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} $tpl->out(5); # statistic #
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel Staechele # Support: www.ilch.de defined (\'main\') or die ( \'no direct access\' ); $title = $allgAr[\'title\'].\' :: Forum\'; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.\'Forum\'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); if ($menu->get(1) == \'markallasread\') { user_markallasread (); } $tpl = new tpl ( \'forum/showforum\' ); $tpl->out (0); $category_array = array(); $forum_array = array(); $q = \"SELECT a.id, a.cid, a.name, a.besch, a.topics, a.posts, b.name as topic, c.id as pid, c.tid, b.rep, c.erst, c.time, a.cid, k.name as cname FROM prefix_forums a LEFT JOIN prefix_forumcats k ON k.id = a.cid LEFT JOIN prefix_posts c ON a.last_post_id = c.id LEFT JOIN prefix_topics b ON c.tid = b.id LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = \".$_SESSION[\'authid\'].\" AND vg.gid = a.view LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = \".$_SESSION[\'authid\'].\" AND rg.gid = a.reply LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = \".$_SESSION[\'authid\'].\" AND sg.gid = a.start WHERE ((\".$_SESSION[\'authright\'].\" <= a.view AND a.view < 1) OR (\".$_SESSION[\'authright\'].\" <= a.reply AND a.reply < 1) OR (\".$_SESSION[\'authright\'].\" <= a.start AND a.start < 1) OR vg.fid IS NOT NULL OR rg.fid IS NOT NULL OR sg.fid IS NOT NULL OR -9 = \".$_SESSION[\'authright\'].\") AND k.cid = 0 ORDER BY k.pos, a.pos\"; $erg1 = db_query($q); $xcid = 0; while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($erg1) ) { $r[\'topicl\'] = $r[\'topic\']; $r[\'topic\'] = html_enc_substr($r[\'topic\'],0,23); $r[\'ORD\'] = forum_get_ordner($r[\'time\'],$r[\'id\']); $r[\'mods\'] = getmods($r[\'id\']); $r[\'datum\'] = date(\'d.m.y - H:i\', $r[\'time\']); $r[\'page\'] = ceil ( ($r[\'rep\']+1) / $allgAr[\'Fpanz\'] ); $tpl->set_ar ($r); $cidname = $r[\'cid\']; if ($r[\'cid\'] <> $xcid) { if($i > 0){$tpl->out(5);} $tpl->out(1); $tpl->set(\"cidname\", $cidname); $i++; //Unterkategorien $sql = db_query(\"SELECT DISTINCT a.name as cname, a.id as cid FROM `prefix_forumcats` a LEFT JOIN `prefix_forums` b ON a.id = b.cid WHERE a.cid = {$r[\'cid\']} AND a.id = b.cid ORDER BY a.pos, a.name\"); while ($ucat = db_fetch_assoc($sql)) { $tpl->set_ar_out($ucat,3); } //Unterkategorien - Ende $xcid = $r[\'cid\']; } $tpl->set_ar_out($r,3); } function user_online_today_liste(){ $OnListe = \'\'; $anzonline = 0; $dif = mktime(0,0,0,date(\'m\'),date(\'d\'),date(\'Y\')); $erg = db_query(\"SELECT a.id, a.name, a.llogin, b.bez, a.spezrank FROM `prefix_user` a LEFT JOIN prefix_ranks b ON b.id = a.spezrank WHERE a.llogin > \'\". $dif.\"\' ORDER BY llogin\"); while($row = db_fetch_object($erg)) { $anzonline++; if ( $row->spezrank <> 0 ) { $OnListe .= \'<a title=\"\'.$row->bez.\'\" href=\"index.php?user-details-\'.$row->id.\'\"><b><i>\'.$row->name.\'</i></b></a> , \'; } else { $OnListe .= \'<a href=\"index.php?user-details-\'.$row->id.\'\">\'.$row->name.\'</a> , \'; } } $OnListe = substr($OnListe,0,strlen($OnListe) - 3); $out = array(\'liste\' => $OnListe, \'anzahl\' => $anzonline); return ($out); } # statistic # $ges_online_user = ges_online(); $online_today = user_online_today_liste(); $stats_array = array ( \'privmsgpopup\' => check_for_pm_popup (), \'topics\' => db_result(db_query(\"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `prefix_topics`\"),0), \'posts\' => db_result(db_query(\"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `prefix_posts`\"),0), \'users\' => db_result(db_query(\"SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `prefix_user`\"),0), \'newest_user\' => db_result($abfnu = db_query(\"SELECT name,id FROM prefix_user ORDER BY regist DESC LIMIT 1\"),0,0), \'newest_userid\' => db_result($abfnu, 0 ,1), \'istsind\' => ( $ges_online_user > 1 ? \'sind\' : \'ist\' ), \'gesonline\' => $ges_online_user, \'gastonline\' => ges_gast_online(), \'useronline\' => ges_user_online(), \'userliste\' => user_online_liste(), \'userliste_today\' => $online_today[\'liste\'], \'anzregtoday\' => $online_today[\'anzahl\'] ); $tpl->set_ar_out($stats_array,4); $design->footer(); ?>
<img src=\"include/images/icons/minus.gif\" width=\"12\" height=\"12\" border=\"0\" onclick=\"topicview(\'topic_{cid}\');\" id=\"topic_{cid}_p\" alt=\"\"> <strong>
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