hey ich habe da ein problem ich schaffe es einfach nicht die kacke zu machen ich habe die allg.php bearbeitet sie schaut so bei mir aus
# Copyright by Manuel
# Support www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
##### W E I T E R L E I T U N G S F U N K T I O N
function wd ($wdLINK,$wdTEXT,$wdZEIT=3) {
global $lang;
if (!is_array($wdLINK)) {
$urls = '<a href="'.$wdLINK.'">'.$lang['forward2'].'</a>';
$wdURL = $wdLINK;
} else {
$urls = '';
$i = 0;
foreach($wdLINK as $k => $v) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$wdURL = $v;
$urls .= '<a href="'.$v.'">'.$k.'</a><br />';
$tpl = new tpl ( 'weiterleitung.htm' );
$ar = array
'LINK' => $urls,
'URL' => $wdURL,
'ZEIT' => $wdZEIT,
'TEXT' => $wdTEXT
$tpl->set_ar_out ( $ar, 0 );
##### g e t R e c h t
function getrecht ($RECHT, $USERRECHT) {
if ( empty ( $USERRECHT ) ) {
return (false);
} else {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
##### g e t U s e r N a m e
function get_n($uid) {
$row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_user WHERE id = '".$uid."'"));
return $row->name;
function get_n($uid) {
$row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT name, recht FROM prefix_user WHERE id = '".$uid."'"));
case -9: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -8: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -7: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -6: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -5: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -4: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -3: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -2: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case -1: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
case 0: return '<font color="#72d13b">'.$row->name.'</font>';
default: return $row->name;
##### wochentage sonntag 0 samstag 6
function wtage ($tag) {
$wtage = array('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag');
return ($wtage[$tag]);
##### monate in deutsch
function getDmon ($mon) {
$monate = array('Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember');
##### a l l g e m e i n e s A r r a y
function getAllgAr () {
# v1 = schluessel
# v2 = wert
# v3 = feldtyp
# v4 = kurze beschreibung wenn n�tig
$ar = array();
$abf = "SELECT schl, wert FROM `prefix_config`";
$erg = db_query($abf);
while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) {
$ar[$row['schl']] = $row['wert'];
return $ar;
##### UserRang ermitteln
function userrang ($post,$uid) {
global $global_user_rang_array;
if (!isset($global_user_rang_array[$uid])) {
if (!isset($global_user_rang_array)) {
$global_user_rang_array = array();
if ( empty($uid) ) {
$rRang = 'Gast';
} else {
$rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM prefix_user LEFT JOIN prefix_ranks ON prefix_ranks.id = prefix_user.spezrank WHERE prefix_user.id = ".$uid),0);
if ( empty($rRang) ) {
$post = ( $post == 0 ? 1 : $post );
$rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM `prefix_ranks` WHERE spez = 0 AND min <= ".$post." ORDER BY min DESC LIMIT 1"),0);
} elseif ( $rRang != 'Gast' ) {
$rRang = '<i><b>'.$rRang.'</b></i>';
$global_user_rang_array[$uid] = $rRang;
return ($global_user_rang_array[$uid]);
##### makiert suchwoerter
function markword($text,$such) {
$erg = '<span style="background-color: #EBF09B;">';
$erg .= $such."</span>";
$text = str_replace($such,$erg,$text);
return $text;
##### gibt die smiley lilste zurueck
function getsmilies () {
global $lang;
$zeilen = 3; $i = 0;
$b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmilies () { var x = window.open("about:blank", "moreSmilies", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); ';
$a = '';
$erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`');
while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) {
$b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.put(\''.addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)).'\')\">");';
$b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'\" title=\"'.$row->emo.'\"></a>");';
if ($i<12) {
# float einbauen
if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) { $a .= '<br /><br />'; }
$a .= '<a href="javascript:put(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')">';
$a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0" title="'.$row->emo.'"></a>';
$b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">'.$lang['close'].'</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>';
if ($i>12) { $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmilies();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; }
$a = $b.$a;
return ($a);
##### generey key with x length
function genkey ( $anz ) {
$letterArray = array ('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0');
$key = '';
for ($i=0;$i < $anz ; $i ++)
$zufallZahl = mt_rand(0,62);
$key .= $letterArray[$zufallZahl];
return ( $key );
function icmail ($mail, $bet, $txt, $from = '', $html = false) {
global $allgAr;
$mailer = new PHPMailer();
if (empty($from)) {
$mailer->From = $allgAr['adminMail'];
$mailer->FromName = $allgAr['allg_default_subject'];
} elseif ( preg_match('%(.*) <([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)>%i', $from, $tmp) ) {
$mailer->From = trim($tmp[2]);
$mailer->FromName = trim($tmp[1]);
} elseif (preg_match('%([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)%i', $from, $tmp)) {
$mailer->From = trim($tmp[1]);
$mailer->FromName = '';
if ($allgAr['mail_smtp']) { //SMTP Versand
$smtpser = @db_result(db_query('SELECT `t1` FROM `prefix_allg` WHERE `k` = "smtpconf"'));
if (empty($smtpser)) {
echo '<span style="font-size: 2em; color: red;">Mailversand muss konfiguriert werden!</span><br />';
} else {
$smtp = unserialize($smtpser);
$mailer->Host = $smtp['smtp_host'];
$mailer->SMTPAuth = ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'no' ? false : true);
if ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'ssl' or $smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'tls') {
$mailer->SMTPSecure = $smtp['smtp_auth'];
if (!empty($smtp['smtp_port'])) {
$mailer->Port = $smtp['smtp_port'];
$mailer->AddReplyTo($mailer->From, $mailer->FromName);
if ($smtp['smtp_changesubject'] and $mailer->From != $smtp['smtp_email']) {
$bet = '(For ' .$mailer->FromName . ' - '. $mailer->From .') '. $bet;
$mailer->From = $smtp['smtp_email'];
$mailer->Username = $smtp['smtp_login'];
$cr64 = new AzDGCrypt(DBDATE.DBUSER.DBPREF);
$mailer->Password = $cr64->decrypt($smtp['smtp_pass']);
if ($smtp['smtp_pop3beforesmtp'] == 1) {
$pop = new POP3();
$pop3port = !empty($smpt['smtp_pop3port']) ? $smpt['smtp_pop3port'] : 110;
$pop->Authorise($smpt['smtp_pop3host'], $pop3port, 5, $mailer->Username, $mailer->Password, 1);
//$mailer->SMTPDebug = true;
if (is_array($mail)) {
if ($mail[0] != 'bcc') {
foreach ($mail as $m){
} else {
foreach ($mail as $m){
} else {
$mailer->Subject = escape_for_email($bet, true);
$txt = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt));
if ($html) {
$mailer->AltBody = strip_tags($txt);
$mailer->Body = $txt;
if ($mailer->Send()) {
return true;
} else {
if (is_coadmin()) {
echo "<h2 style=\"color:red;\">Mailer Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo . '</h2>';
return false;
function html_enc_substr($text, $start, $length) {
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
return(htmlentities(substr(strtr($text, $trans_tbl), $start, $length)));
function get_datum ($d) {
if (strpos($d,'.') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('.','-',$d); }
if (strpos($d,'/') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('/','-',$d); }
if (is_numeric(substr($d,-4))) {
list($t,$m,$j) = explode('-', $d);
} elseif (is_numeric(substr($d,0,4))) {
list($j,$m,$t) = explode('-', $d);
$d = $j.'-'.$m.'-'.$t;
return ($d);
function get_homepage ($h) {
$h = trim($h);
if (!empty($h) AND substr($h, 0, 7) != '
') {
$h = '
return ($h);
function get_wargameimg ($img) {
if (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
return ('');
function iurlencode_help ($a) {
if (preg_match("/(http:|https:|ftp:)/", $a[0])) {
return ($a[0]);
return (rawurlencode($a[1]).substr($a[0], -1));
function iurlencode ($s) {
return (preg_replace_callback("/([^\/]+|\/[^\.])[\.\/]/", 'iurlencode_help', $s));
$x = 'false';
if (preg_match ('/(http:|https:|ftp:)[^:]+:[^@]+@./', $s)) {
$x = preg_replace('/([^:]+:[^@]+@)./',"\\1",$s);
$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 7) == '
') {
$s = substr ($s, 7);
$x = '
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 8) == '
') {
$s = substr ($s, 8);
$x = '
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 6) == '
') {
$s = substr ($s, 6);
$x = '
$a = explode('/', $s);
$r = '';
for ($i=0;$i<count($a);$i++) {
$r .= rawurlencode($a[$i]).'/';
if ($x !== 'false') {
$r = $x.$r;
$r = substr($r, 0, -1);
return ($r);
# antispam
function chk_antispam ($m, $nopictures = false) {
global $allgAr;
if ($nopictures) {
return (bool) (isset($_POST['antispam_id']) and isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]));
if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
return true;
if (isset($_POST['antispam']) AND isset($_POST['antispam_id']) AND isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]) AND $_POST['antispam'] == $_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']][$m][3]) {
unset ($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]);
return (true);
return (false);
function get_antispam ($m, $t, $nopictures = false) {
global $allgAr, $antispamId;
$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
if (isset($antispamId)) {
$id = $antispamId;
} else {
$id = $antispamId = uniqid($m, true);
$rs = '<input type="hidden" name="antispam_id" value="'.$id.'" />';
if ($nopictures) {
$_SESSION['antispam'][$id] = true;
return $rs;
if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
return '';
if (!is_array($_SESSION['antispam'])) {
$_SESSION['antispam'] = array();
$_SESSION['antispam'][$m] = array();
$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
$_SESSION['antispam'][$id][$m] = array($i1, $i2, $i3, $i1.$i2.$i3);
$rs .= '<span style="display: inline; width: 100px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; border: 0px; padding: 2px; margin: 0px;">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=0&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=1&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=2&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<input name="antispam" size="3" maxlength="3" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" /></span>';
if ($t == 0) {
return ($rs);
} elseif ($t == 1) {
return ('<tr><td class="Cmite">Antispam</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$rs.'</td></tr>');
} elseif ($t > 10) {
return ('<label style="float:left; width: '.$t.'px; ">Antispam</label>'.$rs.'<br />');
} else {
return ('');
# antispam
// Funktion scandir für PHP 4
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0') == -1) {
function scandir($dir)
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) $files[] = $filename;
return $files;
// Funktion, die die Größe aller Dateien im Ordner zusammenrechnet
function dirsize($dir)
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
return -1;
$size = 0;
$files = array_slice(scandir($dir), 2);
foreach ($files as $filenr => $file) {
if (is_dir($dir . $file)) {
$size += dirsize($dir . $file . '/');
} else {
$size += @filesize($dir . $file);
return $size;
//Rechnet bytes in KB oder MB um
function nicebytes($bytes){
if ($bytes<1000000) {
return round($bytes/1024,2).' KB';
} else {
return round($bytes/(1024*1024),2).' MB';