man man man könntet ihr mal anfangen selbst was zu lesen bevor ihr immer wieder das gleiche postet?
ich hab die die lösung doch genannt, und mit copy/paste hättest du das ganze selbst hinkriegen können...
Copyright by: Manuel
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
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<title>VideoLightBox Gallery generated by</title>
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<meta name="keywords" content="Video LightBox, LightBox, Video Gallery, Lightbox Video Plugin, Lightbox Embed Video" />
<meta name="description" content="VideoLightBox Gallery created with Video LightBox, a free wizard program that helps you easily generate beautiful Lightbox-style web video galleries" />
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<style type="text/css">#videogallery a#videolb{display:none}</style>
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<div id="videogallery">
<a rel="#voverlay" href="" title="Uncharted 2 Match with 48 Medals (Part 1)"><img src="data/thumbnails/0.png" alt="Uncharted 2 Match with 48 Medals (Part 1)"/><span></span></a>
<a rel="#voverlay" href="" title="Uncharted 2 Match with 48 Medals (Part 2)"><img src="data/thumbnails/1.png" alt="Uncharted 2 Match with 48 Medals (Part 2)"/><span></span></a>
<a rel="#voverlay" href="" title="[GotR] Guardians of the Relic - Uncharted 2 Clan Trailer"><img src="data/thumbnails/2.png" alt="[GotR] Guardians of the Relic - Uncharted 2 Clan Trailer"/><span></span></a><a id="videolb" href="">Lightbox Video Gallery by v1.6</a>
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versuch das mal. habs nicht getestet...
und denk dran als php abzuspeichern...
und nächstes mal sufu, google, oder php-grundlagen lesen...