hab folgendes Problem. Ich wollte das forum Modul Ilchbb_forumMod installaieren, dies hab ich auch getan....damals wurde das forum avatar aus dem hauptbild gezogen und dem entsprechend angezeigt im forum, nun musste ich die schow_posts ersetzen und gewisse andere datein. fehler sind keine, außer das dat bild nicht mehr angezeigt wird....wie gesagt, damals vom hauptbild, jetzt(keine ahnung)
bin mir sicher das es an der show_posts liegt, hier mal meine alte:
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel Staechele # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); # check ob ein fehler aufgetreten ist. check_forum_failure($forum_failure); # toipc als gelesen markieren $_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time(); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Forum :: '.$aktTopicRow['name'].' :: Beiträge zeigen'; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum">Forum</a><b> » </b>'.aktForumCats($aktForumRow['kat']).'<b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid.'">'.$aktForumRow['name'].'</a><b> » </b>'; $hmenu .= $aktTopicRow['name'].$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); # Topic Hits werden eins hochgesetzt. db_query('UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET hit = hit + 1 WHERE id = "'.$tid.'"'); # mehrere seiten fals gefordert $limit = $allgAr['Fpanz']; // Limit $page = ($menu->getA(3) == 'p' ? $menu->getE(3) : 1 ); $MPL = db_make_sites ($page , "WHERE tid = ".$tid , $limit , 'index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid , 'posts' ); $anfang = ($page - 1) * $limit; $antworten = ''; if (($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 AND $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE) OR ($_SESSION['authright'] <= '-7' OR $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE)) { $antworten = '<b>[ <a href="index.php?forum-newpost-'.$tid.'">'.$lang['answer'].'</a> ]</b>'; } $class = 'Cmite'; $tpl = new tpl ( 'forum/showpost' ); $ar = array ( 'SITELINK' => $MPL, 'tid' => $tid, 'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten, 'TOPICNAME' => $aktTopicRow['name'] ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar,0); $i = $anfang +1; $ges_ar = array ('wurstegal', 'maennlich', 'weiblich'); $erg = db_query("SELECT prefix_user.id as uid,geschlecht, prefix_posts.id,txt,time,erstid,erst,sig,posts FROM `prefix_posts` LEFT JOIN prefix_user ON prefix_posts.erstid = prefix_user.id WHERE tid = ".$tid." ORDER BY time LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { $class = ( $class == 'Cnorm' ? 'Cmite' : 'Cnorm' ); if($row['uid'] != ''){ $avatar2 = @db_result(db_query("SELECT endung FROM prefix_usergallery WHERE uid = ".$row['uid']." AND votebild = 1"),0); $avatar1 = @db_result(db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_usergallery WHERE uid = ".$row['uid']." AND votebild = 1"),0); $gesch = @db_result(db_query("SELECT geschlecht FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$row['uid']),0); }else{ $gesch = 0; $avatar2 = ''; } if($avatar2 == ''){ $row['avatar'] = '<br><img src="include/images/avatars/'.$ges_ar[$gesch].'.jpg" width="80" height="80" alt="User Pic" border="0">'; }elseif($avatar1 != '' AND $avatar2 != ''){ $row['avatar'] = '<br><img src="include/images/usergallery/img_'.$avatar1.'.'.$avatar2.'" width="80" height="80" alt="User Pic" border="0">'; } # define some vars. $row['sig'] = ( empty($row['sig']) ? '' : '<br><hr style="width: 50%;" align="left">'.bbcode($row['sig']) ); $row['TID'] = $tid; $row['class'] = $class; $row['date'] = date ('d.m.Y - H:i:s', $row['time'] ); $row['delete'] = ''; $row['change'] = ''; $row['rang'] = userrang ($row['posts'],$row['erstid']); $row['txt'] = (isset($_GET['such']) ? markword(bbcode ($row['txt']),$_GET['such']) : bbcode ($row['txt']) ); $row['i'] = $i; $row['page'] = $page; $text = explode(" ",$row['txt']); $row['txt'] = ''; foreach($text as $wort){ $row['txt'] .= chunk_split( $wort, 63, " " )." "; } if ( $row['posts'] != 0 ) { $row['erst'] = '<a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row['erstid'].'"><b>'.$row['erst'].'</b></a>'; } elseif ( $row['erstid'] != 0 ) { $row['rang'] = 'gelöschter User'; } if ($forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE AND $i>1) { $row['delete'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-delpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'">'.$lang['delete'].'</a>'; } if ( $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE AND loggedin() ) { $row['change'] = ' <a href="index.php?forum-editpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'">'.$lang['change'].'</a>'; } $row['posts'] = ($row['posts']?'<br>Posts: '.$row['posts']:'').'<br>'; $tpl->set_ar_out($row,1); $i++; } $tpl->set_ar_out( array ( 'SITELINK' => $MPL, 'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten ) , 2 ); if (loggedin()) { if ($menu->get(3) == 'topicalert') { if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) { db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")"); } } echo 'Optionen:'; if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) { echo '<br>- <a href="index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-topicalert">'.$lang['nomailonreply'].'</a><br>'; } else { echo '<br>- <a href="index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-topicalert">'.$lang['mailonreply'].'</a><br>'; } } if ( $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE ) { $tpl->set ( 'status', ($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 ? $lang['close'] : $lang['open'] ) ); $tpl->set ( 'festnorm', ($aktTopicRow['art'] == 0 ? $lang['fixedtopic'] : $lang['normaltopic'] ) ); $tpl->set('tid',$tid); $tpl->out(3); } $design->footer(); ?>
und hier mal die neue
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel Staechele # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); # check ob ein fehler aufgetreten ist. check_forum_failure($forum_failure); # toipc als gelesen markieren $_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time(); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Forum :: '.$aktTopicRow['name'].' :: Beiträge zeigen'; $hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum">Forum</a><b> » </b>'.aktForumCats($aktForumRow['kat']).'<b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid.'">'.$aktForumRow['name'].'</a><b> » </b>'; $hmenu .= $aktTopicRow['name'].$extented_forum_menu_sufix; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); # Topic Hits werden eins hochgesetzt. db_query('UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET hit = hit + 1 WHERE id = "'.$tid.'"'); $erg = db_query("SELECT fid FROM `prefix_posts` WHERE tid = ".$tid); $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg); $newth = '<a href="index.php?forum-newtopic-'.$row['fid'].'"><img src="include/images/forum/newth.png" border="0"></a>'; # mehrere seiten fals gefordert $limit = $allgAr['Fpanz']; // Limit $page = ($menu->getA(3) == 'p' ? $menu->getE(3) : 1 ); $MPL = db_make_sites ($page , "WHERE tid = ".$tid , $limit , 'index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid , 'posts' ); $anfang = ($page - 1) * $limit; $antworten = ''; if (($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 AND $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE) OR ($_SESSION['authright'] <= '-7' OR $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE)) { $antworten = '<a href="index.php?forum-newpost-'.$tid.'"><img src="include/images/forum/antw.png" border="0"></a>'; } $class = 'Cmite'; $tpl = new tpl ( 'forum/showpost' ); $ar = array ( 'SITELINK' => $MPL, 'tid' => $tid, 'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten, 'TOPICNAME' => $aktTopicRow['name'], 'HMENU' => $hmenu, 'NEWTH' => $newth ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar,0); $i = $anfang +1; $ges_ar = array ('wurstegal', 'maennlich', 'weiblich'); ################################## #Forenmod by matthias-schlich.de - Vorlage von Benjamin Rau #Posts $erg = db_query("SELECT geschlecht, prefix_posts.id,txt,time,erstid,erst,sig,icq,avatar,posts FROM `prefix_posts` LEFT JOIN prefix_user ON prefix_posts.erstid = prefix_user.id WHERE tid = ".$tid." ORDER BY time LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { $class = ( $class == 'Cnorm' ? 'Cmite' : 'Cnorm' ); $icq1 = str_replace("-","",$row['icq']); $icq2 = str_replace(" ","",$icq1); // icq abfrage // 0 - keine ICQ abfrage // 1 - ICQ standartbilder bei &design= kann man zwischen den 26 verschiedenen icq bildern wechseln // 2 - für eigne ICQ Statsubilder $own_pics = "1"; $icqdesign = "25"; if ($own_pics == "1") { if (is_numeric($icq2) ){ $row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$icq2.'&action=add"><img src="http://web.icq.com/whitepages/online?web='.$icq2.'&img='.$icqdesign.'" border="0"></a>'; } else {$row['icq'] = '';} } elseif ($own_pics == "0"){ $row['icq'] = '';} else{ if (is_numeric($icq2) ){ // Eigene ICQ-Bilder $status = (icq_status($icq2)); if ($status == "1"){ $row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$icq2.'&action=add"><img src="include/images/forum/icqonline.png" border="0"></a>'; }elseif ($status == "0"){ $row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$icq2.'&action=add"><img src="include/images/forum/icqoffline.png" border="0"></a>'; }elseif ($status == "2"){ $row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/whitepages/cmd.php?uin='.$icq2.'&action=add"><img src="include/images/forum/icqinactive.png" border="0"></a>'; }else {$row['icq'] = '';} }else {$row['icq'] = '';} } # define some vars. $row['sig'] = ( empty($row['sig']) ? '' : '<br /><hr style="width: 50%;" align="left">'.bbcode($row['sig']) ); $row['TID'] = $tid; $row['class'] = $class; $row['date'] = date ('d.m.Y - H:i:s', $row['time'] ); $row['delete'] = ''; $row['change'] = ''; if (file_exists($row['avatar'])) { $row['avatar'] = '<br /><br /><img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" alt="User Pic" border="0" /><br />'; } elseif ($allgAr['forum_default_avatar']) { $row['avatar'] = '<br /><br /><img src="include/images/avatars/'.$ges_ar[$row['geschlecht']].'.jpg" alt="User Pic" border="0" /><br />'; } else { $row['avatar'] = ''; } $row['rang2'] = userrang ($row['posts'],$row['erstid']); $rank_name = $row['rang2']; $row['txt'] = (isset($_GET['such']) ? markword(bbcode ($row['txt']),$_GET['such']) : bbcode ($row['txt']) ); $row['i'] = $i; if ( $row['erstid'] != '' ) { $user_row = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT posts,regist FROM prefix_user WHERE id = ".$row['erstid'])); $posts = $row['posts']; $row['posts'] = 'Beiträge: '.$row['posts'].'<br />'; if ( $posts == '' ) { $row['posts'] = '<br>Nicht registriert';} #Ranking Balken #Grafiken definieren $rank_01 = '<img src="include/images/forum/rank/rank01.png" alt="" border="0"><br>'; $rank_02 = '<img src="include/images/forum/rank/rank02.png" alt="" border="0"><br>'; $rank_03 = '<img src="include/images/forum/rank/rank03.png" alt="" border="0"><br>'; $rank_04 = '<img src="include/images/forum/rank/rank04.png" alt="" border="0"><br>'; $rank_05 = '<img src="include/images/forum/rank/rank05.png" alt="" border="0"><br>'; #Bezugnehmen auf das Ranking des users if ( $row['posts'] != '' ) { $row['rang'] = $rank_name.'<br>'; if ($posts <= '200') { $row['rang'] .= $rank_01; } elseif ($posts <= '500') { $row['rang'] .= $rank_02;} elseif ($posts <= '800') { $row['rang'] .= $rank_03; } elseif ($posts < '1000') { $row['rang'] .= $rank_04; } elseif ($posts >= '1000') { $row['rang'] .= $rank_05; } } else {$row['rang'] .= ""; } } #User Details if ( $posts != '' ) { $abf1 = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user where id = '.$row["erstid"]; $erg1 = db_query($abf1); $user = db_fetch_object($erg1); $zeit = date('d. M Y',$user->regist); $llogin = date('d. M Y',$user->llogin); $ort = $user->wohnort; $www = $user->homepage; $email = $user->opt_mail; $pm = $user->opt_pm; $land = $user->staat; #Flagge if ($land != '') {$row['land'] = '<img src="include/images/flags/'.$land.'" >';} else{$row['land'] = '';} #Dabei seit $row['details'] = "<br><br>Dabei seit: ".$zeit."<br>"; #Wohnort if ($ort != ''){$row['details'] .= "Wohnort: ".$ort."<br>";} #Homepage if ($www != ''){$row['www'] = '<a href="'.$www.'" target="_blank"><img src="include/images/forum/www.png" border="0" alt="Website des Users besuchen"></a>';} else{$row['www'] = '';} #Letzter Login $row['details'] .= "Letzter Login: ".$llogin."<br>"; #PM if ($pm == '1'){ $row['pm'] = "<a href='?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid=".$row['erstid']."'><img src='include/images/forum/pm.png' border='0' alt='Private Nachricht an den User senden'></a>"; }else{$row['pm'] = '';} #email if ($email == '1'){ $row['email'] = "<a href='?user-mail-".$row['erstid']."'><img src='include/images/forum/email.png' border='0' alt='E-Mail an den User senden'></a>"; }else{$row['email'] = '';} } else { $row['details'] = ""; $row['land'] = ''; $row['pm'] = ''; $row['email'] = ''; $row['www'] = ''; } if ( $posts != '' ) { #User Online o Offline $abf1 = "SELECT * FROM prefix_online where uid = ".$row['erstid']; $erg1 = db_query($abf1); $status = db_fetch_object($erg1); if ($status->uid == $row['erstid']) { $row['online'] = ' <img src="include/images/forum/uonline.png" border="0">'; } else { $row['online'] = ' <img src="include/images/forum/uoffline.png" border="0">'; } } else {$row['online'] = '';} # #Edit Ende ################################## $row['page'] = $page; if ( $row['posts'] != 0 ) { $row['erst'] = '<a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row['erstid'].'"><b>'.$row['erst'].'</b></a>'; } elseif ( $row['erstid'] == 0 ) { $row['rang'] = 'gelöschter User'; } if ($forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE AND $i>1) { $row['delete'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-delpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'">'.$lang['delete'].'</a>'; } if ( $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE AND loggedin() ) { $row['change'] = ' <a href="index.php?forum-editpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'">'.$lang['change'].'</a>'; } $row['posts'] = ($row['posts']?'<br />'.$row['posts']:'').'<br />'; $tpl->set_ar_out($row,1); $i++; } $tpl->set_ar_out( array ( 'SITELINK' => $MPL, 'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten ) , 2 ); // anfang qpost if (loggedin()) { $dppk_time = time(); $time = time(); if (!isset($_SESSION['klicktime'])) { $_SESSION['klicktime'] = 0; } $topic = ''; $txt = ''; $xnn = ''; if (isset($_POST['txt_qp'])) { $txt = trim(escape($_POST['txt_qp'], 'textarea')); } $tpl = new tpl ('forum/qpost'); $ar = array ( 'txt_qp' => escape_for_fields(unescape($txt)), 'tid' => $tid, ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar,1); if (($_SESSION['klicktime'] + 150) > $dppk_time OR empty($txt) OR !empty($_POST['priview']) OR (empty($_POST['Gname']) AND !loggedin())) { } else { # save qpost $_SESSION['klicktime'] = $dppk_time; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1); $design->header(); if (loggedin()) { $uid = $_SESSION['authid']; $erst = escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string'); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_user` set posts = posts+1 WHERE id = ".$uid); } else { $erst = $xnn; $uid = 0; } db_query ("INSERT INTO `prefix_posts` (tid,fid,erst,erstid,time,txt) VALUES ( ".$tid.", ".$fid.", '".$erst."', ".$uid.", ".$time.", '".$txt."')"); $pid = db_last_id(); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET last_post_id = ".$pid.", rep = rep + 1 WHERE id = ".$tid); db_query("UPDATE `prefix_forums` SET posts = posts + 1, last_post_id = ".$pid." WHERE id = ".$fid ); $page = ceil ( ($aktTopicRow['rep']+1) / $allgAr['Fpanz'] ); # topic als gelesen markieren $_SESSION['forumSEE'][$fid][$tid] = time(); wd ( array ( $lang['backtotopic'] => 'index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-p'.$page.'#'.$pid, $lang['backtotopicoverview'] => 'index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid ) , $lang['createpostsuccessful'] , 3 ); } } $tpl = new tpl ( 'forum/showpost' ); // end qpost if (loggedin()) { if ($menu->get(3) == 'topicalert') { if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) { db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid); } else { db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")"); } } echo 'Optionen:'; if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) { echo '<br />- <a href="index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-topicalert">'.$lang['nomailonreply'].'</a><br />'; } else { echo '<br />- <a href="index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-topicalert">'.$lang['mailonreply'].'</a><br />'; } } if ( $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE ) { $tpl->set ( 'status', ($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 ? $lang['close'] : $lang['open'] ) ); $tpl->set ( 'festnorm', ($aktTopicRow['art'] == 0 ? $lang['fixedtopic'] : $lang['normaltopic'] ) ); $tpl->set('tid',$tid); $tpl->out(3); } $design->footer(); ?>
nun steht da recht viel mit avatar und weiß nicht genau, welchen eintrag ich ändern muss, damit das avatar wieder vom hauptbild bezogen wird udn worauf ich evtl. noch achten müsste z.B. falls kein bild vorhanden im profil^^
kann mir jemand weiter helfen?
lieben gruß botox84
verwendete ilchClan Version: 1.1
betroffene Homepage: externer Link