Hier kann eine Notiz zum Merk-Eintrag hinzugefügt werden (optional)
$BBCodeButtons = '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/includes/js/interface.js"></script>';
$BBCodeButtons = '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.js"></script>';
//> Smiley Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatSmilies'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:moreSmiliesshbox();\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_smilies.png\" alt=\"Bild einfügen\" title=\"Bild einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; }
var formular = document.forms[bbcode_textarea[0]].elements[bbcode_textarea[1]];
var formular = document.forms['shbox'].elements['xtxt'];
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// if ($i< $conf['smiliesspalte']) // { // if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) // { // $a .= '<br /><br />'; // } // $a .= '<a href="javascript:putt(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,\''.$row->emo.'\');return false">'; // $a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0"></a>'; // } // $i++;
// if ($i> $conf['smiliesspalte']) // { // $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmiliesshbox();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; // }
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<?php # Copyright by Manuel Staechele # Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); //Klasse laden require_once('include/includes/class/bbcode.php'); require_once('include/includes/bbcode_config.php'); $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"include/includes/js/BBCodeGlobal.js\"></script>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\nvar bbcodemaximagewidth = {$info['ImgMaxBreite']};\nvar bbcodemaximageheight = {$info['ImgMaxHoehe']};\n</script>"; //Farbliste erstellen function colorliste ( $ar ) { $l = ''; foreach($ar as $k => $v) { $l .= '<td width="10" style="background-color: '.$k.';"><a href="javascript:bbcode_code_insert(\'color\',\''.$k.'\'); hide_color();"><img src="include/images/icons/bbcode/transparent.gif" border="0" height="10" width="10" alt="'.$v.'" title="'.$v.'"></td>'; } return ($l); } function getBBCodeButtons(){ //> Buttons Informationen. $ButtonSql = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_bbcode_buttons WHERE fnButtonNr='1'"); $boolButton = db_fetch_assoc($ButtonSql); $cfgBBCsql = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_bbcode_config WHERE fnConfigNr='1'"); $cfgInfo = db_fetch_assoc($cfgBBCsql); $BBCodeButtons = '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/includes/js/interface.js"></script>'; //> Fett Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatB'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('b','Gib hier den Text an der fett formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_bold.png\" alt=\"Fett formatieren\" title=\"Fett formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Kursiv Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatI'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('i','Gib hier den Text an der kursiv formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_italic.png\" alt=\"Kursiv formatieren\" title=\"Kursiv formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Unterschrieben Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatU'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('u','Gib hier den Text an der unterstrichen formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_underline.png\" alt=\"Unterstrichen formatieren\" title=\"Unterstrichen formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Durchgestrichener Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatS'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('s','Gib hier den Text an der durchgestrichen formatiert werden soll..')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_strike.png\" alt=\"Durchgestrichen formatieren\" title=\"Durchgestrichen formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Leerzeichen? 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if($boolButton['fnFormatLeft'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatCenter'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatRight'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatBlock'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= " "; } //> Listen Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatList'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('list','Gib hier den Text ein der aufgelistet werden soll.\\nUm die liste zu beenden einfach auf Abbrechen klicken.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_list.png\" alt=\"Liste erzeugen\" title=\"Liste erzeugen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Hervorheben Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatEmph'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_code_insert('emph','0')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_emph.png\" alt=\"Text hervorheben\" title=\"Text hervorheben\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Schriftfarbe Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatColor'] == 1) { } //> Schriftfarbeauswahlcontainer if($boolButton['fnFormatColor'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:hide_color();\"><img id=\"bbcode_color_button\" src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_color.png\" alt=\"Text färben\" title=\"Text färben\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; $colorar = array('#FF0000' => 'red','#FFFF00' => 'yellow','#008000' => 'green','#00FF00' => 'lime','#008080' => 'teal','#808000' => 'olive','#0000FF' => 'blue','#00FFFF' => 'aqua', '#000080' => 'navy','#800080' => 'purple','#FF00FF' => 'fuchsia','#800000' => 'maroon','#C0C0C0' => 'grey','#808080' => 'silver','#000000' => 'black','#FFFFFF' => 'white',); $BBCodeButtons .= '<div style="position:absolute;"><div style="display:none; position:relative; top:-30px; left:100px; width:200px; z-index:100;" id="colorinput"> <table width="100%" class="border" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr class="Chead" onclick="javascript:hide_color();"><td colspan="16"><b>Farbe wählen</b></td></tr> <tr class="Cmite" height="15">'.colorliste($colorar).'</tr></table> </div></div>'; } //> Schriftgröße Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatSize'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_with_value('size','Gib hier den Text an, der in einer anderen Schriftgröße formatiert werden soll.','Gib hier die Größe des textes in Pixel an. \\n Pixellimit liegt bei ".$cfgInfo['fnSizeMax']."px !!!')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_size.png\" alt=\"Textgröße verändern\" title=\"Textgröße verändern\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Leerzeichen? if($boolButton['fnFormatList'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatEmph'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatColor'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatSize'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= " "; } //> Url Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatUrl'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_with_value('url','Gib hier die Beschreibung für den Link an.','Gib hier die Adresse zu welcher verlinkt werden soll an.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_url.png\" alt=\"Hyperlink einfügen\" title=\"Hyperlink einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> E-Mail Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatEmail'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_with_value('mail','Gib hier den namen des links an.','Gib hier die eMail - Adresse an.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_email.png\" alt=\"eMail hinzufügen\" title=\"eMail hinzufügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Leerzeichen? if($boolButton['fnFormatUrl'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatEmail'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= " "; } //> Bild Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatImg'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('img','Gib hier die Adresse des Bildes an.\\nHinweise: Die Breite und Höhe des Bildes ist auf ".$cfgInfo['fnImgMaxBreite']."x".$cfgInfo['fnImgMaxHoehe']." eingeschränkt und würde verkleinert dargstellt werden.\\nEs ist möglich ein Bild rechts oder links von anderen Elementen darzustellen, indem man [img=left] oder [img=right] benutzt.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_image.png\" alt=\"Bild einfügen\" title=\"Bild einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Bild hochladen! global $allgAr; if($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1 && loggedin() && $boolButton['fnFormatImgUpl'] == 1 ) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:usergalleryupl();\" title=\"Bild in Usergallery hochladen und einfügen\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_imageupl.png\" alt=\"Bild hochladen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\" /></a> "; } //> Screenshot Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatScreen'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert('shot','Gib hier die Adresse des Screens an.\\nDie Breite und Höhe des Bildes ist auf ".$cfgInfo['fnScreenMaxBreite']."x".$cfgInfo['fnScreenMaxHoehe']." eingeschränkt und wird verkleinert dargstellt.\\nEs ist möglich ein Screenshot rechts oder links von anderen Elementen darzustellen, indem man [shot=left] oder [shot=right] benutzt.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_screenshot.png\" alt=\"Bild einfügen\" title=\"Screen einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Leerzeichen? 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if($boolButton['fnFormatQuote'] == 1|| $boolButton['fnFormatKtext'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatVideo'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatFlash'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatCountdown'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= " "; } //> Code Dropdown! if($boolButton['fnFormatCode'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatPhp'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatHtml'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatCss'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<select onChange=\"javascript:bbcode_code_insert_codes(this.value); javascript:this.value='0';\" style=\"font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px; margin-bottom:6px; z-index:0;\" name=\"code\"><option value=\"0\">Code einfügen</option>"; } if($boolButton['fnFormatPhp'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<option value=\"php\">PHP</option>"; } if($boolButton['fnFormatHtml'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<option value=\"html\">HTML</option>"; } if($boolButton['fnFormatCss'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<option value=\"css\">CSS</option>"; } if($boolButton['fnFormatCode'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<option value=\"code\">Sonstiger Code</option>"; } if($boolButton['fnFormatCode'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatPhp'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatHtml'] == 1 || $boolButton['fnFormatCss'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "</select>"; } return $BBCodeButtons; } function getBBCodeButtons_shbox(){ $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $linkcolor = $conf['linkcolor']; //> Buttons Informationen. $ButtonSql = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_bbcode_buttons WHERE fnButtonNr='1'"); $boolButton = db_fetch_assoc($ButtonSql); $cfgBBCsql = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_bbcode_config WHERE fnConfigNr='1'"); $cfgInfo = db_fetch_assoc($cfgBBCsql); $BBCodeButtons = '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.js"></script>'; //> Fett Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatB'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_shbox('b','Gib hier den Text an der fett formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_bold.png\" alt=\"Fett formatieren\" title=\"Fett formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Kursiv Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatI'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_shbox('i','Gib hier den Text an der kursiv formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_italic.png\" alt=\"Kursiv formatieren\" title=\"Kursiv formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Unterstrichen Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatU'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_shbox('u','Gib hier den Text an der unterstrichen formatiert werden soll.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_underline.png\" alt=\"Unterstrichen formatieren\" title=\"Unterstrichen formatieren\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Url Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatUrl'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:bbcode_insert_with_value_shbox('url','Gib hier die Beschreibung für den Link an.','Gib hier die Adresse zu welcher verlinkt werden soll an.')\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_url.png\" alt=\"Hyperlink einfügen\" title=\"Hyperlink einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } //> Smiley Button! if($boolButton['fnFormatSmilies'] == 1) { $BBCodeButtons .= "<a href=\"javascript:moreSmiliesshbox();\"><img src=\"include/images/icons/bbcode/bbcode_smilies.png\" alt=\"Bild einfügen\" title=\"Bild einfügen\" width=\"23\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } return $BBCodeButtons; } function BBcode($s,$maxLength=0,$maxImgWidth=0,$maxImgHeight=0) { global $permitted,$info,$global_smiles_array; //> Smilies in array abspeichern. if(!isset($global_smiles_array)) { $erg = db_query("SELECT ent, url, emo FROM `prefix_smilies`"); while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $global_smiles_array[$row->ent] = $row->emo.'#@#-_-_-#@#'.$row->url; } } $bbcode = new bbcode(); $bbcode->smileys = $global_smiles_array; $bbcode->permitted = $permitted; $bbcode->info = $info; if ($maxLength != 0) { $bbcode->info['fnWortMaxLaenge'] = $maxLength; } if ($maxImgWidth != 0) { $bbcode->info['fnImgMaxBreite'] = $maxImgWidth; } if ($maxImgHeight != 0) { $bbcode->info['fnImgMaxBreite'] = $maxImgHeight; } return $bbcode->parse($s); } ?>
// ShBox3.2 (c)2006-2009 by NF-PROJEKT // Geänderte Kopie vom Orginalen bbcode.js : Copyright by: Manuel Staechele var tagOpen = '['; var tagClos = ']'; var tagEnde = '/'; function bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(text){ //var formular = document.forms[bbcode_textarea[0]].elements[bbcode_textarea[1]]; var formular = document.forms['shbox'].elements['xtxt']; formular.focus(); // Nachschauen, an welche Position cursor gesetzt werden soll if (bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox.arguments.length != 1) { var pos = bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox.arguments[1]; } else { var pos = -1; } // Für UserAgent IE. if(typeof document.selection != 'undefined') { // Einfügen der Tags. var range = document.selection.createRange(); if(text != null && text !='') { range.text = text; range.select(); /* Anpassen der Cursorposition */ range = document.selection.createRange(); if (pos == -1) { range.moveStart('character', 0);//text.length); } else { range.move('character', (text.length * -1) + pos); } range.select(); } // Für UserAgents die auf Gecko basieren. } else if(typeof formular.selectionStart != 'undefined') { // Einfügen der Tags var start = formular.selectionStart; var end = formular.selectionEnd; if(text != null && text !='') { formular.value = formular.value.substr(0, start) + text + formular.value.substr(end); /* Anpassen der Cursorposition */ var pos = start + (pos == -1 ? text.length : pos); formular.selectionStart = pos; formular.selectionEnd = pos; } } } function bbcode_get_selection_shbox(){ //var formular = document.forms[bbcode_textarea[0]].elements[bbcode_textarea[1]]; var formular = document.forms['shbox'].elements['xtxt']; formular.focus(); var text; // Für UserAgent IE. if(typeof document.selection !='undefined') { // Einfügen der Tags. var range = document.selection.createRange(); text = range.text; // Für UserAgents die auf Gecko basieren. } else if(typeof formular.selectionStart != 'undefined') { // Einfügen der Tags var start = formular.selectionStart; var end = formular.selectionEnd; text = formular.value.substring(start, end); } return text; } // BB-Code ins Textarea einfügen. function bbcode_insert_shbox(tag, boxtext) { //var formular = document.forms[bbcode_textarea[0]].elements[bbcode_textarea[1]]; var formular = document.forms['shbox'].elements['xtxt']; formular.focus(); // Tags Definieren var begin_tag = "["+tag+"]"; var end_tag = "[/"+tag+"]"; var list_x = ''; var list_text = ''; var prompt_box; var selection = bbcode_get_selection_shbox(); // Box ausgeben mit Anforderung. if(tag == 'list') { if(selection == null || selection =='') { while ( list_x != null ) { list_x = prompt (boxtext); if ( list_x != null ) { list_text = list_text + "[*]" + list_x + "\n"; } } if ( list_text != '' ) { prompt_box = list_text; } } else { while ( list_x != null ) { list_x = prompt (boxtext,selection); if ( list_x != null ) { list_text = list_text + "[*]" + list_x + "\n"; } } if ( list_text != '' ) { prompt_box = list_text; } } } else { if(selection == null || selection == '') { prompt_box = prompt(boxtext, ""); } else { bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(begin_tag + selection + end_tag); return; } } if (prompt_box == null || prompt_box == '') { prompt_box = ''; var pos = tag.length + 2; } else { var pos = -1; } bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(begin_tag + prompt_box + end_tag, pos); } // BBCode mit Werte Einfügen. function bbcode_insert_with_value_shbox(tag, boxtext1, boxtext2) { var default_text; var selection = bbcode_get_selection_shbox(); var prompt_text1; var prompt_text2; var prompt_box; var pos = -1; // Alternativen Text für die Box ausgeben. if(tag == 'url') { default_text = "http://"; } else if(tag == 'size') { default_text = "12"; } else { default_text =""; } // Box ausgeben mit Anforderung. if(selection == null || selection =='') { prompt_text1 = prompt(boxtext1, ""); } else { prompt_text1 = prompt(boxtext1, selection); } // Ausgabe der 2ten Box. prompt_text2 = prompt(boxtext2, default_text); // Überprüfen ob prompt_text1 nicht Leer ist. Wenn True dann Format [XXX=XXX]XXX[/XXX] if(prompt_text1 != null && prompt_text1 !='') { if(prompt_text2 != null && prompt_text2 !='') { prompt_box = "["+tag+"="+prompt_text2+"]"+prompt_text1+"[/"+tag+"]"; } // Wenn promptText1 Leer ist dann Format [XXX]XXX[/XXX] (Aber nur bei Gewünschten Tags) } else if(tag == 'url' || tag == 'email') { if(prompt_text2 != null && prompt_text2 !='') { prompt_box = "["+tag+"]"+prompt_text2+"[/"+tag+"]"; } else { prompt_box = "["+tag+"][/"+tag+"]"; pos = tag.length + 2; } } if (prompt_box == null) { prompt_box = ''; pos = tag.length + 2; } bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(prompt_box, pos); } // BBCode mit vielen Werten einfügen /* options = {tag:[question, default], <-- tag:['Pfad zu ...', ''] option1:[question, default], <-- Bsp width:['Geben sie die Höhe an', 300] option2:[question, default], } */ function bbcode_insert_with_multiple_values_shbox(tag, options){ var text = '['+tag; var endtext = ''; for (var i in options) { if (i == 'tag') { var endtext = prompt(options[i][0], options[i][1]) + '[/' + tag + ']'; } else { var prompt_text = prompt(options[i][0], options[i][1]); if (prompt_text.length > 0) { text = text + ' ' + i + '=\'' + prompt_text + '\''; } } } bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(text + ']' + endtext); } // BBCode mit Werte Einfügen (andere Art). function bbcode_insert_with_value_2_shbox(tag, boxtext1, boxtext2) { var default_text; // Alternativen Text für die Box ausgeben. if(tag == 'video') { default_text = "YouTube"; } else { default_text =""; } var prompt_text1; var prompt_text2; var prompt_box; // Box ausgeben mit Anforderung. prompt_text2 = prompt(boxtext2, default_text); var selection = bbcode_get_selection_shbox(); // Ausgabe der 2ten Box. if(selection == null || selection == '') { prompt_text1 = prompt(boxtext1, ""); } else { prompt_text1 = prompt(boxtext1, selection); } // Überprüfen ob prompt_text1 nicht Leer ist. Wenn True dann Format [XXX=XXX]XXX[/XXX] if(prompt_text1 != null && prompt_text1 !='') { if(prompt_text2 != null && prompt_text2 !='') { prompt_box = "["+tag+"="+prompt_text2+"]"+prompt_text1+"[/"+tag+"]"; } // Wenn promptText1 Leer ist dann Format [XXX]XXX[/XXX] (Aber nur bei Gewünschten Tags) } else if(tag == 'url' || tag == 'email') { if(prompt_text2 != null && prompt_text2 !='') { prompt_box = "["+tag+"]"+prompt_text2+"[/"+tag+"]"; } } // Wenn insText nicht Leer ist dann Tags Einfügen. if(prompt_box != null && prompt_box !='') { bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(prompt_box); } } // Simples einfügen der Tags :-) function bbcode_code_insert_shbox(tag, color) { // Tags Definieren if(color == "0"){ var begin_tag = "["+tag+"]"; var end_tag = "[/"+tag+"]"; if (document.form.code != undefined) { document.form.code.options['0'].selected = true; // selectiert immer <Code einfügen> } } else if (tag == "code" || tag == "php" || tag == "html" || tag == "css") { var prompt_text1 = prompt("Format: dateiname;5 (Im Beispiel ist die Startzeile 5)\nSie können hier nun einen Dateinamen und eine Startzeile mit angeben,\nwobei die Startzeile optional ist und auch das komplette Feld leer gelassen werden kann.)",""); if (prompt_text1 != "" && prompt_text1 != null) { var begin_tag = "["+tag+"="+prompt_text1+"]"; } else { var begin_tag = "["+tag+"]"; } var end_tag = "[/"+tag+"]"; } else { var begin_tag = "["+tag+"="+color+"]"; var end_tag = "[/"+tag+"]"; } var selection = bbcode_get_selection_shbox(); if (selection.length != undefined && selection.length != 0) { var pos = -1; } else { var pos = begin_tag.length; } bbcode_insert_into_textarea_shbox(begin_tag + selection + end_tag, pos); } function bbcode_code_insert_codes_shbox(tag) { if (tag != "0") { bbcode_code_insert_shbox(tag,'1'); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function smilies(name) { aTag = tagOpen + name + tagClos; eTag = tagOpen + tagEnde + name + tagClos; smilies_insert ( aTag, eTag ); } function smilies_insert(aTag,eTag) { var input = document.forms['sform'].elements['xtxt']; input.focus(); /* für Internet Explorer */ if(typeof document.selection != 'undefined') { /* Einfügen des formatierungscodes */ var range = document.selection.createRange(); var insText = range.text; range.text = aTag + insText + eTag; /* Anpassen der Cursorposition */ range = document.selection.createRange(); if (insText.length == 0) { range.move('character', -eTag.length); } else { range.moveStart('character', aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length); } range.select(); } /* für neuere auf Gecko basierende Browser */ else if(typeof input.selectionStart != 'undefined') { /* Einfügen des formatierungscodes */ var start = input.selectionStart; var end = input.selectionEnd; var insText = input.value.substring(start, end); input.value = input.value.substr(0, start) + aTag + insText + eTag + input.value.substr(end); /* Anpassen der Cursorposition */ var pos; if (insText.length == 0) { pos = start + aTag.length; } else { pos = start + aTag.length + insText.length + eTag.length; } input.selectionStart = pos; input.selectionEnd = pos; } /* für die übrigen Browser */ else { /* Abfrage der Einfügeposition */ var pos = input.value.length; /* Einfügen des formatierungscodes */ var insText = prompt("Bitte geben Sie den zu formatierenden Text ein:"); input.value = input.value.substr(0, pos) + aTag + insText + eTag + input.value.substr(pos); } } function smilies_liste () { var x = ''; var l = ''; while ( x != null ) { x = prompt ("Um die Liste zu beenden 'Abbrechen' eingeben"); if ( x != null ) { l = l + "[*]" + x + "\n"; } } if ( l != '' ) { l = "[list]\n" + l + "[/list]"; smilies_insert ( l, '' ); } } function putt ( towrite ) { smilies_insert ( towrite, '' ); } function check() { if ( sform.xtxt.value == '' ) { alert ( 'Bis jetzt wurde wohl noch nichts eingegeben, also schnell nachholen!' ); return false; } else { if ( sform.pageName.value == '' ) { alert ( 'Bitte gib noch schnell einen Namen ein!' ); return false; } else { return true; } } } var dhtmlgoodies_tooltip = false; var dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow = false; var dhtmlgoodies_shadowSize = 4; var dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMaxWidth = 200; var dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMinWidth = 100; var dhtmlgoodies_iframe = false; var tooltip_is_msie = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('opera')==-1 && document.all)?true:false; 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if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari')>=0)st=0; var leftPos = e.clientX + 10; dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.width = null; // Reset style width if it's set dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.innerHTML = tooltipTxt; dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.left = leftPos + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.top = e.clientY + 10 + st + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.left = leftPos + dhtmlgoodies_shadowSize + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.top = e.clientY + 10 + st + dhtmlgoodies_shadowSize + 'px'; if(dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetWidth>dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMaxWidth){ /* Exceeding max width of tooltip ? */ dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.width = dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMaxWidth + 'px'; } var tooltipWidth = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetWidth; if(tooltipWidth<dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMinWidth)tooltipWidth = dhtmlgoodies_tooltipMinWidth; dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.width = tooltipWidth + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.width = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetWidth + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.height = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetHeight + 'px'; if((leftPos + tooltipWidth)>bodyWidth){ dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.left = (dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.left.replace('px','') - ((leftPos + tooltipWidth)-bodyWidth)) + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.left = (dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.left.replace('px','') - ((leftPos + tooltipWidth)-bodyWidth) + dhtmlgoodies_shadowSize) + 'px'; } if(tooltip_is_msie){ dhtmlgoodies_iframe.style.left = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.left; dhtmlgoodies_iframe.style.top = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.top; dhtmlgoodies_iframe.style.width = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetWidth + 'px'; dhtmlgoodies_iframe.style.height = dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.offsetHeight + 'px'; } } function hideTooltip() { dhtmlgoodies_tooltip.style.display='none'; dhtmlgoodies_tooltipShadow.style.display='none'; if(tooltip_is_msie)dhtmlgoodies_iframe.style.display='none'; } //ShBox V3.2.0 //getXMLHTTP function AjaxShBox() { var result = false; if( typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined" ) { result = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { try { result = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { result = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (ie) {} } } if (typeof netscape != 'undefined' && typeof netscape.security != 'undefined') { try { netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalBrowserRead'); } catch (e) { } } return result; } //Fetch entries of the shoutbox function fetch(){ var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); xmlget = AjaxShBox(); //xmlget.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1'); xmlget.open("GET", "index.php?shbox=fetch"); xmlget.onreadystatechange = function(){ if ( xmlget.readyState == 4 && xmlget.responseText) { if( document.getElementById("shoutbox").innerHTML != xmlget.responseText){ var eintraege = xmlget.responseText.split("||||"); var show = ""; for(var i = 0; i < eintraege.length; i++){ var things = eintraege[i].split("|||"); if(things[0]!="" && things[1]!="" && things[2]!=""){ show = show+'<span>'+things[0]+'</span><br />'; } } document.getElementById("shoutbox").innerHTML = show; } } } xmlget.send(null); return true; }
<?php # Copyright by Manuel Staechele # Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); class tpl { var $parts; var $keys; var $lists; var $lang; var $ort; function tpl ($file, $ort = 0) { $this->parts = array(); $this->keys = array(); $this->lists = array(); $this->lang = array(); $this->ort = $ort; $this->keys['__BBCodeButtons__'] = getBBCodeButtons(); //BBCode2.0 Buttons $this->keys['__BBCodeButtons_shbox__'] = getBBCodeButtons_shbox(); //BBCode2.0 Buttons Shoutbox # file bearbeiten, weil file auch ohne .htm angegeben werden kann. if ( ($ort != 3) AND (substr ( $file, -4 ) != '.htm') ) { $file .= '.htm'; } # ort 0 = include/templates, ort 1 = include/admin/templates # bei ort 0 wird ausserdem gecheckt ob das template # evtl. im ordner include/design/DESIGN/templates liegt. # ort = 2 das template kommt von der design classe der pfad ist ab include # ort = 3 das template ist schon in der Variable $file geladen $design = $this->get_design (); if ( $this->ort == 0 ) { if ( file_exists ('include/designs/'.$design.'/templates/'.$file) ) { $file = 'include/designs/'.$design.'/templates/'.$file; } else { $file = 'include/templates/'.$file; } } elseif ( $this->ort == 1 ) { $file = 'include/admin/templates/'.$file; } elseif ( $this->ort == 2 ) { $file = 'include/'.$file; }elseif ( $this->ort == 3 ) { $inhalt = $file; } if ($ort != 3){ $inhalt = implode("", file($file) ); } global $lang; $this->lang = $lang; $inhalt = $this->replace_lang($inhalt); $inhalt = $this->replace_list($inhalt); $this->parts = explode ( '{EXPLODE}', $inhalt ); } function get_design () { if ( file_exists('include/designs/'.$_SESSION['authgfx'].'/index.htm')) { return ( $_SESSION['authgfx'] ); } elseif ( file_exists('include/designs/ilchClan/index.htm')) { return ( 'ilchClan' ); } else { $od = opendir('include/designs'); while ( $f = readdir($od) ) { if ( file_exists('include/designs/'.$f.'/index.htm')) { return ( $f ); break; } } closedir($od); } } function replace_lang ( $var ) { $lang_zwischenspeicher = array(); preg_match_all ("/\{_lang_([^\{\}]+)\}/" , $var , $lang_zwischenspeicher); foreach ( $lang_zwischenspeicher[1] as $v ) { if (empty($this->lang[$v])) { $this->lang[$v] = str_replace('_', '', $v); } $var = str_replace('{_lang_'.$v.'}',$this->lang[$v],$var); } return ( $var ); } function replace_list ( $var ) { $zwischenspeicher = array(); preg_match_all ("/\{_list_([^\{\}]+)\}/" , $var , $zwischenspeicher); foreach ( $zwischenspeicher[1] as $v ) { list ( $key , $val ) = explode('@',$v); $this->lists[$key] = $val; $var = str_replace('{_list_'.$v.'}','{'.$key.'}',$var); } return ( $var ); } function list_get ( $key , $ar ) { $zwischenspeicher = $this->lists[$key]; krsort($ar); foreach ( $ar as $k => $v ) { $i = $k + 1; $zwischenspeicher = str_replace('%'.$i,$v,$zwischenspeicher); } return ($zwischenspeicher); } function list_exists ( $key ) { if ( isset ( $this->lists[$key] ) ) { return ( true ); } else { return ( false ); } } function list_out ( $key , $ar ) { echo $this->list_get ( $key , $ar ); } function set ($k , $v) { #$this->keys[$k] = unescape($v); $this->keys[$k] = $v; } function set_ar ($ar) { foreach ($ar as $k => $v) { #$this->keys[$k] = unescape($v); $this->keys[$k] = $v; } } function set_ar_out ( $ar , $pos ) { $this->set_ar($ar); $this->out($pos); } function set_out ( $k , $v , $pos ) { $this->set($k , $v); $this->out($pos); } function set_ar_get ( $ar , $pos ) { $this->set_ar($ar); return ($this->get($pos)); } function set_get ( $k , $v , $pos ) { $this->set($k , $v); return ( $this->get($pos)); } function del ($k) { unset ($this->keys[$k]); } function del_ar ($ar) { foreach ($ar as $k => $v) { unset ($this->keys[$k]); } } function parse_if_do ($tr) { if ($tr[1] == 'SESSION_AUTHRIGHT') { $this->keys[$tr[1]] = $_SESSION['authright']; } if (isset($this->keys[$tr[1]]) AND ( ($tr[2] == '==' AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] == $tr[3]) OR (($tr[2] == '!=' OR $tr[2] == '<>') AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] != $tr[3]) OR ($tr[2] == '<=' AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] <= $tr[3]) OR ($tr[2] == '>=' AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] >= $tr[3]) OR ($tr[2] == '<' AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] < $tr[3]) OR ($tr[2] == '>' AND $this->keys[$tr[1]] > $tr[3]) ) ) { return ($tr[4]); } elseif (isset($this->keys[$tr[1]]) AND isset($tr[6])){ return ($tr[6]); } return (''); } function parse_if ($pos) { $toout = $this->parts[$pos]; $toout = preg_replace_callback ("/\{_if_\{([^\}]+)\}(==|!=|<>|<|>|<=|>=)'([^']+)'\}(.*)(\{_else_\}(.*))?\{\/_endif\}/Us", array(&$this, 'parse_if_do') , $toout); return ($toout); } function get ($pos) { $toout = $this->parse_if($pos); mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $z = '##@@'.mt_rand().'@@##'; foreach ($this->keys as $k => $v) { $toout = str_replace('{'.$k.'}','{'.$z.$k.'}',$toout); } foreach ($this->keys as $k => $v) { $toout = str_replace( '{'.$z.$k.'}' , $v , $toout ); } return ($toout); } function out ($pos) { echo $this->get ($pos); } /* @ Diese Funktion war mal eingebaut ich denke aber wenn jemand die seite suchmaschienen optimieren will, dann sollte er schon soviel ahnung haben es selber hinzubekommen. diese funktion kann aber dabei helfen! ... ansonsten wird es von mir sicher mal einen mod geben der die aufgabe uebernimmt! diese funktion kann nicht einfach freigeschaltet (auskommentiert) werden sie hat dann ueberhaupt keine auswirkung ;)... function giveback ($c) { global $allgAr; # diese funktion gibt den inhalt aus. # damit kann der inhalt nochmal nachbereitet werden. # pruefen ob alle ?... durch ....htm ersetzt werden sollen # wenn ja tun und return c ;-) if ( $allgAr['replace_template_to_html'] == 1 AND ($this->ort == 0 OR $this->ort == 2) ) { $c = preg_replace ('%href=\"\?([^\"]+)\"%Uis',"href=\"index.php?\\1\"",$c); $c = preg_replace ('%href=\"index.php\?([-0-9A-Z]+)#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\">%Uis',"href=\"\\1.html#\\2\">",$c); $c = preg_replace ('%href=\"index.php\?([-0-9A-Z]+)\">%Uis',"href=\"\\1.html\">",$c); $c = preg_replace ('%action=\"\?([^\"]+)\"%Uis',"action=\"index.php?\\1\"",$c); $c = preg_replace ('%URL=\?([^\"]+)\"%Uis',"URL=index.php?\\1\"",$c); } return ( $c ); } */ } ?>
<!-- Script => ShBox 3.2.1 => V1 © by NF-Projekt Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de --> <table width="{TABELLEW}%" height="{TABELLEH}" border="0" bgcolor="{TCOLOR}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td align="center"> <form action="" method="POST" name="shbox"> <input type="hidden" name="xdate" value="{DATE}"> <input type="hidden" name="xip" value="{IPS}"> <input type="hidden" name="xname" value="{USER}"> <center> <a href="?user-8" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,'Dein Name : {USER} {IP}');return false"><b>{AVATAR}</b></a> {HR} {SMILIES} <br /> <textarea name="xtxt" rows="{TXTROWS}" cols="{TXTCOLS}" style="background-color:{TXTCOLOR};overflow:hidden" wrap="virtual"></textarea> {__BBCodeButtons_shbox__} <input type="submit" name="subshbox" value="Wech" style="margin-top:5px; " /> </center> </form> </td> </tr> </table> {EXPLODE} <!-- Script => ShBox 3.2.1 => V1 © by NF-Projekt Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de --> <table width="{TABELLEW}" height="{TABELLEH}" border="0" bgcolor="{TCOLOR}" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10"> <tr> <td align="center"> <form action="" method="POST" name="shbox"> <input type="hidden" name="xdate" value="{DATE}"> <input type="hidden" name="xip" value="{IPS}"> <center> {GAST} {HR} {SMILIES} <br /> <textarea name="xtxt" rows="{TXTROWS}" cols="{TXTCOLS}" style="background-color:{TXTCOLOR};overflow:hidden" wrap="virtual"></textarea> {__BBCodeButtons_shbox__} {SPAM} <br /> <input type="submit" name="subshbox" value="Wech" style="margin-top:5px; " /> </center> </form> </td> </tr> </table>
<?php /* Script => ShBox 3.2.2 =>V1 © by NF-Projekt Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de */ defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); # ## ### #### ShBox Text #### function shbox_text($text,$name) { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.$name.'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); $rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU); if ($conf['admintext'] == AUS) { //1 if ($conf['gasttext'] == AUS) { //2 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//2 else {//3 if ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//4 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//4 else {//5 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gasttextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//5 }//3 }//1 elseif ($conf['admintext'] == AN) {//6 if ($conf['gasttext'] == AN) {//7 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//8 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['admintextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//8 elseif ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//9 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//9 else {//10 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gasttextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//10 }//7 else {//11 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//12 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['admintextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//12 else {//13 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//13 }//11 }//6 } # ## ### #### ShBox Name #### function shbox_name($name,$datum) { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.$name.'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); $rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU); if ($conf['admincolor'] == AUS) { //1 if ($conf['gastcolor'] == AUS) { //2 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//2 else {//3 if ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//4 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//4 else {//5 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gastnamecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//5 }//3 }//1 elseif ($conf['admincolor'] == AN) {//6 if ($conf['gastcolor'] == AN) {//7 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//8 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['adminnamecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//8 elseif ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//9 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//9 else {//10 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gastnamecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//10 }//7 else {//11 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//12 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['adminnamecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//12 else {//13 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//13 }//11 }//6 } # ## ### #### ShBox Ausgabe #### function shbox() { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $hr = '<hr style="height:0px;border:solid '.$conf['hrcolor'].' 0px;border-top-width: 1px;" />'; $wert = $conf['ausgabe']; $erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '.$wert); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == $conf['hgcolor2'] ? $conf['hgcolor1'] : $conf['hgcolor2'] ); $text = substr($row['txt'], 0, $conf['textmax']); $text = BBcode($text); //$text = preg_replace('/([^\s]{'.$conf['textzeile'].'})(?=[^\s])/',"$1\n", $text); if($conf['datumzeit'] == JA) { $datum = $row['date']; $name = $row['name']; } else { $datum = ''; $name = $row['name']; } echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="'.$conf['tabelleheight'].'%" border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr bgcolor="'.$class.'"> <td> <b>'; $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.escape($row['name'],'string').'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); while ($rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU)){ ?> <a href="index.php?user-details-<?php echo $rowU['id']; ?>" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,' <?php echo $row['date'] ?> ') ;return false"> <?php } echo $hr; shbox_name($name,$datum); echo '</b><br />'; shbox_text($text,$name); echo ' </td> </tr> </table>'; } } # ## ### #### SMILIES angepasste Kopie vom Orginalen getsmilies() : Copyright by: Manuel Staechele #### function shboxsmilies () { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); global $lang; $zeilen = $conf['smilieszeile']; $i = 0; $b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmiliesshbox () { var x = window.open("about:blank", "moreSmiliesshbox", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); '; $a = ''; $erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`'); while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.putt(\''.addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)).'\')\">");'; $b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'\" title=\"'.$row->emo.'\" ></a>");'; // if ($i< $conf['smiliesspalte']) // { // if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) // { // $a .= '<br /><br />'; // } // $a .= '<a href="javascript:putt(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,\''.$row->emo.'\');return false">'; // $a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0"></a>'; // } // $i++; } $b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">'.$lang['close'].'</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>'; // if ($i> $conf['smiliesspalte']) // { // $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmiliesshbox();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; // } $a = $b.$a; return ($a); } ?>
<?php /* Script => ShBox 3.2.2 =>V1 © by NF-Projekt FIXED (V1.0) Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de */ defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); include ('include/includes/js/shbox/shboxfunc.php'); $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="" border="0" gcolor="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> '; $postname = escape($_POST['xname'],'string'); $postnamex = '*GAST*'; //$tags = array('[img]','[url]','[IMG]','[URL]','[/img]','[/url]','[/IMG]','[/URL]','[COLOR]','[/COLOR]','[color]','[/color]','http','www','://'); $tags = array('[img]','[IMG]','[/img]','[/IMG]','[COLOR]','[/COLOR]','[color]','[/color]'); $posttxt = escape($_POST['xtxt'], 'textarea'); $posttxt = str_replace($tags , '', escape($_POST[xtxt],'string')); $posttxt = strip_tags($posttxt); if (isset($_POST['subshbox'])) {//Check Submit if ($posttxt == ''){//Check leeres Textfeld }//CLT else {//CLT if ( loggedin() ) {//1 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//2 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//2 }//1 else {//3 $abfs = db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '".$postname."'"); if (db_num_rows($abfs) > 0) { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if ($_POST['sz'] == $_POST['xspam']) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postnamex."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postnamex."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//8 }//7 } else { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if (escape($_POST['sz'],'string') == escape($_POST['xspam'],'string')) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'strng')."')"); }//8 }//7 }//3 } } } $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.css"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> window.onload = "fetch()"; interval = window.setInterval("fetch();", '.$conf['setinterval'].'); </script> '; $datum = date("$conf[datumformat]"); $hr = '<hr style="height:0px;border:solid '.$conf['hrcolor'].' 0px;border-top-width: 1px;" />'; if ($conf['ip'] == JA) { $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = '<br />Deine IP : '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].''; } else { $ip = ''; } srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $sz = rand(999,10000); if ($conf['spam'] == AN) { $spam = ' <table border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="sz" value="'.$sz.'" /> '.$sz.' <input name="xspam" size="4" maxlength="4" value="" /> </td> </tr> </table> '; } else { $spam = ''; } if($conf['smilies'] == JA) { $smilies = shboxsmilies(); } else { $smilies = ''; } if ( loggedin() ) { $abf = 'SELECT id, name, avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string').'"'; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_object($erg); { $tabellew = $conf['tabellewidth']; $tabelleh = $conf['tabelleheight']; if ($conf['anzeige'] == 0) { if ( file_exists($row->avatar)) { $avatar = '<img src="'.$row->avatar.'" border="0" height="'.$conf['avatarx'].'" width="'.$conf['avatary'].'">'; } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'USER' => $_SESSION['authname'], 'AVATAR' => $avatar, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 0); } elseif ($conf['gastrecht'] == AN) { $gast = ''.$conf['nametext'].'<br /><input name="xname" size="'.$conf['namesize'].'" maxlength="'.$conf['namelänge'].'" style="background-color:'.$conf['namegroundcolor'].'" value="GAST" />'; $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'GAST' => $gast, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'SPAM' => $spam, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 1); } else { echo '<center>'.$conf['nametext'].'</center><br />'; echo $hr; } if ($conf['reload'] == AN) { echo '<div id="shoutbox"> <center><img src="include/images/load.gif" alt="Load" id="shoutbox" border="0" /></center> </div>'; } else { echo shbox(); } echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="'.$conf['tabelleheight'].'%" border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <center><b><a href="index.php?shbox-archiv">ARCHIV</a></b></center> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; ?>