Hab schon viel nachgelesen auch hier im Forum,etc etc . Aber irgendwie will es nicht klappen.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | <form action="index.php?joinus" method="POST"> <fieldset> <legend><b>{_lang_yourdata}:</b></legend> <label style="float:left; width:100px;color:#FF0000; ">{_lang_joininfo}</label> <label style="width:100px;color:#FF0000; ">{_lang_Please, fill all fields correctly! WE WON'T ANSWER TO INCORRECT APPLICATIONS!}</label><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your real Name}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="name" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Email}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="mail" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have Skype? We could contact you much faster if you've been accepted!}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="skype" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_What's your Combat Arms Europe IGN}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="caeign" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Combat Arms Europe FORUM Name}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="caefn" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Enter your birthday}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="birthday" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Your Nationality}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="nationality" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Is that your first account?If not, explain why and tell us what are your previous IGN/s}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="firstacc" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have previous banned accounts?If yes, explain why and tell us what are your previous banned IGN/s}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="bannedacc" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Do you have a YouTube account?If yes, paste link to your YouTube account}</label><br /><input type="text" length="50" name="youtube" /><br /> <label style="color:#F0FFF0">{_lang_Why do you want to join us?}</label><br /><textarea name="reason" cols="40" rows="5">{reason}</textarea><br /> <label style="float:left; width:100px; ">{_lang_squad}</label><select name="squad">{squad}</select /><br /> {EXPLODE}<label style="float:left; width:100px; ">{_lang_rules}</label><input type="checkbox" name="rules" value="{_lang_yes}" />{_lang_rulzreaded}<br /> {EXPLODE}{RULES}{EXPLODE}<br /> {ANTISPAM} <label style="float:left; width:100px; "> </label><input type="submit" name="sub" value="{_lang_formsub}" /><br /> </fieldset> </form> |
1 | 'joinusprivmsg' => "Hello,\n%s wants to join %s.\n\ns/he provided the following data: %s\nYour Email: %s\nDo you have Skype? We could contact you much faster if you've been accepted!: %s\nWhat's your Combat Arms Europe IGN: %s\nYour Combat Arms Europe FORUM Name: %s\nEnter your birthday: %s\nYour Nationality: %s\nIs that your first account?If not, explain why and tell us what are your previous IGN/s: %s\nDo you have previous banned accounts?If yes, explain why and tell us what are your previous banned IGN/s: %s\nDo you have a YouTube account?If yes, paste link to your YouTube account: %s\nWhy do you want to join us?: %s\n\nAccepted the rules: %s\n\nHas been directly registered as a user: %s\nIf no, s/he has already been a user when the request was made.\n\nIn the Admins Area » Team you can either activate the user or delete the request. If s/he has been registered as a user, s/he might have to confirm the registration first (depending on the settings for the site).", |
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