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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ic1_RaidInstanz`; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ic1_RaidInstanz` ( `RIID` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `levelmin` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `gruppemax` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', `beschr` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `pix` varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'np', `gametype` varchar(10) NOT NULL default 'bc', PRIMARY KEY (`RIID`) ); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (1, 'Zul´Gurub', 59, 20, 'Stranglethorn (Schlingendornthal), Östliches Königreich', 'zg', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (2, 'Scholomance', 58, 5, 'Scholomance: Westliche Pestländer', 'sholo', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (3, 'Stratholm', 58, 5, 'Stratholm: Östliche Pestländer', 'strat', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (4, 'OBRS', 58, 10, 'Obere Schwarzfelsspitze', 'obrs', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (5, 'UBRS', 58, 5, 'Untere Schwarzfelsspitze', 'ubrs', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (6, 'Geschmolzener Kern', 60, 40, 'MC: (MoltenCore)', 'mc', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (7, 'Naxxramas', 60, 30, 'Östliche Pestländer', 'nax', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (8, 'Pechschwingenhort', 60, 40, 'Blackwing Lair', 'bwl', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (9, 'Onyxia', 60, 20, 'Onyxia:', 'onx', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (10, 'Der Flammenschlund', 13, 10, 'Orgrimmar\r\nDer Ragefireabgrund', 'rage', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (11, 'Die Todesminen', 17, 10, 'Westfall', 'dm', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (12, 'Die Höhlen des Wehklagens', 17, 10, 'Brachland', 'hdw', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (13, 'Burg Schattenfang', 22, 10, 'Silberwald', 'sf', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (14, 'Das Verlies', 24, 10, 'Stormwind', 'verlies', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (15, 'Tiefschwarze Grotte', 24, 10, 'Ashenvale\r\nDie Blackfathom-Tiefen', 'bft', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (16, 'Gnomeregan', 29, 10, 'Dun Morogh', 'gnome', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (17, 'Der Kral von Razorfen', 25, 10, 'Brachland', 'kvr', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (18, 'Die Hügel von Razorfen', 33, 10, 'Brachland', 'hvr', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (19, 'Das scharlachrote Kloster', 34, 10, 'Tirisfal', 'kloster', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (20, 'Uldaman', 35, 10, 'Ödland', 'ulda', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (21, 'Zul’Farrak', 44, 10, 'Tanaris', 'zf', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (22, 'Der versunkene Tempel', 45, 10, 'Sümpfe des Elends', 'dvt', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (23, 'Maraudon', 46, 10, 'Desolace', 'mara', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (24, 'Die Blackrocktiefen', 52, 10, 'Brennende Steppe', 'brt', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (25, 'Der Düsterbruch', 55, 5, 'Feralas', 'db', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (26, 'Die Zitadelle des Blackrock', 58, 10, 'Brennende Steppe', 'bs', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (27, 'Ruinen von Ahn´Qirajs', 60, 20, 'Ruinen von Ahn´Qirajs', 'aq20', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (28, 'Ahn''Qiraj', 60, 40, 'Temple von Ahn''Qiraj:', 'aq40', 'wow'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (31, 'Mechanar', 70, 5, '1. Instanz in der Festung der Stürme', 'mech', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (32, 'Botanikum', 70, 5, '2. Instanz in der Festung der Stürme', 'bot', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (33, 'Arcatraz', 70, 5, '3. Instanz in der Festung der Stürme', 'arka', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (34, 'Auge des Sturms', 70, 25, 'Festung der Stürme - Nethersturm', 'ads', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (35, 'Bollwerk', 65, 5, '1. Instanz der Höllenfeuerzitadelle', 'boll', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (36, 'Bollwerk(Heroisch)', 70, 5, '1. Instanz der Höllenfeuerzitadelle im Modus "Heroisch"', 'boll', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (37, 'Blutkessel', 65, 5, '2. Instanz der Höllenfeuerzitadelle', 'blks', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (38, 'Blutkessel(Heroisch)', 70, 5, '2. Instanz der Höllenfeuerzitadelle im Modus "Heroisch"', 'blks_h', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (39, 'Zerschmetterte Hallen', 70, 5, '3. Instanz der Höllenfeuerzitadelle', 'dzh', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (40, 'Magtheridons Kammer', 70, 25, 'Höllenfeuerzitadelle - Höllenfeuerhalbinsel', 'magkam', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (41, 'Karazahn', 70, 10, 'Der Turm von Medihv. Schlüssel für Karazahn ist Voraussetzung.', 'karz', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (42, 'Die Sklavenunterkünfte', 63, 5, 'Der Echsenkessel - Zangenmarschen', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (43, 'Der Tiefensumpf', 64, 5, 'Der Echsenkessel - Zangenmarschen', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (44, 'Dampfkammer', 70, 5, 'Der Echsenkessel - Zangenmarschen', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (45, 'Höhle des Schlangenschreins', 70, 25, 'Der Echsenkessel - Zangenmarschen', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (46, 'Auchenaikrypta', 65, 5, 'Auchindoun - Wälder von Terokkar', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (47, 'Managruft', 66, 5, 'Auchindoun - Wälder von Terokkar', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (48, 'Sethekkhallen', 68, 5, 'Auchindoun - Wälder von Terokkar', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (49, 'Schattenlabyrinth', 70, 5, 'Auchindoun - Wälder von Terokkar', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (50, 'Flucht aus Durnholde', 67, 5, 'Hölen der Zeit - Tanaris', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (51, 'Öffnung des Dunklen Portals', 70, 5, 'Hölen der Zeit - Tanaris', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (52, 'Kampf um Hyjal', 70, 25, 'Hölen der Zeit - Tanaris', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (53, 'Schergrat', 70, 25, 'Gruuls Unterschlupf', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (54, 'Schattenmondtal', 70, 25, 'Schwarzer Tempel', 'np', 'bc'); INSERT INTO `ic1_RaidInstanz` VALUES (55, 'Zul Aman', 70, 25, 'Geisterlande', 'np', 'bc');
Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56 Warning: array_search() [function.array-search]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/admin/raid.php on line 56
Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 47 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 44 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 54 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 44 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 61 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 44 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 68 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 44 Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 75 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php
Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 93 in /home/proudcl/public_html/wow/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 44
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ic1_Raid_DKP` ( `uid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `dkp` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0' );
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