Gerade habe ich die Sprechblasen Shoutbox 1.2 zur HP hinzugefügt nur leider ist die Funktion der vorher installierten No Fake Shoutbox nicht mehr gegeben. Klar die .php wurde ersetzt.
Könnte mir jemand die beiden .php´s zusammenfügen so das ich in der Sprechblasen Shoutbox auch die No Fake Funktion habe?
Danke schonmal im voraus
<?php $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS .= ' <style type="text/css"> <!-- /* Bubble with an isoceles triangle ------------------------------------------ */ .example-right { position:relative; padding:5px 5px; margin:0; color:#fff; background:#5a8f00; /* default background for browsers without gradient support */ /* css3 */ -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; border-radius:10px; /* NOTE: webkit gradient implementation is not as per spec */ background:-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#b8db29), to(#5a8f00)); background:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #b8db29, #5a8f00); background:-o-linear-gradient(top, #b8db29, #5a8f00); background:linear-gradient(top, #b8db29, #5a8f00); } /* display of quote author (alternatively use a class on the element following the blockquote) */ .example-right + p { margin:5px 0 2em 40px; font-style:italic; } /* creates the triangle */ .example-right:after { content:"\00a0"; display:block; /* reduce the damage in FF3.0 */ position:absolute; bottom:-30px; left:10px; width:0; height:0; border-width:0 20px 30px 0px; border-style:solid; border-color:transparent #5a8f00; } --> </style> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function klapp(div) { with(document.getElementById(div).style) { if(display=="none"){ display="inline"; } else { display="none"; }}} //--> <!-- function simple_insert_sb(aTag,eTag) { var input = document.forms[\'shoutbox\'].elements[\'shoutbox_textarea\']; input.focus(); if(typeof document.selection != \'undefined\') { var range = document.selection.createRange(); var insText = range.text; range.text = aTag + insText + eTag; range = document.selection.createRange(); if (insText.length == 0) { range.move(\'character\', -eTag.length); } else { range.moveStart(\'character\', aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length); }; } else if(typeof input.selectionStart != \'undefined\') { var start = input.selectionStart; var end = input.selectionEnd; var insText = input.value.substring(start, end); input.value = input.value.substr(0, start) + aTag + insText + eTag + input.value.substr(end); var pos; if (insText.length == 0) { pos = start + aTag.length; } else { pos = start + aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length; } input.selectionStart = pos; input.selectionEnd = pos; }else{ var pos = input.value.length; var insText = prompt("Bitte geben Sie den zu formatierenden Text ein:"); input.value = input.value.substr(0, pos) + aTag + insText + eTag + input.value.substr(pos); }} //--> <!-- function insert_sb ( towrite ) { simple_insert_sb ( towrite, \'\' ); } //--> </script> '; function getsmilies_sb() { global $lang; $zeilen = 5; $i = 0; $b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmilies_sb() { var x ="about:blank", "moreSmilies", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); '; $a = ''; $erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`'); while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.insert_sb(\'' . addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)) . '\')\">");'; $b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/' . $row->url . '\" title=\"' . $row->emo . '\"></a>");'; if ($i<10) { # float einbauen if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) { $a .= '<br /><br />'; } $a .= '<a href="javascript:insert_sb(\'' . addslashes($row->ent) . '\')">'; $a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/' . $row->url . '" border="0" title="' . $row->emo . '"></a>'; } $i++; } $b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">' . $lang['close'] . '</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>'; if ($i>10) { $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmilies_sb();">' . $lang['more'] . '</a></center>'; } $a = $b . $a; return ($a); } // Copyright by Manuel // Support defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); $datum=date("j.n.Y"); $zeit=date("H:i"); if (loggedin()) { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = $_SESSION['authname']; } else { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = 'Nickname'; } if (has_right($allgAr['sb_recht'])) { if (!empty($_POST['shoutbox_submit']) AND chk_antispam ('shoutbox')) { $shoutbox_nickname = escape($_POST['shoutbox_nickname'], 'string'); $shoutbox_nickname = substr($shoutbox_nickname, 0, 15); $shoutbox_textarea = escape($_POST['shoutbox_textarea'], 'textarea'); $shoutbox_textarea = preg_replace("/\[.?(url|b|i|u|img|code|quote)[^\]]*?\]/i", "", $shoutbox_textarea); $shoutbox_textarea = strip_tags($shoutbox_textarea); if (!empty($shoutbox_nickname) AND !empty($shoutbox_textarea)) { db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_shoutbox` (`nickname`,`textarea`) VALUES ( "<b>' . $shoutbox_nickname . ':</b><br>' . $datum. '|' . $zeit . '" , "' . $shoutbox_textarea . '" ) '); } } echo '<form action="index.php?' . $menu->get_complete() . '" method="POST" name="shoutbox">'; echo '<input type="text" style="width: 95%" name="shoutbox_nickname" value="' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '" onFocus="if (value == \'' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '\') {value = \'\'}" onBlur="if (value == \'\') {value = \'' . $shoutbox_VALUE_name . '\'}" maxlength="15">'; echo '<textarea style="width:95%; overflow:auto;" rows="2" name="shoutbox_textarea"></textarea>'; $antispam = get_antispam ('shoutbox', 0); echo $antispam; if (!empty($antispam)) { echo '<br />'; } echo '<input type="submit" value="' . $lang['formsub'] . '" name="shoutbox_submit">'; echo ' <a class="smalfont" href="javascript:void(0)" onfocus="if (this.blur) this.blur()" onclick="javascript:klapp(\'smile\')">Smilies</a>'; echo '<div id="smile" style="display:none;"><br /><br /><center>' . getsmilies_sb() . '</center></div></form><br />'; } $erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shoutbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ' . (is_numeric($allgAr['sb_limit'])?$allgAr['sb_limit']:5)); $class = 'Cnorm'; while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg)) { $class = ($class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite'); echo '<blockquote class="example-right"><p>' . bbcode(preg_replace('/([^\s]{' . $allgAr['sb_maxwordlength'] . '})(?=[^\s])/', "$1\n", $row->textarea)) . '</p></blockquote><p>' . $row->nickname . '</p>'; } echo '<a class="box" href="index.php?shoutbox">' . $lang['archiv'] . '</a>'; ?>
<center> <?php # Copyright by Manuel Staechele # Support defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $shoutbox_VALUE_name = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $datum=date(" j.n.Y"); $zeit=date(" H:i"); if ( $_SESSION['authright'] <= -1 ) { // registrierte User if ( loggedin() ) { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = $_SESSION['authname']; } else { $shoutbox_VALUE_name = 'Nickname'; } if ( !empty($_POST['shoutbox_submit']) ) { $shoutbox_nickname = escape($_POST['shoutbox_nickname'],'string'); $shoutbox_nickname = substr($shoutbox_nickname, 0, 20); $shoutbox_textarea = escape($_POST['shoutbox_textarea'],'textarea'); $shoutbox_textarea = preg_replace("/\[.?(url|b|i|u|img|code|quote)[^\]]*?\]/i","",$shoutbox_textarea); $shoutbox_textarea = strip_tags($shoutbox_textarea); if ( !empty($shoutbox_nickname) AND !empty($shoutbox_textarea) ) { db_query('INSERT INTO `prefix_shoutbox` VALUES ( "" , "'.$datum.'<br>'.$zeit.'<br>'.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.' :</b>" , "<br>'.$shoutbox_textarea.'" ) ' ); } } echo '<form action="index.php" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="text" size="30" name="shoutbox_nickname" value="'.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'" onFocus="if (value == \''.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'\') {value = \'\'}" onBlur="if (value == \'\') {value = \''.$shoutbox_VALUE_name.'\'}" maxlength="20">'; echo '<br /><textarea cols="30" rows="7" name="shoutbox_textarea"></textarea><br />'; echo '<input type="submit" value="'.$lang['formsub'].'" name="shoutbox_submit">'; } else { //Gaeste echo "<font color=#FFFFFF><b><br>Zum Posten<br>Bitte Einloggen!<p></p></b></font>"; echo '</form><table width="100%" align="center" class="border" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">'; } echo '</form><table width="90%" class="border" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0">'; $erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shoutbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10'); $class = 'Cnorm'; while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); echo '<tr class="'.$class.'"><td><b>'.$row->nickname.'</b> '.preg_replace( '/([^\s]{20})(?=[^\s])/', "$1\n", $row->textarea).'</td></tr>'; } echo '</table><center><a class="box" href="index.php?shoutbox">'.$lang['archiv'].'</a>'; echo "<br>Heute ist der<br><b> $datum</b><br>Es ist<br><b> $zeit Uhr</b><br>Und Deine IP (Name)ist:<br><b> $shoutbox_VALUE_name</b><br>"; ?> </center>
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