ich bzw. ein Freund von mir hat ein Problem, denn das "Join Us" geht bei ihm nicht. Ich hab das Forum nach das Problem durchsucht aber ich hab nichts gefunden, vielleicht falsche Tags benutzt, keine Ahnung. Wenn man das "Join Us" ausfüllt kommt keine Nachricht bei dem Leader bzw. Admin an. Hier mal das Problem was er gepostet hat:
MySQL Error: 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's settings.',-1)' at line 1 in Query: INSERT INTO `ic1_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (2,2,'1301178300','Joinus Anfrage','Hello, M6 wants to join PN# Team. s/he provided the following data: Skill: very bad eMail: ef City: ef Age: ewfef ICQ: ef Fav.Map: ef Reason: efw Accepted the rules: Yes Has been directly registered as a user: No If no, s/he has already been a user when the request was made. In the Admins Area » Team you can either activate the user or delete the request. If s/he has been registered as a user, s/he might have to confirm the registration first (depending on the site's settings.',-1)Debug backtrace: @ mysql.php:32 -- debug_bt() @ mysql.php:50 -- db_check_error(...) @ user.php:331 -- db_query(...) @ joinus.php:127 -- sendpm(...) @ index.php:35 -- require_once(...) MySQL Error: 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's settings.',-1)' at line 1 in Query: INSERT INTO `ic1_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (2,44,'1301178300','Joinus Anfrage','Hello, M6 wants to join PN# Team. s/he provided the following data: Skill: very bad eMail: ef City: ef Age: ewfef ICQ: ef Fav.Map: ef Reason: efw Accepted the rules: Yes Has been directly registered as a user: No If no, s/he has already been a user when the request was made. In the Admins Area » Team you can either activate the user or delete the request. If s/he has been registered as a user, s/he might have to confirm the registration first (depending on the site's settings.',-1)Debug backtrace: @ mysql.php:32 -- debug_bt() @ mysql.php:50 -- db_check_error(...) @ user.php:331 -- db_query(...) @ joinus.php:130 -- sendpm(...) @ index.php:35 -- require_once(...) MySQL Error: 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's settings.',-1)' at line 1 in Query: INSERT INTO `ic1_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (2,0,'1301178300','Joinus Anfrage','Hello, M6 wants to join PN# Team. s/he provided the following data: Skill: very bad eMail: ef City: ef Age: ewfef ICQ: ef Fav.Map: ef Reason: efw Accepted the rules: Yes Has been directly registered as a user: No If no, s/he has already been a user when the request was made. In the Admins Area » Team you can either activate the user or delete the request. If s/he has been registered as a user, s/he might have to confirm the registration first (depending on the site's settings.',-1)Debug bProxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 ktrace: @ mysql.php:32 -- debug_bt() @ mysql.php:50 -- db_check_error(...) @ user.php:331 -- db_query(...) @ joinus.php:133 -- sendpm(...) @ index.php:35 -- require_once(...) Leader of PN# Team has been alerted
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen. Danke !
betroffene Homepage: clanpn.tk