Ich bin in der sache noch noob,habe problem mitt meni Forum..Wass mus ich fur datten hier rein machen in theme.php damit der Forum funtzt das ist die Code,wenn mier jemand Helfen kann were sehr dankbar..hier noch menine daten..fur Forum..
//edit by HeX: logindaten + email entfernt wegen Missbrauchgefahr
<?php /************************************************************/ /* Theme Name: Spider-X */ /* Theme Design By: Xipher--www.xipherdesigns.com */ /************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2003 by Francisco Burzi */ /* http://phpnuke.org */ /************************************************************/ /************************************************************/ /* Theme Colors Definition */ /************************************************************/ $bgcolor1 = "#1E1E1E"; $bgcolor2 = "#1E1E1E"; $bgcolor3 = "#1E1E1E"; $bgcolor4 = "#1E1E1E"; $textcolor1 = "#FFFFFF"; $textcolor2 = "#FFFFFF"; /************************************************************/ /* OpenTable Functions */ /************************************************************/ include("themes/Spider-X/tables.php"); /************************************************************/ /* FormatStory */ /************************************************************/ function FormatStory($thetext, $notes, $aid, $informant) { global $anonymous; if ($notes != "") { $notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n"; } else { $notes = ""; } if ("$aid" == "$informant") { echo "<font class=\"content\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">$thetext$notes</font>\n"; } else { if($informant != "") { $boxstuff = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&uname=$informant\">$informant</a> "; } else { $boxstuff = "$anonymous "; } $boxstuff .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n"; echo "<font class=\"content\" color=\"#FFFFFF\">$boxstuff</font>\n"; } } /************************************************************/ /* Function themeheader() */ /************************************************************/ function themeheader() { global $name, $user, $sitename, $slogan, $cookie, $prefix; cookiedecode($user); $username = $cookie[1]; if ($username == "cr3w") { $username = "Anonymous"; } $public_msg = public_message(); echo "$public_msg"; //$topics_list = "<select name=\"topic\" onChange='submit()'>\n"; //$topics_list .= "<option value=\"\">All Topics</option>\n"; //$toplist = sql_query("select topicid, topictext from $prefix"._topics." order by topictext", $dbi); //while(list($topicid, $topics) = sql_fetch_row($toplist, $dbi)) { //if ($topicid==$topic) { $sel = "selected "; } //$topics_list .= "<option $sel value=\"$topicid\">$topics</option>\n"; //$sel = ""; if ($username == "cr3w") { $username = "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\" face=\"verdana\" size=\"1\">Guest</font>"; } echo "<body topmargin=\"0\" leftmargin=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" marginheight=\"0\">"; $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/header.html"; $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file)); $thefile = addslashes($thefile); $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";"; eval($thefile); print $r_file; //LEFT SIDE BACKGROUND echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\">\n" ."<tr valign=\"top\">\n" ."<td width=\"44\" valign=\"top\" background=\"themes/Spider-X/images/left.jpg\"><img src=\"themes/Spider-X/images/left.jpg\" width=\"30\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\"></td>\n" ."<td width=\"170\" valign=\"top\">\n"; global $swapleftright; $swapleftright = "1"; if ($name=='Forums' || $name=='Members_List' || $name=='Private_Messages') { /* Don't display it. */ } else { blocks(left); } $swapleftright = "0"; echo "</td>\n" ."<td width=\"5\" valign=\"top\"><img src=\"themes/Spider-X/images/HD/spacer.jpg\" width=\"5\" height=\"0\" border=\"0\"></td>\n" ."<td width=\"100%\">\n"; } /************************************************************/ /* Function themefooter() */ /************************************************************/ function themefooter($title) { global $index, $foot1, $foot2, $foot3, $copyright, $banners, $totaltime, $dbi, $db, $prefix; $maxshow = 10; // here you can change Number of downloads to dispaly in the block. $a = 1; $result = sql_query("select lid, title, hits from ".$prefix."_links_links order by date DESC limit 0,$maxshow", $dbi); while(list($lid, $title, $hits) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi)) { $title2 = ereg_replace("_", " ", "<b>$title</b>"); $show .= " $a: <a href=\"modules.php?name=Web_Links&l_op=viewlinkdetails&lid=$lid&ttitle=$title\">$title2</a><br><br>"; $showlinks = "<A name= \"scrollingCode\"></A><MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align= \"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"49\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"90\" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()'>$show"; $a++; } global $prefix, $db; $a = 1; $sql = "SELECT lid, title FROM ".$prefix."_downloads_downloads ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0,10"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $title2 = ereg_replace("_", " ", "<b>$row[title]</b>"); // $content .= "<strong><big>·</big></strong> $a: <a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid=$row[lid]&title=$row[title]\">$title2</a><br>"; $content .= " $a: <a href=\"modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&lid=$row[lid]&title=$row[title]\">$title2</a><br> <br>"; $showdl = "<A name= \"scrollingCode\"></A><MARQUEE behavior= \"scroll\" align= \"left\" direction= \"up\" height=\"50\" scrollamount= \"2\" scrolldelay= \"90\" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()'>$content"; $a++; } if ($index == 1) { echo "</td>\n" ."<td width=\"100%\" valign=\"top\"><img src=\"themes/Spider-X/images/HD/spacer.jpg\" width=\"10\" height=\"0\" border=\"0\"></td>\n" ."<td width=\"170\" valign=\"top\">\n"; blocks(right); } echo "</td>\n" ."<td width=\"29\" valign=\"top\" align=\"right\" background=\"themes/Spider-X/images/right.jpg\"><img src=\"themes/Spider-X/images/right.jpg\" width=\"30\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\"></td>\n" ."</tr>\n" ."</table>\n\n\n"; $footer_message = "$foot1<br>$foot2<br>$foot3<br>$foot4"; $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/footer.html"; $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file)); $thefile = addslashes($thefile); $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";"; eval($thefile); print $r_file; } /************************************************************/ /* Function themeindex() */ /* This function format the stories on the Homepage */ /************************************************************/ function themeindex ($aid, $informant, $time, $title, $counter, $topic, $thetext, $notes, $morelink, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) { global $anonymous, $tipath; $ThemeSel = get_theme(); if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage")) { $t_image = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage"; } else { $t_image = "$tipath$topicimage"; } if ($notes != "") { $notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> $notes\n"; } else { $notes = ""; } if ("$aid" == "$informant") { $content = "$thetext$notes\n"; } else { if($informant != "") { $content = "<a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&uname=$informant\">$informant</a> "; } else { $content = "$anonymous "; } $content .= ""._WRITES." \"$thetext\"$notes\n"; } //Code Changed - just show posted by $posted = ""._POSTEDBY." "; $posted .= get_author($aid); $posted .= " "._ON." $time $timezone "; //End Code Change $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/story_home.html"; $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file)); $thefile = addslashes($thefile); $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";"; eval($thefile); print $r_file; } /************************************************************/ /* Function themearticle() */ /************************************************************/ function themearticle ($aid, $informant, $datetime, $title, $thetext, $topic, $topicname, $topicimage, $topictext) { global $admin, $sid, $tipath; $ThemeSel = get_theme(); if (file_exists("themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage")) { $t_image = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/topics/$topicimage"; } else { $t_image = "$tipath$topicimage"; } $posted = ""._POSTEDON." $datetime "._BY." "; $posted .= get_author($aid); if ($notes != "") { $notes = "<br><br><b>"._NOTE."</b> <i>$notes</i>\n"; } else { $notes = ""; } if ("$aid" == "$informant") { $content = "$thetext$notes\n"; } else { if($informant != "") { $content = "<a href=\"user.php?op=userinfo&uname=$informant\">$informant</a> "; } else { $content = "$anonymous "; } $content .= ""._WRITES." <i>\"$thetext\"</i>$notes\n"; } $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/story_page.html"; $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file)); $thefile = addslashes($thefile); $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";"; eval($thefile); print $r_file; } /************************************************************/ /* Function themesidebox() */ /************************************************************/ function themesidebox($title, $content) { global $swapleftright, $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2; if ($swapleftright=="0") { $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/R-Block.html"; } else { $tmpl_file = "themes/Spider-X/L-Block.html"; } $ThemeSel = get_theme(); // block image titles code $giftitle = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/block-titles/$title.gif"; $jpgtitle = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/block-titles/$title.jpg"; $jpegtitle = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/block-titles/$title.jpeg"; $pngtitle = "themes/$ThemeSel/images/block-titles/$title.png"; if(file_exists($pngtitle)){ $title = "<img src=\"$pngtitle\">"; } else if (file_exists($jpegtitle)){ $title = "<img src=\"$jpegtitle\">"; } else if(file_exists($jpgtitle)){ $title = "<img src=\"$jpgtitle\">"; } else if (file_exists($giftitle)){ $title = "<img src=\"$giftitle\">"; } $thefile = implode("", file($tmpl_file)); $thefile = addslashes($thefile); $thefile = "\$r_file=\"".$thefile."\";"; eval($thefile); print $r_file; } ?>
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1
betroffene Homepage: mojforum.mo.ohost.de
Zuletzt modifiziert von HeX am 15.10.2007 - 20:55:52