Zitat geschrieben von
Mhh the bbcode function uses the php function
htmlentities which converts special character to html entities, this function uses iso-8859-1 as standard charset.
I dont know which bbcode you use so i cant go into detail, but you have to edit includes/func/bbcode.php or includes/class/bbcode.php and search for the htmlentities function call, and try to use utf-8 instead of iso.
Its btw not the only occurrence of htmlentities in ilch, you can search it in other files too, like the includes/class/design.php.
Zuletzt modifiziert von Mairu am 01.01.2011 - 14:34:26
Sry, for doublepost.
I cant find utf-8 or iso for bbcode.php.
I dont know what shuold do.
Look for code:
# Copyright by Manuel
# Support www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
function BBcode($s,$maxLength=40) {
#$s = unescape($s);
$coTime = str_replace(' ', '', microtime());
$s = bbcode_code_start ($s, $coTime, $result);
# bbcode einheitlicher machen zum bessern pruefen.
$s = bbcode_simple_prev ($s);
#$s = preg_replace ("/(\015\012|\015|\012)/", " \\1", $s);
# autoumbruch nach x zeichen
#$s = bbcode_autonewline($s, $coTime, $maxLength);
$s = htmlentities($s);
# speziell bilder
$s = bbcode_images ($s);
# speziell zitate ersetzten.
$s = bbcode_quote ($s);
# replace simple
$s = bbcode_simple ($s);
# smilies umwandeln
$s = bbcode_smiles ($s);
$s = preg_replace ("/\015\012|\015|\012/", "\n<br />", $s);
# code zurueck ersetzten
$s = bbcode_code_end ($s, $coTime, $result);
return ($s);
# diese funktion ist etwas komplizierter. und zwar wird hier versucht
# dem problem beizukommen das immer irgendwelche spassvoegel sehr lange
# texte schreiben die dann das design verzerren. dagegen hilft nur der
# automatische umbruch. ich habe mir dafuer ausgedacht es gibt
# bestimmte zeichen ab dennen die kontrolle total aus ist (url, img)
# und es gibt zeichen ab dennen die kontrolle wieder eingeschaltet wird
# ausserdem gibt es zeichen ab dennen wieder von vorn angefangen wird
# zu zahlen, wird der counter erreicht wird ein leerzeichen eingefueght.
function bbcode_autonewline ($s, $coTime,$maxLength) {
$neu_s = '';
$ar_start = array (
$ar_ende = array (
$ar_neu = array (
' ',
$ar_next = array (' ',"\n","\r",'[/url]','[b]','[/b]','[i]','[/i]','[u]','[/u]',$coTime,'[list]','[/list]','[*]');
$count = TRUE;
$countgr = null;
$counter = -1;
$a = strlen ($s);
for ($i=0;$i<$a;$i++) {
# counter raus / rein
if ($count == TRUE) {
foreach ($ar_start as $sk => $sv) {
if ($s{$i} == substr($sv, 0, 1) AND preg_match("/^".preg_quote($sv, '/')."/", substr($s, $i))) {
$count = FALSE;
$countgr = $sk;
$counter = 0;
#echo '<h1>ON</h1>';
} elseif ($count == FALSE AND $s{$i} == substr($ar_ende[$countgr], 0, 1) AND preg_match("/^".preg_quote($ar_ende[$countgr], '/')."/", substr($s, $i))) {
#echo '<h1>||'. $s{$i} .'||<br>||'.substr($s, $i, 10).'||<br>';
#echo 'OFF</h1>';
$count = TRUE;
$counter = -2;
$countgr = null;
if ($count == TRUE) {
# ar neu?
foreach ($ar_neu as $v) {
if ($count == TRUE AND $s{$i} == substr($v, 0, 1) AND preg_match ("/^".preg_quote($v)."/", substr($s, $i))) {
$counter = -3;
# springen
foreach ($ar_next as $v) {
if ($s{$i} == substr($v, 0, 1) AND preg_match("/^".preg_quote($v, '/')."/", substr($s, $i))) {
$i = $i + strlen ($v) - 1;
$springen = true;
$valSprin = $v;
if (isset($springen) AND $springen === true) {
$neu_s .= $valSprin;
$springen = false;
$valSprin = null;
if ($counter >= $maxLength) {
$neu_s .= ' ';
$counter = 0;
$neu_s .= $s{$i};
$s = str_replace('</a>', ' </a>', $s);
$lines = explode(' ',$s);
$ntxt = '';
foreach ($lines as $v) {
if ( strpos($v,$coTime) === FALSE AND strpos ($v, 'src="') === FALSE AND strpos ($v, 'href="') === FALSE AND strpos ($v, '</table>') === FALSE) {
$ntxt .= chunk_split($v, $maxLength, ' ').' ';
} else {
$ntxt .= $v.' ';
$s = $ntxt;
$s = str_replace(' </a>', '</a>', $s);
function bbcode_images ($s) {
global $allgAr;
preg_match_all('/\[img\](http|https):\/\/([^\ \?&=\#\"\n\r\t<>]+)\.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)\[\/img\]/Ui',$s,$imgRs);
$max_breite = 0;
if (isset($allgAr['allg_bbcode_max_img_width'])) {
$max_breite = $allgAr['allg_bbcode_max_img_width'];
$endung = array (1 => 'gif', 2 => 'jpg', 3 => 'png');
if ( isset ($imgRs[0][0]) ) {
for($i=0;$i<count($imgRs[0]);$i++) {
$imgstr = $imgRs[1][$i].'://'.$imgRs[2][$i].'.'.$imgRs[3][$i];
$size = @getimagesize($imgstr);
$breite = $neueBreite = $size[0];
$hoehe = $neueHoehe = $size[1];
$er = '';
if (isset($endung[$size[2]]) OR !is_array($size)) {
$er = '<img style="border: none;" src="'.$imgstr.'" />';
if ( $breite > $max_breite ) {
$neueHoehe = intval($hoehe*$max_breite/$breite);
$neueBreite = $max_breite;
$er = '<a href="'.$imgstr.'" target="_blank"><img height="'.$neueHoehe.'" width="'.$neueBreite.'" style="border: none;" src="'.$imgstr.'" /></a>';
$s = str_replace($imgRs[0][$i],$er,$s);
function bbcode_quote ($s) {
$tpl = new tpl ( 'zitatreplace.htm' );
$header1_quote = $tpl->get(0);
$header2_quote = $tpl->get(1);
$footer1_quote = $tpl->get(2);
while(strpos($s,"[/quote]")!==FALSE AND $i < 5 ) {
$s = preg_replace("#\[quote\=([^\]]*)\](.*)\[\/quote\]#Uis",$header1_quote."geschrieben von \\1".$header2_quote."\\2".$footer1_quote, $s);
$s = preg_replace("/\[quote\](.*)\[\/quote\]/Usi", $header1_quote.$header2_quote."\\1".$footer1_quote, $s );
return ($s);
function bbcode_simple_prev ($s) {
$search = array (
$replace = array (
$s = preg_replace($search, $replace, $s);
return ($s);
function bbcode_simple ($s) {
$page = preg_quote(dirname(str_replace('www.','',$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]).$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]), '/');
$search = array (
$replace = array (
"<a href=\"http://\\1\\2\\3\">\\4</a>",
"<a href=\"http://\\1\\2\" target=\"_blank\">\\3</a>",
"bbcode_simple_list ('\\1', '\\2')",
$s = preg_replace($search, $replace, $s);
return ($s);
function bbcode_simple_list ($w, $s) {
# $s = preg_replace("\015\012
$s = preg_replace("/\[\*\]([^\[]+)/ies", "'<li>'.trim('\\1').'</li>'", trim($s));
if ($w == '=1') {
return ('<ol>'.trim($s).'</ol>');
return ('<ul>'.trim($s).'</ul>');
function bbcode_smiles ($s) {
global $global_smiles_array;
if (!isset($global_smiles_array)) {
$global_smiles_array = array();
$erg = db_query("SELECT ent, url, emo FROM `prefix_smilies`");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) {
$global_smiles_array[$row->ent] = $row->emo.'#@#-_-_-#@#'.$row->url;
foreach ($global_smiles_array as $k => $v) {
list($emo, $url) = explode('#@#-_-_-#@#', $v);
$s = str_replace($k,'<img src="include/images/smiles/'.$url.'" border="0" alt="'.$emo.'" title="'.$emo.'" />',$s);
return ($s);
function bbcode_code_start ($s, $coTime, $result) {
for ($i=0;$i<count($result[1]);$i++) {
if ($result[0][$i]) {
$s = str_replace ($result[0][$i],'#'.$coTime.'#'.$i.'#'.$coTime.'#',$s);
return ($s);
function bbcode_code_end ($s, $coTime, $result) {
$tpl = new tpl ( 'codereplace.htm' );
for ($i=0;$i<count($result[1]);$i++) {
if ($result[1][$i]) {
#$result[1][$i] = str_replace ('<', '<', str_replace('>', '>', $result[1][$i]));
#$codereplace = highlight_string(trim($result[1][$i]), 1);
$codereplace = ob_get_contents();
$newstring = $tpl->set_get ( 'CODEREPLACE', $codereplace, 0);
$s = str_replace('#'.$coTime.'#'.$i.'#'.$coTime.'#',$newstring,$s);
return ($s);
Zuletzt modifiziert von Mairu am 02.01.2011 - 00:15:57