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<?php # Copyright by: Manuel, edit by Nero # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); if( $allgAr['ProfilRight'] == 1 OR loggedin()){ $uid = escape($menu->get(2),'integer'); ### ## # auslesen der Menüs by Nero ##define some vars $choosemenu = escape($menu->get(3),'integer'); $l= ''; $l1= ''; $usermenu = ''; $checkchoose = true; $checkchoose1 = true; $usermenu[0] = 0; $tmenupos = 0; $imenu = 0; $imenu1 = 1; $menushow = ''; ##hier wird die letzte position von den eingabefelder ausgelesen $takelastpos = db_count_query("SELECT pos FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func <> 2 ORDER BY pos DESC LIMIT 1"); /* auslesen und kontrolieren des inhlates von den Kategorien, die Kategorien werden hier natürlich auch ausgelesen */ $ergmenu = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func = 2 ORDER BY pos ASC"); while($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($ergmenu)){ $usermenuname[$imenu1] = $row1['show']; $usermenu[$imenu1] = $row1['pos']; $menushow[$imenu1] ='<a class="profil10" href="index.php?user-details-'.$uid.'-'.$row1['pos'].'"> '.$row1['show'].' </a>|'; if($choosemenu){ if($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu] AND isset($usermenu[$imenu]) AND $takelastpos > $usermenu[$imenu]){ $menushow[$imenu] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu]); if($usermenu[$imenu]+1 <> $usermenu[$imenu1]){ if($imenu ==2){ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $usermenu[$imenu1], 40); }else{ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $usermenu[$imenu1]); } $tmenupos = $imenu; }else{ $tmenupos = $imenu; } $checkchoose1 = false; }elseif($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu1] AND $takelastpos < $usermenu[$imenu1]){ $menushow[$imenu1] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu1]); $tmenupos = $imenu1+3; $checkchoose1 = false; } $checkchoose = false; } $imenu1++; $imenu++; } if($checkchoose){ $checkchoose1 = false; $menushow[1] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[1]); $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[1], $usermenu[2], 40); $tmenupos = 1; }elseif($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu] AND $takelastpos > $usermenu[$imenu] AND $checkchoose1){ $checkchoose1 = false; $takelastpos++; $menushow[$imenu] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu]); if($imenu <=2){ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $takelastpos, 40); }else{ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $takelastpos); } $tmenupos = $imenu; }elseif($checkchoose1){ $l = '<td class="Cmite" width="100%">Sie haben eine ungültige Kategorie gewält</td>'; $tmenupos = $imenu+3; } $l1 = implode($menushow); ### ## # der rest kommt hier $abf = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE id = "'.$uid.'"'; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg); $avatar = ''; if ( file_exists($row['avatar'])) { $avatar = '<img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" border="0">'; } $userpict = ''; if ( file_exists($row['userpict'])) { $userpict = '<img src="'.$row['userpict'].'" border="0">'; } $regsek = mktime ( 0,0,0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') ) - $row['regist']; $regday = round($regsek / 86400); $postpday = ( $regday == 0 ? 0 : round($row['posts'] / $regday, 2 ) ); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Users :: Details von '.$row['name']; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="?user">Users</a><b> » </b> Details von '.$row['name'].$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/userdetails' ); $tpl->out(0); #-> infos über User und Userbild wird hier ausgegeben. if($tmenupos == 1){ $ar1 = array ( 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'USERBILD' => $userpict, ); $ar1['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="3"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar1['rowspan'] = 1 + substr_count($l, '</td><td'); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar1,1); } #-> alles was mit dem forum zu tun hat wird hier ausgegeben. elseif($tmenupos == 2){ $ar2 = array ( 'JOINED' => date('d M Y',$row['regist']), 'LASTAK' => date('d M Y - H:i',$row['llogin']), 'POSTS' => $row['posts'], 'postpday' => $postpday, 'RANG' => userrang ($row['posts'],$uid), 'AVATA' => $avatar, 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'UID' => $uid, ); $ar2['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="3"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar2['rowspan'] = 3 + substr_count($l, '</td><td'); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar2,2); }elseif($tmenupos != 0){#-> nach dem Menu 2 kommt hier alles raus. $ar3['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="2"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar3['NAME'] = $row['name']; $tpl->set_ar_out($ar3,3); } #-> hier werden noch die dynamisch erstellten Felder ausgegeben $tpl->set_out('profilefields',$l,4); $design->footer(); }else{ #einlogen $uid = $menu->get(2); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Login'; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'Login'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login.htm' ); if ( loggedin() ) { $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); if (isset($_POST['wdlink'])) { $wd = $_POST['wdlink']; } else { $wd = 'index.php?user-details-'.$uid; } wd ($wd, $lang['yourareloged']); $design->footer(); } else { $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); echo " - Profilansicht nur für registrierte Benutzer"; $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login.htm' ); $tpl->set_out('WDLINK','index.php?user-details-'.$uid,0); $design->footer(); } } ?>
<a href="javascript:history.back(1)"><b>«</b> {_lang_back}</a> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .profil10{ display:inline; padding:0px; margin:0px 1px 0px 1px; } .profil11{ display:inline; background:#CCCCCC; padding:0px; margin:0px; border-color: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; } .ProfTitel{ background-color: #292929; color:#232323; font-size:11px; padding:1px 0px 1px 0px; margin:1px 0px 3px 0px; border:0px; } --> </style> <br /> <br /> <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="border"> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Chead"> <th colspan="3"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Chead" height="4px"> <th colspan="3"></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite" width="30%">{_lang_nickname}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="40%">{NAME}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="30%" rowspan="{rowspan}" valign="top" align="center"> {USERBILD} </td> </tr> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Chead"> <th colspan="3"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Chead" height="4px"> <th colspan="3"></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_regsince}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{JOINED}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="30%" rowspan="{rowspan}" valign="top" align="center"> {AVATA} <br /><br /> <font class="smalfont">{RANG}</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_lastactivity}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{LASTAK}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_posts2}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{POSTS}, {_lang_perday}: {postpday}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">Gästebuch</td> <td class="Cnorm"><a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-{UID}">User Gästebuch</a></td> </tr> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Chead"> <th colspan="2"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Chead" height="4px"> <th colspan="2"></th> </tr> {EXPLODE} {profilefields} </table> <br /> <a href="javascript:history.back(1)"><b>«</b> {_lang_back}</a>
<tr> <td class="Cmite">Gästebuch</td> <td class="Cnorm"><a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-{UID}">User Gästebuch</a></td> </tr>auch umsetzen muss ? ? ? ?
<?php define ( 'main' , TRUE ); require_once('include/includes/config.php'); require_once('include/includes/func/db/mysql.php'); db_connect(); if (db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_profilefields` (`id`,`show`,`pos`,`func`) VALUES (17, 'usergb', 16, 3);")) echo 'Erfolgreich installiert.<br />install.php löschen.'; else echo 'Fehler aufgetreten:<br />'.mysql_error(); db_close(); ?>
function profilefields_show_spez_usergb ($value,$uid) { global $allgAr, $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Gästebuch', '<a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-'.$uid.'">User Gästebuch</a>' ) ); }
} function profilefields_show_spez_opt_pm ($value,$uid,$colspan) { function profilefields_show_spez_usergb ($value,$uid) { global $allgAr, $lang; if ($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1) { return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Gästebuch', '<a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-'.$uid.'">User Gästebuch</a>' ) ); } }
Warning: Missing argument 3 for profilefields_show_echo_standart() in /homepages/46/d103042282/htdocs/fgamer/include/includes/func/profilefields.php on line 164
<?php # Copyright by Manuel # Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); function profilefields_functions2 () { $ar = array ( 1 => 'Feld', 2 => 'Kategorie' ); return ($ar); } function profilefields_functions () { $ar = array ( 1 => 'Feld', 2 => 'Kategorie', 3 => 'Angezeigt', 4 => 'Versteckt' ); return ($ar); } # Felder zum aendern anzeigen. function profilefields_change ($uid) { $i = 0; $i1 = 1; $test = false; $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val, func FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func != 3 ORDER BY pos ASC"); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { $check[$i1] = $r; if($i){ if($check[$i]['func'] == 1){echo '<label style="float:left; width:40%;">'.$check[$i]['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$check[$i]['id'].']" value="'.$check[$i]['val'].'"><br />';} if($check[$i]['func'] == 2){ if($check[$i1]['func'] == 1){ if($test){ echo '</fieldset>'; }else{$test = true;} echo '<fieldset><legend>'.$check[$i]['show'].'</legend> <br />'; } } } $i++; $i1++; } if($check[$i]['func'] == 1){echo '<label style="float:left; width:40%;">'.$check[$i]['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$check[$i]['id'].']" value="'.$check[$i]['val'].'"><br />';} } # Felder die uebermittelt wurden speichern. function profilefields_change_save ($uid) { $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos"); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = $_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]; } else { $v = ''; } if ( $r['val'] == '' AND $v != '' ) { db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (fid,uid,val) VALUES (".$r['id'].",".$uid.",'".$v."')"); } elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v == '' ) { db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_userfields WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid); } elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v != '' AND $r['val'] != $v ) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_userfields SET val = '".$v."' WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid); } } } # Diese Funktion Zeigt ALLE Felder die der Benutzer im Adminbereich unter # Profilefields sortieren kann an ... is eigentlich total easy ;-)... function profilefields_show ($uid, $posmind, $posmax, $breite = 70) { if($posmax < $posmind){ return 'Error: falsche werte in den vars $postmind und $postmax!'; } global $allgAr; $zelle = '<td width="'.$breite.'%"'; $l = ''; $a = array (); $q = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prefix_user"); while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { $a[$r['Field']] = $r['Field']; } $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, func, pos FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func < 4 AND pos >".$posmind." AND pos <".$posmax." ORDER BY pos ASC") OR die('verdammter mist1'); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if ( $r['func'] == 1 ) { $str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT val FROM prefix_userfields WHERE uid = ".$uid." AND fid = ".$r['id']) , 0 ); $l .= '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.$r['show'].'</td>'.$zelle.' class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>'."\n"; } elseif ( $r['func'] == 2 ) { return 'Achtung: in der funktion profilefields_show in der datei Profilfields.php ist ein fehler aufgetreten. <br> Fehler = Es wurde ein Menutitel angefordert, was aber nicht passieren sollte.'; } elseif ( $r['func'] == 3 ) { $str = ''; if (isset($a[$r['show']])) { $str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT `".$r['show']."` FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$uid) , 0 ); } if ( function_exists ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'] ) ) { $l .= call_user_func ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'], $str, $uid, $zelle); } elseif ($r['show'] != 'opt_pm_popup') { $l .= '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.ucfirst($r['show']).'</td>'.$zelle.' class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>'."\n"; } } } return ( $l ); } # hier kommen die speziellen funktionen hin... ## ### function profilefields_show_spez_geschlecht ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; $ar = array ( 0 => $lang['itdoesntmatter'], 1 => $lang['male'], 2 => $lang['female'] ); return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['sex'], $ar[$value] , $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_status ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['status'], ($value?'aktiv':'inaktiv'), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_usergallery ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $allgAr, $lang; if ($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1) { return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Usergallery', '<a href="index.php?user-usergallery-'.$uid.'">ansehen</a>', $colspan) ); } } function profilefields_show_spez_homepage ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['homepage'], (empty($value)?'':'<a href="'.$value.'" target="_blank">'.$value.'</a>'), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_opt_mail ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['mail'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?user-mail-'.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':''), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_opt_pm ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['privatemessages'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid='.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':''), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_sig ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['signature'], bbcode($value),$colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_staat ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['state'], ((!empty($value) AND file_exists('include/images/flags/'.$value))?'<img src="include/images/flags/'.$value.'" alt="'.$value.'" title="'.$value.'" />':''), $colspan) ); } ### ## # help funcs function get_nationality_array () { $ar = array(); $o = opendir ( 'include/images/flags' ); while ( $f = readdir ( $o ) ) { if ( $f != '.' AND $f != '..' ) { $ar[$f] = $f; } } return ( $ar ); } function profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $k, $v, $colspan ) { return ( '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.$k.'</td>'.$colspan.' class="Cnorm">'.$v.'</td></tr>'."\n" ); } ?>
function profilefields_show_spez_usergb ($value,$uid) { global $allgAr, $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Gästebuch', '<a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-'.$uid.'">User Gästebuch</a>' ) ); }
function profilefields_show_spez_usergb ($value,$uid) { global $allgAr, $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Gästebuch', '<a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-'.$uid.'">User Gästebuch</a>' ) ); }
<div align="center"><a href="index.php?user"><b>«</b> Zur Userliste »</a></div> <br> <div align="center"><a href="index.php?teams-show-1"><b> </b>« Team Fungamer »</a> <a href="index.php?teams-show-2"><b>«</b> Team Stammkneipe »</a> <a href="index.php?teams-show-4"><b>«</b> Team WoW »</a></div> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .profil10{ display:inline; padding:0px; margin:0px 1px 0px 1px; } .profil11{ display:inline; background:#322212; padding:0px; margin:0px; border-color: #322212; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; } .ProfTitel{ background-color: #292929; color:#232323; font-size:14px; padding:1px 0px 1px 0px; margin:1px 0px 3px 0px; border:0px; } --> </style> <br /> <br /><div align="center"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="border"> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Cmite"> <th colspan="3"><div align="center"><font size=2><font color="#000000"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></font></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Cmite" height="4px"> <th colspan="3"></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite" width="30%">{_lang_nickname}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="40%">{NAME}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="30%" rowspan="{rowspan}" valign="top" align="center"> {USERBILD} </td> </tr> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Cmite"> <th colspan="3"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Cmite" height="4px"> <th colspan="3"></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_regsince}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{JOINED}</td> <td class="Cnorm" width="30%" rowspan="{rowspan}" valign="top" align="center"> {AVATA} <br /><br /> <font class="smalfont">{RANG}</font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_lastactivity}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{LASTAK}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="Cmite">{_lang_posts2}</td> <td class="Cnorm">{POSTS}, {_lang_perday}: {postpday}</td> </tr> {EXPLODE} <tr class="Cmite"> <th colspan="2"><b>{_lang_detailsfrom} {NAME}</b></th> </tr> <tr> {profilefieldtitle} </tr> <tr class="Cmite" height="4px"> <th colspan="2"></th> </tr> {EXPLODE} {profilefields} </table> <br> <br />
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); if( $allgAr['ProfilRight'] == 1 OR loggedin()){ error_reporting(E_ALL); $uid = $menu->get(2); ### ## # auslesen der Menüs by Nero ##define some vars $choosemenu = $menu->get(3); $l= ''; $l1= ''; $usermenu = ''; $checkchoose = true; $checkchoose1 = true; $usermenu[0] = 0; $tmenupos = 0; $imenu = 0; $imenu1 = 1; $menushow = ''; ##hier wird die letzte position von den eingabefelder ausgelesen $takelastpos = db_result ( db_query ("SELECT pos FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func <> 2 ORDER BY pos DESC LIMIT 1") , 0 ); /* auslesen und kontrolieren des inhlates von den Kategorien, die Kategorien werden hier natürlich auch ausgelesen */ $ergmenu = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func = 2 ORDER BY pos ASC"); while($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($ergmenu)){ $usermenuname[$imenu1] = $row1['show']; $usermenu[$imenu1] = $row1['pos']; $menushow[$imenu1] ='<a class="profil10" href="index.php?user-details-'.$uid.'-'.$row1['pos'].'"> '.$row1['show'].' </a>|'; if($choosemenu){ if($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu] AND $usermenu[$imenu] AND $takelastpos > $usermenu[$imenu]){ $menushow[$imenu] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu]); if($usermenu[$imenu]+1 <> $usermenu[$imenu1]){ if($imenu ==2){ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $usermenu[$imenu1], 40); }else{ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $usermenu[$imenu1]); } $tmenupos = $imenu; }else{$tmenupos = $imenu;} $checkchoose1 = false; }elseif($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu1] AND $takelastpos < $usermenu[$imenu1]){ $menushow[$imenu1] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu1]); $tmenupos = $imenu1+3; $checkchoose1 = false; } $checkchoose = false; } $imenu1++; $imenu++; } if($checkchoose){ $checkchoose1 = false; $menushow[1] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[1]); $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[1], $usermenu[2], 40); $tmenupos = 1; }elseif($choosemenu == $usermenu[$imenu] AND $takelastpos > $usermenu[$imenu] AND $checkchoose1){ $checkchoose1 = false; $takelastpos++; $menushow[$imenu] = str_replace('profil10','profil11',$menushow[$imenu]); if($imenu <=2){ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $takelastpos, 40); }else{ $l = profilefields_show( $uid, $usermenu[$imenu], $takelastpos); } $tmenupos = $imenu; }elseif($checkchoose1){ $l = '<td class="Cmite" width="100%">Sie haben eine ungültige Kategorie gewält</td>'; $tmenupos = $imenu+3; } foreach($menushow as $show2){ $l1 .= $show2; } ### ## # der rest kommt hier $abf = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE id = "'.$uid.'"'; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg); $avatar = ''; include('user_infos.php'); if ( file_exists($row['avatar'])) { $avatar = '<img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" border="0">'; } $userpict = ''; if ( file_exists($row['userpict'])) { $userpict = '<img src="'.$row['userpict'].'" border="0">'; } $regsek = mktime ( 0,0,0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') ) - $row['regist']; $regday = round($regsek / 86400); $postpday = ( $regday == 0 ? 0 : round($row['posts'] / $regday, 2 ) ); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Users :: Details von '.$row['name']; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="?user">Users</a><b> » </b> Details von '.$row['name'].$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/userdetails' ); $tpl->out(0); ##Hier wird die 1. Kategorie ausgelesen. Hier wird noch der name sowie das usebild mit ausgegeben. if($tmenupos == 1){ $ar1 = array ( 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'USERBILD' => $userpict, 'NAME' => $row['name'] ); $ar1['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="3"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar1['rowspan'] = 1 + substr_count($l, '</td><td'); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar1,1); } ##Hier wird die 2. Kategorie ausgegeben, am besten man nennt die Forum, ##da hier die Sachen für das Forum mit ausgegeben werden elseif($tmenupos == 2){ $ar2 = array ( 'JOINED' => date('d M Y',$row['regist']), 'LASTAK' => date('d M Y - H:i',$row['llogin']), 'POSTS' => $row['posts'], 'postpday' => $postpday, 'RANG' => userrang ($row['posts'],$uid), 'AVATA' => $avatar, 'NAME' => $row['name'] ); $ar2['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="3"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar2['rowspan'] = 3 + substr_count($l, '</td><td'); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar2,2); } ##Hier wird der Rest der Kategorien ausgegeben. elseif($tmenupos != 0){ $ar3['profilefieldtitle'] = '<th class="ProfTitel" colspan="2"><b>'.$l1.'</b></th>'; $ar3['NAME'] = $row['name']; $tpl->set_ar_out($ar3,3); } ##Hier werden die Felder zu den Kategorien ausgegeben. $tpl->set_out('profilefields',$l,4); $design->footer(); }else{ #einlogen $uid = $menu->get(2); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Login'; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'Login'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login.htm' ); if ( loggedin() ) { $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); if (isset($_POST['wdlink'])) { $wd = $_POST['wdlink']; } else { $wd = 'index.php?user-details-'.$uid; } wd ($wd, $lang['yourareloged']); $design->footer(); } else { $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login.htm' ); $tpl->set_out('WDLINK','index.php?user-details-'.$uid,0); $design->footer(); } } ?>
<?php # Copyright by Manuel # Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); function profilefields_functions2 () { $ar = array ( 1 => 'Feld', 2 => 'Kategorie' ); return ($ar); } function profilefields_functions () { $ar = array ( 1 => 'Feld', 2 => 'Kategorie', 3 => 'Angezeigt', 4 => 'Versteckt' ); return ($ar); } # Felder zum aendern anzeigen. function profilefields_change ($uid) { $i = 0; $i1 = 1; $test = false; $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val, func FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func != 3 ORDER BY pos ASC"); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { $check[$i1] = $r; if($i){ if($check[$i]['func'] == 1){echo '<label style="float:left; width:40%;">'.$check[$i]['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$check[$i]['id'].']" value="'.$check[$i]['val'].'"><br />';} if($check[$i]['func'] == 2){ if($check[$i1]['func'] == 1){ if($test){ echo '</fieldset>'; }else{$test = true;} echo '<fieldset><legend>'.$check[$i]['show'].'</legend> <br />'; } } } $i++; $i1++; } if($check[$i]['func'] == 1){echo '<label style="float:left; width:40%;">'.$check[$i]['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$check[$i]['id'].']" value="'.$check[$i]['val'].'"><br />';} } # Felder die uebermittelt wurden speichern. function profilefields_change_save ($uid) { $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos"); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = $_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]; } else { $v = ''; } if ( $r['val'] == '' AND $v != '' ) { db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (fid,uid,val) VALUES (".$r['id'].",".$uid.",'".$v."')"); } elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v == '' ) { db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_userfields WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid); } elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v != '' AND $r['val'] != $v ) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_userfields SET val = '".$v."' WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid); } } } # Diese Funktion Zeigt ALLE Felder die der Benutzer im Adminbereich unter # Profilefields sortieren kann an ... is eigentlich total easy ;-)... function profilefields_show ($uid, $posmind, $posmax, $breite = 70) { if($posmax < $posmind){ return 'Error: falsche werte in den vars $postmind und $postmax!'; } global $allgAr; $zelle = '<td width="'.$breite.'%"'; $l = ''; $a = array (); $q = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prefix_user"); while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { $a[$r['Field']] = $r['Field']; } $q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, func, pos FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func < 4 AND pos >".$posmind." AND pos <".$posmax." ORDER BY pos ASC") OR die('verdammter mist1'); while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) { if ( $r['func'] == 1 ) { $str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT val FROM prefix_userfields WHERE uid = ".$uid." AND fid = ".$r['id']) , 0 ); $l .= '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.$r['show'].'</td>'.$zelle.' class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>'."\n"; } elseif ( $r['func'] == 2 ) { return 'Achtung: in der funktion profilefields_show in der datei Profilfields.php ist ein fehler aufgetreten. <br> Fehler = Es wurde ein Menutitel angefordert, was aber nicht passieren sollte.'; } elseif ( $r['func'] == 3 ) { $str = ''; if (isset($a[$r['show']])) { $str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT `".$r['show']."` FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$uid) , 0 ); } if ( function_exists ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'] ) ) { $l .= call_user_func ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'], $str, $uid, $zelle); } elseif ($r['show'] != 'opt_pm_popup') { $l .= '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.ucfirst($r['show']).'</td>'.$zelle.' class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>'."\n"; } } } return ( $l ); } # hier kommen die speziellen funktionen hin... ## ### function profilefields_show_spez_geschlecht ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; $ar = array ( 0 => $lang['itdoesntmatter'], 1 => $lang['male'], 2 => $lang['female'] ); return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['sex'], $ar[$value] , $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_status ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['status'], ($value?'aktiv':'inaktiv'), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_usergallery ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $allgAr, $lang; if ($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1) { return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Usergallery', '<a href="index.php?user-usergallery-'.$uid.'">ansehen</a>', $colspan) ); } } function profilefields_show_spez_homepage ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['homepage'], (empty($value)?'':'<a href="'.$value.'" target="_blank">'.$value.'</a>'), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_opt_mail ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['mail'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?user-mail-'.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':''), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_opt_pm ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['privatemessages'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid='.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':''), $colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_sig ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['signature'], bbcode($value),$colspan) ); } function profilefields_show_spez_staat ($value,$uid,$colspan) { global $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['state'], ((!empty($value) AND file_exists('include/images/flags/'.$value))?'<img src="include/images/flags/'.$value.'" alt="'.$value.'" title="'.$value.'" />':''), $colspan) ); } ### ## # help funcs function get_nationality_array () { $ar = array(); $o = opendir ( 'include/images/flags' ); while ( $f = readdir ( $o ) ) { if ( $f != '.' AND $f != '..' ) { $ar[$f] = $f; } } return ( $ar ); } function profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $k, $v, $colspan ) { return ( '<tr><td width="30%" class="Cmite">'.$k.'</td>'.$colspan.' class="Cnorm">'.$v.'</td></tr>'."\n" ); } ?>
function profilefields_show_spez_usergb ($value,$uid) { global $allgAr, $lang; return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Gästebuch', '<a href="index.php?user-usergb-view-'.$uid.'">User Gästebuch</a>' ) ); }
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