ilch Forum » Allgemein » Design- und Projektvorstellungen » Neues Design

  1. #1
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    vutang Mitglied
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    hallöle ^^

    hab wieder ein neues deisgn, weil ich den clan gewechselt hab.
    ist alles fertig gecodet etc, was fehlt sind newsbanner und squadbilder.
    bitte um kritik ^^

    verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1

    betroffene Homepage:
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  2. #2
    User Pic
    DragonLord2007 Mitglied
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    hmm also für meinen Geschmack ein wenig zu fade.

    Und MIR gefällt der hintergrund nicht so.

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  3. #3
    User Pic
    vutang Mitglied
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    hintergrund wurd etwas geändert, war uns zu hardcore xD
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  4. #4
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    Soldat53b gelöschter User
    Darf ich fragen wie du das Dropdown menü eingebunden hast?

    hab das auch mal gefunden aber kp gehabt wie das geht.
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  5. #5
    User Pic
    vutang Mitglied
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    also dropdown menü ist von dieser seite
    und den code dazu kann ich dir gerne mal geben
    hab noch ein extra javascript über eine .js datei für den rollover genommen, weil der in der index nicht funktioniert hat


    <!-- these two are required for transmenus to function -->

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../transmenu.css">

    <script language="javascript" src="../transmenu.js"></script>

    <script language="javascript">
    function init() {
    // if supported, initialize TransMenus
    // Check isSupported() so that menus aren't accidentally sent to non-supporting browsers.
    // This is better than server-side checking because it will also catch browsers which would
    // normally support the menus but have javascript disabled.
    // If supported, call initialize() and then hook whatever image rollover code you need to do
    // to the .onactivate and .ondeactivate events for each menu.
    if (TransMenu.isSupported()) {
    // hook all the highlight swapping of the main toolbar to menu activation/deactivation
    // instead of simple rollover to get the effect where the button stays hightlit until
    // the menu is closed.
    menu1.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("liguria").className = "hover"; };
    menu1.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("liguria").className = ""; };
    menu2.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lombardia").className = "hover"; };
    menu2.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lombardia").className = ""; };
    menu3.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("veneto").className = "hover"; };
    menu3.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("veneto").className = ""; };
    menu4.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("toscana").className = "hover"; };
    menu4.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("toscana").className = ""; };
    menu5.onactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lazio").className = "hover"; };
    menu5.ondeactivate = function() { document.getElementById("lazio").className = ""; };
    document.getElementById("umbria").onmouseover = function() {
    this.className = "hover";
    document.getElementById("umbria").onmouseout = function() { this.className = ""; }


    <body onload="init()">
    <div id="wrap">

    <div id="menu">

    <a id="main" href="#">
    <img style="border: 0px solid ; width: 130px; height: 20px;" alt="" src="../main.png" srcover="../main_v.png">
    <a id="clan" href="#">
    <img style="border: 0px solid ; width: 130px; height: 20px;" alt="" src="../clan.png" srcover="../clan_v.png">
    <a id="misc" href="#">
    <img style="border: 0px solid ; width: 130px; height: 20px;" alt="" src="../misc.png" srcover="../misc_v.png">

    Zuletzt modifiziert von vutang am 15.06.2009 - 14:09:50
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  6. #6
    User Pic
    Soldat53b gelöschter User
    ok und wo wird angegeben wie die unterpunkte heißen?

    ich hab mal bei dir geguckt da ist unten noch was unterm footer
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  7. #7
    User Pic
    vutang Mitglied
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    ah ja vergessen sry lachen


    <script language="javascript">
    // set up drop downs anywhere in the body of the page. I think the bottom of the page is better.. // but you can experiment with effect on loadtime.
    if (TransMenu.isSupported()) {
    // create a set of dropdowns
    // the first param should always be down, as it is here
    // The second and third param are the top and left offset positions of the menus from their actuators
    // respectively. To make a menu appear a little to the left and bottom of an actuator, you could use
    // something like -5, 5
    // The last parameter can be .topLeft, .bottomLeft, .topRight, or .bottomRight to inidicate the corner
    // of the actuator from which to measure the offset positions above. Here we are saying we want the // menu to appear directly below the bottom left corner of the actuator
    var ms = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.down, 1, 0, TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft);
    // create a dropdown menu
    // the first parameter should be the HTML element which will act actuator for the menu
    var menu1 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("main"));
    menu1.addItem("News", "index.php?news");
    menu1.addItem("Forum", "index.php?forum");
    menu1.addItem("Gästebuch", "index.php?gbook");
    menu1.addItem("Umfrage", "index.php?vote");
    menu1.addItem("Kalender", "index.php?kalender");
    menu1.addItem("Gallery", "index.php?gallery");
    var menu2 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("clan"));
    menu2.addItem("Squads", "index.php?teams");
    menu2.addItem("Fight Us&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", "index.php?fightus");
    menu2.addItem("Matches", "index.php?wars");
    menu2.addItem("Regeln", "index.php?rules");
    menu2.addItem("Away", "index.php?awaycal");
    menu2.addItem("Awards", "index.php?awards");
    var menu3 = ms.addMenu(document.getElementById("misc"));
    menu3.addItem("Kontakt", "index.php?contact");
    menu3.addItem("Link Us", "index.php?linkus");
    menu3.addItem("Userliste", "index.php?user");
    menu3.addItem("Impressum", "index.php?impressum");
    // write drop downs into page
    // this method writes all the HTML for the menus into the page with document.write(). It must be
    // called within the body of the HTML page.
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