0.02674: user - auth gestartetdaa77hs7falbt12qbf74j4b3v7 0.04481: anzahl sql querys: 15 0.04482: Laufzeit: 0.044818878173828 0.04483: Array ( [0] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00033998489379883 [time] => 0.027189016342163 [query] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ic1_online WHERE sid = 'daa77hs7falbt12qbf74j4b3v7' [result index] => 38 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/user.php Line: 73 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/user.php Line: 14 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/user.php Line: 5 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 34 ) [1] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00016403198242188 [time] => 0.027447938919067 [query] => UPDATE `ic1_online` SET uptime = now(), `page` = 'Startseite' WHERE sid = 'daa77hs7falbt12qbf74j4b3v7' [result index] => 1 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/user.php Line: 54 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/user.php Line: 7 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 34 ) [2] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00025391578674316 [time] => 0.028285980224609 [query] => SELECT `ilchbb_lastquery`,`ilchbb_newtopics` FROM `ic1_user` WHERE `id` = 1 [result index] => 40 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 34 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 20 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 44 ) [3] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00057506561279297 [time] => 0.028923034667969 [query] => SELECT `a`.`id` AS `tid`, `b`.`id` AS `fid` FROM `ic1_topics` AS `a` LEFT JOIN `ic1_forums` AS `b` ON `b`.`id` = `a`.`fid` LEFT JOIN `ic1_posts` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `a`.`last_post_id` LEFT JOIN `ic1_groupusers` AS `vg` ON `vg`.`uid` = 1 AND `vg`.`gid` = `b`.`view` LEFT JOIN `ic1_groupusers` AS `rg` ON `rg`.`uid` = 1 AND `rg`.`gid` = `b`.`reply` LEFT JOIN `ic1_groupusers` AS `sg` ON `sg`.`uid` = 1 AND `sg`.`gid` = `b`.`start` WHERE ((-9 <= `b`.`view` AND `b`.`view` < 1) OR (-9 <= `b`.`reply` AND `b`.`reply` < 1) OR (-9 <= `b`.`start` AND `b`.`start` < 1) OR `vg`.`fid` IS NOT NULL OR `rg`.`fid` IS NOT NULL OR `sg`.`fid` IS NOT NULL OR -9 >= -9) AND `c`.`time` >= 1300536100 AND `c`.`erstid` != 1 [result index] => 41 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 60 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 20 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 44 ) [4] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00014615058898926 [time] => 0.029124021530151 [query] => UPDATE `ic1_user` SET `ilchbb_lastquery` = 1300536324, `ilchbb_newtopics` = "a:3:{i:20;a:4:{i:151;s:10:\"1294417259\";i:207;s:10:\"1294826521\";i:31;s:10:\"1295596337\";i:84;s:10:\"1295596337\";}i:6;a:4:{i:186;s:10:\"1294483149\";i:72;s:10:\"1294728202\";i:29;s:10:\"1294776138\";i:10;s:10:\"1294868119\";}i:21;a:2:{i:70;s:10:\"1294483149\";i:202;s:10:\"1295596337\";}}" WHERE `id` = 1 [result index] => 1 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 78 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/ilchbb_forum/class/ilchbb.php Line: 20 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 44 ) [5] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00022697448730469 [time] => 0.029473066329956 [query] => SELECT recht FROM ic1_menu WHERE (path = 'self-Startseite' OR path = 'Startseite') ORDER BY LENGTH(path) DESC [result index] => 42 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/menu.php Line: 105 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [6] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00032782554626465 [time] => 0.031643867492676 [query] => SELECT u.*, b.* FROM ic1_user u LEFT JOIN ic1_benutzercenter b ON u.id = b.notizuid WHERE u.id = 1 [result index] => 51 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/panel_login.php Line: 13 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [7] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00027608871459961 [time] => 0.031965970993042 [query] => SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `ic1_pm` WHERE gelesen = 0 AND status < 1 AND eid = 1 [result index] => 52 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/panel_login.php Line: 29 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [8] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00024104118347168 [time] => 0.033688068389893 [query] => SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `ic1_pm` WHERE gelesen = 0 AND status < 1 AND eid = 1 [result index] => 59 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/login.php Line: 15 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [9] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00047898292541504 [time] => 0.035259008407593 [query] => SELECT ug.id FROM ic1_usergallery ug INNER JOIN ic1_user b ON ug.uid = b.id AND b.geschlecht = 2 WHERE ug.free = 1 AND ug.votefree = 1 AND ug.uid != 1 AND ug.id NOT IN (SELECT uv.voteimg FROM ic1_usergallery_votes uv WHERE uv.voter = 1) ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 [result index] => 64 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/func/picvote.php Line: 52 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/picvote.php Line: 29 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [10] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00030779838562012 [time] => 0.036352872848511 [query] => SELECT a.id, a.name, a.rep, a.fid, c.erst as last, c.id as pid, c.time FROM ic1_topics a LEFT JOIN ic1_forums b ON b.id = a.fid LEFT JOIN ic1_posts c ON c.id = a.last_post_id LEFT JOIN ic1_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = 1 AND vg.gid = b.view LEFT JOIN ic1_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = 1 AND rg.gid = b.reply LEFT JOIN ic1_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = 1 AND sg.gid = b.start WHERE ((-9 <= b.view AND b.view < 1) OR (-9 <= b.reply AND b.reply < 1) OR (-9 <= b.start AND b.start < 1) OR vg.fid IS NOT NULL OR rg.fid IS NOT NULL OR sg.fid IS NOT NULL OR -9 >= -9) ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT 10 [result index] => 69 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/lastforum.php Line: 25 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [11] => Array ( [duration] => 0.0002448558807373 [time] => 0.037165880203247 [query] => SELECT `id`,`name`,`link`,`banner`,`pos`,`status` FROM `ic1_specials` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `pos` ASC LIMIT 0,5 [result index] => 72 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/boxes/specials.php Line: 14 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 359 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 201 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 77 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 68 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [12] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00025105476379395 [time] => 0.038439989089966 [query] => INSERT INTO `ic1_sitecalls` (`date`, `calls`) VALUES (NOW(), 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `calls` = `calls` + 1 [result index] => 1 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/includes/class/design.php Line: 106 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 69 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [13] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00040698051452637 [time] => 0.039156913757324 [query] => SELECT ic1_usergallery.id,uid,ic1_usergallery.`besch`,endung,ic1_usergallery.name,ic1_user.name as user_name FROM ic1_usergallery LEFT JOIN ic1_user ON ic1_usergallery.uid = ic1_user.id WHERE free = '1' ORDER BY ic1_usergallery.id DESC LIMIT 0,30 [result index] => 75 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/selfbp/selfp/Startseite.php Line: 10 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 71 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) [14] => Array ( [duration] => 0.00023078918457031 [time] => 0.039476871490479 [query] => SELECT * FROM ic1_news WHERE news_recht >= -9 ORDER BY news_time DESC LIMIT 0, 2 [result index] => 76 [call] => File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/selfbp/selfp/Startseite.php Line: 90 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/include/contents/self.php Line: 71 File: /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php Line: 48 ) ) 0.0449: Array ( [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /home/www/web116/html/clan [GATEWAY_INTERFACE] => CGI/1.1 [HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 [HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET] => ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] => gzip,deflate [HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 [HTTP_CONNECTION] => keep-alive [HTTP_COOKIE] => __utma=190581948.1417272962.1295905792.1300525081.1300536025.239; __utmz=190581948.1299877816.195.9.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=clan2009clan.de; 8604cd584193ac240828fcd557f43676=1%3Df0aec2f1989c2818bf425aefba26e47b; sid=daa77hs7falbt12qbf74j4b3v7; __utmc=190581948; __utmb=190581948.2.10.1300536025 [HTTP_HOST] => www.clan2009clan.de [HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE] => 115 [HTTP_USER_AGENT] => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15 tb-webde/1.5.1 [PATH] => /bin [PHPRC] => /etc/httpd/conf/confixx_phpini/web116/11 [QUERY_STRING] => [REDIRECT_STATUS] => 200 [REMOTE_ADDR] => [REMOTE_PORT] => 59182 [REQUEST_METHOD] => GET [REQUEST_URI] => / [SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /home/www/web116/html/clan/index.php [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php [SERVER_ADDR] => [SERVER_ADMIN] => root@localhost [SERVER_NAME] => www.clan2009clan.de [SERVER_PORT] => 80 [SERVER_PROTOCOL] => HTTP/1.1 [SERVER_SIGNATURE] => Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at www.clan2009clan.de Port 80 [SERVER_SOFTWARE] => Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) [PHP_SELF] => /index.php [REQUEST_TIME] => 1300536323 [argv] => Array ( ) [argc] => 0 )
Zuletzt modifiziert von Chapter am 19.03.2011 - 13:16:20