Warning: fgetcsv() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/web18/html/include/contents/selfbp/selfp/livestats.php on line 34
die kommt für jeden player also 10 mal hier mal der code:
<?php //How many rows of results would you like? (ex. Enter "10" for Top 10 $limitresults=10; //How many characters long would you like each string before its replaced with "..." $trunication=12; // FTP user $user = 'xxx'; // FTP Passwort $pass = 'xxx'; // FTP server $ftp_server = ''; //Location of your mani_ranks.txt file. //It can be a URL or a direct link to the file //(i.e. //http://server.com/mani_ranks.txt or data/mani_ranks.txt $manirankslocation="ftp://$user:$pass@$ftp_server/server/css23015/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/mani_ranks.txt"; //These are color codes used to alternate background colors between results. $bgcolor1="999999"; $bgcolor2="666666"; //DO NOT CHANGE (opens the mani_ranks.txt file) $handle = fopen($datei, "r"); //DO NOT CHANGE function trunicate ($string, $max = 50, $rep = '') { $leave = $max - strlen ($rep); return substr_replace($string, $rep, $leave); } $row = 0; //DO NOT CHANGE while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); $row_color = ($row % 2) ? $bgcolor2 : $bgcolor1; if($row < $limitresults){ if(strlen($data[64]) > $trunication){ //Change the HTML Code between the ""'s to what you need it to be echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$row_color'>" . trunicate($data[64], $trunication,'...') . "</td>"; echo "<td bgcolor='$row_color'>" . $data[7] . "/" . $data[5] . " </td></tr>"; }else{ echo "<tr><td bgcolor='$row_color'>" . $data[64] . "</td>"; echo "<td bgcolor='$row_color'>" . $data[7] . "/" . $data[5] . "</td></tr>"; } } $row++; } fclose($handle); ?>
Wäre nett wenn mir einer helfen könnte.
mfg Skared
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1
betroffene Homepage: externer Link
Zuletzt modifiziert von skared am 16.02.2008 - 13:55:41