ich habe bemerkt dass sich mal wieder meine (vermutlich viel zu zahlreichen) Module beißen... jedenfalls ist das kommentieren von einer News, die nicht allen sichtbar ist, für alle User ausser dem Administrator selbst nicht mehr möglich... Folgender Fehler entsteht:
Fatal error: Call to a member function out() on a non-object in /srv/www/httpd/phost/o/de/pytalhost/oooops/web/include/contents/news.php on line 233
Ob das Problem nur bei dieser Konstellation auftritt werde ich testen, wenn das was helfen sollte...
Hier die news.php:
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel Staechele # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); $title = $allgAr['title'].' :: News'; $hmenu = 'News'; $design = new design ( $title , $hmenu ); function news_find_kat ($kat) { $katpfad = 'include/images/news/'; $katjpg = $katpfad.$kat.'.jpg'; $katgif = $katpfad.$kat.'.gif'; $katpng = $katpfad.$kat.'.png'; if ( file_exists( $katjpg ) ) { $pfadzumBild = $katjpg; } elseif ( file_exists ( $katgif ) ) { $pfadzumBild = $katgif; } elseif ( file_exists ( $katpng ) ) { $pfadzumBild = $katpng; } if ( !empty( $pfadzumBild ) ) { $kategorie = '<img style="" src="'.$pfadzumBild.'" alt="'.$kat.'">'; } else { $kategorie = '<b>'.$kat.'</b><br /><br />'; } return ( $kategorie ); } if ( !is_numeric($menu->get(1)) ) { if($menu->get(1) == 'rss' || $menu->get(1) == 'atom') { #ob_clean(); $feed_type = $menu->get(1); $abf = "SELECT MAX(news_time) AS last_update FROM prefix_news"; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_assoc($erg); $last_update = str_replace(' ', 'T', $row['last_update']) . 'Z'; $abf = "SELECT a.news_title as title, a.news_id as id,"; $abf .= ($feed_type == 'atom') ? 'a.news_time as datum,' : "DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%a, %e %b %y %H:%i:%s') as datum,"; $abf .= "a.news_kat as kate, a.news_text as text, b.name as username FROM prefix_news as a LEFT JOIN prefix_user as b ON a.user_id = b.id WHERE a.news_recht = 0 ORDER BY news_time ASC LIMIT 15"; $erg = db_query($abf); $tpl = new tpl( 'news_'.$menu->get(1).'.htm' ); header('Content-type: application/' . $menu->get(1) . '+xml'); $tpl->set_ar_out(array('FEEDTITLE' => $allgAr['title'], 'UPDATED' => $last_update), 0); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { if($feed_type == 'atom') { $row['datum'] = str_replace(' ', 'T', $row['datum']) . 'Z'; } $a = explode('[PREVIEWENDE]', $row['text']); $tpl->set_ar_out(array('TITLE' => $row['title'], 'TXT' => bbcode($a[0]), 'LINK' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']). '/index.php?news-' . $row['id'], 'AUTHOR' => $row['username'], 'DATE' => $row['datum'] ), 1); } $tpl->out(2); exit; } else { $design->header(); $limit = $allgAr['Nlimit']; $page = ( $menu->getA(1) == 'p' ? $menu->getE(1) : 1 ); $MPL = db_make_sites ($page , "WHERE news_recht >= ".$_SESSION['authright'] , $limit , '?news' , 'news' ); $anfang = ($page - 1) * $limit; $tpl = new tpl ( 'news.htm' ); $abf = "SELECT a.news_title as title, a.news_id as id, DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%d. %m. %Y') as datum, DATE_FORMAT(a.news_time,'%W') as dayofweek, a.news_kat as kate, a.news_text as text, a.news_recht as nrecht, b.name as username FROM prefix_news as a LEFT JOIN prefix_user as b ON a.user_id = b.id WHERE ".$_SESSION['authright']." <= a.news_recht OR a.news_recht = 0 ORDER BY news_time DESC LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit; #echo '<pre>'.$abf.'</pre>'; $erg = db_query($abf); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { $abf1 = "SELECT * FROM prefix_grundrechte where id = ".$row['nrecht']." "; $erg1 = db_query($abf1); $row1 = db_fetch_object($erg1); $k0m = db_query("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM `prefix_koms` WHERE uid = ".$row['id']." AND cat = 'NEWS'"); $row['kom'] = db_result($k0m,0); $row['fur'] = 'Sichtbar ab '.$row1->name; $row['kate'] = news_find_kat($row['kate']); $row['datum'] = $lang[$row['dayofweek']].' '.$row['datum']; if ( strpos ( $row['text'] , '[PREVIEWENDE]' ) !== FALSE ) { $a = explode('[PREVIEWENDE]' , $row['text']); $row['text'] = $a[0]; } $row['text'] = bbcode($row['text']); $tpl->set_ar_out($row,0); } $tpl->set_out('SITELINK', $MPL,1); unset($tpl); } } else { $design->header(); $nid = escape($menu->get(1), 'integer'); $row = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM `prefix_news` WHERE news_id = '".$nid."'")); if ( has_right(array($row->news_recht)) ) { $komsOK = true; if ( $allgAr['Ngkoms'] == 0 ) { if ( loggedin() ) { $komsOK = true; } else { $komsOK = false; } } if ( $allgAr['Nukoms'] == 0 ) { $komsOK = false; } # kommentar add if ( (loggedin() OR chk_antispam ('newskom')) AND $komsOK AND !empty($_POST['name']) AND !empty($_POST['txt']) ) { $_POST['txt'] = escape($_POST['txt'],'string'); $_POST['name'] = escape($_POST['name'],'string'); db_query("INSERT INTO `prefix_koms` VALUES ('',".$nid.",'NEWS','".$_POST['name']."','".$_POST['txt']."')"); } # kommentar add # kommentar loeschen if ($menu->getA(2) == 'd' AND is_numeric($menu->getE(2)) AND has_right(-7, 'news')) { $kommentar_id = escape($menu->getE(2),'integer'); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_koms WHERE uid = ".$nid." AND cat = 'NEWS' AND id = ".$kommentar_id); } # kommentar loeschen $kategorie = news_find_kat($row->news_kat); $textToShow = bbcode($row->news_text); $textToShow = str_replace('[PREVIEWENDE]','',$textToShow); if ( !empty($such) ) { $textToShow = markword($textToShow,$such); } $tpl = new tpl ( 'news.htm' ); $ar = array ( 'TEXT' => $textToShow, 'KATE' => $kategorie, 'NID' => $nid, 'uname' => $_SESSION['authname'], 'ANTISPAM' => (loggedin()?'':get_antispam ('newskom', 0)), 'NAME' => $row->news_title ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 2 ); if ($komsOK) { $tpl->set_ar_out ( array ( 'NAME' => $row->news_title , 'NID' => $nid ), 3 ); } $erg1 = db_query("SELECT text, name, id FROM `prefix_koms` WHERE uid = ".$nid." AND cat = 'NEWS' ORDER BY id DESC"); $ergAnz1 = db_num_rows($erg1); if ( $ergAnz1 == 0 ) { echo '<b>'.$lang['nocomments'].'</b>'; } else { $zahl = $ergAnz1; while ($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($erg1)) { $row1['text'] = bbcode(trim($row1['text'])); if (has_right(-7, 'news')) { $row1['text'] .= '<a href="?news-'.$nid.'-d'.$row1['id'].'"><img src="include/images/icons/del.gif" alt="löschen" border="0" title="löschen" /></a>'; } $abf2 = 'SELECT id, name, avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.$row1['name'].'" '; $erg2 = db_query($abf2); $row2 = db_fetch_object($erg2); if ( file_exists($row2->avatar) ) { $ava = '<img src="'.$row2->avatar.'" border="0" width="75" height="75">'; }elseif ($row2->id != 0){ $ava = '<img src="ich bin ein user ohne avatar" border="0" width="75" height="75">'; }elseif ($row2->id == 0){ $ava = '<img src="ich bin ein gast border="0" width="75" height="75">'; } $tpl->set_ar_out( array('NAME' => $row1['name'], 'TEXT' => $row1['text'], 'AVATA' => $ava, 'ZAHL' => $zahl ) , 4 ); $zahl--; } } } $tpl->out(5); } $design->footer(); ?>
Hoffe mir kann jemand helfen... Danke

PS: Was ist eig. mit Matthias Schlich, dem Ersteller eines Ice-Templates? Eine (schlecht) modifizierte Version von seinem Design ist nämlich auf unserem Webspace das Standard-Design, und sein Banner funktioniert nicht mehr (weder auf der modifizierten noch auf der ursprünglichen Version)... sondern verlinkt auf eine offenbar leere Seite:
externer Link
Zuletzt modifiziert von Scarr am 06.06.2010 - 22:18:20