Was nervt jeden Webmaster? Richtig, der Moment, wo er das erste mal gehackt wird. Seid heute steht folgendes bei uns im den News:
Oooppps, you must be truly lost! Dear 'Philosoffen', your root got hacked... but not fully, cuz i like u! So what has been done? 1. Drop newstable to record count 599 (cuz i like u) 2. Some other stuff removed. 3. Got all of u´r crazy psw... What u should do now? 1. Fire u´r admin! 2. Don´t leave a unsecured root on the web, never know who visit u´r site. 3. Code u´r own CMS.... u´r one sucks definitly! 4. Create new psw for all u´r acc, so i have a new challange (but not a hard one ^^) 5. UPDATE u´r root!!!!!!! 6. Hopefull u´ve a good backup, beside u´ve a problem ^^ 7. Create a great news about my action on u´r site, which honors me and is readable for u´r guest. 7.1 If u don´t do it, u´r root will be shut down soon. 8. Delete the dp.Piranha user account. It has an real poor psw. 9. PREPARE FOR WAR!!! "I was born with the wrong sign In the wrong house With the wrong ascendancy I took the wrong road That led to the wrong tendencies I was in the wrong place at the wrong time For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme On the wrong day of the wrong week I used the wrong method with the wrong technique " Wanne start a flamewar? mail to diephilsoffen@mail.ru /> P.S.: I used one of your members pc for this infection. So don´t try to resolve my ip adress, u just hurt yourself ;-)
Sodala....was ich mir nun von ganzem Herzen von euch, liebe Community, wünschen würde, ist folgendes:
Kennt ihr den Text? Ist es ein bekannter Exploit? Was kann ich dagegen tun? Hat das Muttersöhnchen, dass das veranstaltet hat, einen kleinen Penis? Hilfe willkommen...
Ein langjähriger Ilch Fan.
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1
betroffene Homepage: externer Link
Zuletzt modifiziert von Christian am 24.06.2009 - 02:59:19