Hab es nun aber nicht getestet
# Copyright by: Manuel
# Support: www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
$title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Shoutbox';
$hmenu = 'Shoutbox';
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu );
if (loggedin()) {
$shoutbox_VALUE_name = $_SESSION['authname'];
} else {
$shoutbox_VALUE_name = 'Nickname';
if (has_right($allgAr['sb_recht'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['shoutbox_submit']) AND chk_antispam ('shoutbox')) {
$shoutbox_nickname = escape($_POST['shoutbox_nickname'], 'string');
$shoutbox_nickname = substr($shoutbox_nickname, 0, 15);
$shoutbox_textarea = escape($_POST['shoutbox_textarea'], 'textarea');
$shoutbox_textarea = preg_replace("/\[.?(url|b|i|u|img|code|quote)[^\]]*?\]/i", "", $shoutbox_textarea);
$shoutbox_textarea = strip_tags($shoutbox_textarea);
if (!empty($shoutbox_nickname) AND !empty($shoutbox_textarea)) {
db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_shoutbox` (`nickname`,`textarea`) VALUES ( "' . $shoutbox_nickname . '" , "' . $shoutbox_textarea . '" ) ');
header('Location: index.php?' . $menu->get_complete());
echo '<form action="index.php?' . $menu->get_complete() . '" method="POST">';
echo '<input type="text" size="15" name="shoutbox_nickname" value="' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '" onFocus="if (value == \'' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '\') {value = \'\'}" onBlur="if (value == \'\') {value = \'' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '\'}" maxlength="15">';
echo '<br /><textarea style="width: 80%" cols="15" rows="2" name="shoutbox_textarea"></textarea><br />';
$antispam = get_antispam ('shoutbox', 0);
echo $antispam;
if (!empty($antispam)) {
echo '<br />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="' . $lang['formsub'] . '" name="shoutbox_submit">';
echo '</form>';
echo '<table width="90%" class="border" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">';
$erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shoutbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . (is_numeric($allgAr['sb_limit'])?$allgAr['sb_limit']:5));
$class = 'Cnorm';
while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg)) {
$class = ($class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite');
echo '<tr class="' . $class . '"><td><b>' . $row->nickname . ':</b> ' . preg_replace('/([^\s]{' . $allgAr['sb_maxwordlength'] . '})(?=[^\s])/', "$1\n", $row->textarea) . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table><a class="box" href="index.php?shoutbox">' . $lang['archiv'] . '</a>';