also wo muss ich des nochmal einsetzen hier meine new topic.php
# Copyright by: Manuel
# Support:
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
if ( $forum_rights['start'] == FALSE ) {
$forum_failure[] = $lang['nopermission'];
$title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Forum :: '.$aktForumRow['kat'].' :: '.$aktForumRow['name'].' :: neues Thema';
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum">Forum</a><b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showcat-'.$aktForumRow['cid'].'">'.$aktForumRow['kat'].'</a><b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid.'">'.$aktForumRow['name'].'</a>'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$dppk_time = time();
$time = time();
if (!isset($_SESSION['klicktime'])) { $_SESSION['klicktime'] = 0; }
$topic = '';
$txt = '';
$xnn = '';
if (isset($_POST['topic'])) {
$topic = trim(escape($_POST['topic'], 'string'));
if (isset($_POST['txt'])) {
$txt = trim(escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'));
if (isset($_POST['Gname'])) {
$xnn = trim(escape_nickname($_POST['Gname']));
if (($_SESSION['klicktime'] + 15) > $dppk_time OR empty($topic) OR empty($txt) OR !empty($_POST['priview']) OR (empty($_POST['Gname']) AND !loggedin())) {
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1, 'forum/index.htm' );
$tpl = new tpl ( 'forum/newtopic' );
$name = '';
if ( !loggedin() ) {
$name = '<tr><td class="Cmite"0><b>'.$lang['name'].'</b></td>';
$name .= '<td class="Cnorm"><input type="text" value="'.unescape($xnn).'" maxlength="15" name="Gname"></td></tr>';
if (isset($_POST['priview'])) {
$tpl->set_out('txt', bbcode($txt), 0);
$ar = array (
'name' => $name,
'txt' => escape_for_fields(unescape($txt)),
'topic' => escape_for_fields(unescape($topic)),
'fid' => $fid,
'SMILIES' => getsmilies()
} else {
# save toipc
$_SESSION['klicktime'] = $dppk_time;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 0, 'forum/index.htm' );
if ( loggedin()) {
$uid = $_SESSION['authid'];
$erst = escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string');
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_user` set posts = posts+1 WHERE id = ".$uid);
} else {
$erst = $xnn;
$uid = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_topics` (fid, name, erst, stat) VALUES ( ".$fid.", '".$topic."', '".$erst."', 1 )");
$tid = db_last_id();
# topic alert
if (!empty($_POST['topic_alert']) AND $_POST['topic_alert'] == 'yes' AND loggedin()) {
if (0 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")");
db_query ("INSERT INTO `prefix_posts` (tid,fid,erst,erstid,time,txt) VALUES ( ".$tid.", ".$fid.", '".$erst."', ".$uid.", ".$time.", '".$txt."')");
$pid = db_last_id();
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET last_post_id = ".$pid." WHERE id = ".$tid);
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_forums` SET posts = posts + 1, last_post_id = ".$pid.", topics = topics + 1 WHERE id = ".$fid);
# toipc als gelesen markieren
$_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time();
habe es versucht wird auch closed angezeigt nur der inhalt wird nicht mehr angezeigt, steht nur noch der rest da wie löschen verschieben eine nachricht bekommen bei antwort??
code ist bei mir den ich mal 51 also das showtopic?
mein versuch
die letzten zeilen hier
# save toipc
$_SESSION['klicktime'] = $dppk_time;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 0, 'forum/index.htm' );
if ( loggedin()) {
$uid = $_SESSION['authid'];
$erst = escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string');
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_user` set posts = posts+1 WHERE id = ".$uid);
} else {
$erst = $xnn;
$uid = 0;
if ($fid == 51) {
db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_topics` (fid, name, erst, stat) VALUES ( ".$fid.", '".$topic."', '".$erst."', 0 )");
} else {
db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_topics` (fid, name, erst, stat) VALUES ( ".$fid.", '".$topic."', '".$erst."', 1 )");
# topic alert
if (!empty($_POST['topic_alert']) AND $_POST['topic_alert'] == 'yes' AND loggedin()) {
if (0 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")");
db_query ("INSERT INTO `prefix_posts` (tid,fid,erst,erstid,time,txt) VALUES ( ".$tid.", ".$fid.", '".$erst."', ".$uid.", ".$time.", '".$txt."')");
$pid = db_last_id();
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET last_post_id = ".$pid." WHERE id = ".$tid);
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_forums` SET posts = posts + 1, last_post_id = ".$pid.", topics = topics + 1 WHERE id = ".$fid);
# toipc als gelesen markieren
$_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time();
Zuletzt modifiziert von WODAN am 02.07.2007 - 15:16:44