Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/clients/client0/web5/web/airsoftev/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 58 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/clients/client0/web5/web/airsoftev/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 58 Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/clients/client0/web5/web/airsoftev/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 58 Fatal error: Call to a member function out() on a non-object in /var/www/clients/client0/web5/web/airsoftev/include/boxes/shbox.php on line 231
ist irgendwas bei dem neuen Webspace nicht richtig eingestellt?
Wäre für schnelle Hilfe sehr dankbar :/
<?php /* Script => ShBox 3.2.2 =>V1 © by NF-Projekt FIXED (V1.0) Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de */ defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); include ('include/includes/js/shbox/shboxfunc.php'); $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $postname = escape($_POST['xname'],'string'); $postnamex = '*GAST*'; $tags = array('[img]','[url]','[IMG]','[URL]','[/img]','[/url]','[/IMG]','[/URL]','[COLOR]','[/COLOR]','[color]','[/color]','http','www','://'); $posttxt = escape($_POST['xtxt'], 'textarea'); $posttxt = str_replace($tags , '', escape($_POST[xtxt],'string')); $posttxt = strip_tags($posttxt); if (isset($_POST['subshbox'])) {//Check Submit if ($posttxt == ''){//Check leeres Textfeld }//CLT else {//CLT if ( loggedin() ) {//1 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//2 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shoutbox (`nickname`, `textarea`) VALUES ('".$postname."', '".$posttxt."')"); }//2 }//1 else {//3 $abfs = db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '".$postname."'"); if (db_num_rows($abfs) > 0) { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if ($_POST['sz'] == $_POST['xspam']) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shoutbox (`nickname`, `textarea`) VALUES ('".$postnamex."', '".$posttxt."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shoutbox (`nickname`, `textarea`) VALUES ('".$postnamex."', '".$posttxt."')"); }//8 }//7 } else { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if (escape($_POST['sz'],'string') == escape($_POST['xspam'],'string')) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xname'])) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shoutbox (`nickname`, `textarea`) VALUES ('".$postname."', '".$posttxt."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xname'])) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shoutbox (`nickname`, `textarea`) VALUES ('".$postname."', '".$posttxt."')"); }//8 }//7 }//3 } } } $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.css"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> window.onload = "fetch()"; interval = window.setInterval("fetch();", '.$conf['setinterval'].'); </script> '; $datum = date("$conf[datumformat]"); $hr = '<hr style="height:0px;border:solid '.$conf['hrcolor'].' 0px;border-top-width: 1px;" />'; if ($conf['ip'] == JA) { $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = '<br />Deine IP : '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].''; } else { $ip = ''; } srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $sz = rand(999,10000); if ($conf['spam'] == AN) { $spam = ' <table border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="sz" value="'.$sz.'" /> '.$sz.' <input name="xspam" size="4" maxlength="4" value="" /> </td> </tr> </table> '; } else { $spam = ''; } if($conf['smilies'] == JA) { $smilies = shboxsmilies(); } else { $smilies = ''; } if ( loggedin() ) { $abf = 'SELECT id, name, avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string').'"'; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_object($erg); { $tabellew = $conf['tabellewidth']; $tabelleh = $conf['tabelleheight']; if ($conf['anzeige'] == 0) { if ( file_exists($row->avatar)) { $avatar = '<img src="'.$row->avatar.'" border="0" height="'.$conf['avatarx'].'" width="'.$conf['avatary'].'">'; } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'USER' => $_SESSION['authname'], 'AVATAR' => $avatar, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar($ar); $pos = 0; } elseif ($conf['gastrecht'] == AN) { $gast = '<input type="text" size="15" id="sh_nameinput" name="xname" value="Gast" maxlength="15" />'; $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'GAST' => $gast, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'SPAM' => $spam, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar($ar); $pos = 1; } else { echo '<center>'.$conf['nametext'].'</center><br />'; echo $hr; } if ($conf['reload'] == AN) { echo '<div id="sh_bg"> <div id="shoutbox"> <center><img src="include/images/load.gif" alt="Load" id="shoutbox" border="0" /></center> </div>'; } else { echo '<div id="sh_bg">'; shbox(); } $tpl->out($pos); echo '<div class="sh_archiv"><a class="sh_archiv" href="index.php?shoutbox">' . $lang['archiv'] . '</a></div>'; echo ' <br clear="all" />'; echo '</div>'; ?>
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1 O
betroffene Homepage: airsoft-affen.de
Zuletzt modifiziert von Ra- am 23.05.2013 - 22:42:03