wie genial ist die ilch toolbar den bitte^^
gibts sowas auch für die eigene page?
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<?php // Copyright by Max Mustermann // Support www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); $tpl = new tpl ('user/toolbarloggedin.htm'); $ajax = isset($_GET['randval']); if (!$ajax) $tpl->out(0); if (loggedin()) { if (!$ajax) $tpl->out(1); if (user_has_admin_right($menu, false)) { $style = ''; if (has_right(- 8, 'archiv-downloads') and db_count_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_downloads WHERE cat = -1') > 0) { $style .= 'font-weight: bold;'; } if (has_right(- 8, 'archiv-texts') and db_count_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_texts WHERE ntext IS NOT NULL') > 0) { $style .= 'color:lime;'; } $style = 'style="'.$style.'"'; $tpl->set ('ADMIN', '| <a href="admin.php?admin" '.$style.'><img class="admin" src="../../images/icons/admin.png" border="0" height="16">Admin</a>'); } else { $tpl->set ('ADMIN', ''); } if ($allgAr['Fpmf'] == 1) { $erg = db_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `prefix_pm` WHERE gelesen = 0 AND status < 1 AND eid = " . $_SESSION['authid']); $check_pm = db_result($erg, 0); $nachrichten_link = $check_pm; } else { $nachrichten_link = ''; } $anzNew = $ilchBB->countNewTopics(); $tpl->set ('anzNEW', $anzNew); $tpl->set ('SID' , session_id()); $tpl->set ('NACHRICHTEN' , $nachrichten_link); $tpl->set ('NAME', $_SESSION['authname']); $tpl->out (2); } else { if (empty($_POST['login_name'])) { $_POST['login_name'] = 'Nickname'; } if (empty($_POST['login_pw'])) { $_POST['login_pw'] = 'ääääääää'; } $regist = ''; if ($allgAr['forum_regist'] == 1) { $regist = ' <a href="index.php?user-regist">Regist</a>'; } $tpl->set_ar_out (array ('regist' => $regist, 'wdlink' => '?' . $allgAr['smodul'], 'PASS' => $_POST['login_pw'], 'NAME' => $_POST['login_name']) , 3); } if (!$ajax) $tpl->out(4); unset($tpl); ?>
<html> <head><title>ilch.de Toolbar</title> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; position: relative; } div#loginbox { position: relative; line-height: 20px; font-family: "Times New Roman"; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; top: 2px; left: 3px; width: 400px; text-align: center; } div#loginbox img { position: relative; top: 4px; } div#loginbox img.img14 { top: 2px; } div#loginbox img.img15 { top: 3px; } div#loginbox img.admin { margin-right: 2px; } div#loginbox img.reload { left: 2px; } div#loginbox form { /*margin-top: 2px;*/ } </style> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://api.conduit.com/BrowserCompApi.js"></script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> var ReloadInterval = 60000; //60 Sekunden var IntervalVar = null; function reloadBox(animate) { if (animate) $("#loginbox").animate({ height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide' }, 'fast'); $("#loginbox").load('index.php?toolbarloggedin&randval='+ Math.random()); if (animate) $("#loginbox").animate({ height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, 'fast'); } function startInterval() { IntervalVar = setInterval("reloadBox(true);", ReloadInterval); } function manualReload(animate) { if (IntervalVar) window.clearInterval(IntervalVar); reloadBox(animate); startInterval(); } function LogInOut() { window.setTimeout("manualReload(false)", 2000); $("#loginbox").animate({ height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide' }, 'slow') .delay(2000) .animate({ height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, 'slow'); } </script> </head><body> <div id="loginbox"> {EXPLODE} <script>startInterval();</script> {EXPLODE} Hallo <b>{NAME}</b> <a href="index.php?forum-privmsg"><img class="img14" src="../../../images/icons/pm.png" title="private Nachrichten" alt="pm" width="16" height="12" border="0" /></a> ({NACHRICHTEN}) | <a href="forum-augt.html"><img class="img15" src="../../../images/icons/beitrage.png" title="neue Beiträge" alt="beitraege" width="14" height="15" border="0" /></a> ({anzNEW}) | <a href="merkliste.html" target="_self"><img src="include/images/icons/post_merklist.png" title="Merkliste" alt="Merkliste" width="16" height="14" border="0" /></a> | <a href="index.php?user-8"><img class="img14" src="../../../images/icons/profil.png" title="Profil" alt="profil" width="16" height="14" border="0" /></a> | <a href="index.php?user-3" onclick="LogInOut(); return true;"><img src="../../../images/icons/logout.png" alt="logout" width="16" height="16" border="0" title="Logout" /></a> {ADMIN} <img src="/images/icons/reload.png" width="16" height="16" class="reload" onclick="manualReload(true);" onmouseover="style.cursor='pointer'" /> {EXPLODE} <form method="post" action="index.html" onsubmit="LogInOut(); return true;"> <input name="name" type="text" class="inputlogin" tabindex="1" onFocus="if (value == '{NAME}') {value = ''}" onBlur="if (value == '') {value = '{NAME}'}" value="{NAME}" size="15" maxlength="50" /> <input name="pass" type="password" class="inputlogin" tabindex="2" onfocus="if (value == '{PASS}') {value = ''}" onblur="if (value == '') {value = '{PASS}'}" value="{PASS}" size="15" maxlength="20" /> <input type="submit" value="LogIn" name="user_login_sub" tabindex="3" /> <input type="button" value="Regist" onclick="location.href = 'http://www.ilch.de/user-regist.html';" tabindex="4" /> </form> {EXPLODE} </div></body></html>
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