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Could not connect to smtp hosrt:0: Unable to find the socket transport "http" -did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? Warning: fgets(): suppöied argument is not a valid stream resorce in /var/www/includes/func/smtp.php on line 11
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel Staechele # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); defined ('admin') or die ( 'only admin access' ); $design = new design ( 'Admins Area', 'Admins Area', 2 ); $design->header(); if (!is_admin()) { echo 'Dieser Bereich ist nicht für dich...'; $design->footer(); exit(); } # hilfsfunktionen function get_links_array1 () { $ar = array (); $handle=opendir('include/contents/user/memlversion'); while ($ver = readdir ($handle)) { if ($ver != "." AND $ver != ".." AND !is_dir('include/contents/user/memlversion/'.$ver) ) { $n = explode('.',$ver); $ar[$n[0]] = $ver; } } closedir($handle); asort ($ar); return ($ar); } function get_links_array () { $ar = array (); $handle=opendir('include/contents'); while ($ver = readdir ($handle)) { if ($ver != "." AND $ver != ".." AND !is_dir('include/contents/'.$ver) ) { $n = explode('.',$ver); $ar[$n[0]] = $ver; } } closedir($handle); $handle=opendir('include/contents/selfbp/selfp'); while ($ver = readdir ($handle)) { if ($ver == "." OR $ver == ".." OR is_dir('include/contents/selfbp/selfp/'.$ver) ) { continue; } $n = explode('.',$ver); if ( file_exists ( 'include/contents/'.$ver) OR file_exists ( 'include/contents/'.$n[0].'.php') ) { $n[0] = 'self-'.$n[0]; } $ar[$n[0]] = 'self_'.$ver; } closedir($handle); asort ($ar); return ($ar); } # funktionen fuer listen function admin_allg_gfx ( $ak ) { $gfx = ''; $o = opendir('include/designs'); while ($ver = readdir ($o)) { if ($ver != "." AND $ver != ".." AND is_dir('include/designs/'.$ver) ) { if ($ver == $ak) { $sel = ' selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } $gfx .= '<option'.$sel.'>'.$ver.'</option>'; } } closedir($o); return ( $gfx ); } function admin_allg_useranz ( $ak ) { $ordner = array(); $handle=opendir('include/contents/user/memlversion'); while ($ver = readdir ($handle)) { if ($ver == '.' OR $ver == '..' OR is_dir ('include/contents/user/memlversion/'.$ver)) { continue; } $lver = explode('.',$ver); $ordner[] = $lver[0]; } $useranz = ''; $ordner = get_links_array1 (); foreach ($ordner as $a => $x) { if ( $a == $ak ) { $sel = ' selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } $useranz .= '<option'.$sel.' value="'.$a.'">'.ucfirst($a).'</option>'; } return ( $useranz ); } function admin_allg_smodul ( $ak ) { $ordner = array(); $handle=opendir('include/contents'); while ($ver = readdir ($handle)) { if ($ver == '.' OR $ver == '..' OR is_dir ('include/contents/'.$ver)) { continue; } $lver = explode('.',$ver); $ordner[] = $lver[0]; } $smodul = ''; $ordner = get_links_array (); foreach ($ordner as $a => $x) { if ( $a == $ak ) { $sel = ' selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } $smodul .= '<option'.$sel.' value="'.$a.'">'.ucfirst($a).'</option>'; } return ( $smodul ); } function admin_allg_wars_last_komms ( $ak ) { $ar = array ( 0 => 'nein', -1 => 'ab User', -3 => 'ab Trial', -4 => 'ab Member' ); $l = ''; foreach ( $ar as $k => $v ) { if ( $k == $ak ) { $sel = ' selected'; } else { $sel = ''; } $l .= '<option'.$sel.' value="'.$k.'">'.$v.'</option>'; } return ($l); } if ( empty ($_POST['submit']) ) { $gfx = admin_allg_gfx( $allgAr['gfx'] ); $smodul = admin_allg_smodul ( $allgAr['smodul'] ); $wars_last_komms = admin_allg_wars_last_komms ( $allgAr['wars_last_komms'] ); $useranz = admin_allg_useranz ( $allgAr['useranz'] ); echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/admin/konfiguration.png" /></td><td width="30"></td><td valign="bottom"><h1>Konfiguration</h1></td></tr></table>'; echo '<form action="admin.php?allg" method="POST">'; echo '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="border" border="0">'; # echo '<tr class="Chead"><td colspan="2"><b>Konfiguration</b></td></tr>'; $ch = ''; $abf = 'SELECT * FROM `prefix_config` ORDER BY kat,typ ASC'; $erg = db_query($abf); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { if ( $ch != $row['kat'] ) { echo '<tr><td colspan="2" class="Cdark"><b>'.$row['kat'].'</b></td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td nowrap class="Cmite">'.$row['frage'].'</td>'; echo '<td class="Cnorm">'; if ( $row['typ'] == 'input' ) { echo '<input size="50" type="text" name="'.$row['schl'].'" value="'.$row['wert'].'">'; } elseif ($row['typ'] == 'r2') { $checkedj = ''; $checkedn = ''; if ($allgAr[$row['schl']] == 1) { $checkedj = 'checked'; $checkedn = ''; } else { $checkedn = 'checked'; $checkedj = ''; } echo '<input type="radio" name="'.$row['schl'].'" value="1" '.$checkedj.' > ja'; echo ' '; echo '<input type="radio" name="'.$row['schl'].'" value="0" '.$checkedn.' > nein'; } elseif ( $row['typ'] == 's' ) { $vname = $row['schl']; echo '<select name="'.$row['schl'].'">'.$$vname.'</select>'; } elseif ($row['typ'] == 'textarea') { echo '<textarea cols="55" rows="3" name="'.$row['schl'].'">'.$row['wert'].'</textarea>'; } elseif ($row['typ'] == 'grecht') { $grl = dblistee($allgAr[$row['schl']],"SELECT id,name FROM prefix_grundrechte ORDER BY id ASC"); echo '<select name="'.$row['schl'].'">'.$grl.'</select>'; } elseif ($row['typ'] == 'grecht2') { $grl = dblistee($allgAr[$row['schl']],"SELECT id,name FROM prefix_grundrechte WHERE id >= -2 ORDER BY id ASC"); echo '<select name="'.$row['schl'].'">'.$grl.'</select>'; } echo '</td></tr>'."\n\n"; $ch = $row['kat']; } echo '<tr class="Cdark"><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Absenden" name="submit"></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</form>'; } else { $abf = 'SELECT * FROM `prefix_config` ORDER BY kat'; $erg = db_query($abf); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { db_query('UPDATE `prefix_config` SET wert = "'.$_POST[$row['schl']].'" WHERE schl = "'.$row['schl'].'"'); } wd ('admin.php?allg', 'Erfolgreich geändert' , 2); } //-----------------------------------------------------------| $design->footer(); ?>
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