ich hab ein kleines problem was mich gerade bissel zweifeln lässt. In unserer Teamansicht haben wir Banner verwendet, allerdings bekomm ich die ums verrecken net mittig ausgerichtet siehe bild.
kann mir jemand verraten wo ich in der teams.php die bilder centern kann oder mußt ich die doch in der teams.htm ausrichten?
Ich danke schonmal
Gruß Andi
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); function show_members ($gid,$tpl) { global $allgAr; # icq team bild, hier die zahl aendern. $teams_show_icq_pic = 7; $q = "SELECT b.uid, a.icq, a.avatar, a.status, a.name, c.name as posi, staat FROM prefix_groupusers b LEFT JOIN prefix_user a ON a.id = b.uid LEFT JOIN prefix_groupfuncs c ON b.fid = c.id WHERE b.gid = ".$gid." ORDER BY c.pos ASC, a.name ASC"; $erg = db_query($q); if (db_num_rows($erg) < 1) { return false; } $tpl->out(1); $class = 'Cnorm'; while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); $row['class'] = $class; if ( $row['staat'] != '' ) { $row['staat'] = '<img src="include/images/flags/'.$row['staat'].'" alt="" border="0">'; } else { $row['staat'] = 'n/a'; } $row['status'] = ($row['status']? 'aktiv' : 'inaktiv' ); if(!empty($row['icq'])){ $row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$row['icq'].'&action=add"><img src="http://wwp.icq.com/scripts/online.dll?icq='.$row['icq'].'&img='.$teams_show_icq_pic.'" valign="bottom" border="0"></a>'; } else { $row['icq'] = 'n/a'; } if($allgAr['teams_show_list']==1){ if(empty($row['avatar'])){ $row['avatar'] = 'n/a'; } else { $row['avatar'] = '<img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" alt="Avatar von '.$row['name'].'" border="0" >'; } $tpl->set_ar_out($row,2); } else { $tpl->set_ar_out($row,3); } } $tpl->out(4); } if ($menu->get(1) == 'show') { $groups = array(); #collect given teams $i = 2; while($gid = escape($menu->get($i), 'integer')){ $groups[] = $gid; $i++; } #$gid = escape($menu->get(2), 'integer'); if(count($groups) == 1){ #only 1 group to show $gid=$groups[0]; $name = @db_result (db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_groups WHERE id =".$gid)); $bild = @db_result (db_query("SELECT img FROM prefix_groups WHERE id =".$gid)); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Teams :: '.$name; $hmenu = '<a class="smalfont" href="?teams">Teams</a> » '.$name; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ('teams'); if (!empty($bild) ) { $show = '<img src="'.$bild.'" title="'.$name.'" alt="'.$name.'" border="0"></a>'; } else { $show = '<b>'.$name.'</b>'; } $tpl->set_out('show', $show,0); show_members ($gid,$tpl); }else{ #more groups to show $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Teams :: '; $hmenu = '<a class="smalfont" href="?teams">Teams</a>'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ('teams'); foreach($groups as $gid){ $sql = db_query("SELECT name, img FROM prefix_groups WHERE id =".$gid); if (db_num_rows($sql) < 1) { continue; } $row = db_fetch_assoc ($sql); if (!empty($row['img']) ) { $show = '<img src="'.$row['img'].'" title="'.$row['name'].'" alt="'.$row['name'].'" border="0"></a>'; } else { $show = '<b>'.$row['name'].'</b>'; } $tpl->set_out('show', $show,0); show_members ($gid,$tpl); } } } else { $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Teams'; $hmenu = 'Teams'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ('teams'); $erg1 = db_query("SELECT name,img,id as gid FROM prefix_groups WHERE zeigen = 1 ORDER BY pos"); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg1) ) { if (!empty($row['img']) ) { $row['show'] = '<a href="index.php?teams-show-'.$row['gid'].'"><img src="'.$row['img'].'" title="'.$row['name'].'" alt="'.$row['name'].'" border="0"></a>'; } else { $row['show'] = '<a href="index.php?teams-show-'.$row['gid'].'"><b>'.$row['name'].'</b></a>'; } $tpl->set_ar_out($row,0); if ($allgAr['teams_show_cat'] == 0) { show_members ($row['gid'],$tpl); } } } $design->footer(0); ?>