Wow sehr viele Infos !!!
Also ich bin schon soweit das mit dem myphpadmin konnte ich sehen das alle kollationen in der SQL Datenbank auf utf8_unicode_ci stehen wenn ich jetzt "in meiner HP" auf iso.... umstelle beist sich das nicht ???
Jetzt hab ich die woche über die Member Map den Mediaplayer und die Facebook like Button eingefügt !! und gerade gestern "erst" sprach mich ein member an er hätte die "aussetzer" !!!
ich hatte als letztes die Facebook Likes in den News eingefügt !! musste aber ähm in der allg.php den get liek button selbst einfügen da das install.php in dem Modul nicht funktionierte (bei mir) !!
Ich füge mal den Code der allg.php ein !!
Get Like button ganz unten !!
# Copyright by Manuel
# Support
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
##### W E I T E R L E I T U N G S F U N K T I O N
function wd ($wdLINK,$wdTEXT,$wdZEIT=3) {
global $lang;
if (!is_array($wdLINK)) {
$urls = '<a href="'.$wdLINK.'">'.$lang['forward2'].'</a>';
$wdURL = $wdLINK;
} else {
$urls = '';
$i = 0;
foreach($wdLINK as $k => $v) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$wdURL = $v;
$urls .= '<a href="'.$v.'">'.$k.'</a><br />';
$tpl = new tpl ( 'weiterleitung.htm' );
$ar = array
'LINK' => $urls,
'URL' => $wdURL,
'ZEIT' => $wdZEIT,
'TEXT' => $wdTEXT
$tpl->set_ar_out ( $ar, 0 );
##### g e t R e c h t
function getrecht ($RECHT, $USERRECHT) {
if ( empty ( $USERRECHT ) ) {
return (false);
} else {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);
##### g e t U s e r N a m e
function get_n($uid) {
$row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_user WHERE id = '".$uid."'"));
return $row->name;
##### wochentage sonntag 0 samstag 6
function wtage ($tag) {
$wtage = array('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag');
return ($wtage[$tag]);
##### monate in deutsch
function getDmon ($mon) {
$monate = array('Januar','Februar','März','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember');
##### a l l g e m e i n e s A r r a y
function getAllgAr () {
# v1 = schluessel
# v2 = wert
# v3 = feldtyp
# v4 = kurze beschreibung wenn n tig
$ar = array();
$abf = "SELECT schl, wert FROM `prefix_config`";
$erg = db_query($abf);
while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) {
$ar[$row['schl']] = $row['wert'];
return $ar;
##### UserRang ermitteln
function userrang ($post,$uid) {
global $global_user_rang_array;
if (!isset($global_user_rang_array[$uid])) {
if (!isset($global_user_rang_array)) {
$global_user_rang_array = array();
if ( empty($uid) ) {
$rRang = 'Gast';
} else {
$rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM prefix_user LEFT JOIN prefix_ranks ON = prefix_user.spezrank WHERE = ".$uid),0);
if ( empty($rRang) ) {
$post = ( $post == 0 ? 1 : $post );
$rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM `prefix_ranks` WHERE spez = 0 AND min <= ".$post." ORDER BY min DESC LIMIT 1"),0);
} elseif ( $rRang != 'Gast' ) {
$rRang = '<i><b>'.$rRang.'</b></i>';
$global_user_rang_array[$uid] = $rRang;
return ($global_user_rang_array[$uid]);
##### makiert suchwoerter
function markword($text,$such) {
$erg = '<span style="background-color: #EBF09B;">';
$erg .= $such."</span>";
$text = str_replace($such,$erg,$text);
return $text;
##### gibt die smiley lilste zurueck
function getsmilies () {
global $lang;
$zeilen = 3; $i = 0;
$b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmilies () { var x ="about:blank", "moreSmilies", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); ';
$a = '';
$erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`');
while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) {
$b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.put(\''.addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)).'\')\">");';
$b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'\" title=\"'.$row->emo.'\"></a>");';
if ($i<12) {
# float einbauen
if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) { $a .= '<br /><br />'; }
$a .= '<a href="javascript:put(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')">';
$a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0" title="'.$row->emo.'"></a>';
$b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">'.$lang['close'].'</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>';
if ($i>12) { $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmilies();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; }
$a = $b.$a;
return ($a);
##### generey key with x length
function genkey ( $anz ) {
$letterArray = array ('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0');
$key = '';
for ($i=0;$i < $anz ; $i ++)
$zufallZahl = mt_rand(0,62);
$key .= $letterArray[$zufallZahl];
return ( $key );
function icmail ($mail, $bet, $txt, $from = '', $html = false) {
global $allgAr;
$mailer = new PHPMailer();
if (empty($from)) {
$mailer->From = $allgAr['adminMail'];
$mailer->FromName = $allgAr['allg_default_subject'];
} elseif ( preg_match('%(.*) <([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)>%i', $from, $tmp) ) {
$mailer->From = trim($tmp[2]);
$mailer->FromName = trim($tmp[1]);
} elseif (preg_match('%([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)%i', $from, $tmp)) {
$mailer->From = trim($tmp[1]);
$mailer->FromName = '';
if ($allgAr['mail_smtp']) { //SMTP Versand
$smtpser = @db_result(db_query('SELECT `t1` FROM `prefix_allg` WHERE `k` = "smtpconf"'));
if (empty($smtpser)) {
echo '<span style="font-size: 2em; color: red;">Mailversand muss konfiguriert werden!</span><br />';
} else {
$smtp = unserialize($smtpser);
$mailer->Host = $smtp['smtp_host'];
$mailer->SMTPAuth = ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'no' ? false : true);
if ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'ssl' or $smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'tls') {
$mailer->SMTPSecure = $smtp['smtp_auth'];
if (!empty($smtp['smtp_port'])) {
$mailer->Port = $smtp['smtp_port'];
$mailer->AddReplyTo($mailer->From, $mailer->FromName);
if ($smtp['smtp_changesubject'] and $mailer->From != $smtp['smtp_email']) {
$bet = '(For ' .$mailer->FromName . ' - '. $mailer->From .') '. $bet;
$mailer->From = $smtp['smtp_email'];
$mailer->Username = $smtp['smtp_login'];
$cr64 = new AzDGCrypt(DBDATE.DBUSER.DBPREF);
$mailer->Password = $cr64->decrypt($smtp['smtp_pass']);
if ($smtp['smtp_pop3beforesmtp'] == 1) {
$pop = new POP3();
$pop3port = !empty($smpt['smtp_pop3port']) ? $smpt['smtp_pop3port'] : 110;
$pop->Authorise($smpt['smtp_pop3host'], $pop3port, 5, $mailer->Username, $mailer->Password, 1);
//$mailer->SMTPDebug = true;
if (is_array($mail)) {
if ($mail[0] != 'bcc') {
foreach ($mail as $m){
} else {
foreach ($mail as $m){
} else {
$mailer->Subject = escape_for_email($bet, true);
$txt = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt));
if ($html) {
$mailer->AltBody = strip_tags($txt);
$mailer->Body = $txt;
if ($mailer->Send()) {
return true;
} else {
if (is_coadmin()) {
echo "<h2 style=\"color:red;\">Mailer Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo . '</h2>';
return false;
function html_enc_substr($text, $start, $length) {
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
$trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
return(htmlentities(substr(strtr($text, $trans_tbl), $start, $length)));
function get_datum ($d) {
if (strpos($d,'.') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('.','-',$d); }
if (strpos($d,'/') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('/','-',$d); }
if (is_numeric(substr($d,-4))) {
list($t,$m,$j) = explode('-', $d);
} elseif (is_numeric(substr($d,0,4))) {
list($j,$m,$t) = explode('-', $d);
$d = $j.'-'.$m.'-'.$t;
return ($d);
function get_homepage ($h) {
$h = trim($h);
if (!empty($h) AND substr($h, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
$h = 'http://'.$h;
return ($h);
function get_wargameimg ($img) {
if (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
} elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png')) {
return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
return ('');
function iurlencode_help ($a) {
if (preg_match("/(http:|https:|ftp:)/", $a[0])) {
return ($a[0]);
return (rawurlencode($a[1]).substr($a[0], -1));
function iurlencode ($s) {
return (preg_replace_callback("/([^\/]+|\/[^\.])[\.\/]/", 'iurlencode_help', $s));
$x = 'false';
if (preg_match ('/(http:|https:|ftp:)[^:]+:[^@]+@./', $s)) {
$x = preg_replace('/([^:]+:[^@]+@)./',"\\1",$s);
$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
$s = substr ($s, 7);
$x = 'http://';
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
$s = substr ($s, 8);
$x = 'https://';
} elseif (substr($s, 0, 6) == 'ftp://') {
$s = substr ($s, 6);
$x = 'ftp://';
$a = explode('/', $s);
$r = '';
for ($i=0;$i<count($a);$i++) {
$r .= rawurlencode($a[$i]).'/';
if ($x !== 'false') {
$r = $x.$r;
$r = substr($r, 0, -1);
return ($r);
# antispam
function chk_antispam ($m, $nopictures = false) {
global $allgAr;
if ($nopictures) {
return (bool) (isset($_POST['antispam_id']) and isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]));
if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
return true;
if (isset($_POST['antispam']) AND isset($_POST['antispam_id']) AND isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]) AND $_POST['antispam'] == $_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']][$m][3]) {
unset ($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]);
return (true);
return (false);
function get_antispam ($m, $t, $nopictures = false) {
global $allgAr, $antispamId;
$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
if (isset($antispamId)) {
$id = $antispamId;
} else {
$id = $antispamId = uniqid($m, true);
$rs = '<input type="hidden" name="antispam_id" value="'.$id.'" />';
if ($nopictures) {
$_SESSION['antispam'][$id] = true;
return $rs;
if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) and has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
return '';
if (!isset($_SESSION['antispam']) or (isset($_SESSION['antispam']) and !is_array($_SESSION['antispam']))) {
$_SESSION['antispam'] = array();
$_SESSION['antispam'][$m] = array();
$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
$_SESSION['antispam'][$id][$m] = array($i1, $i2, $i3, $i1.$i2.$i3);
$rs .= '<span style="display: inline; width: 100px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; border: 0px; padding: 2px; margin: 0px;">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=0&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=1&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&w=2&'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
'<input name="antispam" size="3" maxlength="3" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" /></span>';
if ($t == 0) {
return ($rs);
} elseif ($t == 1) {
return ('<tr><td class="Cmite">Antispam</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$rs.'</td></tr>');
} elseif ($t > 10) {
return ('<label style="float:left; width: '.$t.'px; ">Antispam</label>'.$rs.'<br />');
} else {
return ('');
# antispam
// Funktion scandir für PHP 4
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0') == -1) {
function scandir($dir)
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) $files[] = $filename;
return $files;
// Funktion array_fill_keys < PHP 5.2
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0') == -1) {
function array_fill_keys($target, $value = '') {
if(is_array($target)) {
foreach($target as $key => $val) {
$filledArray[$val] = is_array($value) ? $value[$key] : $value;
return $filledArray;
// Funktion, die die Größe aller Dateien im Ordner zusammenrechnet
function dirsize($dir)
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
return -1;
$size = 0;
$files = array_slice(scandir($dir), 2);
foreach ($files as $filenr => $file) {
if (is_dir($dir . $file)) {
$size += dirsize($dir . $file . '/');
} else {
$size += @filesize($dir . $file);
return $size;
//Rechnet bytes in KB oder MB um
function nicebytes($bytes){
if ($bytes<1000000) {
return round($bytes/1024,2).' KB';
} else {
return round($bytes/(1024*1024),2).' MB';
function get_like_button($url) {
global $allgAr;
if ($allgAr['fb_active'] == 0) {
} else {
$fb_send = 'true';
$fb_width = $allgAr['fb_width'];
$fb_faces = 'true';
if ($allgAr['fb_send'] == 0) {
$fb_send = 'false';
if ($allgAr['fb_faces'] == 0) {
$fb_faces = 'false';
$like_button = '<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/index.php?'.$url.'" data-send="'.$fb_send.'" data-width="'.$fb_width.'" data-show-faces="'.$fb_faces.'"></div>';
ich kenn mich leider nicht so aus !! ich suche immer nach utf oder iso also nach den begriffen und in der like button funktion sehe ich nichts kenn mich leider mit diesen Codierungen nicht aus !!
So hab wie du angesprochen hattest in der design.php in der index.htm und in der index_forum.htm nachgeschaut überall steht charset=iso-8859-1" !!
Ich schnall das micht !?
Zuletzt modifiziert von Citycruiser am 11.02.2012 - 15:31:39