Ich hab ein Problem mit den backgroundfarben in meiner shbox. irgendwie wird das ganze seltsam dargestellt. Ich hab mal ein Bild angehangen das es vllt deutlich wird
Und zwar sitzt das border element irgendwie paar px zu tief oder die hintergrundfarben zu hoch . Wie kann ich den Fehler am besten beheben!
Ich hoffe is deutlich genug ausgedrückt was ich meine
Code shbox.php
<?php /* Script => ShBox 3.2.2 =>V1 © by NF-Projekt FIXED (V1.0) Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de */ defined ('main') or die ('no direct access'); include ('include/includes/js/shbox/shboxfunc.php'); $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="" border="0" gcolor="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> '; $postname = escape($_POST['xname'],'string'); $postnamex = '*GAST*'; $tags = array('[img]','[url]','[IMG]','[URL]','[/img]','[/url]','[/IMG]','[/URL]','[COLOR]','[/COLOR]','[color]','[/color]','http','www','://'); $posttxt = escape($_POST['xtxt'], 'textarea'); $posttxt = str_replace($tags , '', escape($_POST[xtxt],'string')); $posttxt = strip_tags($posttxt); if (isset($_POST['subshbox'])) {//Check Submit if ($posttxt == ''){//Check leeres Textfeld }//CLT else {//CLT if ( loggedin() ) {//1 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//2 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//2 }//1 else {//3 $abfs = db_query("SELECT id FROM prefix_user WHERE name = BINARY '".$postname."'"); if (db_num_rows($abfs) > 0) { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if ($_POST['sz'] == $_POST['xspam']) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postnamex."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postnamex."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//8 }//7 } else { if ($conf['spam'] == AN) {//4 if (escape($_POST['sz'],'string') == escape($_POST['xspam'],'string')) {//5 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//6 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'string')."')"); }//6 }//5 }//4 else {//7 if ( isset($_POST['xtxt']) AND !empty($_POST['xdate']) AND !empty($_POST['xname']) AND !empty($_POST['xip']) ) {//8 db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_shbox (`txt`,`date`,`name`,`ip`) VALUES ('".$posttxt."', '".escape($_POST[xdate],'string')."', '".$postname."', '".escape($_POST[xip],'strng')."')"); }//8 }//7 }//3 } } } $ILCH_HEADER_ADDITIONS .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.css"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="include/includes/js/shbox/shbox.js"></script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> window.onload = "fetch()"; interval = window.setInterval("fetch();", '.$conf['setinterval'].'); </script> '; $datum = date("$conf[datumformat]"); $hr = '<hr style="height:0px;border:solid '.$conf['hrcolor'].' 0px;border-top-width: 1px;" />'; if ($conf['ip'] == JA) { $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ip = '<br />Deine IP : '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].''; } else { $ip = ''; } srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $sz = rand(999,10000); if ($conf['spam'] == AN) { $spam = ' <table border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="sz" value="'.$sz.'" /> '.$sz.' <input name="xspam" size="4" maxlength="4" value="" /> </td> </tr> </table> '; } else { $spam = ''; } if($conf['smilies'] == JA) { $smilies = shboxsmilies(); } else { $smilies = ''; } if ( loggedin() ) { $abf = 'SELECT id, name, avatar FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.escape($_SESSION['authname'],'string').'"'; $erg = db_query($abf); $row = db_fetch_object($erg); { $tabellew = $conf['tabellewidth']; $tabelleh = $conf['tabelleheight']; if ($conf['anzeige'] == 0) { if ( file_exists($row->avatar)) { $avatar = '<img src="'.$row->avatar.'" border="0" height="'.$conf['avatarx'].'" width="'.$conf['avatary'].'">'; } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } else { $avatar = $_SESSION['authname']; } } $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'USER' => $_SESSION['authname'], 'AVATAR' => $avatar, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 0); } elseif ($conf['gastrecht'] == AN) { $gast = ''.$conf['nametext'].'<br /><input name="xname" size="'.$conf['namesize'].'" maxlength="'.$conf['namelänge'].'" style="background-color:'.$conf['namegroundcolor'].'" value="GAST" />'; $tpl = new tpl ('shbox'); $ar = array( 'txt' => $text = escape($_POST['txt'], 'textarea'), 'CLASS' => $class, 'SMILIES' => $smilies, 'IP' => $ip, 'IPS' => $ips, 'GAST' => $gast, 'HR' => $hr, 'DATE' => $datum, 'SPAM' => $spam, 'TXTROWS' => $conf['textrows'], 'TXTCOLS' => $conf['textcols'], 'TXTCOLOR' => $conf['textgroundcolor'], 'TCOLOR' => $conf['tabellecolor'], 'TABELLEH' => $tabelleh, 'TABELLEW' => $tabellew ); $tpl->set_ar_out($ar, 1); } else { echo '<center>'.$conf['nametext'].'</center><br />'; echo $hr; } if ($conf['reload'] == AN) { echo '<div id="shoutbox"> <center><img src="include/images/load.gif" alt="Load" id="shoutbox" border="0" /></center> </div>'; } else { echo shbox(); } echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="'.$conf['tabelleheight'].'%" border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <center><b><a href="index.php?shbox-archiv">ARCHIV</a></b></center> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; ?>
Code shboxfunc.php
<?php /* Script => ShBox 3.2.2 =>V1 © by NF-Projekt Entwickler => WDS NachtWolf / B.Masmann Seite/Sup. => http://www.nf-projekt.de / http://www.wds-wolfsdragoner.de / and http://www.ilch.de Kontakt => Webmaster@nf-projekt.de */ defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); # ## ### #### ShBox Text #### function shbox_text($text,$name) { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.$name.'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); $rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU); if ($conf['admintext'] == AUS) { //1 if ($conf['gasttext'] == AUS) { //2 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//2 else {//3 if ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//4 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//4 else {//5 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gasttextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//5 }//3 }//1 elseif ($conf['admintext'] == AN) {//6 if ($conf['gasttext'] == AN) {//7 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//8 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['admintextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//8 elseif ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//9 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//9 else {//10 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gasttextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//10 }//7 else {//11 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//12 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['admintextcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//12 else {//13 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['textcolor'].';">'.$text.'</span>'; }//13 }//11 }//6 } # ## ### #### ShBox Name #### function shbox_name($name,$datum) { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.$name.'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); $rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU); if ($conf['admincolor'] == AUS) { //1 if ($conf['gastcolor'] == AUS) { //2 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//2 else {//3 if ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//4 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//4 else {//5 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gastnamecolor'].';"> '.$datum.' '.utf8_encode($name).' </span></a>'; }//5 }//3 }//1 elseif ($conf['admincolor'] == AN) {//6 if ($conf['gastcolor'] == AN) {//7 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//8 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['adminnamecolor'].';"> '.utf8_encode($name).' <br> '.$datum.' </span></a>'; }//8 elseif ($rowU['recht'] < -0) {//9 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.utf8_encode($name).' <br> '.$datum.' </span></a>'; }//9 else {//10 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['gastnamecolor'].';"> '.utf8_encode($name).' <br> '.$datum.' </span></a>'; }//10 }//7 else {//11 if ($rowU['recht'] == -9) {//12 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['adminnamecolor'].';"> '.utf8_encode($name).' <br> '.$datum.' </span></a>'; }//12 else {//13 echo '<span style="color:'.$conf['namecolor'].';"> '.utf8_encode($name).' <br> '.$datum.' </span></a>'; }//13 }//11 }//6 } # ## ### #### ShBox Ausgabe #### function shbox() { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); $hr = '<hr style="height:0px;border:solid '.$conf['hrcolor'].' 0px;border-top-width: 1px;" />'; $wert = $conf['ausgabe']; $erg = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox` ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '.$wert); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == $conf['hgcolor2'] ? $conf['hgcolor1'] : $conf['hgcolor2'] ); $text = substr($row['txt'], 0, $conf['textmax']); $text = BBcode($text); $text = preg_replace('/([^\s]{'.$conf['textzeile'].'})(?=[^\s])/',"$1\n", $text); if($conf['datumzeit'] == JA) { $datum = $row['date']; $name = $row['name']; } else { $datum = ''; $name = $row['name']; } echo ' <table width="'.$conf['tabellewidth'].'%" height="'.$conf['tabelleheight'].'%" border="0" bgcolor="'.$conf['tabellecolor'].'" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr bgcolor="'.$class.'"> <td> <b>'; $abfU = 'SELECT * FROM prefix_user WHERE name = "'.escape($row['name'],'string').'"'; $ergU = db_query($abfU); while ($rowU = db_fetch_assoc($ergU)){ ?> <a href="index.php?user-details-<?php echo $rowU['id']; ?>" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,' <?php echo $row['date'] ?> ') ;return false"> <?php } echo $hr; shbox_name($name,$datum); echo '</b><br />'; shbox_text($text,$name); echo ' </td> </tr> </table>'; } } # ## ### #### SMILIES angepasste Kopie vom Orginalen getsmilies() : Copyright by: Manuel Staechele #### function shboxsmilies () { $abf = db_query('SELECT * FROM `prefix_shbox_config` WHERE id="1"'); $conf = db_fetch_assoc($abf); global $lang; $zeilen = $conf['smilieszeile']; $i = 0; $b = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">function moreSmiliesshbox () { var x = window.open("about:blank", "moreSmiliesshbox", "width=250,height=200,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"); '; $a = ''; $erg = db_query('SELECT emo, ent, url FROM `prefix_smilies`'); while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $b .= 'x.document.write ("<a href=\"javascript:opener.putt(\''.addslashes(addslashes($row->ent)).'\')\">");'; $b .= 'x.document.write ("<img style=\"border: 0px; padding: 5px;\" src=\"include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'\" title=\"'.$row->emo.'\" ></a>");'; if ($i< $conf['smiliesspalte']) { if($i%$zeilen == 0 AND $i <> 0) { $a .= '<br /><br />'; } $a .= '<a href="javascript:putt(\''.addslashes($row->ent).'\')" onmouseout="hideTooltip()" onmouseover="showTooltip(event,\''.$row->emo.'\');return false">'; $a .= '<img style="margin: 2px;" src="include/images/smiles/'.$row->url.'" border="0"></a>'; } $i++; } $b .= ' x.document.write("<br /><br /><center><a href=\"javascript:window.close();\">'.$lang['close'].'</a></center>"); x.document.close(); }</script>'; if ($i> $conf['smiliesspalte']) { $a .= '<br /><br /><center><a href="javascript:moreSmiliesshbox();">'.$lang['more'].'</a></center>'; } $a = $b.$a; return ($a); } ?>
Zuletzt modifiziert von Nightwarrior am 02.02.2012 - 20:18:49