das problem ist, das die uhrzeit von einem anderen server gestreamt werden müßte, dazu wird ein ntp-server angepsrochen, hast du die möglichkeit cronjobs einzupflegen? wenn ja dann dann schau dir dieses script mal an
#!/usr/bin/php -q
// ntp time servers to contact
// we try them one at a time if the previous failed (failover)
// if all fail then wait till tomorrow
$time_servers = array("time.nist.gov",
// date and clock programs (change for your system)
$date_app = "/bin/date";
$clock_app = "/sbin/clock";
// a flag and number of servers
$valid_response = false;
$ts_count = sizeof($time_servers);
// time adjustment
// I'm in California and the clock will be set to -0800 UTC [8 hours] for PST
// you will need to change this value for your region (seconds)
$time_adjustment = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$ts_count; $i++) {
$time_server = $time_servers[$i];
$fp = fsockopen($time_server, 37, $errno, $errstr, 30);
if (!$fp) {
echo "$time_server: $errstr ($errno)\n";
echo "Trying next available server...\n\n";
} else {
$data = NULL;
while (!feof($fp)) {
$data .= fgets($fp, 128);
// we have a response...is it valid? (4 char string -> 32 bits)
if (strlen($data) != 4) {
echo "NTP Server {$time_server} returned an invalid response.\n";
if ($i != ($ts_count - 1)) {
echo "Trying next available server...\n\n";
} else {
echo "Time server list exhausted\n";
} else {
$valid_response = true;
if ($valid_response) {
// time server response is a string - convert to numeric
$NTPtime = ord($data{0})*pow(256, 3) + ord($data{1})*pow(256, 2) + ord($data{2})*256 + ord($data{3});
// convert the seconds to the present date & time
// 2840140800 = Thu, 1 Jan 2060 00:00:00 UTC
// 631152000 = Mon, 1 Jan 1990 00:00:00 UTC
$TimeFrom1990 = $NTPtime - 2840140800;
$TimeNow = $TimeFrom1990 + 631152000;
// set the system time
$TheDate = date("m/d/Y H:i:s", $TimeNow + $time_adjustment);
$success = exec("$date_app -s \"$TheDate\"");
// set the hardware clock (optional) - you may want to comment this out
exec("$clock_app --systohc");
echo "The server's date and time was set to $success\n";
} else {
echo "The system time could not be updated. No time servers available.\n";