sry, funzt net
meine datei sieht jetz so aus:
# Copyright by: Manuel
# Support:
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
$title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Users :: Profil';
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="?user">Users</a><b> » </b> Profil'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1);
if ( $_SESSION['authright'] <= -1 ) {
if ( empty ($_POST['submit']) ) {
$abf = 'SELECT email,wohnort,homepage,aim,msn,icq,yahoo,avatar,status,staat,gebdatum,sig,opt_pm_popup,opt_pm,opt_mail,geschlecht,spezrank FROM `prefix_user` WHERE id = "'.$_SESSION['authid'].'"';
$erg = db_query($abf);
if ( db_num_rows($erg) > 0 ) {
$row = db_fetch_assoc($erg);
$tpl = new tpl ('user/profil_edit');
$row['staat'] = '<option></option>'.arliste ( $row['staat'] , get_nationality_array() , $tpl , 'staat' );
$row['geschlecht0'] = ( $row['geschlecht'] < 1 ? 'checked' : '' );
$row['geschlecht1'] = ( $row['geschlecht'] == 1 ? 'checked' : '' );
$row['geschlecht2'] = ( $row['geschlecht'] == 2 ? 'checked' : '' );
if ( $row['status'] == 1 ) { $row['status1'] = 'checked'; $row['status0'] = ''; } else { $row['status1'] = ''; $row['status0'] = 'checked'; }
if ( $row['opt_mail'] == 1 ) { $row['opt_mail1'] = 'checked'; $row['opt_mail0'] = ''; } else { $row['opt_mail1'] = ''; $row['opt_mail0'] = 'checked'; }
if ( $row['opt_pm'] == 1 ) { $row['opt_pm1'] = 'checked'; $row['opt_pm0'] = ''; } else { $row['opt_pm1'] = ''; $row['opt_pm0'] = 'checked'; }
if ( $row['opt_pm_popup'] == 1 ) { $row['opt_pm_popup1'] = 'checked'; $row['opt_pm_popup0'] = ''; } else { $row['opt_pm_popup1'] = ''; $row['opt_pm_popup0'] = 'checked'; }
$_POST['feldname'] = str_replace('-','',$_POST['feldname']);
$row['avatarbild'] = ( file_exists ( $row['avatar'] ) ? '<img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" alt=""><br />' : '' );
$row['Fabreite'] = $allgAr['Fabreite'];
$row['Fahohe'] = $allgAr['Fahohe'];
$row['Fasize'] = $allgAr['Fasize'];
$row['forum_max_sig'] = $allgAr['forum_max_sig'];
$row['uid'] = $_SESSION['authid'];
$row['forum_usergallery'] = $allgAr['forum_usergallery'];
if ($allgAr['forum_avatar_upload']) $tpl->out(1);
profilefields_change ( $_SESSION['authid'] );
} else {
$tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login.htm' );
} else { # submit
# change poassword
if ( !empty($_POST['np1']) AND !empty($_POST['np2']) AND !empty($_POST['op'])) {
if ($_POST['np1'] == $_POST['np2']) {
$akpw = db_result(db_query("SELECT pass FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['authid']),0);
if ($akpw == md5($_POST['op'])) {
$newpw = md5($_POST['np1']);
db_query("UPDATE prefix_user SET pass = '".$newpw."' WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['authid']);
setcookie(session_und_cookie_name(), $_SESSION['authid'].'='.$newpw, time() + 31104000, "/" );
$fmsg = $lang['passwortchanged'];
} else {
$fmsg = $lang['passwortwrong'];
} else {
$fmsg = $lang['passwortnotequal'];
# avatar speichern START
$avatar_sql_update = '';
if ( !empty ( $_FILES['avatarfile']['name'] ) AND $allgAr['forum_avatar_upload'] ) {
$file_tmpe = $_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name'];
$rile_type = ic_mime_type ($_FILES['avatarfile']['tmp_name']);
$file_type = $_FILES['avatarfile']['type'];
$file_size = $_FILES['avatarfile']['size'];
$fmsg = $lang['avatarisnopicture'];
$size = @getimagesize ($file_tmpe);
$endar = array (1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpg', 3 => 'png');
if ( ($size[2] == 1 OR $size[2] == 2 OR $size[2] == 3) AND $size[0] > 10 AND $size[1] > 10 AND substr ( $file_type , 0 , 6 ) == 'image/' AND substr ( $rile_type , 0 , 6 ) == 'image/' ) {
$endung = $endar[$size[2]];
$breite = $size[0];
$hoehe = $size[1];
$fmsg = $lang['avatarcannotupload'];
if ( $file_size <= $allgAr['Fasize'] AND $breite <= $allgAr['Fabreite'] AND $hoehe <= $allgAr['Fahohe'] ) {
$neuer_name = 'include/images/avatars/'.$_SESSION['authid'].'.'.$endung;
@unlink (db_result(db_query("SELECT avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['authid']),0));
move_uploaded_file ( $file_tmpe , $neuer_name );
@chmod($neuer_name, 0777);
$avatar_sql_update = "avatar = '".$neuer_name."',";
$fmsg = $lang['pictureuploaded'];
} elseif ( isset($_POST['avatarloeschen']) ) {
$fmsg = $lang['picturedelete'];
@unlink (db_result(db_query("SELECT avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['authid']),0));
$avatar_sql_update = "avatar = '',";
# avatar speichern ENDE
# email aendern
if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['aemail']) {
$id = $_SESSION['authid'].'||'.md5 (uniqid (rand()));
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,email,datime,ak)
VALUES ('".$id."','".escape($_POST['email'],'string')."',NOW(),3)");
$text = $lang['changedthemail'] . sprintf ($lang['registconfirmlink'], $page, $id );
icmail ($_POST['email'], $lang['mail'].' '.$lang['changed'], $text );
$fmsg = $lang['pleaseconfirmmail'];
#remove account
if (isset($_POST['removeaccount'])) {
$id = $_SESSION['authid'].'-remove-'.md5 (uniqid (rand()));
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_usercheck (`check`,email,datime,ak)
VALUES ('".$id."','".escape($_POST['email'],'string')."',NOW(),5)");
$text = $lang['removeconfirm'] . sprintf ($lang['registconfirmlink'], $page, $id );
icmail ($_POST['email'], html_entity_decode($lang['removeaccount']), $text );
$fmsg = $lang['pleaseconfirmremove'];
#remove account
# statische felder speichern
db_query("UPDATE prefix_user
homepage = '".get_homepage(escape($_POST['homepage'], 'string'))."',
wohnort = '".escape($_POST['wohnort'], 'string')."',
icq = '".escape($_POST['icq'], 'string')."',
msn = '".escape($_POST['msn'], 'string')."',
yahoo = '".escape($_POST['yahoo'], 'string')."',
aim = '".escape($_POST['aim'], 'string')."',
staat = '".escape($_POST['staat'], 'string')."',
geschlecht = '".escape($_POST['geschlecht'], 'string')."',
status = '".escape($_POST['status'], 'string')."',
opt_mail = '".escape($_POST['opt_mail'], 'string')."',
opt_pm = '".escape($_POST['opt_pm'], 'string')."',
opt_pm_popup = '".escape($_POST['opt_pm_popup'], 'string')."',
gebdatum = '".get_datum(escape($_POST['gebdatum'], 'string'))."',
sig = '".substr(escape($_POST['sig'], 'string'),0,$allgAr['forum_max_sig'])."'
WHERE id = ".$_SESSION['authid']
# change other profil fields
profilefields_change_save ( $_SESSION['authid'] );
# definie and print msg
$fmsg = ( isset($fmsg) ? $fmsg : $lang['changesuccessful'] );
wd('?user-8' , $fmsg , 3 );
} else {
$tpl = new tpl ( 'user/login' );
$tpl->set_out('WDLINK', '?user-8', 0);
oder soll ich anstatt
$_POST['feldname'] = str_replace('-','',$_POST['feldname']);
das hier eingeben?
$_POST['icq'] = str_replace('-','',$_POST['icq']);