Joinus und fight us hab ich geklärt.. war ja eigentlich easy^^
allerdings habe ich ein großes Problem gefunden wenn ich eine Anfrage per fightus schicken will. Folgender fehler kommt:
MySQL Error:
1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't forget to contact the clan, though ;)',-1)' at line 1
in Query:
INSERT INTO `ic1_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (1,2,'1396877894','Fightus Anfrage',' you can change the fight us request ot a nextwar in the admin area... Don't forget to contact the clan, though ;)',-1)
Debug backtrace:
@ mysql.php:46 -- debug_bt()
@ mysql.php:64 -- db_check_error(...)
@ user.php:371 -- db_query(...)
@ fightus.php:55 -- sendpm(...)
@ index.php:18 -- require_once(...)
MySQL Error:
1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't forget to contact the clan, though ;)',-1)' at line 1
in Query:
INSERT INTO `ic1_pm` (`sid`,`eid`,`time`,`titel`,`txt`,`status`) VALUES (1,1,'1396877894','Fightus Anfrage',' you can change the fight us request ot a nextwar in the admin area... Don't forget to contact the clan, though ;)',-1)
Debug backtrace:
@ mysql.php:46 -- debug_bt()
@ mysql.php:64 -- db_check_error(...)
@ user.php:371 -- db_query(...)
@ fightus.php:58 -- sendpm(...)
@ index.php:18 -- require_once(...)
Leader of Jah Warriors has been alerted.
Es kommt auch keine PN an. Bitte helft mir
LG Tim