# Copyright by: Manuel
# Support: www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
if ($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 0 OR $forum_rights['reply'] == FALSE ) {
if ( $aktTopicRow['stat'] == 0 ) {
$forum_failure[] = $lang['topicclosed'];
} else {
$forum_failure[] = $lang['nopermission'];
$title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Forum :: '.aktForumCats($aktForumRow['kat'],'title').' :: '.$aktForumRow['name'].' :: neuer Beitrag';
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum">Forum</a><b> » </b>'.aktForumCats($aktForumRow['kat']).'<b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid.'">'.$aktForumRow['name'].'</a><b> » </b>';
$hmenu .= '<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'">'.$aktTopicRow['name'].'</a>'.$extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$dppk_time = time();
$time = time();
if (!isset($_SESSION['klicktime'])) { $_SESSION['klicktime'] = 30; }
$topic = '';
$txt = '';
$xnn = '';
if (isset($_POST['txt'])) {
$txt = trim(escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'));
if (isset($_POST['Gname'])) {
$xnn = trim(escape_nickname($_POST['Gname']));
if (($_SESSION['klicktime'] + 15) > $dppk_time OR empty($txt) OR !empty($_POST['priview']) OR (empty($_POST['Gname']) AND !loggedin())) {
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1);
$name = '';
if ( !loggedin() ) {
$name = '<tr><td class="Cmite"0><b>'.$lang['name'].'</b></td>';
$name .= '<td class="Cnorm"><input type="text" value="'.unescape($xnn).'" maxlength="15" name="Gname"></td></tr>';
$tpl = new tpl ('forum/newpost');
$xtext = '';
if ( $menu->getA(3) == 'z' ) {
$row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT txt,erst FROM prefix_posts WHERE id = ".$menu->getE(3)));
$xtext = '[quote='.escape_nickname($row->erst).']'."\n".$row->txt."\n[/quote]";
if ( $menu->getA(3) == 'f' ) {
$r = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT id,text,title FROM prefix_faqs WHERE id = ".$menu->getE(3)));
$xtext = 'FAQ Artikel: [url=index.php?faqs-s'.$r['id'].'#FAQ'.$r['id'].']'.$r['title'].'[/url]'."\n".unescape($r['text']);
if (isset($_POST['priview'])) {
$tpl->set_out('txt', bbcode(unescape($txt)), 0);
if (empty($txt)) {
$txt = $xtext;
$tpl = new tpl ('forum/newpost');
$ar = array (
'txt' => escape_for_fields(unescape($txt)),
'tid' => $tid,
'name' => $name,
'SMILIES' => getsmilies()
$erg = db_query('SELECT erst, txt FROM `prefix_posts` WHERE tid = "'.$tid.'" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,5');
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) {
$row['txt'] = bbcode($row['txt']);
$tpl->set_ar_out($row, 2);
} else {
# save post
$_SESSION['klicktime'] = $dppk_time;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1);
if (loggedin()) {
$uid = $_SESSION['authid'];
$erst = escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string');
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_user` set posts = posts+1 WHERE id = ".$uid);
} else {
$erst = $xnn;
$uid = 0;
# topic alert ausfuehren.
$topic_alerts_abf = "SELECT
prefix_topics.name as topic,
prefix_user.email as email,
prefix_user.name as user,
prefix_user.id as uid
FROM prefix_topic_alerts
LEFT JOIN prefix_topics ON prefix_topics.id = prefix_topic_alerts.tid
LEFT JOIN prefix_user ON prefix_user.id = prefix_topic_alerts.uid
WHERE prefix_topic_alerts.tid = ".$tid;
$topic_alerts_erg = db_query($topic_alerts_abf);
while ($topic_alerts_row = db_fetch_assoc($topic_alerts_erg)) {
if ($uid == $topic_alerts_row['uid']) continue;
$text = sprintf ($lang['topicalertmessage'], $topic_alerts_row['user'], $topic_alerts_row['topic'], $page, $tid);
icmail ($topic_alerts_row['email'], 'neue Antwort im Thema: "'.$topic_alerts_row['topic'].'"', $text);
debug ($topic_alerts_row['email']);
db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE tid = ".$tid);
# topic alert insert wenn gewaehlt.
if (!empty($_POST['topic_alert']) AND $_POST['topic_alert'] == 'yes' AND loggedin()) {
if (0 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")");
# topic alert ende
db_query ("INSERT INTO `prefix_posts` (tid,fid,erst,erstid,time,txt) VALUES ( ".$tid.", ".$fid.", '".$erst."', ".$uid.", ".$time.", '".$txt."')");
$pid = db_last_id();
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET last_post_id = ".$pid.", rep = rep + 1 WHERE id = ".$tid);
db_query("UPDATE `prefix_forums` SET posts = posts + 1, last_post_id = ".$pid." WHERE id = ".$fid );
$page = ceil ( ($aktTopicRow['rep']+1) / $allgAr['Fpanz'] );
# toipc als gelesen markieren
$_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time();
wd ( array (
$lang['backtotopic'] => 'index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-p'.$page.'#'.$pid,
$lang['backtotopicoverview'] => 'index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid
) , $lang['createpostsuccessful'] , 3 );
also es funktioniert irgendwie nicht weder die voreingestellten 15 sekunden noch die 30 von mir; habe ich irgendetwas übersehen?