Welchen Teil von der Shoutbox datei muss ich denn ändern, damit Gäste sie benutzen können, also nur Gäste reicht aus, will ne 2. kleine halt die machen.
Hat das was mit dem if (logged_in) zu tun? ka
<?php # Copyright by Manuel # Support www.ilch.de # Modifikation: ZSKing defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $datum=date("j.n.Y"); $zeit=date(" H:i "); if ( loggedin() ) { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = $_SESSION['authname']; } else { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = 'euername'; } if ( !empty($_POST['shoutbox_submit']) AND chk_antispam ('shoutbox')) { $shoutbox_nickname = escape($_POST['shoutbox_nickname'],'string'); $shoutbox_nickname = substr($shoutbox_nickname, 0, 15); $shoutbox_textarea = escape($_POST['shoutbox_textarea'],'textarea'); $shoutbox_textarea = preg_replace("/\[.?(url|b|i|u|img|code|quote)[^\]]*?\]/i","",$shoutbox_textarea); $shoutbox_textarea = strip_tags($shoutbox_textarea); if ( !empty($shoutbox_nickname) AND !empty($shoutbox_textarea) ) { db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_shoutbox` (`nickname`,`textarea`) VALUES ( "'.$shoutbox_nickname.''.'<br/>'.''."Am".''.$datum.''.'<br/>'.''."um".''.$zeit.''."Uhr".''.'<br/>'.'" , "'.$shoutbox_textarea.'" ) ' ); } } if (has_right($allgAr['sb_recht'])){ echo '<form action="index.php" method="POST">'; echo "<center><br>Uhrzeit: $zeit Uhr<br/>Datum: $datum"; echo '<br/>' ; echo '<input type="text" size="10" name="shoutbox_nickname" value="'.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'" onFocus="if (value == \''.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'\') {value = \'\'}" onBlur="if (value == \'\') {value = \''.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'\'}" maxlength="15">'; echo '<br /><textarea style="width: 80%" cols="10" rows="2" name="shoutbox_textarea"></textarea><br />'; echo get_antispam ('shoutbox', 0); echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['formsub'].'" name="shoutbox_submit">'; echo '</form>'; } echo '<table width="90%" class="border" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">'; $erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shoutbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '.(is_numeric($allgAr['sb_limit'])?$allgAr['sb_limit']:5)); $class = 'Cnorm'; while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); echo '<tr class="'.$class.'"><td><b>'.$row->nickname.':</b> '.preg_replace( '/([^\s]{'.$allgAr['sb_maxwordlength'].'})(?=[^\s])/', "$1\n", $row->textarea).'</td></tr>'; } echo '</table><a class="box" href="index.php?shoutbox">'.$lang['archiv'].'</a>'; ?>
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