Hallo littlecrow,
danke für deine Hilfe.
Ich habe bis jetzt lediglich im Admin-Bereich unter Profilfelder anlegen, einige Felder angelegt.
Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass man in der profilefields.php eine Funktion einfügen muss, ich habe aber auch nicht die geringste Ahnung was ich da zu tun habe.
Vielleicht kannst du mir ja helfen.
Hier meine profilfields.php
# Copyright by Manuel
# Support www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
function profilefields_functions2 () {
$ar = array (
1 => 'Feld',
2 => 'Kategorie'
return ($ar);
function profilefields_functions () {
$ar = array (
1 => 'Feld',
2 => 'Kategorie',
3 => 'Angezeigt',
4 => 'Versteckt'
return ($ar);
# Felder zum aendern anzeigen.
function profilefields_change ($uid) {
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
echo '<label style="float:left; width:35%;">'.$r['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$r['id'].']" value="'.$r['val'].'"><br />';
# Felder die uebermittelt wurden speichern.
function profilefields_change_save ($uid) {
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = prefix_profilefields.id AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = $_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]; } else { $v = ''; }
if ( $r['val'] == '' AND $v != '' ) {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (fid,uid,val) VALUES (".$r['id'].",".$uid.",'".$v."')");
} elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v == '' ) {
db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_userfields WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid);
} elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v != '' AND $r['val'] != $v ) {
db_query("UPDATE prefix_userfields SET val = '".$v."' WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid);
# Diese Funktion Zeit ALLE Felder die der Benutzer im Adminbereich unter
# Profilefields sortieren kann an ... is eigentlich total easy ;-)...
function profilefields_show ($uid) {
$l = '';
$a = array ();
$q = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prefix_user");
while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$a[$r['Field']] = $r['Field'];
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, func FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func < 4 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
if ( $r['func'] == 1 ) {
$str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT val FROM prefix_userfields WHERE uid = ".$uid." AND fid = ".$r['id']) , 0 );
$l .= '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.$r['show'].'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>';
} elseif ( $r['func'] == 2 ) {
$l.='</table><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">';
$l.='<tr><td colspan="2" style="height: 15px; padding: 0px;"></td></tr>';
$l.='</table><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="border">';
$l .= '<tr><td class="Chead" colspan="2"><b>'.$r['show'].'</b></td></tr>';
} elseif ( $r['func'] == 3 ) {
$str = '';
if (isset($a[$r['show']])) {
$str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT `".$r['show']."` FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$uid) , 0 );
if ( function_exists ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'] ) ) {
$l .= call_user_func ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'], $str, $uid );
} elseif ($r['show'] != 'opt_pm_popup') {
$l .= '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.ucfirst($r['show']).'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>';
return ( $l );
# hier kommen die speziellen funktionen hin...
function profilefields_show_spez_geschlecht ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
$ar = array ( 0 => $lang['itdoesntmatter'], 1 => $lang['male'], 2 => $lang['female'] );
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['sex'], $ar[$value] ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_status ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Status', 'Unbekannt' ) );
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Status', $state[$value] ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_avatar ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Avatar', '<img src="include/images/avatars/def.gif" border="0">' ) );
$avatar = '';
if (!empty($value) AND file_exists($value)) {
$avatar = '<img src="'.$value.'" border="0">';
} else {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Avatar', $avatar ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_staat ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['state'], ((!empty($value) AND file_exists('include/images/flags/'.$value))?'<img src="include/images/flags/'.$value.'" alt="'.$value.'" title="'.$value.'" />':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_icq ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', 'Keine'));
$value=ereg_replace('-', '', $value);
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', $value.' <a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$value.'&action=add"><img src="http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/online.dll?icq='.$value.'&img=5" valign=bottom border="0"></a>' ) );
} else{
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', '' ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_gebdatum ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Geburtstag', '00-00-0000'));
$jahr = substr($value, 0, 4);
$monat = substr ($value, 5, 2);
$tag = substr ($value, 8, 2);
$bday = "$tag.$monat.$jahr";
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Geburtstag', $bday ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_homepage ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['homepage'], (empty($value)?'':'<a href="'.$value.'" target="_blank">'.$value.'</a>') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_usergallery ($value,$uid) {
global $allgAr, $lang;
if ($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Usergallery', '<a href="index.php?user-usergallery-'.$uid.'">ansehen</a>' ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_opt_mail ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['mail'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?user-mail-'.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_opt_pm ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['privatemessages'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid='.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_sig ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['signature'], bbcode($value) ) );
# help funcs
function get_nationality_array () {
$ar = array();
$o = opendir ( 'include/images/flags' );
while ( $f = readdir ( $o ) ) {
if ( $f != '.' AND $f != '..' ) {
$ar[$f] = str_replace('.gif','',$f);
return ( $ar );
function profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $k, $v ) {
return ( '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.$k.'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$v.'</td></tr>' );