als erstes müsste ihr diese zeile in eurem Template einsetzen!
<meta name="keywords" content="{KEYWORDS}" />
jetzt diese Datei ('autokeyword.php') in dem pfad '/include/includes/class/' einbinden.
<?php /****************************************************************** Projectname: Automatic Keyword Generator Version: 0.3 Author: Ver Pangonilo <> Last modified: 26 July 2006 Copyright (C): 2006 Ver Pangonilo, All Rights Reserved * GNU General Public License (Version 2, June 1991) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. Description: This class can generates automatically META Keywords for your web pages based on the contents of your articles. This will eliminate the tedious process of thinking what will be the best keywords that suits your article. The basis of the keyword generation is the number of iterations any word or phrase occured within an article. This automatic keyword generator will create single words, two word phrase and three word phrases. Single words will be filtered from a common words list. Change Log: =========== 0.2 Ver Pangonilo - 22 July 2005 ================================ Added user configurable parameters and commented codes for easier end user understanding. 0.3 Vasilich ( - 26 July 2006 ========================================================= Added encoding parameter to work with UTF texts, min number of the word/phrase occurrences, ******************************************************************/ class autokeyword { //declare variables //the site contents var $contents; var $encoding; //the generated keywords var $keywords; //minimum word length for inclusion into the single word //metakeys var $wordLengthMin; var $wordOccuredMin; //minimum word length for inclusion into the 2 word //phrase metakeys var $word2WordPhraseLengthMin; var $phrase2WordLengthMinOccur; //minimum word length for inclusion into the 3 word //phrase metakeys var $word3WordPhraseLengthMin; //minimum phrase length for inclusion into the 2 word //phrase metakeys var $phrase2WordLengthMin; var $phrase3WordLengthMinOccur; //minimum phrase length for inclusion into the 3 word //phrase metakeys var $phrase3WordLengthMin; function autokeyword($params, $encoding) { //get parameters $this->encoding = $encoding; mb_internal_encoding($encoding); $this->contents = $this->replace_chars($params['content']); // single word $this->wordLengthMin = $params['min_word_length']; $this->wordOccuredMin = $params['min_word_occur']; // 2 word phrase $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin = $params['min_2words_length']; $this->phrase2WordLengthMin = $params['min_2words_phrase_length']; $this->phrase2WordLengthMinOccur = $params['min_2words_phrase_occur']; // 3 word phrase $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin = $params['min_3words_length']; $this->phrase3WordLengthMin = $params['min_3words_phrase_length']; $this->phrase3WordLengthMinOccur = $params['min_3words_phrase_occur']; //parse single, two words and three words } function get_keywords() { $keywords = $this->parse_words().$this->parse_2words().$this->parse_3words(); return substr($keywords, 0, -2); } //turn the site contents into an array //then replace common html tags. function replace_chars($content) { //convert all characters to lower case $content = mb_strtolower($content); //$content = mb_strtolower($content, "UTF-8"); $content = strip_tags($content); $punctuations = array(',', ')', '(', '.', "'", '"', '<', '>', ';', '!', '?', '/', '-', '_', '[', ']', ':', '+', '=', '#', '$', '"', '©', '>', '<', chr(10), chr(13), chr(9)); $content = str_replace($punctuations, " ", $content); // replace multiple gaps $content = preg_replace('/ {2,}/si', " ", $content); return $content; } //single words META KEYWORDS function parse_words() { //list of commonly used words // this can be edited to suit your needs $common = array("able", "about", "above", "act", "add", "afraid", "after", "again", "against", "age", "ago", "agree", "all", "almost", "alone", "along", "already", "also", "although", "always", "am", "amount", "an", "and", "anger", "angry", "animal", "another", "answer", "any", "appear", "apple", "are", "arrive", "arm", "arms", "around", "arrive", "as", "ask", "at", "attempt", "aunt", "away", "back", "bad", "bag", "bay", "be", "became", "because", "become", "been", "before", "began", "begin", "behind", "being", "bell", "belong", "below", "beside", "best", "better", "between", "beyond", "big", "body", "bone", "born", "borrow", "both", "bottom", "box", "boy", "break", "bring", "brought", "bug", "built", "busy", "but", "buy", "by", "call", "came", "can", "cause", "choose", "close", "close", "consider", "come", "consider", "considerable", "contain", "continue", "could", "cry", "cut", "dare", "dark", "deal", "dear", "decide", "deep", "did", "die", "do", "does", "dog", "done", "doubt", "down", "during", "each", "ear", "early", "eat", "effort", "either", "else", "end", "enjoy", "enough", "enter", "even", "ever", "every", "except", "expect", "explain", "fail", "fall", "far", "fat", "favor", "fear", "feel", "feet", "fell", "felt", "few", "fill", "find", "fit", "fly", "follow", "for", "forever", "forget", "from", "front", "gave", "get", "gives", "goes", "gone", "good", "got", "gray", "great", "green", "grew", "grow", "guess", "had", "half", "hang", "happen", "has", "hat", "have", "he", "hear", "heard", "held", "hello", "help", "her", "here", "hers", "high", "hill", "him", "his", "hit", "hold", "hot", "how", "however", "I", "if", "ill", "in", "indeed", "instead", "into", "iron", "is", "it", "its", "just", "keep", "kept", "knew", "know", "known", "late", "least", "led", "left", "lend", "less", "let", "like", "likely", "likr", "lone", "long", "look", "lot", "make", "many", "may", "me", "mean", "met", "might", "mile", "mine", "moon", "more", "most", "move", "much", "must", "my", "near", "nearly", "necessary", "neither", "never", "next", "no", "none", "nor", "not", "note", "nothing", "now", "number", "of", "off", "often", "oh", "on", "once", "only", "or", "other", "ought", "our", "out", "please", "prepare", "probable", "pull", "pure", "push", "put", "raise", "ran", "rather", "reach", "realize", "reply", "require", "rest", "run", "said", "same", "sat", "saw", "say", "see", "seem", "seen", "self", "sell", "sent", "separate", "set", "shall", "she", "should", "side", "sign", "since", "so", "sold", "some", "soon", "sorry", "stay", "step", "stick", "still", "stood", "such", "sudden", "suppose", "take", "taken", "talk", "tall", "tell", "ten", "than", "thank", "that", "the", "their", "them", "then", "there", "therefore", "these", "they", "this", "those", "though", "through", "till", "to", "today", "told", "tomorrow", "too", "took", "tore", "tought", "toward", "tried", "tries", "trust", "try", "turn", "two", "under", "until", "up", "upon", "us", "use", "usual", "various", "verb", "very", "visit", "want", "was", "we", "well", "went", "were", "what", "when", "where", "whether", "which", "while", "white", "who", "whom", "whose", "why", "will", "with", "within", "without", "would", "yes", "yet", "you", "young", "your", "br", "img", "p","lt", "gt", "quot", "copy"); //create an array out of the site contents $s = split(" ", $this->contents); //initialize array $k = array(); //iterate inside the array foreach( $s as $key=>$val ) { //delete single or two letter words and //Add it to the list if the word is not //contained in the common words list. if(mb_strlen(trim($val)) >= $this->wordLengthMin && !in_array(trim($val), $common) && !is_numeric(trim($val))) { $k[] = trim($val); } } //count the words $k = array_count_values($k); //sort the words from //highest count to the //lowest. $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($k, $this->wordOccuredMin); arsort($occur_filtered); $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered); //release unused variables unset($k); unset($s); return $imploded; } function parse_2words() { //create an array out of the site contents $x = split(" ", $this->contents); //initilize array //$y = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($x)-1; $i++) { //delete phrases lesser than 5 characters if( (mb_strlen(trim($x[$i])) >= $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin ) && (mb_strlen(trim($x[$i+1])) >= $this->word2WordPhraseLengthMin) ) { $y[] = trim($x[$i])." ".trim($x[$i+1]); } } //count the 2 word phrases $y = array_count_values($y); $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($y, $this->phrase2WordLengthMinOccur); //sort the words from highest count to the lowest. arsort($occur_filtered); $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered); //release unused variables unset($y); unset($x); return $imploded; } function parse_3words() { //create an array out of the site contents $a = split(" ", $this->contents); //initilize array $b = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($a)-2; $i++) { //delete phrases lesser than 5 characters if( (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i])) >= $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i+1])) > $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i+2])) > $this->word3WordPhraseLengthMin) && (mb_strlen(trim($a[$i]).trim($a[$i+1]).trim($a[$i+2])) > $this->phrase3WordLengthMin) ) { $b[] = trim($a[$i])." ".trim($a[$i+1])." ".trim($a[$i+2]); } } //count the 3 word phrases $b = array_count_values($b); //sort the words from //highest count to the //lowest. $occur_filtered = $this->occure_filter($b, $this->phrase3WordLengthMinOccur); arsort($occur_filtered); $imploded = $this->implode(", ", $occur_filtered); //release unused variables unset($a); unset($b); return $imploded; } function occure_filter($array_count_values, $min_occur) { $occur_filtered = array(); foreach ($array_count_values as $word => $occured) { if ($occured >= $min_occur) { $occur_filtered[$word] = $occured; } } return $occur_filtered; } function implode($gule, $array) { $c = ""; foreach($array as $key=>$val) { @$c .= $key.$gule; } return $c; } } ?>
jetzt nur noch diese Zeile
in der Datei:
jetzt nur noch die Datei 'include/includes/class/design.php'
mit diesem Code komplet ersetzen....
<?php // Copyright by: Manuel // Support defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); if (!isset($ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS)) { $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS = ''; } if (!isset($ILCH_BODYEND_ADDITIONS)) { $ILCH_BODYEND_ADDITIONS = ''; } class design extends tpl { var $html; var $design; var $vars; var $was; var $file; function curl_get_file_contents($URL) { $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $URL); $contents = curl_exec($c); curl_close($c); if ($contents) return $contents; else return FALSE; } function getkeywords ($_url) { $data = $this->curl_get_file_contents($_url); //$data = file_get_contents($_ur,'r'); $params['content'] = $data; //page content //set the length of keywords you like $params['min_word_length'] = 5; //minimum length of single words $params['min_word_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of single words $params['min_2words_length'] = 3; //minimum length of words for 2 word phrases $params['min_2words_phrase_length'] = 10; //minimum length of 2 word phrases $params['min_2words_phrase_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of 2 words phrase $params['min_3words_length'] = 3; //minimum length of words for 3 word phrases $params['min_3words_phrase_length'] = 10; //minimum length of 3 word phrases $params['min_3words_phrase_occur'] = 2; //minimum occur of 3 words phrase $keyword = new autokeyword($params, "iso-8859-1"); return $keyword->get_keywords(); } function design ($title, $hmenu, $was = 1, $file = null) { global $allgAr; if (!is_null($file)) { echo '<div style="display: block; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #ff0000;">!!Man konnte in einer PHP Datei eine spezielle Index angeben. Damit das Design fuer diese Datei anders aussieht. Diese Funktion wurde ersetzt. Weitere Informationen im Forum auf ... Thema: <a href=""></a></div>'; } $this->vars = array(); $this->file = $file; # setzte das file standart 0 weil durch was definiert $this->was = $was; # 0 = smalindex, 1 = normal index , 2 = admin $this->design = $this->get_design(); $link = $this->htmlfile(); $tpl = new tpl ($link, 2); if ($tpl->list_exists ('boxleft')) { $tpl->set ('boxleft' , $this->get_boxes ('l', $tpl)); } if ($tpl->list_exists ('boxright')) { $tpl->set ('boxright' , $this->get_boxes ('r', $tpl)); } // ab 0.6 = ... 5 menu listen moeglich for($i = 1;$i <= 5;$i++) { if ($tpl->list_exists ('menunr' . $i)) { $tpl->set ('menunr' . $i , $this->get_boxes ($i, $tpl)); } } $ar = array ('TITLE' => $this->escape_explode($title), 'HMENU' => $this->escape_explode($hmenu), 'SITENAME' => $this->escape_explode($allgAr['title']), 'KEYWORDS' => $this->getkeywords("http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"].""), 'hmenuende' => '', 'vmenuende' => '', 'hmenubegi' => '', 'vmenubegi' => '', 'hmenupoint' => '', 'vmenupoint' => '', 'DESIGN' => $this->design, ); $tpl->set_ar($ar); $this->html = $tpl->get(0); $this->html .= '{EXPLODE}'; $this->html .= $tpl->get(1); unset ($tpl); $zsave0 = array(); preg_match_all ("/\{_boxes_([^\{\}]+)\}/" , $this->html , $zsave0); $this->replace_boxes($zsave0[1]); unset ($zsave0); $this->vars_replace(); unset ($this->vars); $this->html = explode('{EXPLODE}', $this->html); } function addheader($text) { if (isset($this->html[0])) { $this->html[0] = str_replace('</head>',$text."\n</head>" , $this->html[0] ); return true; } else { return false; } } function header () { global $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS; $this->addheader($ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS); echo $this->html[0]; unset ($this->html[0]); } function addtobodyend($text) { if (isset($this->html[1])) { $this->html[1] = str_replace('</body>',$text."\n</body>" , $this->html[1] ); return true; } else { return false; } } function footer ($exit = 0) { global $ILCH_BODYEND_ADDITIONS; $this->addtobodyend($ILCH_BODYEND_ADDITIONS); echo $this->html[1]; unset ($this->html[1]); if ($exit == 1) { exit(); } } function escape_explode ($s) { $s = str_replace('{EXPLODE}', '{EXPLODE}', $s); return ($s); } function htmlfile_ini () { global $menu; $ma = $menu->get_string_ar(); $ia = array(); if (!file_exists('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/design.ini')) { return (false); } $ia = parse_ini_file ('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/design.ini'); arsort($ma); krsort ($ia); foreach ($ia as $k => $v) { $k = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9-*]/", "", $k); $k = str_replace('*', '[^-]+', $k); foreach ($ma as $k1 => $v1) { if (preg_match("/" . $k . "/", $k1) AND file_exists('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/' . $v)) { return ($v); } } } return (false); } function htmlfile () { $ini = $this->htmlfile_ini (); /* if ( !is_null ($this->file) AND file_exists ('include/designs/'.$this->design.'/templates/'.$this->file)) { $f = 'designs/'.$this->design.'/templates/'.$this->file; } elseif ( !is_null ($this->file) AND file_exists ('include/templates/'.$this->file)) { $f = 'templates/'.$this->file; */ if ($this->was == 1 AND $ini !== false) { $f = 'designs/' . $this->design . '/' . $ini; } elseif ($this->was == 0 AND file_exists ('include/templates/' . $this->design . '/templates/small_index.htm')) { $f = 'templates/' . $this->design . '/templates/small_index.htm'; } elseif ($this->was == 0) { $f = 'templates/small_index.htm'; } elseif ($this->was == 1) { $f = 'designs/' . $this->design . '/index.htm'; } elseif ($this->was == 2) { $f = 'admin/templates/index.htm'; } return ($f); } function replace_boxes ($zsave0) { foreach ($zsave0 as $v) { $dat = strtolower($v); $buffer = $this->get_boxcontent ($dat); if ($buffer !== false) { $this->vars['_boxes_' . $v] = $buffer; } } if (!is_array($this->vars)) { $this->vars = array(); } } function vars_replace() { foreach ($this->vars as $k => $v) { $this->html = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $this->html); } } // #### function get_boxes ($wo , $tpl) { global $lang, $allgAr, $menu; if (is_numeric($wo)) { $datei = 'menunr' . $wo; } elseif ($wo == 'l') { $datei = 'boxleft'; $wo = 1; } elseif ($wo == 'r') { $datei = 'boxright'; $wo = 2; } $retur = ''; $ex_ebene = 0; $ex_was = 1; $firstmep = false; $hovmenup = ''; $abf = "SELECT * FROM `prefix_menu` WHERE wo = " . $wo . " AND ( recht >= " . $_SESSION['authright'] . " OR recht = 0 ) ORDER by pos"; $erg = db_query($abf); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { $subhauptx = $row['was']; $whileMenP = ($subhauptx >= 7 ? true : false); if (($row['was'] >= 7 AND $ex_was == 1) OR ($ex_ebene < ($row['ebene']-1)) OR ($ex_was <= 4 AND $row['ebene'] <> 0) OR ($row['was'] >= 7 AND !$tpl->list_exists($hovmenup))) { /* echo '<pre>Das Menu ist Fehlerhaft, bitte benachrichtigen Sie den Administrator!'; echo '<br /><br /><u>Informationen:</u>'; echo '<br />Region: '.$row['name']; echo '<br />Ebene: '.$row['ebene']; echo '<br />exEbene: '.$ex_ebene; echo '<br />Typ: '.$row['was']; echo '<br />exTyp: '.$ex_was; echo '<br /><br /><u>Problemloesung:</u> Die Region gibt an um welchen Menupunkt, welches Menu oder welche Box es sich handelt.'; echo '<br />Ist der Typ groesser oder 7 und der exTyp 1 wurde ein Menupunkt in einer falschen Position im Menu platziert.'; echo '<br />Ist die exEbene 2 kleiner als die Ebene ist die Einrueckung im Menu falsch.'; echo '<br />Sonst mit den oben gegebenen Informationen und einem Screenshot des betreffenden Menus auf <a href=""></a> im Forum melden.'; echo '<br /><br />Vielen Dank!</pre>'; $retur = '<pre>Das Menu ist Fehlerhaft, bitte benachrichtigen Sie den Administrator!'; $retur .= '<br /><br /><u>Informationen:</u>'; $retur .= '<br />Region: '.$row['name']; $retur .= '<br />Ebene: '.$row['ebene']; $retur .= '<br />exEbene: '.$ex_ebene; $retur .= '<br />Typ: '.$row['was']; $retur .= '<br />exTyp: '.$ex_was; $retur .= '<br /><br /><u>Problemloesung:</u> Die Region gibt an um welchen Menupunkt, welches Menu oder welche Box es sich handelt.'; $retur .= '<br />Ist der Typ groesser oder 7 und der exTyp 1 wurde ein Menupunkt in einer falschen Position im Menu platziert.'; $retur .= '<br />Ist die exEbene 2 kleiner als die Ebene ist die Einrueckung im Menu falsch.'; $retur .= '<br />Sonst mit den oben gegebenen Informationen und einem Screenshot des betreffenden Menus auf <a href=""></a> im Forum melden.'; $retur .= '<br /><br />Vielen Dank!</pre>'; $menuzw = ''; */ continue; } // nur wenn ein menu in die variable $menuzw geschrieben wurde // wird in diese if abfrage gesprungen if (($whileMenP === false) AND !empty($menuzw)) { $menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, 0, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE); $retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array (htmlentities($boxname), $menuzw . $menuzwE)); $menuzw = ''; } if ($row['was'] == 1) { // die box wird direkt in die to return variable geschrieben $buffer = $this->get_boxcontent($row['path']); $retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array ($row['name'] , $buffer)); } elseif ($row['was'] >= 2 AND $row['was'] <= 4) { // der name des menues wird gesetzt // und die variable wird gesetzt. $boxname = $row['name']; $menuzw = ''; $menuzwE = ''; $ex_ebene = 0; # ex ebene $hovmenu = ''; if ($row['was'] == 2 AND $tpl->list_exists('hmenupoint')) { $hovmenu = 'hmenu'; } elseif ($row['was'] == 3 AND $tpl->list_exists('vmenupoint')) { $hovmenu = 'vmenu'; } $firstmep = true; if (!empty($hovmenu)) { $menuzw .= $tpl->list_get($hovmenu . 'begi', array()); $menuzwE .= $tpl->list_get($hovmenu . 'ende', array()); } $hovmenup = $hovmenu . 'point'; } elseif ($whileMenP) { // menupunkt wird generiert $ebene = $row['ebene']; $menuTarget = ($subhauptx == 8 ? '_blank' : '_self'); list ($wmpA, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE) = explode ('|', $tpl->list_get ($hovmenup, array ($menuTarget, ($subhauptx == 8 ? '' : 'index.php?') . $row['path'], $row['name']))); if (!empty($menuzw) AND $firstmep === false) { $menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, $ebene, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE); } $menuzw .= $wmpA; $firstmep = false; } $ex_was = $row['was']; $ex_ebene = $row['ebene']; } if (!empty($menuzw)) { $menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, 0, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE); $retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array (htmlentities($boxname), $menuzw . $menuzwE)); } return ($retur); } function get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, $ebene, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE) { $menu1 = ''; if ($ex_ebene == $ebene AND !empty($menuzw)) { $menu1 .= $wmpE . "\n"; } elseif ($ex_ebene > $ebene) { $menu1 .= $wmpE . "\n"; for($i = 0;$i < ($ex_ebene - $ebene); $i++) { $menu1 .= $wmpTEE . "\n"; } } elseif ($ex_ebene < $ebene) { $menu1 .= $wmpTE . "\n"; } return ($menu1); } function get_boxcontent ($box) { global $lang, $allgAr, $menu,$ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS,$ILCH_BODYEND_ADDITIONS; if (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box)) { $pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box; } elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box))) { $pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box); } elseif (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box . '.php')) { $pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box . '.htm')) { $pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box . '.htm'; } elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.php')) { $pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.htm')) { $pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.htm'; } else { return (false); } ob_start(); require_once($pfad); $buffer = $this->escape_explode(ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); return($buffer); } } ?>
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Zuletzt modifiziert von MikeelDios am 25.10.2008 - 10:17:13