ich habe mir für meine Website ein zweites Forum als Modul herunter geladen und das funktioniert auch soweit ganz gut. Nun hatte ich die Idee bzw den Wunsch das die Einträge aus dem zweiten Forum auch bei Last Forum bzw Top Topic angezeigt werden sollen. Allerdings bin ich irgendwie nicht ganz dahinter gekommen wie das funktioniert. Weis jemand wie das geht und kann mir das vllt erklären ???
<?php # Copyright by Manuel # Support www.ilch.de #TopTopics Box by Chapter #www.sepp-tattoo.de #Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mich verlinken würdet. defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $query = "SELECT a.id, a.name, a.rep, c.erst as last, c.id as pid, c.time FROM prefix_topics a LEFT JOIN prefix_forums b ON b.id = a.fid LEFT JOIN prefix_posts c ON c.id = a.last_post_id LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND vg.gid = b.view LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND rg.gid = b.reply LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND sg.gid = b.start WHERE ((".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.view AND b.view < 1) OR (".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.reply AND b.reply < 1) OR (".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.start AND b.start < 1) OR vg.fid IS NOT NULL OR rg.fid IS NOT NULL OR sg.fid IS NOT NULL OR -9 >= ".$_SESSION['authright'].") ORDER BY a.rep DESC LIMIT 0,7"; echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">'; $resultID = db_query($query); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($resultID)) { $row['date'] = date('d.m.y - H:i',$row['time']); $row['page'] = ceil ( ($row['rep']+1) / $allgAr['Fpanz'] ); echo '<tr><td><b> » </b><a href="?forum-showposts-'.$row['id'].'-p'.$row['page'].'#'.$row['pid'].'" title="'.$row['date'].'">'.((strlen($row['name'])<18) ? $row['name'] : substr($row['name'],0,30).'...').'</a></td><td align="right">'.$row['rep'].'</td><td width="20"></td><td>'.$row['last'].'</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>
<?php # Mod by graphic-revolution.de # Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $query = "SELECT a.id, a.name, a.rep, a.erst as autor, b.id as fid, c.erst as last, c.id as pid, c.time , c.erstid as erstid FROM prefix_topics a LEFT JOIN prefix_forums b ON b.id = a.fid LEFT JOIN prefix_posts c ON c.id = a.last_post_id LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND vg.gid = b.view LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND rg.gid = b.reply LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND sg.gid = b.start WHERE ((".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.view AND b.view < 1) OR (".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.reply AND b.reply < 1) OR (".$_SESSION['authright']." <= b.start AND b.start < 1) OR vg.fid IS NOT NULL OR rg.fid IS NOT NULL OR sg.fid IS NOT NULL OR -9 >= ".$_SESSION['authright'].") ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT 0,4"; echo'<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4">'; $resultID = db_query($query); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($resultID)) { $row['date'] = date('d.m.y - H:i',$row['time']); $row['page'] = ceil ( ($row['rep']+1) / $allgAr['Fpanz'] ); echo'<tr>'; echo'<td width="35%" colspan="2"><a class="lastforum" href="?forum-showposts-'.$row['id'].'-p'.$row['page'].'#'.$row['pid'].'"title="'.$row['date'].'">'.((strlen($row['name'])<20) ? $row['name'] : substr($row['name'],0,25).'...').'<br/></a></td>'; echo'<td width="25%" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;color:#808080;font-size:9px;" align="left">letzter beitrag von: <a class="lastautor" href="index.php?user-details-'.$row['erstid'].'">'.$row['last'].'</a></td>'; echo'<td width="25%" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:bold;color:#808080;font-size:9px;" align="left">Erstellt<br />von: <a class="lastautor">'.$row['autor'].'</a></td>'; echo'</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; ?>
Danke schon mal.
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