Bitte die Profieldfields.php komplett mit diesem code ersetzen und im Admin Bereich unter Profielfelder ein Feld mit namen SteamID erstellen und im Profiel im feld die steam id eingeben .
Viel Spass Damit
# Copyright by Manuel Staechele
# Support
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
function profilefields_functions2 () {
$ar = array (
1 => 'Feld',
2 => 'Kategorie'
return ($ar);
function profilefields_functions () {
$ar = array (
1 => 'Feld',
2 => 'Kategorie',
3 => 'Angezeigt',
4 => 'Versteckt'
return ($ar);
# Felder zum aendern anzeigen.
function profilefields_change ($uid) {
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
echo '<label style="float:left; width:35%;">'.$r['show'].'</label><input type="text" name="profilefields['.$r['id'].']" value="'.$r['val'].'"><br />';
# Felder die uebermittelt wurden speichern.
function profilefields_change_save ($uid) {
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, val FROM prefix_profilefields LEFT JOIN prefix_userfields ON prefix_userfields.fid = AND prefix_userfields.uid = ".$uid." WHERE func = 1 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
if ( isset($_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]) ) { $v = $_REQUEST['profilefields'][$r['id']]; } else { $v = ''; }
if ( $r['val'] == '' AND $v != '' ) {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_userfields (fid,uid,val) VALUES (".$r['id'].",".$uid.",'".$v."')");
} elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v == '' ) {
db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_userfields WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid);
} elseif ( $r['val'] != '' AND $v != '' AND $r['val'] != $v ) {
db_query("UPDATE prefix_userfields SET val = '".$v."' WHERE fid = ".$r['id']." AND uid = ".$uid);
# Diese Funktion Zeit ALLE Felder die der Benutzer im Adminbereich unter
# Profilefields sortieren kann an ... is eigentlich total easy ;-)...
function profilefields_show ($uid) {
$l = '';
$a = array ();
$q = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM prefix_user");
while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$a[$r['Field']] = $r['Field'];
$q = db_query("SELECT id, `show`, func FROM prefix_profilefields WHERE func < 4 ORDER BY pos");
while ( $r = db_fetch_assoc($q)) {
if ( $r['func'] == 1 ) {
$str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT val FROM prefix_userfields WHERE uid = ".$uid." AND fid = ".$r['id']) , 0 );
if ( function_exists ( 'profilefields_show_user_spez_'.$r['show'] ) ) {
$l .= call_user_func ( 'profilefields_show_user_spez_'.$r['show'], $str, $uid );
} else {
$l .= '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.$r['show'].'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>';
} elseif ( $r['func'] == 2 ) {
$l.='</table><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">';
$l.='<tr><td colspan="2" style="height: 15px; padding: 0px;"></td></tr>';
$l.='</table><table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="border">';
$l .= '<tr><td class="Chead" colspan="2"><b>'.$r['show'].'</b></td></tr>';
} elseif ( $r['func'] == 3 ) {
$str = '';
if (isset($a[$r['show']])) {
$str = @db_result ( db_query ("SELECT `".$r['show']."` FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$uid) , 0 );
if ( function_exists ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'] ) ) {
$l .= call_user_func ( 'profilefields_show_spez_'.$r['show'], $str, $uid );
} elseif ($r['show'] != 'opt_pm_popup') {
$l .= '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.ucfirst($r['show']).'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$str.'</td></tr>';
return ( $l );
function profilefields_show_user_spez_steamid ($value, $uid) {
if( $value != "") {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Steam ID', '<iframe src="'.$value.'" border="0" height="60" width="250" SCROLLING="no" ></iframe>' ) );
}else {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Steam ID', '' ) );
# hier kommen die speziellen funktionen hin...
function profilefields_show_spez_geschlecht ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
$ar = array ( 0 => $lang['itdoesntmatter'], 1 => $lang['male'], 2 => $lang['female'] );
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['sex'], $ar[$value] ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_status ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Status', 'Unbekannt' ) );
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Status', $state[$value] ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_avatar ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Avatar', '<img src="include/images/avatars/def.gif" border="0">' ) );
$avatar = '';
if (!empty($value) AND file_exists($value)) {
$avatar = '<img src="'.$value.'" border="0">';
} else {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Avatar', $avatar ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_staat ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['state'], ((!empty($value) AND file_exists('include/images/flags/'.$value))?'<img src="include/images/flags/'.$value.'" alt="'.$value.'" title="'.$value.'" />':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_icq ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', 'Keine'));
$value=ereg_replace('-', '', $value);
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', $value.' <a href="'.$value.'&action=add"><img src="'.$value.'&img=5" valign=bottom border="0"></a>' ) );
} else{
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'ICQ', '' ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_gebdatum ($value,$uid) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Geburtstag', '00-00-0000'));
$jahr = substr($value, 0, 4);
$monat = substr ($value, 5, 2);
$tag = substr ($value, 8, 2);
$bday = "$tag.$monat.$jahr";
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Geburtstag', $bday ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_homepage ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['homepage'], (empty($value)?'':'<a href="'.$value.'" target="_blank">'.$value.'</a>') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_usergallery ($value,$uid) {
global $allgAr, $lang;
if ($allgAr['forum_usergallery'] == 1) {
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( 'Usergallery', '<a href="index.php?user-usergallery-'.$uid.'">ansehen</a>' ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_opt_mail ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['mail'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?user-mail-'.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_opt_pm ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['privatemessages'], ($value?'<a href="index.php?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid='.$uid.'">'.$lang['send'].'</a>':'') ) );
function profilefields_show_spez_sig ($value,$uid) {
global $lang;
return ( profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $lang['signature'], bbcode($value) ) );
# help funcs
function get_nationality_array () {
$ar = array();
$o = opendir ( 'include/images/flags' );
while ( $f = readdir ( $o ) ) {
if ( $f != '.' AND $f != '..' ) {
$ar[$f] = $f;
return ( $ar );
function profilefields_show_echo_standart ( $k, $v ) {
return ( '<tr><td class="Cmite">'.$k.'</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$v.'</td></tr>' );
Zuletzt modifiziert von Boy83Ol am 30.07.2009 - 23:26:32