Mo. 02.01.2006
04:55 Uhr
How is someone who speaks a different language supposed to find help around here? I Had found some people who were helping me in english untill my post was deleted... i dont understand why this was done? I was just looking for some help becaus ei cant read anything throughout this site. I wish i could read German, if this is german because i think it is, if it isnt i appologize. My little sister can speak a buit of german because she goes to german school so thats why i make that assumption lol.
Mo. 02.01.2006
07:23 Uhr
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And your question is....?
Zuletzt geändert von Fanguro am 02.01.2006 - 14:21
Mo. 02.01.2006
11:03 Uhr
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@fanguro: seine frage verstehe ich auch nicht
PS: fanguro, auf englisch wird ist ohne t geschrieben^^, aber wir können dir nocheinmal verzeihen
#My Homepage //
Counter-Strike: Source - Clan + Server etc!
Mo. 02.01.2006
13:38 Uhr
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Yes, this site is in German. The latest version of the script (1.0.5) is not available in English. The next version 1.1 will be released in a few weeks and it will be easy to localize it. We're planning to provide and English language file for this version.
In the meantime feel free to ask your questions here. Please give your thread a meaningful title and try to explain your problem as detailed as you can. That will make it easier for us to help you.
@mods, möglichst topics von Gästen nicht löschen wenn es kein spam ist. Das zieht nur unnötige topics nach sich, wo die Leute dann fragen wo denn ihr topic geblieben ist.