Versuch es mal so:
// Copyright by: Manuel Staechele
// Support:
defined('main') or die('no direct access');
$uid = $menu->get(2);
if(1 == db_count_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_user WHERE id='.$uid)){
include ('user_infos.php');
if ($row['llogin'] <= time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 30)) {
$l1 = '<font color="#FF0000">' . date("d.m.Y - H:i", $row['llogin']) . ' Uhr</font>';
} elseif ($row['llogin'] <= time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 14)) {
$l1 = '<font color="#F97500">' . date("d.m.Y - H:i", $row['llogin']) . ' Uhr</font>';
else {
$l1 = '<font color="#047410">' . date("d.m.Y - H:i", $row['llogin']) . ' Uhr</font>';
$group = @db_result(db_query('SELECT name FROM prefix_groups LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers ON = prefix_groupusers.gid WHERE prefix_groupusers.uid = "' . $row['id'] . '"'));
if ($group == Administration) {
$ff = '<font style="color:#FD740E;"><b>' . $row['name'] . '</b></font>';
} elseif ($group == Moderatoren) {
$ff = '<font style="color:#318E1B;"><b>' . $row['name'] . '</b></font>';
else {
$ff = $row['name'];
$selfr = array (
'Onlinestatus' => 'Onlinestatus',
'Name' => 'Name',
'letzter Login' => 'letzter Login',
'abgegebener Meinung' => 'abgegebener Meinung'
foreach ($selfr as $sel) {
$frsort .= '<option value="' . $sel . '" ' . ($sel == $_POST['frsort'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $sel . '</option>';
if ($_POST['frsort'] == 'Name') {
$sel = ' ASC';
} elseif ($_POST['frsort'] == 'letzter Login') {
$sel = 'b.llogin DESC';
} elseif ($_POST['frsort'] == 'abgegebener Meinung') {
$sel = 'freundescription2 DESC';
} elseif ($_POST['frsort'] == 'Onlinestatus') {
$sel = 'a.status, onlinestatus DESC';
} else {
$sel = ' a.status, onlinestatus DESC';
// Abfrage Freunde
$l12 = db_query("SELECT a.fid as aktfid,a.status,,b.avatar,b.staat,b.geschlecht,b.gebdatum, as tud,b.llogin,a.freundescription, d.freundescription AS freundescription2, IF(MAX(c.uptime) > '$dif','online','offline') as onlinestatus, a.status
FROM `prefix_friends` a
LEFT JOIN `prefix_user` b ON a.fid =
LEFT JOIN `prefix_online` c ON a.fid = c.uid
LEFT JOIN `prefix_friends` d ON d.fid = a.uid AND d.uid = a.fid
WHERE a.uid = {$row['id']} AND a.status = 1 GROUP BY a.fid, ORDER BY " . $sel
while ($row41 = db_fetch_object($l12)) {
/*$group = @db_result(db_query('SELECT name FROM prefix_groups LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers ON = prefix_groupusers.gid WHERE prefix_groupusers.uid = "'. $row41->aktfid.'"'));
if ($group == Administration)
$row41->name = '<font style="color:#FD740E;"><b>'.$row41->name.'</b></font>';
elseif ($group == Moderatoren)
$row41->name = '<font style="color:#318E1B;"><b>'.$row41->name.'</b></font>';
$row41->name = $row41->name;
if (file_exists($row41->avatar)) {
$row41->avatar = '<img src=' . $row41->avatar . ' width="80" height="80" border="0" />';
} else {
if ($r['geschlecht'] == 1) {
$row41->avatar = '<img src=include/images/avatars/maennlich.jpg width="80" height="80" border="0" />';
} else {
if ($r['geschlecht'] == 2) {
$row41->avatar = '<img src=include/images/avatars/weiblich.jpg width="80" height="80" border="0" />';
} else {
$row41->avatar = '<img src=include/images/avatars/wurstegal.jpg width="80" height="80" border="0" />';
$diff = time() - $row41->llogin;
$secs = $diff % 60;
$diff = floor($diff / 60);
$min = $diff % 60;
$diff = floor($diff / 60);
$hour = $diff % 24;
$diff = floor($diff / 24);
if ($diff == 0 && $hour == 0) {
$row41->llogin = 'Login vor ' . $min . " Min.<br />";
} elseif ($diff == 0 && $hour != 0) {
$row41->llogin = 'Login vor ' . $hour . " Std.<br />";
else {
$row41->llogin = 'Login am ' . date("d.m.Y", $row41->llogin);
if ($row41->geschlecht == 0) {
$row41->geschlecht = '<span></span>';
if ($row41->geschlecht == 1) {
$row41->geschlecht = '<span><img src=include/images/icons/mann.gif border=0></span>';
if ($row41->geschlecht == 2) {
$row41->geschlecht = '<span><img src=include/images/icons/frau.gif border=0></span>';
$nation = empty($row41->staat) ? 'n/a' : '<img src=include/images/flags/' . $row41->staat . ' border="0" />';
if ($row41->gebdatum !== "0000-00-00") {
$row41->gebdatum = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($row41->gebdatum));
$tag = date('d', strtotime($row41->gebdatum));
$monat = date('m', strtotime($row41->gebdatum));
$jahr = date('Y', strtotime($row41->gebdatum));
$jetzt = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$geburtstag = mktime(0, 0, 0, $monat, $tag, $jahr);
$row41->alter = "(" . intval(($jetzt - $geburtstag) / (3600 * 24 * 365)) . ")";
} else {
$gebdatum = '';
$row41->alter = '(??)';
$amfr = $row41->name;
$row41->name = ((strlen($row41->name) < 9) ? $row41->name : substr($row41->name, 0, 8) . '..');
if ($row41->onlinestatus == 'online') {
$row41->ol = '<div style="-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;background-color:#037611;padding:4px;"><a href="index.php?user-details-' . $row41->aktfid . '">' . $nation . ' ' . $row41->name . ' ' . $row41->alter . ' ' . $row41->geschlecht . '</a></div>';
} else {
$row41->ol = '<div style="-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px;border-radius:4px;background-color:#AF0000;padding:4px;"><a href="index.php?user-details-' . $row41->aktfid . '">' . $nation . ' ' . $row41->name . ' ' . $row41->alter . ' ' . $row41->geschlecht . '</a></div>';
$prf = ((strlen($row['name']) < 10) ? $row['name'] : substr($row['name'], 0, 9) . '..');
$row41->freundescription2 = str_replace(array (
), '', $row41->freundescription2
if (empty($row41->freundescription2)) {
$mja = '<div class="Cnorm" style="font-style:italic;">keine Meinung</div>';
} else {
$meinung = '<div style="padding:4px;"><u><b>' . $amfr . '</b> sagt:</u><br><br>' . $row41->freundescription2 . '</div>';
$mja = '<div class="Cnorm" title="' . str_replace('"', '', $meinung) . '" style="cursor:pointer;color:#FFD100;font-weight:bold;">Hover für Meinung</div>';
$lala .= '<div style="float:left; padding:15px; width:20%;margin-left:3px;display:block;" align="center"><fieldset style="padding: 0px; border: 1px solid #888888;"><div class="Cnorm">' . $row41->avatar . '</div>' . $row41->ol . '<div class="Cmite" style="padding:4px;">' . $row41->llogin . '</div>
' . $mja . '</fieldset></div>';
$countfreunde = @db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(fid) FROM prefix_friends WHERE uid = ' . $row['id'] . ' AND status=1'));
// Ende Abfrage Freunde
$lb = db_query('SELECT,, a.rep, c.erst as last, as pid,c.erstid, c.txt AS text,c.tid, c.time
FROM prefix_topics a
LEFT JOIN prefix_forums b ON = a.fid
LEFT JOIN prefix_posts c ON c.tid =
LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = ' . $_SESSION['authid'] . ' AND vg.gid = b.view
LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = ' . $_SESSION['authid'] . ' AND rg.gid = b.reply
LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = ' . $_SESSION['authid'] . ' AND sg.gid = b.start
WHERE ((' . $_SESSION['authright'] . ' <= b.view AND b.view < 1)
OR (' . $_SESSION['authright'] . ' <= b.reply AND b.reply < 1)
OR (' . $_SESSION['authright'] . ' <= b.start AND b.start < 1)
OR -9 >= ' . $_SESSION['authright'] . ')AND c.erst = "' . $row['name'] . '" GROUP BY
while ($row42 = db_fetch_object($lb)) {
$bei = $row42->text;
$bei = BBcode($bei);
$bei = ((strlen($bei) < 250) ? $bei : substr($bei, 0, 250) . '...');
$bei = ereg_replace("\"", "", $bei);
$bei = ereg_replace("\'", "", $bei);
$row42->name = ((strlen($row42->name) < 31) ? $row42->name : substr($row42->name, 0, 30) . '...');
$time2 = $row42->time = date("d.m.Y - H:i", $row42->time);
$rege = @db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM prefix_posts WHERE tid = ' . $row42->id . ' AND id <= ' . $row42->pid));
$regen = ceil(($rege) / $allgAr['Fpanz']);
$pos = '<div style="width:200px;word-wrap:break-word;padding:2px;"><u>Beitrag am ' . $time2 . ' Uhr</u><br><br>' . $bei . '</div>';
$top .= '<div>Zum Thema: <a class="tip" href="index.php?forum-showposts-' . $row42->tid . '-p' . $regen . '#' . $row42->pid . '" ><b>' . $row42->name . '</b></a></div>';
$lga = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_usergallery WHERE uid = " . $row['id'] . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3");
if (db_num_rows($lga) == 0) {
$lpics = 'Derzeit noch keine Bilder hochgeladen';
} else {
$couf = @db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM prefix_usergallery WHERE uid=' . $row['id']));
while ($row32 = db_fetch_object($lga)) {
//echo '<a href="index.php?user-usergallery-'.$row['id'].'-v'.$row32->id.'-z'.$n.'-img_'.$row32->id.'.'.$row32->endung.'">';
$lpics .= ' <a href="index.php?user-usergallery-' . $row['id'] . '-v' . $row32->id . '-z' . $couf . '-img_' . $row32->id . '.' . $row32->endung . '"><img src="include/images/usergallery/img_thumb_' . $row32->id . '.' . $row32->endung . '" width="25%" border="0" class="gradualfader"></a>';
/*if (){
$award = '<tr><td align="center" class="Cmite">Besitzt leider noch keinen Award</td></tr>';}
if (empty($row['txt1'])) {
$rtxt1 = 'Noch kein Inhalt hinterlegt';
} else {
$rtxt1 = $row['txt1'];
$points = @db_result(db_query('SELECT points FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ' . $row['id']));
$countfotos = @db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM prefix_usergallery WHERE uid = ' . $row['id']));
if ($row['pc'] == 0) {
$pc = '';
} else {
$pc = '<img src="include/images/icons/pc.png" title="PC">';
if ($row['ps3'] == 0) {
$ps3 = '';
} else {
$ps3 = '<img src="include/images/icons/ps3.png" title="Playstation 3">';
if ($row['nds'] == 0) {
$nds = '';
} else {
$nds = '<img src="include/images/icons/nds.png" title="Nintendo DSI">';
if ($row['x360'] == 0) {
$x360 = '';
} else {
$x360 = '<img src="include/images/icons/x360.png" title="Xbox 360">';
if ($row['wii'] == 0) {
$wii = '';
} else {
$wii = '<img src="include/images/icons/wii.png" title="Nintendo Wii">';
if (isset($_POST['pointsubs'])) {
$points = escape($_POST['points'], 'integer');
$id = escape($_POST['peid'], 'integer');
db_query('UPDATE prefix_user SET points = ' . $points . ' WHERE id = ' . $id);
if ($_SESSION['authid'] == 1) {
$punkteedit = '<form method="post" action="?user-details-' . $row['id'] . '"><input type="text" value="' . $row['points'] . '" size="4" name="points"><input type="hidden" value="' . $row['id'] . '" name="peid"><input type="submit" name="pointsubs" value="OK"></form>';
} else {
$punkteedit = '';
$verwarnung = @db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM prefix_warn WHERE uid=' . $row['id']));
if ($verwarnung == 0) {
$warn = ' <td class="Cnorm" rowspan="5" align="center" valign="middle">' . $avatar . '</td>
} elseif ($verwarnung == 1) {
$warn = ' <td class="Cnorm" rowspan="6" align="center" valign="middle">' . $avatar . '</td>
</tr><tr class="Cmite"><td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="include/images/forum/warn.gif"> <font style="color:#FF0000;font-weight:bold">1 Verwarnung</font></td></tr>';
} else {
$warn = ' <td class="Cnorm" rowspan="6" align="center" valign="middle">' . $avatar . '</td>
</tr><tr class="Cmite"><td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="include/images/forum/warn.gif"> <font style="color:#FF0000;font-weight:bold">' . $verwarnung . ' Verwarnungen</font></td></tr>';
$chat = (loggedin() && $_SESSION['authid'] != $row['id']) ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:chatWith(\'' . $row['id'] . '\',\'' . $row['name'] . '\')"><img src="include/images/icons/im_mini.png" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Chat" /></a>' : '';
$ar = array (
'CONSOLE' => $pc . ' ' . $ps3 . ' ' . $nds . ' ' . $x360 . ' ' . $wii,
'WARN' => $warn,
'PEDIT' => $punkteedit,
'POINTS' => $points,
'OPFR' => $frsort,
'FRSORT' => $sel,
'ANZFR' => $countfreunde,
'ANZFO' => $countfotos,
'SIDE' => $sidefr,
'FREUND' => $lala,
'LPICS' => $lpics,
'NAME' => $row['name'],
'UTEXT' => bbcode($rtxt1),
'BEITRAG' => $top,
'SPNAME' => $ff,
'JOINED' => date('d.m.Y', $row['regist']),
'TEAM' => user_get_groups($uid),
'ID' => $row['id'],
'LASTAK' => $l1,
'postpday' => $postpday,
'RANG' => userrang($row['posts'], $uid),
'AVATA' => $avatar,
'LASTUSER' => last_user($uid),
'ONLINE' => $online,
'MAINBOARD' => $mainboard = $row['mainboard'],
'ENERGIE' => $mainboard = $row['energie'],
'INET' => $mainboard = $row['inet'],
'CPU' => $cpu = $row['cpu'],
'RAM' => $ram = $row['ram'],
'MONITOR' => $monitor = $row['monitor'],
'OS' => $os = $row['os'],
'GRAFIK' => $grafik = $row['grafik'],
'SOUND' => $sound = $row['sound'],
'MAUS' => $maus = $row['maus'],
'KB' => $kb = $row['kb'],
'HEAD' => $head = $row['head'],
'HDD' => $hdd = $row['hdd'],
'USERTITEL' => $usertitel,
'EMAIL' => $email,
'HOMEPAGE' => $homepage,
'GESCHLECHT' => $geschlecht,
'GEBDATUM' => $gebdatum,
'CHAT' => $chat,
'ALTER' => $alter,
'WOHNORT' => $wohnort,
'TEMPLATE' => $template = $row['template'],
'FORUMTOPICS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row4['forumtopics'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row4['forumtopics'] / ($row22['forumtopicsg'] > 0 ? $row22['forumtopicsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row22['forumtopicsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row4['forumtopics'] / ($row22['forumtopicsg'] > 0 ? $row22['forumtopicsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'POSTS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row['posts'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row['posts'] / ($row23['postsg'] > 0 ? $row23['postsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row23['postsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row['posts'] / ($row23['postsg'] > 0 ? $row23['postsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'NEWSPOSTS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row6['newsposts'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row6['newsposts'] / ($row20['newspostsg'] > 0 ? $row20['newspostsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;" > ' . $row20['newspostsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row6['newsposts'] / ($row20['newspostsg'] > 0 ? $row20['newspostsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'NEWSTOPICS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row5['newstopics'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row5['newstopics'] / ($row21['newstopicsg'] > 0 ? $row21['newstopicsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row21['newstopicsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row5['newstopics'] / ($row21['newstopicsg'] > 0 ? $row21['newstopicsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'SHOUTBOX' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row10['shoutposts'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row10['shoutposts'] / ($row18['shoutpostsg'] > 0 ? $row18['shoutpostsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row18['shoutpostsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row10['shoutposts'] / ($row18['shoutpostsg'] > 0 ? $row18['shoutpostsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'USERGBS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row12['usergbs'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row12['usergbs'] / ($row19['usergbsg'] > 0 ? $row19['usergbsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row19['usergbsg'] . ' </td><td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row12['usergbs'] / ($row19['usergbsg'] > 0 ? $row19['usergbsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'PMS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $row14['pms'] . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($row14['pms'] / ($row15['pmsg'] > 0 ? $row15['pmsg'] : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $row15['pmsg'] . ' <td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($row14['pms'] / ($row15['pmsg'] > 0 ? $row15['pmsg'] : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'VOTS' => ' <table width="100%"><tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">' . $polluser . ' </td><td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . round($polluser / ($pollsg > 0 ? $pollsg : 1) * 150) . 'px; "/></div></td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> ' . $pollsg . ' <td width="100" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">(' . round($polluser / ($pollsg > 0 ? $pollsg : 1) * 100) . '%)</td></tr></table>',
'STATS' => '<table width="100%">
<td align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> </td>
<td style="background: url(include/images/vote/backb.png);height:14px;width:156px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:left center;"><div style="repeat-y top left; margin-left:2px; min-width:1px; background: url(include/images/vote/balken.png);height:10px; width:' . $stats . 'px;"/></div></td>
<td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> </td>
<tr><td width="20" align="right" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> </td><td align="center" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;">|----> <b>(' . round($stats, 2) . '%)</b> <----|</td><td align="left" style="font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size:9px;"> </td></tr></table>',
'LASPOST' => 'Diese Funktion folgt in Kürze!',
'SIGNATUR' => bbcode($row['sig']),
'STAAT' => $staat,
'UID' => $uid,
'STERNZEICHEN' => $sternzeichen,
'GB_EINTRAEGE' => $gb_eintraege,
'GALLERIE_EINTRAEGE' => $gallery_eintraege,
'ICQ' => $icq,
'YAHOO' => $yahoo,
'MSN' => $msn,
'AIM' => $aim,
'SKYPE' => $skype,
'XFIRE' => $xfire,
'STEAM' => $steam,
'SYSP' => $sysp,
$title = $allgAr['title'] . ' :: Users :: Details von ' . $row['name'];
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu . '<a class="smalfont" href="?user">Users</a><b> » </b> <a href=index.php?user-details-' . $uid . '>Details von ' . $row['name'] . "</a>" . $extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$design = new design($title, $hmenu, 1);
$friendar = array ();
$fr = db_query('SELECT fid FROM prefix_friends WHERE uid = ' . $row['id']);
while ($isfr = db_fetch_object($fr)) {
$friendar[] = $isfr->fid;
if ($row['opt_friend'] == 1) {
$isfriend = in_array($_SESSION['authid'], $friendar);
} else {
$isfriend = $_SESSION['authright'] <= $row['level'];
/*$td = @db_result(db_query('SELECT fid FROM prefix_friends WHERE uid = '.$_SESSION['authid'].' AND fid = '.$row['id'].' AND status=1'));
$ud = @db_result(db_query('SELECT id FROM prefix_user INNER JOIN prefix_online ON WHERE = '.$_SESSION['authid']));
if($row['opt_friend'] == 1 and $_SESSION['authright'] <= $row['level'])
$fr = $td;
$fr = $_SESSION['authright'] <= $row['level'];
if ($fr or $row['id']==$ud or $_SESSION['authright'] == -9 ) {
if ($isfriend or $_SESSION['authid'] == 1 or $_SESSION['authid'] == $row['id']) {
$lastbes_anz = 5;
//Bei höhere Anzahl muss ggf. in der Datenbank die Größe der Felder bzw der Typ geändert werden
if ($_SESSION['authid'] != $uid AND $_SESSION['authid'] != 0) {
$lb = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT last_bes, last_user_time FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ' . $uid));
$lba = explode('#', $lb->last_bes);
$lbt = explode('#', $lb->last_user_time);
$i = array_search($_SESSION['authid'], $lba);
if ($i !== false) {
} elseif (count($lba) >= $lastbes_anz) {
$lba = array_slice($lba, 0, $lastbes_anz - 1);
$lbt = array_slice($lbt, 0, $lastbes_anz - 1);
array_unshift($lba, $_SESSION['authid']);
array_unshift($lbt, time());
$i_lb = implode('#', $lba);
$i_lbt = implode('#', $lbt);
db_query("UPDATE prefix_user SET last_bes = '$i_lb', last_user_time = '$i_lbt' WHERE id = $uid");
$tpl = new tpl('user/userdetails');
$l = profilefields_show($uid);
$ar['rowspan'] = 4 + substr_count($l, '<tr><td class="');
$ar['profilefields'] = $l;
$tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 0);
} else {
echo '<div align="center" style="margin-bottom:5px;"><b>' . $row['name'] . '</b> hat die Ansicht seines Profils eingeschränkt</div>';
} else {
$title = $allgAr['title'] . ' :: Users :: Details :: Es ist ein Fehler Aufgetreten';
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu . '<a class="smalfont" href="?user">Users</a><b> » </b> Details <b> » </b> Es ist ein Fehler Aufgetreten' . $extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$design = new design($title, $hmenu, 1);
echo '<div align="center" style="margin-bottom:5px;">Das gesuchte Profil existiert nicht.</div>';
Edit (Mairu): Fehler im Code beseitigt
Zuletzt modifiziert von Mairu am 28.01.2013 - 19:40:27
Meine Postings repräsentieren meine Meinung wenn nicht anders gekennzeichnet.
MFG Rock@wulf