Fr. 29.06.2012
07:45 Uhr
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Hello guys.
I would like to ask you if there is the ilch system at enlgish or if there is a way to convert it at english!
Any answer would be nice.
Fr. 29.06.2012
08:22 Uhr
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Good morning poison,
welcome to the ilch community.
there is an english translation file within the language folder and you can activate it.
But when version 1.1 was developed a hole bunch of text lines are still hard coded in the file system.
So to answer your question,
ilch 1.1.x has partially language support
ilch 1.2.x will have improved language support
ilch 2.x will have full language support
Best is you install a local server on your PC XAMPP is a good solution and have a look on the script.
We would much apreciate if you are going to report non translated contents.
best regards
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MFG Rock@wulf
Fr. 29.06.2012
08:26 Uhr
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i have a site ->
There are a lot of words which are not in enlgish althought i installed the script.
When the ilch 1.2.x and ilch 2.x gonna be out?
there isnt any way to change all words?
Fr. 29.06.2012
08:39 Uhr
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to be honest no there isn't.
Only for the Basic script language Support is partially present and even there is not everything translated.
Modules as I saw on your page are horrible in this case case most of the developers didn't use the variables needed for language Support.
If you want to translate you have to go to every php file and look for german sentences replace it by $lang['placeholder'] and add in the en.php
'placeholder' => 'translation'(,)
As I don't know how much you can do with php it's possible with some time and engagement.
1.2.x and 2.x releasedates are not known yet.
We working hard do deliver it asap.
AFAIK 2.x is planned for 3/4 Quarter 12 if nothing bad happens.
But this is an unofficial statement!
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MFG Rock@wulf
Fr. 29.06.2012
10:34 Uhr
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Mate i cant install the xampp.Can u help me pls?i got a problem with the apache
Fr. 29.06.2012
12:41 Uhr
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if you are running skype, deaktivate it or set it to a different communication Port.
otherwise whats the error message?
Meine Postings repräsentieren meine Meinung wenn nicht anders gekennzeichnet.
MFG Rock@wulf
Fr. 29.06.2012
13:12 Uhr
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error : apache service not started
Fr. 29.06.2012
13:45 Uhr
And the content of the log file?