Habe jetzt mal auf Grundlage von
www.ilch.de/forum-showposts-31485.html#216367 folgende design.php zusammengebastelt.
// Copyright by Manuel
// Support www.ilch.de
defined ('main') or die ('no direct access');
class design extends tpl {
var $html;
var $design;
var $vars;
var $was;
var $file;
function design ($title, $hmenu, $was = 1, $file = null)
global $allgAr;
header('Content-Type: text/html;charset=' . ILCH_CHARSET);
if (!is_null($file)) {
echo '<div style="display: block; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #ff0000;">!!Man konnte in einer PHP Datei eine spezielle Index angeben. Damit das Design fuer diese Datei anders aussieht. Diese Funktion wurde ersetzt. Weitere Informationen im Forum auf ilch.de ... Thema: <a href="http://www.ilch.de/forum-showposts-13758-p1.html#108812">http://www.ilch.de/forum-showposts-13758-p1.html#108812</a></div>';
$this->vars = array();
$this->file = $file; # setzte das file standart 0 weil durch was definiert
$this->was = $was; # 0 = smalindex, 1 = normal index , 2 = admin
$this->design = $this->get_design();
$link = $this->htmlfile();
$tpl = new tpl ($link, 2);
if ($tpl->list_exists ('boxleft')) {
$tpl->set ('boxleft' , $this->get_boxes ('l', $tpl));
if ($tpl->list_exists ('boxright')) {
$tpl->set ('boxright' , $this->get_boxes ('r', $tpl));
// ab 0.6 = ... 5 menu listen moeglich
for($i = 1;$i <= 5;$i++) {
if ($tpl->list_exists ('menunr' . $i)) {
$tpl->set ('menunr' . $i , $this->get_boxes ($i, $tpl));
$ar = array
('TITLE' => $this->escape_explode($title),
'HMENU' => $this->escape_explode($hmenu),
'SITENAME' => $this->escape_explode($allgAr['title']),
'hmenuende' => '',
'vmenuende' => '',
'hmenubegi' => '',
'vmenubegi' => '',
'hmenupoint' => '',
'vmenupoint' => '',
'DESIGN' => $this->design
$this->html = $tpl->get(0);
$this->html .= '{EXPLODE}';
$this->html .= $tpl->get(1);
unset ($tpl);
$zsave0 = array();
preg_match_all ("/\{_boxes_([^\{\}]+)\}/" , $this->html , $zsave0);
unset ($zsave0);
unset ($this->vars);
$this->html = explode('{EXPLODE}', $this->html);
function addheader($text)
if (isset($this->html[0])) {
$this->html[0] = str_replace('</head>',$text."\n</head>" , $this->html[0] );
return true;
} else {
return false;
function header ()
echo $this->html[0];
unset ($this->html[0]);
function addtobodyend($text)
if (isset($this->html[1])) {
$this->html[1] = str_replace('</body>',$text."\n</body>" , $this->html[1] );
return true;
} else {
return false;
function footer ($exit = 0)
echo $this->html[1];
unset ($this->html[1]);
if ($exit == 1) {
function escape_explode ($s)
$s = str_replace('{EXPLODE}', '{EXPLODE}', $s);
return ($s);
function htmlfile_ini ()
global $menu;
$ma = $menu->get_string_ar();
$ia = array();
if (!file_exists('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/design.ini')) {
return (false);
$ia = parse_ini_file ('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/design.ini');
krsort ($ia);
foreach ($ia as $k => $v) {
$k = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9-*]/", "", $k);
$k = str_replace('*', '[^-]+', $k);
foreach ($ma as $k1 => $v1) {
if (preg_match("/" . $k . "/", $k1) AND file_exists('include/designs/' . $this->design . '/' . $v)) {
return ($v);
return (false);
function htmlfile ()
$ini = $this->htmlfile_ini ();
if ( !is_null ($this->file) AND file_exists ('include/designs/'.$this->design.'/templates/'.$this->file)) {
$f = 'designs/'.$this->design.'/templates/'.$this->file;
} elseif ( !is_null ($this->file) AND file_exists ('include/templates/'.$this->file)) {
$f = 'templates/'.$this->file;
if ($this->was == 1 AND $ini !== false) {
$f = 'designs/' . $this->design . '/' . $ini;
} elseif ($this->was == 0 AND file_exists ('include/templates/' . $this->design . '/templates/small_index.htm')) {
$f = 'templates/' . $this->design . '/templates/small_index.htm';
} elseif ($this->was == 0) {
$f = 'templates/small_index.htm';
} elseif ($this->was == 1) {
$f = 'designs/' . $this->design . '/index.htm';
} elseif ($this->was == 2) {
$f = 'admin/templates/index.htm';
return ($f);
function replace_boxes ($zsave0)
foreach ($zsave0 as $v) {
$dat = strtolower($v);
$buffer = $this->get_boxcontent ($dat);
if ($buffer !== false) {
$this->vars['_boxes_' . $v] = $buffer;
if (!is_array($this->vars)) {
$this->vars = array();
function vars_replace()
foreach ($this->vars as $k => $v) {
$this->html = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', $v, $this->html);
function get_boxes ($wo , $tpl)
global $lang, $allgAr, $menu;
if (is_numeric($wo)) {
$datei = 'menunr' . $wo;
} elseif ($wo == 'l') {
$datei = 'boxleft';
$wo = 1;
} elseif ($wo == 'r') {
$datei = 'boxright';
$wo = 2;
$abf = "SELECT * FROM `prefix_menu` WHERE wo = " . $wo . " AND ( recht >= " . $_SESSION['authright'] . " OR recht = 0 ) ORDER by pos";
$erg = db_query($abf);
while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) {
$menuar[$r['pos']] = $r;
$menupaths[$r['path']] = $r['pos'];
//Aktiven Punkt herausfinden
foreach(array_reverse($menu->get_string_ar()) as $path){
$path = str_replace('self-','',$path);
if (isset($menupaths[$path])) {
$act_pos = $menupaths[$path];
//Punkte löschen, die nicht angezeigt werden sollen
$todel = array();
//Punkte davor
for($i = $act_pos; $i > -1; $i--){
if (isset($menuar[$i]) and $menuar[$i]['ebene'] == 0) {
$todel_before = $i;
$todel_after = count($menuar);
for($i = $act_pos+1; $i < $todel_after; $i++){
if (isset($menuar[$i]) and $menuar[$i]['ebene'] == 0) {
$todel_after = $i;
$menuarMain = $menuarSub = array();
foreach ($menuar as $pos => $row) {
if ($row['ebene'] > 0 and ($pos < $todel_before or $pos > $todel_after)) {
} else {
if ($row['ebene'] > 0) {
if (empty($menuarSub)) {
//Menü als ersten Eintrag
$menuRow = $menuar[$pos - 1];
$menuRow['was'] = 3;
$menuarSub[] = $menuRow;
$menuarSub[] = $row;
} else {
$menuarMain[] = $row;
$retur = $this->get_boxes_menu($menuarMain, $tpl, $datei);
if (!empty($menuarSub)) {
$subReturn = $this->get_boxes_menu($menuarSub, $tpl, $datei . 'sub');
} else {
$subReturn = '';
$tpl->set($datei . 'sub', $subReturn);
return $retur;
function get_boxes_menu($menuar, $tpl, $datei)
$retur = '';
$ex_ebene = 0;
$ex_was = 1;
$firstmep = false;
$hovmenup = '';
foreach ($menuar as $row) {
$subhauptx = $row['was'];
$whileMenP = ($subhauptx >= 7 ? true : false);
if (($row['was'] >= 7 AND $ex_was == 1) OR ($ex_ebene < ($row['ebene']-1)) OR ($ex_was <= 4 AND $row['ebene'] <> 0) OR ($row['was'] >= 7 AND !$tpl->list_exists($hovmenup))) {
// nur wenn ein menu in die variable $menuzw geschrieben wurde
// wird in diese if abfrage gesprungen
if (($whileMenP === false) AND !empty($menuzw)) {
$menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, 0, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE);
$retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array (htmlentities($boxname), $menuzw . $menuzwE));
$menuzw = '';
if ($row['was'] == 1) {
// die box wird direkt in die to return variable geschrieben
$buffer = $this->get_boxcontent($row['path']);
$retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array ($row['name'] , $buffer));
} elseif ($row['was'] >= 2 AND $row['was'] <= 4) {
// der name des menues wird gesetzt
// und die variable wird gesetzt.
$boxname = $row['name'];
$menuzw = '';
$menuzwE = '';
$ex_ebene = 0; # ex ebene
$hovmenu = '';
if ($row['was'] == 2 AND $tpl->list_exists('hmenupoint')) {
$hovmenu = 'hmenu';
} elseif ($row['was'] == 3 AND $tpl->list_exists('vmenupoint')) {
$hovmenu = 'vmenu';
$firstmep = true;
if (!empty($hovmenu)) {
$menuzw .= $tpl->list_get($hovmenu . 'begi', array());
$menuzwE .= $tpl->list_get($hovmenu . 'ende', array());
$hovmenup = $hovmenu . 'point';
} elseif ($whileMenP) {
// menupunkt wird generiert
$ebene = $row['ebene'];
$menuTarget = ($subhauptx == 8 ? '_blank' : '_self');
list ($wmpA, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE) = explode ('|', $tpl->list_get ($hovmenup, array ($menuTarget, ($subhauptx == 8 ? '' : 'index.php?') . $row['path'], $row['name'], ($row['pos'] == $act_pos ? 'active' : 'inactive'))));
if (!empty($menuzw) AND $firstmep === false) {
$menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, $ebene, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE);
$menuzw .= $wmpA;
$firstmep = false;
$ex_was = $row['was'];
$ex_ebene = $row['ebene'];
if (!empty($menuzw)) {
$menuzw .= $this->get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, 0, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE);
$retur .= $tpl->list_get($datei, array (htmlentities($boxname), $menuzw . $menuzwE));
return $retur;
function get_boxes_get_menu_close ($ex_ebene, $ebene, $menuzw, $wmpE, $wmpTE, $wmpTEE)
$menu1 = '';
if ($ex_ebene == $ebene AND !empty($menuzw)) {
$menu1 .= $wmpE . "\n";
} elseif ($ex_ebene > $ebene) {
$menu1 .= $wmpE . "\n";
for($i = 0;$i < ($ex_ebene - $ebene); $i++) {
$menu1 .= $wmpTEE . "\n";
} elseif ($ex_ebene < $ebene) {
$menu1 .= $wmpTE . "\n";
return ($menu1);
function get_boxcontent ($box)
if (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box)) {
$pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box;
} elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box))) {
$pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box);
} elseif (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box . '.php')) {
$pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box . '.php';
} elseif (file_exists('include/boxes/' . $box . '.htm')) {
$pfad = 'include/boxes/' . $box . '.htm';
} elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.php')) {
$pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.php';
} elseif (file_exists ('include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.htm')) {
$pfad = 'include/contents/selfbp/selfb/' . str_replace('self_', '', $box) . '.htm';
} else {
return (false);
$buffer = $this->escape_explode(ob_get_contents());
Damit werden die Untermenüpunkte eines aktiven Menüeintrages eines Menüs in ein Submenü verschoben, das an einer beliebigen Stelle im Design stehen kann.
Also wenn du z.B. menu5 wie in deinem Beitrag für das Hauptmenü einsetzt, kannst du an einer anderen Stelle das menu5sub benutzen, genauso wie jedes andere Menü. Also {_list_menunr5sub@ HTML %1 HTML %2 } .
Das Menü im Adminbereich muss du dann so Konfigurieren, dass die Hauptmenüpunkte in Ebene 1 liegen, und die Submenüpunkte darunter als Ebene 2 (kann theoretisch auch weiter verschachtelt werden).
Hoffe du kannst damit etwas anfangen, hab länger dran gesessen als eigentlich gewollt
Nachteil derzeit ist noch, dass es jetzt pauschal für alle Menüs so ist, wenn du andere Menüs brauchst, wo es nicht so sein soll, musst du dich nochmal melden.
Zuletzt modifiziert von Mairu am 29.01.2014 - 22:47:47