also ds problem:
MySQL Error:
1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 2
in Query:
INSERT INTO `ic1_news` (news_title,user_id,news_time,news_recht,news_groups,news_kat,news_text,html,`show`,archiv,endtime) VALUES ('',1,FROM_UNIXTIME(1311854749),1023,0,'','','',1,2,)
Debug backtrace:
@ mysql.php:32 -- debug_bt()
@ mysql.php:50 -- db_check_error(...)
@ news.php:191 -- db_query(...)
@ admin.php:36 -- require_once(...)
ich habe den news_extended_14b instalirt