Bis jetzt läuft fast alles bis auf ein Script, welches mit bei Server offline in Fehler geht.
<?php namespace xPaw; class MinecraftPing { /* * Queries Minecraft server * Returns array on success, false on failure. * * WARNING: This method was added in snapshot 13w41a (Minecraft 1.7) * * Written by xPaw * * Website: * GitHub: * * --------- * * This method can be used to get server-icon.png too. * Something like this: * * $Server = new MinecraftPing( 'localhost' ); * $Info = $Server->Query(); * echo '<img width="64" height="64" src="' . Str_Replace( "\n", "", $Info[ 'favicon' ] ) . '">'; * */ private $Socket; private $ServerAddress; private $ServerPort; private $Timeout; public function __construct( $Address, $Port = 25565, $Timeout = 2, $ResolveSRV = true ) { $this->ServerAddress = $Address; $this->ServerPort = (int)$Port; $this->Timeout = (int)$Timeout; if( $ResolveSRV ) { $this->ResolveSRV(); } $this->Connect( ); } public function __destruct( ) { $this->Close( ); } public function Close( ) { if( $this->Socket !== null ) { \fclose( $this->Socket ); $this->Socket = null; } } public function Connect( ) { $this->Socket = @\fsockopen( $this->ServerAddress, $this->ServerPort, $errno, $errstr, (float)$this->Timeout ); if( !$this->Socket ) { $this->Socket = null; throw new MinecraftPingException( "Failed to connect or create a socket: $errno ($errstr)" ); } // Set Read/Write timeout \stream_set_timeout( $this->Socket, $this->Timeout ); } public function Query( ) { $TimeStart = \microtime( true ); // for read timeout purposes // See (Status Ping) $Data = "\x00"; // packet ID = 0 (varint) $Data .= "\x04"; // Protocol version (varint) $Data .= \pack( 'c', \strlen( $this->ServerAddress ) ) . $this->ServerAddress; // Server (varint len + UTF-8 addr) $Data .= \pack( 'n', $this->ServerPort ); // Server port (unsigned short) $Data .= "\x01"; // Next state: status (varint) $Data = \pack( 'c', \strlen( $Data ) ) . $Data; // prepend length of packet ID + data fwrite( $this->Socket, $Data . "\x01\x00" ); // handshake followed by status ping $Length = $this->ReadVarInt( ); // full packet length if( $Length < 10 ) { return FALSE; } $this->ReadVarInt( ); // packet type, in server ping it's 0 $Length = $this->ReadVarInt( ); // string length $Data = ""; while( \strlen( $Data ) < $Length ) { if( \microtime( true ) - $TimeStart > $this->Timeout ) { throw new MinecraftPingException( 'Server read timed out' ); } $Remainder = $Length - \strlen( $Data ); $block = \fread( $this->Socket, $Remainder ); // and finally the json string // abort if there is no progress if( !$block ) { throw new MinecraftPingException( 'Server returned too few data' ); } $Data .= $block; } $Data = \json_decode( $Data, true ); if( \json_last_error( ) !== JSON_ERROR_NONE ) { throw new MinecraftPingException( 'JSON parsing failed: ' . \json_last_error_msg( ) ); } return $Data; } public function QueryOldPre17( ) { \fwrite( $this->Socket, "\xFE\x01" ); $Data = \fread( $this->Socket, 512 ); $Len = \strlen( $Data ); if( $Len < 4 || $Data[ 0 ] !== "\xFF" ) { return FALSE; } $Data = \substr( $Data, 3 ); // Strip packet header (kick message packet and short length) $Data = \iconv( 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', $Data ); // Are we dealing with Minecraft 1.4+ server? if( $Data[ 1 ] === "\xA7" && $Data[ 2 ] === "\x31" ) { $Data = \explode( "\x00", $Data ); return Array( 'HostName' => $Data[ 3 ], 'Players' => (int)$Data[ 4 ], 'MaxPlayers' => (int)$Data[ 5 ], 'Protocol' => (int)$Data[ 1 ], 'Version' => $Data[ 2 ] ); } $Data = \explode( "\xA7", $Data ); return Array( 'HostName' => \substr( $Data[ 0 ], 0, -1 ), 'Players' => isset( $Data[ 1 ] ) ? (int)$Data[ 1 ] : 0, 'MaxPlayers' => isset( $Data[ 2 ] ) ? (int)$Data[ 2 ] : 0, 'Protocol' => 0, 'Version' => '1.3' ); } private function ReadVarInt( ) { $i = 0; $j = 0; while( true ) { $k = @\fgetc( $this->Socket ); if( $k === FALSE ) { return 0; } $k = \ord( $k ); $i |= ( $k & 0x7F ) << $j++ * 7; if( $j > 5 ) { throw new MinecraftPingException( 'VarInt too big' ); } if( ( $k & 0x80 ) != 128 ) { break; } } return $i; } private function ResolveSRV() { if( \ip2long( $this->ServerAddress ) !== false ) { return; } $Record = @\dns_get_record( '_minecraft._tcp.' . $this->ServerAddress, DNS_SRV ); if( empty( $Record ) ) { return; } if( isset( $Record[ 0 ][ 'target' ] ) ) { $this->ServerAddress = $Record[ 0 ][ 'target' ]; } if( isset( $Record[ 0 ][ 'port' ] ) ) { $this->ServerPort = $Record[ 0 ][ 'port' ]; } } }
Und zwar lese ich mit hilfe dieses Scriptes als LIB ein Queryarray aus. Das funktioniert auch soweit. solange der server nicht offline ist oder die query im minecraftserver enabled ist.
Ich packs nicht das Script anzupassen.
verwendete ilch Version: 2.1.x
betroffene Homepage: localhost