hallo kann mir jemand helfen ich möchte das die leute erst ab trialmeber und wen möglich gäste aber keine user in der online box auftauchen geht das und wen ja wie danke im voraus
Zuletzt modifiziert von egnaron am 25.03.2011 - 19:16:21
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<?php if (!defined('main')) {die("no direct access");} $dif = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 60); $abf = "SELECT uid FROM `prefix_online` WHERE uptime > '". $dif."'"; $resultID = db_query($abf); $brk=''; $uid = array(); $guests = 0; $guestn = $lang['guests']; $content=''; while ($row = db_fetch_object($resultID)) { if ($row->uid != 0 AND $brk!=$row->uid) { $name=@db_result(db_query('SELECT name FROM prefix_user WHERE id='.$row->uid),0); $content.= '<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons /online.gif" border="0" alt="online"></td>'; $content.='<td><a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row->uid.'">'.$name.'</a></td></tr>'."\n"; $uid[] = $row->uid; } if ($row->uid == 0) { $guests++; } $brk=$row->uid; } if ($guests == 1) { $guestn = $lang['guest']; } if (empty($content)) { $content.='<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><font color="#003366">0 User </font></td></tr>'."\n"; } $content.='<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px;"></td></tr>'."\n"; $where = (count($uid)>0) ? 'WHERE id NOT IN ('.implode(', ', $uid).')' : ''; $abf2 = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user '.$where.' ORDER BY llogin DESC LIMIT 0,5'; $erg2 = db_query($abf2); while ($row2 = db_fetch_object($erg2)) { $datum = date('H:i d.m.y',$row2->llogin); $user = $row2->name; $content.='<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row2->id.'" title="'.$lang['lasttimeonline'].$datum.'">'.$user.'</a></td></tr>'."\n"; } if ($guests == 0) { $content.= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px";></td></tr>'."\n".' <tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><font size="-1" color="#003366">0 '.$lang['guests'].'</td></tr>'."\n"; } else { $content.= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px;"></td></tr>'."\n".' <tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/online.gif" border="0" alt="online"></td><td><font size=-1>'.$guests.' '.$guestn.'</font></td></tr>'."\n"; } ?> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <?php echo $content; ?> </table>das ist die standard box von ilch
<?php if (!defined('main')) {die("no direct access");} $dif = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 60); $abf = "SELECT uid FROM `prefix_online` WHERE uptime > '". $dif."'"; $resultID = db_query($abf); $brk=''; $uid = array(); $guests = 0; $guestn = $lang['guests']; $content=''; while ($row = db_fetch_object($resultID)) { if ($row->uid != 0 AND $brk!=$row->uid) { list($name, $recht) = @db_fetch_row(db_query('SELECT name, recht FROM prefix_user WHERE id='.$row->uid),0); if ($recht > -3) continue; $content.= '<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons /online.gif" border="0" alt="online"></td>'; $content.='<td><a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row->uid.'">'.$name.'</a></td></tr>'."\n"; $uid[] = $row->uid; } if ($row->uid == 0) { $guests++; } $brk=$row->uid; } if ($guests == 1) { $guestn = $lang['guest']; } if (empty($content)) { $content.='<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><font color="#003366">0 User </font></td></tr>'."\n"; } $content.='<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px;"></td></tr>'."\n"; $where = (count($uid)>0) ? 'WHERE id NOT IN ('.implode(', ', $uid).') AND ' : 'WHERE '; $abf2 = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user '.$where.' recht <= -3 ORDER BY llogin DESC LIMIT 0,5'; $erg2 = db_query($abf2); while ($row2 = db_fetch_object($erg2)) { $datum = date('H:i d.m.y',$row2->llogin); $user = $row2->name; $content.='<tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row2->id.'" title="'.$lang['lasttimeonline'].$datum.'">'.$user.'</a></td></tr>'."\n"; } if ($guests == 0) { $content.= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px";></td></tr>'."\n".' <tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/offline.gif" border="0" alt="offline"></td><td><font size="-1" color="#003366">0 '.$lang['guests'].'</td></tr>'."\n"; } else { $content.= '<tr><td colspan="2"><hr style="height: 0px; border: dashed #9AB1C8 0px; border-top-width: 1px;"></td></tr>'."\n".' <tr><td><img src="include/images/icons/online.gif" border="0" alt="online"></td><td><font size=-1>'.$guests.' '.$guestn.'</font></td></tr>'."\n"; } ?> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <?php echo $content; ?> </table>
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