Vorweg erstmal, ich hab die SuFu benutzt und nach dem Problem das ich hab gesucht aber nichts passendes war bei. Hab alle mögliche eingegeben aber vielleicht war das richtige Schlagwort nicht mit bei.
Also gibt es die Möglichkeit, das die PicofX Box so umändern kann, das die Bilder so funktioniert wie diese Partnerbox, wo dis so nach oben läuft oder nach unten, jedenfalls so, das man nicht immer die seite neu laden muss.
Hab auch schon versucht das hier einzufügen leider ohne erfolg.
<marquee align="center" direction="up" scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="1" onmouseover="this.scrollAmount=0" onmouseout="this.scrollAmount=1" style="border: medium none ;" width="100" height="100">HIER DIE AWARDS</marquee>
Und hier mal meine PicofX Box, falls da einer ne idee hat oder mir helfen kann.
<?php /* �lchClan Pic of the X modul -------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright : � by Manuel (�lch) St�chele | E-Mail : Webmaster@ilch.de | Internet : www.ilch.de | Version : v.1 | Lastupdate : 20.12.2005 | Modul Copyright : � by David "scarfhogg" St�chele | ------------------------------------------------------------*/ defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $svResult = db_query('SELECT * FROM prefix_allg WHERE k = \'picofx\''); while($saRow = db_fetch_assoc($svResult)) { $picofxOpts[$saRow['v1']] = $saRow['v2']; } //var_dump($picofxOpts); $picofxNow = date('Y-m-d'); // pruefen ob das bild gewechselt werden muss. if($picofxOpts['nextchange'] == $picofxNow || $picofxOpts['nextchange'] < $picofxNow) { if($picofxOpts['directory'] == 0) { $picofxOpts['pic'] = @db_result(db_query("SELECT a.id FROM prefix_gallery_imgs a WHERE a.cat NOT IN (SELECT b.id FROM prefix_gallery_cats b WHERE b.cat < 0) ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"),0); } else { $picofxOpts['pic'] = @db_result(db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = ".$picofxOpts['directory']." ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"),0); } if (!empty($picofxOpts['pic'])) { $picofxOpts['pic'] .= '.'.@db_result(db_query("SELECT endung FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$picofxOpts['pic']),0); } $picofxNextChange = date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24 * $picofxOpts['interval']); // geaendertes pic in db speichern db_query('UPDATE prefix_allg SET v2 = \''. $picofxOpts['pic'] .'\' WHERE k = \'picofx\' AND v1 =\'pic\' LIMIT 1'); db_query('UPDATE prefix_allg SET v2 = \''. $picofxNextChange .'\' WHERE k = \'picofx\' AND v1 =\'nextchange\' LIMIT 1'); } $picofxThumb = 'img_thumb_'.$picofxOpts['pic']; if ($picofxOpts['pic'] != '' AND file_exists ('include/images/gallery/'.$picofxThumb)) { $picofxThumb = 'img_thumb_'.$picofxOpts['pic']; $picofxImg = getimagesize('include/images/gallery/'.$picofxThumb); if($picofxImg[0] < $picofxOpts['picwidth']) { $picofxImg[1] = @ceil(($picofxImg[1] / $picofxImg[0]) * $picofxOpts['picwidth']); $picofxImg[0] = $picofxOpts['picwidth']; } list ($id, $endung) = explode('.', $picofxOpts['pic']); if ($picofxOpts['directory'] == 0) { $cid = db_result(db_query("SELECT cat FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$id),0); } else { $cid = $picofxOpts['directory']; } $anz = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id < ".$id." AND cat = ".$cid),0); $weite = $allgAr['gallery_normal_width']+30; ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function picOfxOeffneFenster (bildr, cat) { var fenster = window.open ('index.php?gallery-show-'+cat+'-p'+bildr,'showBild','scrollbars=yes,height=600,width=<?php echo $weite; ?>,left=200,status=yes'); fenster.focus(); return (false); } //--> </script> <?php echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><tr><td align="center">'; echo '<a target="_blank" href="index.php?gallery-show-'.$cid.'-p'.$anz.'" onClick="return picOfxOeffneFenster('.$anz.','.$cid.');"><img src="include/images/gallery/'.$picofxThumb.'" width="'.$picofxImg[0].'" height="'.$picofxImg[1].'" alt=""></a>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; } else { echo $lang['nothingavailable']; } ?>
Danke im Vorraus schonmal.
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1 H
betroffene Homepage: nochimbau.de