danke phil

Hier kann eine Notiz zum Merk-Eintrag hinzugefügt werden (optional)
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ALTER TABLE prefix_user ADD skype VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL AFTER icq ;
$erg = db_query("SELECT posts, prefix_user.id, prefix_grundrechte.name as recht_name, regist, prefix_user.name FROM prefix_user LEFT JOIN prefix_grundrechte ON prefix_user.recht = prefix_grundrechte.id ORDER by recht,prefix_user.posts DESC LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit);
$erg = db_query("SELECT posts, prefix_user.id, prefix_user.skype, prefix_grundrechte.name as recht_name, regist, prefix_user.name FROM prefix_user LEFT JOIN prefix_grundrechte ON prefix_user.recht = prefix_grundrechte.id ORDER by recht,prefix_user.posts DESC LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit);
if ($row->skype){ $skype = '<div title="Click to see my Skype profile"><a href="skype:'.$row->skype.'?userinfo"><img src="http://mystatus.skype.com/smallclassic/'.$row->skype.'" style="border: medium none ;" alt="Click to see my Skype profile" height="20" width="114"></a></div>'; }else{ $skype = 'n/a'; }
if ($class == 'Cmite') { $class = 'Cnorm'; } else { $class = 'Cmite'; }
$ar = array ( 'NAME' => $row->name, 'RANG' => userrang($row->posts,$row->id), 'CLASS' => $class, 'POSTS' => $row->posts, 'UID' => $row->id, 'DATE' => date('d.m.Y',$row->regist), 'GRUPE' => $row->recht_name );
$ar = array ( 'NAME' => $row->name, 'RANG' => userrang($row->posts,$row->id), 'CLASS' => $class, 'POSTS' => $row->posts, 'UID' => $row->id, 'DATE' => date('d.m.Y',$row->regist), 'GRUPE' => $row->recht_name, 'SKYPE' => $skype );
<th height="30" width="30%">{_lang_name}</th> <th align="center" width="20%">{_lang_rank}</th> <th align="center" width="20%">{_lang_group}</th> <th width="15%">{_lang_regtime}</th> <th width="15%" align="center">{_lang_posts}</th> </tr>{EXPLODE}<tr class="{CLASS}"> <td><a href="index.php?user-details-{UID}">{NAME}</a></td> <td align="center"><font style="font-size: 10px">{RANG}</font></td> <td align="center">{GRUPE}</td> <td>{DATE}</td> <td align="center">{POSTS}</td>
<th height="30" width="30%">{_lang_name}</th> <th align="center" width="20%">{_lang_rank}</th> <th align="center" width="20%">{_lang_group}</th> <th width="15%">{_lang_regtime}</th> <th width="15%" align="center">{_lang_posts}</th> <th width="10%" align="center">Skype</th> </tr>{EXPLODE}<tr class="{CLASS}"> <td><a href="index.php?user-details-{UID}">{NAME}</a></td> <td align="center"><font style="font-size: 10px">{RANG}</font></td> <td align="center">{GRUPE}</td> <td>{DATE}</td> <td align="center">{POSTS}</td> <td align="center">{SKYPE}</td>
skype = '".escape($_POST['skype'], 'string')."',
<label style="float:left; width:35%;">Skype</label><input style="margin-bottom:2px;" name="skype" value="{skype}" /><br style="clear:both;" />
<?php defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Install'; $hmenu = 'Install'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); $design->header(); db_query("ALTER TABLE `prefix_user` ADD `skype` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL"); echo mysql_error(); $maxpos = db_result(db_query("SELECT MAX(pos) FROM `prefix_profilefields`"),0) + 1; if (db_query("INSERT INTO `ic1_profilefields` (`id`, `show`, `pos`, `func`) VALUES (NULL, 'skype', '$maxpos', '3');")) echo 'Datenbankeintrag erfolgreich<br />Datei sollte nun gelöscht werden'; else echo 'Fehler aufgetreten'; $design->footer(); ?>
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