAME' => $row1['name'], 'TEXT' => $row1['text'], 'ZAHL' => $zahl ) , 4 );

    Zuletzt modifiziert von HATEFRONT am 14.03.2015 - 20:08:02
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  15. #15
    User Pic
    Maretz Hall Of Fame
    Registriert seit
    74 Beitragspunkte
    Ggf wurde die ext. news installiert und dann wieder die normale ilch Version aufgespielt.
    Wenn ja, dann die ext. news Dateien wieder aufspielen, ohne eine erneute install auszuführen.

    MFG Maretz
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  16. #16
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke lächeln
    Ich hatte ext. news, nach dem erstellen des BackUPs testweise installiert, ich könnte mich auch irren. Ansonsten habe ich schon immer den standart benutzt und würde das gerne weiterhin beibehalten. Man müsste doch in der SQL Datei sehen können, ob das Modul installiert worden ist ?
    Und wenn ja habe ich eine Möglichkeit das zu deinstallieren ? ( ohne ilch zu deinstallieren )

    -- structur for table 'ic1_news'
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news`;
    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
        `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
        `news_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
        `user_id` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
        `news_time` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
        `editor_id` int(11),
        `edit_time` datetime,
        `news_recht` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
        `news_groups` int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
        `news_kat` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
        `news_text` text,
        `html` tinyint(1) NOT NULL,
        `show` int(12) NOT NULL,
        `archiv` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
        `endtime` int(12),
        `klicks` mediumint(9) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
       PRIMARY KEY (`news_id`)

    Zuletzt modifiziert von HATEFRONT am 14.03.2015 - 21:55:11
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  17. #17
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
    Registriert seit
    327 Beitragspunkte
    Standard news table
    CREATE TABLE `prefix_news` (
      `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `news_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `news_recht` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_kat` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `news_text` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`news_id`)
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='powered by';
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  18. #18
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke, ich benutzte den PHPmyadmin. Ich müsste jetzt also den entsprechenden Eintrag wählen und anschließend über SQL die Standard Tabelle einfügen ?
    Gehen dabei aber nicht die geschriebenen Nachrichten verloren ?
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  19. #19
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Denn immerhin sind ja in der DatenTabelle noch die Einträge vorhanden :

    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  20. #20
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
    Registriert seit
    327 Beitragspunkte
    Dann füge sie per Hand hinzu nutzt ja phpmyadmin
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  21. #21
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke lächeln
    Ich habe nur leider nicht erschließen können, was genau ich machen muss.
    Also muss ich jetzt nur per Hand die "structur table" durch die vom iLCH Standard ersetzen und die Datentabelle unberührt lassen ? lächeln

    Kann ich nicht einfach beides zusammen fügen und dann per SQL einfügen ? ( vorher die new tabelle löschen ) ?

    also so zusammenfügen ?

    -- structur for table 'ic1_news'
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news`;
    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
        `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `news_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `news_recht` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_kat` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `news_text` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`news_id`)
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='powered by';
    -- data for table 'ic1_news'
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('18','EXCLUSIVE BLOOD LiNE INTERVIEW WITH KEN SILVERMAN ','1','2014-07-29 18:33:25',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','I\'ve interviewed Ken Silverman, the inventor of the Build Engine.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Blood team spent 4 years designing the original game. I should think it would take at least as long to recreate Blood, assuming you have programmers who know what the....\r\n\r\nread the whole interview [url=]here[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'4');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('19',' Bloodline exclusive wallpaper available now !','1','2014-08-01 20:40:06',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','A new wallpaper is available exclusively for you. Available in two different versions. It can be downloaded from the blood archive.\r\nI\'m here to donate some blood. Somebody else\'s... \r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\n[img][/img]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('20','New blood expansion announced ','1','2014-08-04 17:14:01',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Sir Seizhak announcing that he is currently working on a new addon.\r\nWhen it will be released is currently not known.\r\nStay tuned for an extensive infusion...\r\n\r\n[center][i]New files:                                                                    \r\n\r\n-Scripts to launch the Add-On\r\n-New textures            \r\n-New MIDI tracks\r\n-New voxels.\r\n\r\nEpisodes.\r\n\r\n5 new episodes. 9 maps per episode:\r\n\r\n-An eerie power.\r\n-Limbo.\r\n-They will repent.\r\n-The last doomed.\r\n-Caleb\'s Dream (Only for Cooperative, but playable on SP). 5 levels.\r\n\r\nAnd 10 new BloodBath maps.[/i]\r\n[/center]\r\n\r\n\r\nScreenshots are available at [url=]Blood Hispano[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('15','BLOOD is now available on STEAM !','1','2014-07-15 17:41:50',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','It is the same version that is sold on GOG.I would still advise to purchase that game on GoG.\r\n[url=]One Unit Whole Blood for 5,99[/url]\r\n[url=]Blood 2[/url]\r\n\r\nIncludes the original Blood and addons: Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage \r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('17','Buildsharp. A new hope.','3','2014-07-25 13:48:23',NULL,NULL,'1022','0','Allgemein','As you may know there\'re some proyects which try to emulate Blood properly: Transfusion (dead), C2G (dead), ZBlood (dead), Blood XL, and other ones.\r\n\r\nBuidsharp is a new proyect leaded by Cosmo. He explains all you need to know:\r\n\r\n[i]BuildSharp is an application, currently in development, that can read from and utilise assets from Build games and be used to generate games via a scripting language. Developed in C# and using XNA (but planning to move to MonoGame when able) The primary focus is on the Build game \"Blood\" as it is currently one of the main three Build games (the others being Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior) that has not had it\'s source code released. This site is still quite new, so please check out our Facebook page for details of our development so far. [/i]\r\n\r\nVisit the BuildSharp\'s Official Youtube channel to watch updates like this one:\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]L1hrNuOMarA[/video][/center]\r\n\r\n\r\nAlso go to the [url=]official site[/url] to read the last fresh news.\r\n\r\nHappy BloodBath!','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('39','Blood-Evolution a new remake !','1','2015-01-18 13:03:50',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center][i]\"Well as you can see blood evolution is a remake of the original blood game from monolith released back in 1997 . For those of you who remember it, awesome! for those of you who don\'t, I\'m sure you\'ll be pleased with the game and experience something totally new and refreshing.\"[/i]\r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\"I have about 14 years experience with game development and have worked with companies like Interceptor-Entertainment on titles like Duke Nukem Reloaded and Rise Of The Triad. So I\'ve made a lot of contacts in the industry therefore able to get help where I need it.\r\nI will release a full working game with working game-play systems and sounds ect. all this will include a remake or re-envisioning of the first level of the original and include Multi-player and Co-op. After that, The first episode, and if that goes well the next 2 episodes.\"[/i]\r\n\r\nSo far the game consists of about 200 textures all with normals, specular and a bunch of models.\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('33','The Lost Episode released,eight maps from the alpha','1','2014-11-30 12:33:21',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','[center][img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\"This Episode is made up of eight maps taken straight from the leaked alpha. There are minor changes in aesthetics in a few of the maps however I made sure to keep all maps as close to the original authors intentions and art direction as possible. Story, how to install and commentary are provided in an accompanying readme.... I hope you enjoy.\"\r\n [/i]\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=]kingmaz- thread@ThePostmortem.[/url]\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('32','Gggmanlives - Deathwish Mod for Blood','1','2014-11-28 23:23:34',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','Death Wish is a modification developed by Dustin \"Bloatoid\" Twilley that adds an additional three episodes and over thirty new levels to Blood. The project was started in January of 2010 with the aim of it being completed by the years end. Development later expanded into 2011, with it finally being released on October 31, 2011.\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]D4Fotgr5e3k[/video][/center]\r\n\r\nThe mod is distributed as a plain Zip archive file that simply holds a folder with all the files, with the user only needing to extract the files into their Blood directory. The author wanted it to be as easy as possible, especially since he was not trying to add any new textures or replace any sounds.\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('14','Caleb Will Have His Revenge On Toronto 2 announced !','1','2014-06-29 20:22:49',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Today I saw on the partner side that  a teaser to \"Caleb Will Have His Revenge On Toronto 2\" was announced.ILMH confirmed CWHHROT 2 appears in the near future. The first part was very good, stay tuned for more :-)\r\nThe current teaser\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]vj6S_3TkKoI[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('25',' OUWB for only 1.89 &#128;','1','2014-09-26 21:26:48',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center]BLOOD is available currently, only for &#128; 1.89.\r\n\r\nAbout: You carved your soul to shreds in servitude to a dark god, but false promises and betrayal were your only reward. Now you have a score to settle and it will be measured in blood! Experience the madness in one carnage-soaked package! All the gore, all the unholy war! Zombies, gargoyles, hellhounds and blood-crazed hordes of horrors await! Crush loathsome evil of the mighty Tchernobog! Or condemn yourself to eternal damnation in this leviathan of unhallowed gaming action!\r\n\r\n    Includes the original Blood and addons: Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage\r\n    Various, often crazy weapon types like a pitchfork, flare gun or a Voodoo doll\r\n    A grim atmosphere with an abundance of graphical violence, offset by dark humor and cheesy one-liners \r\n\r\n[url=][/url][/center]\r\n\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('22','New blood fanart','1','2014-08-17 21:36:11',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','Work on new blood fanart ! \r\nmade by a friend...\r\n\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('23','New French Meat 2 screamshots !','1','2014-08-23 22:14:42',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','New French Meat screamshots from episode 2 (map 1 and 2)  !\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n\r\n\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('24','BuildSharp Actor Viewer - Alpha 1 ','1','2014-09-26 20:16:45',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','A quick run through of the BuildSharp Actor Viewer, it\'s current status, and plans for the future.\r\n[center]\r\n[video=YouTube]GDI0wWKCV5g[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('27','New French Meat screamshots','1','2014-10-20 17:22:17',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','New French Meat screamshots from episode 2 (map 1 and 2) !\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('29',' 3D Realms Anthology','1','2014-10-26 17:04:24',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Spiele','The 3D Realms Anthology is a download-only 32-game collection - that&#146;s the entire 3D Realms library (excluding Max Payne and Prey) brought together by a brand-new, custom-made Anthology launcher built to run on Windows\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAnthology also includes a completely original re-rockestarted soundtrack, with 9 remade tracks from a range of classic 3D Realms titles such as Duke Nukem II, Wacky Wheels, Bio Menace, Major Stryker and Shadow Warrior.\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]a1aU4Rtnlws[/video][/center]\r\n\r\nEvery game in the collection is DRM-free and has partial controller support. \r\n\r\n[url=]This product is only available via download.[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'6');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('30',' BuildSharp - update on what\'s going and current plans','1','2014-11-06 21:33:12',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','[center]Cosmo describe the situation with BuildSharp and what the current plan is in regard to fixing the problems with it and what the future holds!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[video=YouTube]6j8AeLKoB-M[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('40',' FAITD is released','1','2015-01-20 16:29:28',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Updated BAITD series returns to say \"goodbye\"!This final compilation of BAITD series let you play (almost) all parts of mod.\r\n\r\n[center][img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\r\n BAITD is pure experimental mod that show to users new ways to mod the game and dedicated to original Alone In The Dark game series. Since 2006 year author(s) trying to expand gameplay and push the limits of Build Engine. It was first mod with new voxel models, weapons, non-linearity and monster experiments. NoOne,2015\r\n [/i]\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('34','More BuildSharp!','3','2014-12-19 15:58:36',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Here\'s another cool video from Cosmo explaining stuff about his project.\r\n\r\n[video=YouTube]kx4KewUW9l0[/video]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('38','Cryptic Passage - hires scann','1','2015-01-10 21:32:21',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','A new hires scan of an cryptic passage-add is now aviable. Thank to macwiczech  who scann it. \r\n\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('41','German Shareware 1.00 ','1','2015-01-31 22:16:58',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center]An official shareware has never been published in Germany.\r\nThe main reason is the indexing by the BPjM.\r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\nHowever, \"Robert Mundt Software\" produced a bootleg, which containing the shareware 1.00, a Windows-Insta-Routine and cheats. They design an own back and front cover:[/center]\r\n[center]\r\n\r\n\r\n[url=]download ISO[/url]\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'6');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`editor_id`,`edit_time`,`news_recht`,`news_groups`,`news_kat`,`news_text`,`html`,`show`,`archiv`,`endtime`,`klicks`) VALUES ('42','new flyer scanns','1','2015-02-10 22:34:02',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center][img][/img][img][/img][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'4');
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  22. #22
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Niemand ne Idee ? :-/
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  23. #23
    User Pic
    Nex4T Moderator
    Registriert seit
    213 Beitragspunkte
    Du möchtest doch deine alten News wieder einfügen? dafür hast du doch den code schon gepostet, diesen einfach via sql button in deinem PHPmyadmin ausführen lächeln

    Ich muss nochmal erwähnen das in deinem insert befehl noch spalten angegeben werden die nicht mehr existieren da du anscheinend deine alte Struktur benutzt! Sprich diese müssen rausgefiltert werden und dann klappt das alles ohne Probleme!

    Zuletzt modifiziert von Nex4T am 21.03.2015 - 16:12:01
    while(!asleep()) sheep++;
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  24. #24
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Danke, ich bin jetzt mal von der Standard Tabelle ausgegangen :


    Habe die Tabelle dann schließlich so umgeändert, alles soweit richtig ?
    Und muss ich vorher ilch_news löschen und dann einfügen oder einfach einfügen ?

                                    -- structur for table 'ic1_news'
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news`;
    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
        `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
      `news_title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `news_recht` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
      `news_kat` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
      `news_text` text,
      PRIMARY KEY  (`news_id`)
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM COMMENT='powered by';
    -- data for table 'ic1_news'
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('18','EXCLUSIVE BLOOD LiNE INTERVIEW WITH KEN SILVERMAN ','1','2014-07-29 18:33:25',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','I\'ve interviewed Ken Silverman, the inventor of the Build Engine.\r\n\r\n\r\nThe Blood team spent 4 years designing the original game. I should think it would take at least as long to recreate Blood, assuming you have programmers who know what the....\r\n\r\nread the whole interview [url=]here[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'4');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('19',' Bloodline exclusive wallpaper available now !','1','2014-08-01 20:40:06',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','A new wallpaper is available exclusively for you. Available in two different versions. It can be downloaded from the blood archive.\r\nI\'m here to donate some blood. Somebody else\'s... \r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\n[img][/img]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('20','New blood expansion announced ','1','2014-08-04 17:14:01',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Sir Seizhak announcing that he is currently working on a new addon.\r\nWhen it will be released is currently not known.\r\nStay tuned for an extensive infusion...\r\n\r\n[center][i]New files:                                                                    \r\n\r\n-Scripts to launch the Add-On\r\n-New textures            \r\n-New MIDI tracks\r\n-New voxels.\r\n\r\nEpisodes.\r\n\r\n5 new episodes. 9 maps per episode:\r\n\r\n-An eerie power.\r\n-Limbo.\r\n-They will repent.\r\n-The last doomed.\r\n-Caleb\'s Dream (Only for Cooperative, but playable on SP). 5 levels.\r\n\r\nAnd 10 new BloodBath maps.[/i]\r\n[/center]\r\n\r\n\r\nScreenshots are available at [url=]Blood Hispano[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('15','BLOOD is now available on STEAM !','1','2014-07-15 17:41:50',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','It is the same version that is sold on GOG.I would still advise to purchase that game on GoG.\r\n[url=]One Unit Whole Blood for 5,99[/url]\r\n[url=]Blood 2[/url]\r\n\r\nIncludes the original Blood and addons: Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage \r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('17','Buildsharp. A new hope.','3','2014-07-25 13:48:23',NULL,NULL,'1022','0','Allgemein','As you may know there\'re some proyects which try to emulate Blood properly: Transfusion (dead), C2G (dead), ZBlood (dead), Blood XL, and other ones.\r\n\r\nBuidsharp is a new proyect leaded by Cosmo. He explains all you need to know:\r\n\r\n[i]BuildSharp is an application, currently in development, that can read from and utilise assets from Build games and be used to generate games via a scripting language. Developed in C# and using XNA (but planning to move to MonoGame when able) The primary focus is on the Build game \"Blood\" as it is currently one of the main three Build games (the others being Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior) that has not had it\'s source code released. This site is still quite new, so please check out our Facebook page for details of our development so far. [/i]\r\n\r\nVisit the BuildSharp\'s Official Youtube channel to watch updates like this one:\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]L1hrNuOMarA[/video][/center]\r\n\r\n\r\nAlso go to the [url=]official site[/url] to read the last fresh news.\r\n\r\nHappy BloodBath!','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('39','Blood-Evolution a new remake !','1','2015-01-18 13:03:50',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center][i]\"Well as you can see blood evolution is a remake of the original blood game from monolith released back in 1997 . For those of you who remember it, awesome! for those of you who don\'t, I\'m sure you\'ll be pleased with the game and experience something totally new and refreshing.\"[/i]\r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\"I have about 14 years experience with game development and have worked with companies like Interceptor-Entertainment on titles like Duke Nukem Reloaded and Rise Of The Triad. So I\'ve made a lot of contacts in the industry therefore able to get help where I need it.\r\nI will release a full working game with working game-play systems and sounds ect. all this will include a remake or re-envisioning of the first level of the original and include Multi-player and Co-op. After that, The first episode, and if that goes well the next 2 episodes.\"[/i]\r\n\r\nSo far the game consists of about 200 textures all with normals, specular and a bunch of models.\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('33','The Lost Episode released,eight maps from the alpha','1','2014-11-30 12:33:21',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','[center][img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\"This Episode is made up of eight maps taken straight from the leaked alpha. There are minor changes in aesthetics in a few of the maps however I made sure to keep all maps as close to the original authors intentions and art direction as possible. Story, how to install and commentary are provided in an accompanying readme.... I hope you enjoy.\"\r\n [/i]\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=]kingmaz- thread@ThePostmortem.[/url]\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('32','Gggmanlives - Deathwish Mod for Blood','1','2014-11-28 23:23:34',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','Death Wish is a modification developed by Dustin \"Bloatoid\" Twilley that adds an additional three episodes and over thirty new levels to Blood. The project was started in January of 2010 with the aim of it being completed by the years end. Development later expanded into 2011, with it finally being released on October 31, 2011.\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]D4Fotgr5e3k[/video][/center]\r\n\r\nThe mod is distributed as a plain Zip archive file that simply holds a folder with all the files, with the user only needing to extract the files into their Blood directory. The author wanted it to be as easy as possible, especially since he was not trying to add any new textures or replace any sounds.\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('14','Caleb Will Have His Revenge On Toronto 2 announced !','1','2014-06-29 20:22:49',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Today I saw on the partner side that  a teaser to \"Caleb Will Have His Revenge On Toronto 2\" was announced.ILMH confirmed CWHHROT 2 appears in the near future. The first part was very good, stay tuned for more :-)\r\nThe current teaser\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]vj6S_3TkKoI[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'2');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('25',' OUWB for only 1.89 &#128;','1','2014-09-26 21:26:48',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center]BLOOD is available currently, only for &#128; 1.89.\r\n\r\nAbout: You carved your soul to shreds in servitude to a dark god, but false promises and betrayal were your only reward. Now you have a score to settle and it will be measured in blood! Experience the madness in one carnage-soaked package! All the gore, all the unholy war! Zombies, gargoyles, hellhounds and blood-crazed hordes of horrors await! Crush loathsome evil of the mighty Tchernobog! Or condemn yourself to eternal damnation in this leviathan of unhallowed gaming action!\r\n\r\n    Includes the original Blood and addons: Plasma Pak and Cryptic Passage\r\n    Various, often crazy weapon types like a pitchfork, flare gun or a Voodoo doll\r\n    A grim atmosphere with an abundance of graphical violence, offset by dark humor and cheesy one-liners \r\n\r\n[url=][/url][/center]\r\n\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('22','New blood fanart','1','2014-08-17 21:36:11',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','Work on new blood fanart ! \r\nmade by a friend...\r\n\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('23','New French Meat 2 screamshots !','1','2014-08-23 22:14:42',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','New French Meat screamshots from episode 2 (map 1 and 2)  !\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n\r\n\r\n','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('24','BuildSharp Actor Viewer - Alpha 1 ','1','2014-09-26 20:16:45',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','A quick run through of the BuildSharp Actor Viewer, it\'s current status, and plans for the future.\r\n[center]\r\n[video=YouTube]GDI0wWKCV5g[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('27','New French Meat screamshots','1','2014-10-20 17:22:17',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','New French Meat screamshots from episode 2 (map 1 and 2) !\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('29',' 3D Realms Anthology','1','2014-10-26 17:04:24',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Spiele','The 3D Realms Anthology is a download-only 32-game collection - that&#146;s the entire 3D Realms library (excluding Max Payne and Prey) brought together by a brand-new, custom-made Anthology launcher built to run on Windows\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAnthology also includes a completely original re-rockestarted soundtrack, with 9 remade tracks from a range of classic 3D Realms titles such as Duke Nukem II, Wacky Wheels, Bio Menace, Major Stryker and Shadow Warrior.\r\n\r\n[center][video=YouTube]a1aU4Rtnlws[/video][/center]\r\n\r\nEvery game in the collection is DRM-free and has partial controller support. \r\n\r\n[url=]This product is only available via download.[/url]','0','1','0',NULL,'6');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('30',' BuildSharp - update on what\'s going and current plans','1','2014-11-06 21:33:12',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','[center]Cosmo describe the situation with BuildSharp and what the current plan is in regard to fixing the problems with it and what the future holds!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[video=YouTube]6j8AeLKoB-M[/video][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'0');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('40',' FAITD is released','1','2015-01-20 16:29:28',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Updated BAITD series returns to say \"goodbye\"!This final compilation of BAITD series let you play (almost) all parts of mod.\r\n\r\n[center][img][/img]\r\n\r\n[i]\r\n BAITD is pure experimental mod that show to users new ways to mod the game and dedicated to original Alone In The Dark game series. Since 2006 year author(s) trying to expand gameplay and push the limits of Build Engine. It was first mod with new voxel models, weapons, non-linearity and monster experiments. NoOne,2015\r\n [/i]\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n[url=][/url]\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('34','More BuildSharp!','3','2014-12-19 15:58:36',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','new','Here\'s another cool video from Cosmo explaining stuff about his project.\r\n\r\n[video=YouTube]kx4KewUW9l0[/video]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('38','Cryptic Passage - hires scann','1','2015-01-10 21:32:21',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','A new hires scan of an cryptic passage-add is now aviable. Thank to macwiczech  who scann it. \r\n\r\n[center][img][/img][/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'1');
    INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (`news_id`,`news_title`,`user_id`,`news_time`,`news_recht`,`news_kat`,`news_text`) VALUES ('41','German Shareware 1.00 ','1','2015-01-31 22:16:58',NULL,NULL,'1023','0','Allgemein','[center]An official shareware has never been published in Germany.\r\nThe main reason is the indexing by the BPjM.\r\n\r\n[img][/img]\r\n\r\nHowever, \"Robert Mundt Software\" produced a bootleg, which containing the shareware 1.00, a Windows-Insta-Routine and cheats. They design an own back and front cover:[/center]\r\n[center]\r\n\r\n\r\n[url=]download ISO[/url]\r\n\r\n[shot][/shot][shot][/shot]\r\n\r\n[/center]','0','1','0',NULL,'6');
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  25. #25
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
    Registriert seit
    327 Beitragspunkte
    Er löscht sie automatisch so hast den code ja auch geschrieben.

    Ob es geht oder nicht kannst ja ausprobieren mit ein Backup
    1 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  26. #26
    User Pic
    Nex4T Moderator
    Registriert seit
    213 Beitragspunkte
    sofern der prefix ic1 ist kanste ruhig lassen
    while(!asleep()) sheep++;
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  27. #27
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Fehlermeldung :-/

    SQL query:
    - structur FOR TABLE 'ic1_news'--
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news` ;
    MySQL said: Documentation
    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '- structur for table 'ic1_news'
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news`' at line 1

    Und jetzt ist die Tabelle weg ! :-/

    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
    `news_id` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
    `news_id` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    `news_id` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    `news_title` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL default '',
    `user_id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
    `news_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    `news_recht` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
    `news_kat` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL default '',
    `news_text` text,
    PRIMARY KEY ( `news_id` )
    ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'powered by';
    MySQL said: Documentation
    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
        `news_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_incremen' at line 3

    und auf der startseite steht :

    Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 68 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /customers/5/b/d/ on line 72

    Zuletzt modifiziert von HATEFRONT am 22.03.2015 - 13:41:13
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  28. #28
    User Pic
    Nex4T Moderator
    Registriert seit
    213 Beitragspunkte
    Ich kann ins Ts kommen und dir das erstmal wieder auf Standart bringen, ich weiß ja nicht wieso der das Drop ausführt stand ja nichts drin von einem Drop befehl!
    while(!asleep()) sheep++;
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  29. #29
    User Pic
    MOODFOR Mitglied
    Registriert seit
    2 Beitragspunkte
    Ich habe leider kein PC Headset :-/
    The government pretend,
    they your friend. And then when you steal some shit,they put you in jail
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
  30. #30
    User Pic
    Nex4T Moderator
    Registriert seit
    213 Beitragspunkte
    Für das bitte mal so in deinem Phpmyadmin aus und sag mal was er ausspuckt.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_news`;
    CREATE TABLE `ic1_news` (
    `news_id` int( 10 ) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    `news_title` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL default '',
    `user_id` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
    `news_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    `news_recht` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
    `news_kat` varchar( 100 ) NOT NULL default '',
    `news_text` text,
    PRIMARY KEY ( `news_id` )
    ) ENGINE = MYISAM COMMENT = 'powered by';

    hab nochmal was geändert solte jetzt klappen.

    Zuletzt modifiziert von Nex4T am 22.03.2015 - 14:55:33
    while(!asleep()) sheep++;
    0 Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.

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