ilch Forum » Ilch Clan 1.1 » Fehlersuche und Probleme » 3 Fehlermeldungen

  1. #1
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    Loqi-X Mitglied
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    seit wir wieder Online sind, tauchen folgende Fehlermeldungen auf meiner Hoemapge auf:

    Fehlermeldung #1:
    Notice: Undefined index: antispam in /home/www/web77/html/gamerstart/include/includes/func/allg.php on line 404

    Diese tritt ab und zu bei mir auf Seiten auf, wo sich der Antispam befindet.
    Aber nicht immer.

    Fehlermeldungen #2 & #3:
    Notice: Undefined variable: line in /home/www/web77/html/gamerstart/include/includes/class/bbcode.php on line 142

    Notice: Undefined index: block_contentbgcolor in /home/www/web77/html/gamerstart/include/includes/class/bbcode.php on line 153

    Diese treten bei mir in diesem Thema auf: Forum »Action »Strategie ....
    Ich vermute das es was mit den BBcode zu tun hat, einmal weil dort bbcode steht und weil in diesem Topic der BBcode für CODE und für ein Bild verwendet worden ist.
    Aber ich bin mir nicht sicher.

    Hier ist die allg.php:
    #   Copyright by Manuel
    #   Support
    defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
    #####  W E I T E R L E I T U N G S   F U N K T I O N
    function wd ($wdLINK,$wdTEXT,$wdZEIT=3) {
    	global $lang;
      if (!is_array($wdLINK)) {
    	  $urls  = '<a href="'.$wdLINK.'">'.$lang['forward2'].'</a>';
    	  $wdURL = $wdLINK;
    	} else {
    	  $urls  = '';
        $i = 0;
    		foreach($wdLINK as $k => $v) {
    		  if ( $i == 0 ) {
    			  $wdURL = $v;
    			$urls .= '<a href="'.$v.'">'.$k.'</a><br />';
    	$tpl = new tpl ( 'weiterleitung.htm' );
    	$ar = array
        'LINK' => $urls,
    	  'URL'  => $wdURL,
    		'ZEIT' => $wdZEIT,
    		'TEXT' => $wdTEXT
    	$tpl->set_ar_out ( $ar, 0 );
    ##### g e t   R e c h t
    function getrecht ($RECHT, $USERRECHT) {
    	if ( empty ( $USERRECHT ) ) {
    	  return (false);
    	} else {
    	  if($USERRECHT <= $RECHT) {
    	    return (true);
    	  } else {
    	    return (false);
    ##### g e t   U s e r   N a m e
    function get_n($uid) {
    	$row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_user WHERE id = '".$uid."'"));
    	return $row->name;
    ##### wochentage sonntag 0 samstag 6
    function wtage ($tag) {
      $wtage = array('Sonntag','Montag','Dienstag','Mittwoch','Donnerstag','Freitag','Samstag');
      return ($wtage[$tag]);
    ##### monate in deutsch
    function getDmon ($mon) {
      $monate = array('Januar','Februar','M&auml;rz','April','Mai','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','Dezember');
    ##### a l l g e m e i n e s   A r r a y
    function getAllgAr () {
    	# v1 = schluessel
    	# v2 = wert
    	# v3 = feldtyp
      # v4 = kurze beschreibung wenn n�tig
    	$ar = array();
    	$abf = "SELECT schl, wert FROM `prefix_config`";
    	$erg = db_query($abf);
    	while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) {
    	  $ar[$row['schl']] = $row['wert'];
    	return $ar;
    ##### UserRang ermitteln
    function userrang ($post,$uid) {
      global $global_user_rang_array;
      if (!isset($global_user_rang_array[$uid])) {
        if (!isset($global_user_rang_array)) {
          $global_user_rang_array = array();
        if ( empty($uid) ) {
          $rRang = 'Gast';
        } else {
          $rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM prefix_user LEFT JOIN prefix_ranks ON = prefix_user.spezrank WHERE = ".$uid),0);
        if ( empty($rRang) ) {
          $post = ( $post == 0 ? 1 : $post );
          $rRang = @db_result(db_query("SELECT bez FROM `prefix_ranks` WHERE spez = 0 AND min <= ".$post." ORDER BY min DESC LIMIT 1"),0);
        } elseif ( $rRang != 'Gast' ) {
          $rRang = '<i><b>'.$rRang.'</b></i>';
        $global_user_rang_array[$uid] = $rRang;
      return ($global_user_rang_array[$uid]);
    ##### makiert suchwoerter
    function  markword($text,$such) {
      $erg  = '<span style="background-color: #EBF09B;">';
      $erg .= $such."</span>";
    	$text = str_replace($such,$erg,$text);
      return $text;
    ##### gibt die smiley lilste zurueck
    function getsmilies () {
      global $lang;
      $zeilen = 3; $i = 0;
    	$b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmilies () { var x ="about:blank", "moreSmilies", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); ';
      $a = '';
      $erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`');
    	while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) {
        $b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.put(\''.addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)).'\')\">");';
        $b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'\" title=\"'.$row->emo.'\"></a>");';
        if ($i<12) {
          # float einbauen
          if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) { $a .= '<br /><br />'; }
          $a .= '<a href="javascript:put(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')">';
          $a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0" title="'.$row->emo.'"></a>';
      $b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">'.$lang['close'].'</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>';
      if ($i>12) { $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmilies();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; }
      $a = $b.$a;
      return ($a);
    ##### generey key with x length
    function genkey ( $anz ) {
    	$letterArray = array ('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0');
      $key = '';
    	for ($i=0;$i < $anz ; $i ++)
    	    $zufallZahl = mt_rand(0,62);
          $key .= $letterArray[$zufallZahl];
    	return ( $key );
    function icmail ($mail, $bet, $txt, $from = '', $html = false) {
    	global $allgAr;
    	$mailer = new PHPMailer();
    	if (empty($from)) {
    		$mailer->From = $allgAr['adminMail'];
    		$mailer->FromName = $allgAr['allg_default_subject'];
    	} elseif ( preg_match('%(.*) <([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)>%i', $from, $tmp) ) {
    		$mailer->From = trim($tmp[2]);
    		$mailer->FromName = trim($tmp[1]);
    	} elseif (preg_match('%([\w\.-]*@[\w\.-]*)%i', $from, $tmp)) {
    		$mailer->From = trim($tmp[1]);
    		$mailer->FromName = '';
    	if ($allgAr['mail_smtp']) { //SMTP Versand
    		$smtpser = @db_result(db_query('SELECT `t1` FROM `prefix_allg` WHERE `k` = "smtpconf"'));
    		if (empty($smtpser)) {
    			echo '<span style="font-size: 2em; color: red;">Mailversand muss konfiguriert werden!</span><br />';
    		} else {
    			$smtp = unserialize($smtpser);
    			$mailer->Host = $smtp['smtp_host'];
    			$mailer->SMTPAuth = ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'no' ? false : true);
    			if ($smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'ssl' or $smtp['smtp_auth'] == 'tls') {
    				$mailer->SMTPSecure = $smtp['smtp_auth'];
    			if (!empty($smtp['smtp_port'])) {
    				$mailer->Port = $smtp['smtp_port'];
    			$mailer->AddReplyTo($mailer->From, $mailer->FromName);
    			if ($smtp['smtp_changesubject'] and $mailer->From != $smtp['smtp_email']) {
    				$bet = '(For ' .$mailer->FromName . ' - '. $mailer->From .') '. $bet;
    				$mailer->From = $smtp['smtp_email'];
    			$mailer->Username = $smtp['smtp_login'];
    			$cr64 = new AzDGCrypt(DBDATE.DBUSER.DBPREF);
    			$mailer->Password = $cr64->decrypt($smtp['smtp_pass']);
    			if ($smtp['smtp_pop3beforesmtp'] == 1) {
    				$pop = new POP3();
    				$pop3port = !empty($smpt['smtp_pop3port']) ? $smpt['smtp_pop3port'] : 110;
    				$pop->Authorise($smpt['smtp_pop3host'], $pop3port, 5, $mailer->Username, $mailer->Password, 1);
    		//$mailer->SMTPDebug = true;
    	if (is_array($mail)) {
    		if ($mail[0] != 'bcc') {
    			foreach ($mail as $m){
    		} else {
    			foreach ($mail as $m){
    	} else {
    	$mailer->Subject = escape_for_email($bet, true);
    	$txt = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt));
    	if ($html) {
    		$mailer->AltBody = strip_tags($txt);
    	$mailer->Body = $txt;
    	if ($mailer->Send()) {
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		if (is_coadmin()) {
    			echo "<h2 style=\"color:red;\">Mailer Error: " . $mailer->ErrorInfo . '</h2>';
    		return false;
    function html_enc_substr($text, $start, $length) {
       $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
       $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
       return(htmlentities(substr(strtr($text, $trans_tbl), $start, $length)));
    function get_datum ($d) {
      if (strpos($d,'.') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('.','-',$d); }
      if (strpos($d,'/') !== FALSE) { $d = str_replace('/','-',$d); }
      if (is_numeric(substr($d,-4))) {
        list($t,$m,$j) = explode('-', $d);
      } elseif (is_numeric(substr($d,0,4))) {
        list($j,$m,$t) = explode('-', $d);
      $d = $j.'-'.$m.'-'.$t;
      return ($d);
    function get_homepage ($h) {
      $h = trim($h);
      if (!empty($h) AND substr($h, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
        $h = 'http://'.$h;
      return ($h);
    function get_wargameimg ($img) {
      if (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif')) {
        return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.gif" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
      } elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg')) {
        return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
      } elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg')) {
        return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.jpeg" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
      } elseif (file_exists('include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png')) {
        return ('<img src="include/images/wargames/'.$img.'.png" alt="'.$img.'" border="0">');
      return ('');
    function iurlencode_help ($a) {
      if (preg_match("/(http:|https:|ftp:)/", $a[0])) {
        return ($a[0]);
      return (rawurlencode($a[1]).substr($a[0], -1));
    function iurlencode ($s) {
      return (preg_replace_callback("/([^\/]+|\/[^\.])[\.\/]/", 'iurlencode_help', $s));
      $x = 'false';
      if (preg_match ('/(http:|https:|ftp:)[^:]+:[^@]+@./', $s)) {
        $x = preg_replace('/([^:]+:[^@]+@)./',"\\1",$s);
      	$s = str_replace($x,'',$s);
    	} elseif (substr($s, 0, 7) == 'http://') {
    	  $s = substr ($s, 7);
    		$x = 'http://';
    	} elseif (substr($s, 0, 8) == 'https://') {
    	  $s = substr ($s, 8);
    	  $x = 'https://';
    	} elseif (substr($s, 0, 6) == 'ftp://') {
    	  $s = substr ($s, 6);
    	  $x = 'ftp://';
    	$a = explode('/', $s);
      $r = '';
      for ($i=0;$i<count($a);$i++) {
        $r .= rawurlencode($a[$i]).'/';
    	if ($x !== 'false') {
    	  $r = $x.$r;
      $r = substr($r, 0, -1);
      return ($r);
    # antispam
    function chk_antispam ($m, $nopictures = false) {
    	global $allgAr;
    	if ($nopictures) {
    		return (bool) (isset($_POST['antispam_id']) and isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]));
    	if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
    		return true;
    	if (isset($_POST['antispam']) AND isset($_POST['antispam_id']) AND isset($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]) AND $_POST['antispam'] == $_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']][$m][3]) {
    		unset ($_SESSION['antispam'][$_POST['antispam_id']]);
    		return (true);
    	return (false);
    function get_antispam ($m, $t, $nopictures = false) {
    	global $allgAr, $antispamId;
    	$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	if (isset($antispamId)) {
    		$id = $antispamId;
    	} else {
    		$id = $antispamId = uniqid($m, true);
    	$rs = '<input type="hidden" name="antispam_id" value="'.$id.'" />';
    	if ($nopictures) {
    		$_SESSION['antispam'][$id] = true;
    		return $rs;
    	if (is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
    		return '';
    	if (!is_array($_SESSION['antispam'])) {
    		$_SESSION['antispam'] = array();
    	$_SESSION['antispam'][$m] = array();
    	$i1 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	$i2 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	$i3 = mt_rand (1,9);
    	$_SESSION['antispam'][$id][$m] = array($i1, $i2, $i3, $i1.$i2.$i3);
    	$rs .= '<span style="display: inline; width: 100px; vertical-align: middle; text-align: center; background-color: #000000; border: 0px; padding: 2px; margin: 0px;">'.
    		'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&amp;w=0&amp;'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&amp;id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
    		'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&amp;w=1&amp;'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&amp;id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
    		'<img src="include/images/spam/z.php?m='.$m.'&amp;w=2&amp;'.session_name().'='.session_id().'&amp;id='.$id.'" alt="">'.
    		'<input name="antispam" size="3" maxlength="3" style="background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 0px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" /></span>';
    	if ($t == 0) {
    		return ($rs);
    	} elseif ($t == 1) {
    		return ('<tr><td class="Cmite">Antispam</td><td class="Cnorm">'.$rs.'</td></tr>');
    	} elseif ($t > 10) {
    		return ('<label style="float:left; width: '.$t.'px; ">Antispam</label>'.$rs.'<br />');
    	} else {
    		return ('');
    # antispam
    // Funktion scandir für PHP 4
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0') == -1) {
        function scandir($dir)
            $dh = opendir($dir);
            while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) $files[] = $filename;
            return $files;
    // Funktion, die die GröÃ&#376;e aller Dateien im Ordner zusammenrechnet
    function dirsize($dir)
        if (!is_dir($dir)) {
            return -1;
        $size = 0;
        $files = array_slice(scandir($dir), 2);
        foreach ($files as $filenr => $file) {
            if (is_dir($dir . $file)) {
                $size += dirsize($dir . $file . '/');
            } else {
                $size += @filesize($dir . $file);
        return $size;
    //Rechnet bytes in KB oder MB um
    function nicebytes($bytes){
        if ($bytes<1000000) {
            return round($bytes/1024,2).' KB';
        } else {
            return round($bytes/(1024*1024),2).' MB';

    Hier ist die bbcode.php:
    #   Copyright by Thomas Bowe [Funjoy]
    #   Support
    #   link
    /* Module - Information
    * -------------------------------------------------------
    * Hier könnt ihr eure Module includieren lassen.
    * Wenn Ihr selber Module zum Highlight programmiert
    * denkt daran das ihr auch noch das Parsen hier definieren müsst.
    * und in der bbcode_config.php Datei müsstet ihr die Option auch noch einstellen.
    * um ein Beispiel zu haben schaut euch die Funktion _htmlblock() am besten mal an.
    * und in Zeile 308 und Zeile 490 habt ihr ein Beispiel wie ihr die Parsebefehle schreiben könnt.
    //> Bitte denkt daran das, dass Modul html.php immer unter dem Modul css.php sein muss.
    //> Modul [css.php]
    	if(file_exists("include/includes/class/highlight/css.php")) {
    //> Modul [html.php]
    	if(file_exists("include/includes/class/highlight/html.php")) {
    class bbcode {
    	//> Tags die geparsed werden dürfen.
    	var $permitted = array();
    	//> Verschlüsselte codeblocks.
    	var $codecblocks = array();
    	//> Badwords!
    	var $badwords = array();
    	//> Informationen für die Klasse!
    	var $info = array();
    	//> Patter befehle!
    	var $pattern = array();
    	//> Replace strings!
    	var $replace = array();
    	//> Smilies die in Grafik umgewandelt werden sollen.
    	var $smileys = array();
    	//> Cache für Quotes Header!
    	var $ayCacheQuoteOpen = array();
    	//> Cache fürQuotes Footer!
    	var $ayCacheQuoteClose = array();
    	//> Cache für Quotes Header!
    	var $ayCacheKtextOpen = array();
    	//> Cache fürQuotes Footer!
    	var $ayCacheKtextClose = array();
    	//> Codeblock verschlüsseln und wieder ausgeben.
    	function encode_codec($string,$tag,$file=NULL) {
    		$file = ($file == NULL) ? "":"=".$file;
    		$crypt = md5(count($this->codecblocks));
    		$this->codecblocks[$crypt.":".$tag] = $string;
    		return "[".$tag.$file."]".$crypt."[/".$tag."]";
    	//> Codeblock entschlüsseln und parsen!
    	function _codeblock($codecid,$file=NULL,$firstline=1) {
    		$string = $this->codecblocks[$codecid.':code'];
    		$string = htmlentities($string);
    		$string = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', '&nbsp; ', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = nl2br($string);
            return $this->_addcodecontainer(stripslashes($string), 'Code', $file, $firstline);
    	//> htmlblock entschlüsseln und parsen!
    	function _htmlblock($codecid,$file=NULL,$firstline=1) {
    		$string = $this->codecblocks[$codecid.':html'];
    		$string = htmlentities($string);
    		//> Highlight Modul Funktion checken ob sie existerit.
    		if(function_exists("highlight_html")) {
    			$string = highlight_html($string,$this->info['BlockCodeFarbe']);
    		$string = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', '&nbsp; ', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = nl2br($string);
            return $this->_addcodecontainer($string, 'HTML', $file, $firstline);
    	//> cssblock entschlüsseln und parsen!
    	function _cssblock($codecid,$file=NULL,$firstline=1) {
    		$string = $this->codecblocks[$codecid.':css'];
    		$string = htmlentities($string);
    		//> Highlight Modul Funktion checken ob sie existerit.
    		if(function_exists("highlight_css")) {
    			$string = highlight_css($string);
    		$string = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', '&nbsp; ', $string);
    		$string = str_replace('  ', ' &nbsp;', $string);
    		$string = nl2br($string);
    		return $this->_addcodecontainer($string, 'CSS', $file, $firstline);
    	//> phpblock entschlüsseln und parsen!
    	function _phpblock($codecid,$file=NULL,$firstline=1) {
    		$string = $this->codecblocks[$codecid.':php'];
        	$php = ob_get_contents();
    		return $this->_addcodecontainer($php, 'Php', $file, $firstline);
        function _addcodecontainer($code, $type, $file=null, $firstline=1) {
            //> Datei pfad mit angegeben?
    		$file = ($file == NULL) ? "":" von Datei <em>".$this->_shortwords($file)."</em>";
    		//> Zeilen zählen.
    		$lines = explode("\n",$code);
    		$linescount = count($lines) + $firstline;
            if ($type == 'Php') {
    		for($no=$firstline;$no < $linescount;$no++) {
    			$line .= "".$no.":<br />";
    		//> Hier könnt ihr den Header und Footer für HTML editieren.
    		$breite = trim($this->info['BlockTabelleBreite']);
    		$breite = (strpos($breite, '%') !== false) ? '450px' : $breite.'px';
    		$header = "<div style=\"overflow: auto; width: {$breite};\">"
    				 ."<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"BORDER: 1px SOLID ".$this->info['BlockRandFarbe'].";\" width=\"100%\">"
    				 ."<tr><td colspan=\"3\" style=\"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; color:".$this->info['BlockSchriftfarbe'].";background-color:".$this->info['BlockHintergrundfarbe'].";\">&nbsp;".$type.$file."</td></tr>"
    				 ."<tr bgcolor=\"".$this->info['BlockHintergrundfarbeIT']."\"><td style=\"width:20px; color:".$this->info['BlockSchriftfarbe'].";padding-left:2px;padding-right:2px;border-right:1px solid ".$this->info['BlockHintergrundfarbe'].";font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><code style=\"width:20px;\">"
    				 ."</code></td><td width=\"5\">&nbsp;</td><td valign=\"top\" style=\"background-color:".$this->info['block_contentbgcolor']."; color:".$this->info['BlockSchriftfarbe'].";\" nowrap width=\"95%\"><code>";
    		$footer = "</code></td></tr></table></div>";
    		return $header.$code.$footer;
    	//> Smilies aus dem Array auslesen.
    	function _smileys($string) {
    		if(!is_null($this->smileys) && is_array($this->smileys)) {
    			if($this->permitted['smileys'] == true) {
    				foreach ($this->smileys as $icon => $info) {
    					list($emo, $url) = explode('#@#-_-_-#@#', $info);
    					$string = str_replace($icon,'<img src="include/images/smiles/'.$url.'" border="0" alt="'.$emo.'" title="'.$emo.'" />',$string);
    			return $string;
    		} else {
    			return $string;
    	//> Badwords Filtern.
    	function _badwords($string) {
    		//> Badwords aus der Datenbank laden!
    		$cfgBBCodeSql = db_query("SELECT
    		while ($row = db_fetch_object($cfgBBCodeSql) ) {
    			$pattern[] = "%".addcslashes($row->fcBadPatter,"[]{}%/$^()+.*\"\\")."%iU";
    			$replace[] = $row->fcBadReplace;
    		if(isset($pattern)) {
    			$string = preg_replace($pattern,$replace,$string);
    		return $string;
    	//> Liste formatieren.
    	function _list($codecid) {
    		$string = $this->codecblocks[$codecid.':list'];
    		$array = explode("[*]",$string);
    		for($no=1;$no<=(count($array)-1);$no++) {
    			$li .= "<li>".$this->parse($array[$no])."</li>";
    		return "<ul>".$li."</ul>";
    	//> Auf Maximale Schriftgröße überprüfen.
    	function _size($size,$string) {
    		$max = $this->info['SizeMax'];
    		if($size <= $max) {
    			$fontsize = "<span style=\"font-size:".$size."px\">$string</span>";
    		} else {
    			$fontsize = "<span style=\"font-size:".$max."px\">$string</span>";
    		return $fontsize;
      //> Bilder auf Verkleinern via Javascript überprüfen + Lightbox im 2. Forum
      function _img($string,$float='') {
        global $menu;
        $lightbox = $menu->get(0) == 'forum2' ? 'rel="lightbox"' : '';
        if ($float == 'none' OR $float == 'left' OR $float == 'right') {
          $float = 'style="float:'.$float.'; margin: 5px;" ';
        } else {
          $float = '';
        $image = '<img src="'.$string.'" alt="" title="" border="0" class="bbcode_image" '.$lightbox.' '.$float.'/>';
        return $image;
    	//> Screenshots darstellen.
    	function _screenshot($string,$float='none') {
    	  if ($float == 'none' OR $float == 'left' OR $float == 'right') {
          $float = 'style="float:'.$float.'; margin: 5px;" ';
        } else {
          $float = '';
        $image = '<a href="'.$string.'" target="_blank"><img src="'.$string.'" alt="" title="" border="0" width="'.$this->info['ScreenMaxBreite'].'" height="'.$this->info['ScreenMaxHoehe'].'" '.$float.'/></a>';
        return $image;
    	//> Urls Filtern um XSS vorzubeugen
    	function _filterurl($url) {
        return $url;
    	//> Links darstellen und ggf. kürzen
    	function _shorturl($string,$caption=null) {
    		if ($caption == null) { $caption = $string; }
        $string = trim($this->_filterurl($string));
        $caption = trim($this->_filterurl($caption));
        $server = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
        if (preg_match('%^((http|ftp|https)://)|^/%i',$string) == 0) { $string = 'http://'.$string; }
        if (substr($string,0,1) == '/' OR strpos($string,$server) !== false) {
          $target = '_self';
        } else {
          $target = '_blank';
    		$count = strlen($caption);
        if($count >= $this->info['UrlMaxLaenge']) {
    			$string = "<a href=\"".$string."\" target=\"".$target."\">".$this->_shortcaptions($caption)."</a>";
    		} else {
    			$string = "<a href=\"".$string."\" target=\"".$target."\">".$caption."</a>";
    		return $string;
    	//> Linkbeschreibung kürzen
    	function _shortcaptions($string) {
    		$words = explode(" ",$string);
    		foreach($words as $word)
          if(strlen($word) > $this->info['WortMaxLaenge'] && !preg_match('%(\[img\](.*)\[/img\])%i',$word)) {
    				$maxd2 = sprintf("%00d",($this->info['WortMaxLaenge']/2));
    				$string = str_replace($word,substr($word,0,$maxd2)."...".substr($word,-$maxd2),$string);
    		return $string;
    	//> Hilfsfunktion für _shortwords
    	function _checkpatterns($patterns, $word) {
            if (!is_array($patterns)) {
                return true;
            foreach ($patterns as $p) {
                if (preg_match($p, $word) == 1) {
                    return false;
            return true;
    	//> Zu lange Wörter kürzen.
    	function _shortwords($string) {
    		//> Zeichenkette in einzelne Array elemente zerlegen.
    		$lines = explode("\n",$string);
    		//> Patter Befehle die nicht gekürzt werden dürfen !!!
    		$pattern = array("%^(www)(.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:;\%_\+.~#?&//=]+?)%i",
    		foreach($lines as $line) {
    			$words = explode(" ",$line);
    			foreach($words as $word)
            if(strlen($word) > $this->info['WortMaxLaenge'] && $this->_checkpatterns($pattern, $word)) {
    					$maxd2 = sprintf("%00d",($this->info['WortMaxLaenge']/2));
    					$string = str_replace($word,substr($word,0,$maxd2)."...".substr($word,-$maxd2),$string);
    		return $string;
    	//> Geöffnete Ktext- Tags Nummerieren.
    	function _addKtextOpen($Titel=Null) {
    		$this->ayCacheKtextOpen[count($this->ayCacheKtextOpen)+1] = true;
    		$intCountKtext = count($this->ayCacheKtextOpen);
    		$string = "[ktext:".$intCountKtext."=".$Titel."]";
    		return $string;
    	//> Geschlossene Ktext- Tags Nummerieren.
    	function _addKtextClose() {
    		$this->ayCacheKtextClose[count($this->ayCacheKtextClose)+1] = true;
    		$intCountKtext = count($this->ayCacheKtextClose);
    		return "[/ktext:".$intCountKtext."]";
    	//> Ktext- Tags umwandeln..
    	function _ktext($string) {
    		$Random = rand(1,10000000);
    		//> Html- Muster für geöffnete Tags mit Titel.
    		$HeaderTitel = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"".$this->info['KtextTabelleBreite']."\" align=\"center\">"
    					  ."<tr><td><a href=\"javascript:Klapptext('__ID__')\">"
    					  ."<img src=\"include/images/icons/plus.gif\" id=\"image___ID__\" border=0 alt=\"Aus/Ein-klappen\" title=\"Aus/Ein-klappen\"> ";
    		$FooterTitel = "</a></td></tr>"
    					  ."<tr><td><div id=\"layer___ID__\" style=\"display:none;border:1px ".$this->info['KtextRandFormat']." ".$this->info['KtextRandFarbe'].";\">";
    		//> Html- Muster für geschlossene Tags.
    		$KtextClose = "</div></td></tr></table>\n";
    		//> Geöffnete Tags umwandeln.
    		for($c=1;$c <= count($this->ayCacheKtextOpen);$c++) {
    			if(count($this->ayCacheKtextClose) == count($this->ayCacheKtextOpen)) {
    				//> Format: [ktext=xxx]
    				$this->ktext_pattern[] = "%\[ktext:".$c."=([^]]*)\]%siU";
    				$this->ktext_replace[] = str_replace("__ID__",$c."@".$Random,$HeaderTitel)."\$1".str_replace("__ID__",$c."@".$Random,$FooterTitel);
    				//> Format: [/ktext]
    				$this->ktext_pattern[] = "%\[/ktext:".$c."\]%siU";
    				$this->ktext_replace[] = $KtextClose;
    			} else {
    				//> Format: [ktext=xxx]xxx[/ktext]
    				$this->ktext_pattern[] = "%\[ktext:([0-9]*)=([^]](.*)\[/ktext:([0-9]*)\]%siU";
    				$this->ktext_replace[] = str_replace("__ID__","\$1@".$Random,$HeaderTitel)."\$2".str_replace("__ID__","\$1@".$Random,$FooterTitel)."\$3".$KtextClose;
    		//> Nicht gefundene Paare wieder darstellen.
    		//> Format: [ktext=xxx]
    		$this->ktext_pattern[] = "%\[ktext:([0-9]*)=([^[/]*)\]%siU";
    		$this->ktext_replace[] = "[ktext=\$1]";
    		//> Format: [/ktext]
    		$this->ktext_pattern[] = "%\[/ktext:([0-9]*)\]%siU";
    		$this->ktext_replace[] = "[/ktext]";
    		//> String parsen
    		$string = preg_replace($this->ktext_pattern,$this->ktext_replace,$string);
    		return $string;
    	//> Geöffnete Quote- Tags Nummerieren.
    	function _addQuoteOpen($User=Null) {
    		$this->ayCacheQuoteOpen[count($this->ayCacheQuoteOpen)+1] = $User;
    		$intCountQuote = count($this->ayCacheQuoteOpen);
    		if($User != NULL) {
    			$string = "[quote:".$intCountQuote."=".$User."]";
    		} else {
    			$string = "[quote:".$intCountQuote."]";
    		return $string;
    	//> Geschlossene Quote- Tags Nummerieren.
    	function _addQuoteClose() {
    		$this->ayCacheQuoteClose[count($this->ayCacheQuoteClose)+1] = true;
    		$intCountQuote = count($this->ayCacheQuoteClose);
    		return "[/quote:".$intCountQuote."]";
    	//> Quote- Tags umwandeln.
    	function _quote($string) {
    		//> überprüfen ob Bod gesetzt ist.
    		if(strtolower($this->info['QuoteSchriftformatIT']) == "bold") {
    			$Schriftformat = "font-weight:bold;";
    		} else {
    			$Schriftformat = "font-style:".$this->info['QuoteSchriftformatIT'].";";
    		//> Html- Muster für geöffnete Quote- Tags.
    		$Header = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"BORDER: 1px SOLID ".$this->info['QuoteRandFarbe'].";\" width=\"".$this->info['QuoteTabelleBreite']."\" align=\"center\">"
    				 ."<tr><td style=\"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:13px;FONT-WEIGHT:BOLD;COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteSchriftfarbe'].";BACKGROUND-COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteHintergrundfarbe'].";\">&nbsp;Zitat</td></tr>"
    				 ."<tr bgcolor=\"".$this->info['QuoteHintergrundfarbeIT']."\"><td><table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"98%\"><tr><td style=\"".$Schriftformat."FONT-SIZE:10px;COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteSchriftfarbeIT'].";\">";
    		//> Html- Muster für geöffnete Quote- Tags mit User.
    		$HeaderUser = "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"BORDER: 1px SOLID ".$this->info['QuoteRandFarbe'].";\" width=\"".$this->info['QuoteTabelleBreite']."\" align=\"center\">"
    					  	 ."<tr><td style=\"font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:13px;FONT-WEIGHT:BOLD;COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteSchriftfarbe'].";BACKGROUND-COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteHintergrundfarbe'].";\">&nbsp;Zitat von ";
    		$FooterUser = "</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"".$this->info['QuoteHintergrundfarbeIT']."\"><td><table align=\"center\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"98%\"><tr><td style=\"".$Schriftformat."FONT-SIZE:10px;COLOR:".$this->info['QuoteSchriftfarbeIT'].";\">";
    		//> Html- Muster für geschlossene Quote- Tags.
    		$QuoteClose = "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>";
    		$string = stripslashes($string);
    		//> Geöffnete Tags umwandeln.
    		for($c=1;$c <= count($this->ayCacheQuoteOpen);$c++) {
    			if(count($this->ayCacheQuoteClose) == count($this->ayCacheQuoteOpen)) {
    				//> Format: [quote=xxx]
    				$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:".$c."=([^[/]*)\]%siU";
    				$this->quote_replace[] = $HeaderUser."\$1".$FooterUser;
    				//> Format: [quote]
    				$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:".$c."\]%siU";
    				$this->quote_replace[] = $Header;
    				//> Format: [/quote]
    				$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[/quote:".$c."\]%siU";
    				$this->quote_replace[] = $QuoteClose;
    			} else {
    				//> Format: [quote=xxx]xxx[/quote]
    				$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:([0-9]*)=([^[/]*)\[/quote:([0-9]*)\]%siU";
    				$this->quote_replace[] = $HeaderUser."\$2".$FooterUser."\$3".$QuoteClose;
    				//> Format: [quote]xxx[/quote]
    				$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:([0-9]*)\](.*)\[/quote:\\1\]%siU";
    				$this->quote_replace[] = $Header."\$2".$QuoteClose;
    		//> Nicht gefundene Paare wieder darstellen.
    		//> Format: [quote=xxx]
    		$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:([0-9]*)=([^[/]*)\]%siU";
    		$this->quote_replace[] = "[quote=\$2]";
    		//> Format: [quote]
    		$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[quote:([0-9])\]%siU";
    		$this->quote_replace[] = "[quote]";
    		//> Format: [/quote]
    		$this->quote_pattern[] = "%\[/quote:([0-9])\]%siU";
    		$this->quote_replace[] = "[/quote]";
    		//> String parsen
    		$string = preg_replace($this->quote_pattern,$this->quote_replace,$string);
    		return $string;
    	//> Video intergration.
    	function _video($typ,$id) {
    		$typ = strtolower($typ);
    		if($typ == "google") {
    			$str = "<embed style=\"width:".$this->info['GoogleBreite']."px; height:".$this->info['GoogleHoehe']."px;\" id=\"VideoPlayback\" align=\"middle\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\"".$id."\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" quality=\"best\" bgcolor=\"".$this->info['GoogleHintergrundfarbe']."\" scale=\"noScale\" salign=\"TL\" FlashVars=\"playerMode=embedded\"/>";
    		if($typ == "youtube") {
    			$str = "<object width=\"".$this->info['YoutubeBreite']."\" height=\"".$this->info['YoutubeHoehe']."\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"".$id."\"></param><embed src=\"".$id."\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"  width=\"".$this->info['YoutubeBreite']."\" height=\"".$this->info['YoutubeHoehe']."\" bgcolor=\"".$this->info['YoutubeHintergrundfarbe']."\"></embed></object>";
    		if($typ == "myvideo") {
    			$str = "<object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\" width=\"".$this->info['MyvideoBreite']."\" height=\"".$this->info['MyvideoHoehe']."\"><param name=\"movie\" value=\"".$id."\"></param><embed src=\"".$id."\" width=\"".$this->info['MyvideoBreite']."\" height=\"".$this->info['MyvideoHoehe']."\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"></embed></object>";
    		if($typ == "gametrailers") {
          $str = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"  codebase=",0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="'.$this->info['YoutubeBreite'].'" height="'.$this->info['YoutubeHoehe'].'">	<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> 	<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="movie" value="'.$id.'"/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed src="'.$id.'" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="'.$this->info['YoutubeBreite'].'" height="'.$this->info['YoutubeHoehe'].'"></embed> </object>';
    		return $str;
    	//> Countdown berechnen.
    	function _countdown($date,$time=NULL) {
    		$date = explode(".",$date);
    		if ($time != NULL) {
          $timechk = explode(':',$time);
          if ($timechk[0] <= 23 && $timechk[1] <= 59 && $timechk[2] <= 59) $timechk = TRUE;
          else $timechk = FALSE;
        else $timechk = TRUE;
    		//> Html Design.
    			$Header =  "<div style=\"width:".$this->info['CountdownTabelleBreite'].";padding:5px;font-family:Verdana;font-size:".$this->info['CountdownSchriftsize']."px;".$Font."color:".$this->info['CountdownSchriftfarbe'].";border:2px dotted ".$this->info['CountdownRandFarbe'].";text-align:center\">";
    			$Footer = "</div>";
    		//> Überprüfen ob die angaben stimmen.
    		if($date[0] <= 31 && $date[1] <= 12 && $date[2] /*>= date("Y")*/ && checkdate($date[1],$date[0],$date[2]) && $timechk) {
    			if(isset($time)) {
    				$time = explode(":",$time);
    				$intStd = $time[0];
    				$intMin = $time[1];
    				$intSek = $time[2];
    			} else {
    				$intStd = 0;
    				$intMin = 0;
    				$intSek = 0;
    			$Timestamp = @mktime($intStd, $intMin, $intSek, $date[1], $date[0], $date[2]);
    			$Diff = $Timestamp - time();
    			$Font =($this->info['CountdownSchriftformat'] == "bold") ? "font-wight:bold;":"font-style:".$this->info['CountdownSchriftformat'].";";
    			if($Diff > 1) {
    				$Tage = sprintf("%00d",($Diff / 86400));
    				$Stunden = sprintf("%00d",(($Diff - ($Tage * 86400)) / 3600));
    				$Minuten = sprintf("%00d",(($Diff - (($Tage * 86400)+($Stunden*3600))) / 60));
    				$Sekunden = ($Diff - (($Tage * 86400)+($Stunden*3600)+($Minuten*60)));
    				//> Bei höheren Wert wie 1 als Mehrzahl ausgeben.
    				$mzTg = ($Tage == 1) ? "":"e";
    				$mzStd = ($Stunden == 1) ? "":"n";
    				$mzMin = ($Minuten == 1) ? "":"n";
    				$mzSek = ($Sekunden == 1) ? "":"n";
    				//> Datum zusamstellen.
    				$str = $Header.$Tage." Tag".$mzTg.", ".$Stunden." Stunde".$mzStd.", ".$Minuten." Minute".$mzMin." und ".$Sekunden." Sekunde".$mzSek.$Footer;
    			} else {
    				//> Datum zusamstellen wenn Datum unmittelbar bevor steht.
    				$str = $Header.(is_array($time) ? implode(':',$time) : $time).' '.implode('.',$date)." !!!".$Footer;
    		} else {
    			/*if($time == NULL) {
    				$str = "[countdown]".implode('.',$date)."[/countdown]";
    			} else {
    				$str = "[countdown=".$time."]".implode('.',$date)."[/countdown]";
    			$str =  $Header."Der Countdown ist falsch definiert".$Footer;
    		return $str;
    	function _ws($ws) {
        return $ws;
    	function parse($string) {
    		//> Die Blocks werden codiert um sie vor dem restlichen parsen zu schützen.
    		if($this->permitted['php'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[php\](.+)\[\/php\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$1','php')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[php=(.*)\](.+)\[\/php\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$2','php','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['html'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[html\](.+)\[\/html\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$1','html')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[html=(.*)\](.+)\[\/html\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$2','html','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['css'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[css\](.+)\[\/css\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$1','css')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[css=(.*)\](.+)\[\/css\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$2','css','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['code'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[code\](.+)\[\/code\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$1','code')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[code=(.*)\](.+)\[\/code\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$2','code','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['list'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[list\](.+)\[\/list\]%esiU","\$this->encode_codec('\$1','list')",$string);
    		//> BB Code der den Codeblock nicht betrifft.
    		//> Überprüfen ob die wörter nicht die maximal länge überschrieten.
    		$string = $this->_shortwords($string);
    		$string = htmlentities($string);
    		$string = nl2br($string);
    		if($this->permitted['url'] == true) {
    			if($this->permitted['autourl'] == true) {
    				//> Format:
    				$this->pattern[] = "%(( |\n|^)(www.[a-zA-Z\-0-9@:\%_\+.~#?&//=,;]+?))%eUi";
    				$this->replace[] = "\$this->_ws('\$2').\$this->_shorturl('\$3')";
    				//> Format:
    				$this->pattern[] = "%(( |\n|^)((http|https|ftp)://{1}[a-zA-Z\-0-9@:\%_\+.~#?&//=,;]+?))%eUi";
    				$this->replace[] = "\$this->_ws('\$2').\$this->_shorturl('\$3')";
    				//> Format
    				$this->pattern[] = "%(\s|^)([_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3})%i";
    				$this->replace[] = "<a href=\"mailto:$2\">$2</a>";
    			//> Format: [url=xxx]xxx[/url]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[url=([^\]]*)\](.+)\[\/url\]%eUis";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_shorturl('\$1','\$2')";
    			//> Format: [url]xxx[/url]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[url\](.+)\[\/url\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_shorturl('\$1')";
    		//> Darf BB Code [MAIL] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['email'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [mail][/mail]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[mail\]([_\.0-9a-z-]+\@([0-9a-z\-]+)\.[a-z]{2,3})\[\/mail\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$1</a>";
    			//> Format: []xxx[/mail]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[mail=([_\.0-9a-z-]+\@([0-9a-z\-]+)\.[a-z]{2,3})\](.+)\[\/mail\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<a href=\"mailto:$1\">$3</a>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [B] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['b'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [b]xxx[/b]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[b\](.+)\[\/b\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<b>\$1</b>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [I] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['i'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [i]xxx[/i]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[i\](.+)\[\/i\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<i>\$1</i>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [U] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['u'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [u]xxx[/u]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[u\](.+)\[\/u\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<u>\$1</u>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [S] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['s'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [s]xxx[/s]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[s\](.+)\[\/s\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<strike>\$1</strike>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [LEFT] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['left'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [left]xxx[/left]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[left\](.+)\[\/left\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<div align=\"left\">\$1</div>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [CENTER] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['center'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [center]xxx[/center]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[center\](.+)\[\/center\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<div align=\"center\">\$1</div>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [RIGHT] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['right'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [right]xxx[/right]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[right\](.+)\[\/right\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<div align=\"right\">\$1</div>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [EMPH] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['emph'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [emph]xxx[/emph]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[emph\](.+)\[\/emph\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<span style=\"background-color:".$this->info['EmphHintergrundfarbe'].";color:".$this->info['EmphSchriftfarbe'].";\">$1</span>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [COLOR] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['color'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [color=#xxxxxx]xxx[/color]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[color=(#{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]+?)\](.+)\[\/color\]%Uis";
    			$this->replace[] = "<font color=\"$1\">$2</font>";
    		//> Darf BB Code [SIZE] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['size'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [size=xx]xxx[/size]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[size=([0-9]+?)\](.+)\[\/size\]%eUi";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_size('\$1','\$2')";
    		//> Darf BB Code [KTEXT] decodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['ktext'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [ktext=xxx]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[ktext=([^[/]*)\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_addKtextOpen('\\1')";
    			//> Format: [/ktext]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[/ktext\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_addKtextClose()";
    		//> Darf BB Code [IMG] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['img'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [img][/img]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[img\]([-a-zA-Z0-9@:\%_\+,.~#?&//=]+?)\[\/img\]%eUi";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_img('\$1')";
          //> Format: [img=left|right][/img]
          $this->pattern[] = "%\[img=(left|right)\]([-a-zA-Z0-9@:\%_\+,.~#?&//=]+?)\[\/img\]%eUi";
    		  $this->replace[] = "\$this->_img('\$2','\$1')";
    		//> Darf BB Code [SCREENSHOT] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['screenshot'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [shot][/screenshot]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[shot\]([-a-zA-Z0-9@:\%_\+.~#?&//=]+?)\[\/shot\]%eUi";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_screenshot('\$1')";
          //> Format: [shot=left|right][/screenshot]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[shot=(left|right)\]([-a-zA-Z0-9@:\%_\+.~#?&//=]+?)\[\/shot\]%eUi";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_screenshot('\$2','\$1')";
    		//> Farf BB Code [VIDEO] dekodiert werden?
            if($this->permitted['video'] == true) {
                //> Format: [video=xxx]xxx[/video]
                $this->pattern[] = "%\[video=(google|youtube|myvideo|gametrailers)\](.+)\[\/video\]%eUis";
                $this->replace[] = "\$this->_video('\$1','\$2')";
    		//> Darf BB Code [COUNTDOWN] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['countdown'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [countdown=Std:Min:Sek]TT.MM.JJJJ[/countdown]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[countdown=(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}))\](([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{4}))\[\/countdown\]%eUis";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_countdown('\$5','\$1')";
    			//> Format: [countdown]TT.MM.JJJJ[/countdown]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[countdown\](([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{2})\.([0-9]{4}))\[\/countdown\]%eUis";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_countdown('\$1')";
    		//> Darf BB Code [QUOTE] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['quote'] == true) {
    			//> Format: [quote]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[quote\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_addQuoteOpen()";
    			//> Format: [quote=xxx]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[quote=([^[/]*)\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_addQuoteOpen('\\1')";
    			//> Format: [/quote]
    			$this->pattern[] = "%\[/quote\]%esiU";
    			$this->replace[] = "\$this->_addQuoteClose()";
    		//> Darf BB Code [FLASH] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['flash'] == true) {
    		    //> Format: [flash]*[/flash]
    		    $this->pattern[] = "%\[flash]((http|https|ftp)://[a-z-0-9@:\%_\+.~#\?&/=,;]+)\[/flash]%i";
    		    $this->replace[] =  '<object classid="CLSID:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="'.$this->info['FlashBreite'].'" height="'.$this->info['FlashHoehe'].'"'.
                                    '<param name="movie" value="$1">'.
                                    '<param name="quality" value="high">'.
                                    '<param name="scale" value="exactfit">'.
                                    '<param name="menu" value="true">'.
                                    '<param name="bgcolor" value="'.$this->info['FlashHintergrundfarbe'].'">'.
                                    '<embed src="$1" quality="high" scale="exactfit" menu="false"'.
                                    'bgcolor="'.$this->info['FlashHintergrundfarbe'].'" width="'.$this->info['FlashBreite'].'" height="'.$this->info['FlashHoehe'].'" swLiveConnect="false"'.
    		//> String parsen
    		$string = preg_replace($this->pattern,$this->replace,$string);
    		//> Darf BB Code [QUOTE] dekodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['quote'] == true) {
    			$string = $this->_quote($string);
    		//> Darf BB Code [KTEXT] decodiert werden?
    		if($this->permitted['ktext'] == true) {
    			$string = $this->_ktext($string);
    		//> Smilies Filtern.
    		$string = $this->_smileys($string);
    		//> Zum schluss die blöcke die verschlüsselt wurden wieder entschlüsseln und Parsen.
    		if($this->permitted['php'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[php\](.+)\[\/php\]%esiU","\$this->_phpblock('\$1')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[php=([^;]*);(\d+)\](.+)\[\/php\]%esiU","\$this->_phpblock('\$3','\$1','\$2')",$string);
          $string = preg_replace("%\[php=(.*)\](.+)\[\/php\]%esiU","\$this->_phpblock('\$2','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['html'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[html\](.+)\[\/html\]%esiU","\$this->_htmlblock('\$1')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[html=([^;]*);(\d+)\](.+)\[\/html\]%esiU","\$this->_htmlblock('\$3','\$1','\$2')",$string);
          $string = preg_replace("%\[html=(.*)\](.+)\[\/html\]%esiU","\$this->_htmlblock('\$2','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['css'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[css\](.+)\[\/css\]%esiU","\$this->_cssblock('\$1')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[css=([^;]*);(\d+)\](.+)\[\/css\]%esiU","\$this->_cssblock('\$3','\$1','\$2')",$string);
          $string = preg_replace("%\[css=(.*)\](.+)\[\/css\]%esiU","\$this->_cssblock('\$2','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['code'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[code\](.+)\[\/code\]%esiU","\$this->_codeblock('\$1')",$string);
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[code=([^;]*);(\d+)\](.+)\[\/code\]%esiU","\$this->_codeblock('\$3','\$1','\$2')",$string);
          $string = preg_replace("%\[code=(.*)\](.+)\[\/code\]%esiU","\$this->_codeblock('\$2','\$1')",$string);
    		if($this->permitted['list'] == true) {
    			$string = preg_replace("%\[list\](.+)\[\/list\]%esiU","\$this->_list('\$1')",$string);
    		//> Badwors Filtern.
    		$string = $this->_badwords($string);
    		return $string;

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    MfG Loqi-X

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