Hallo alle ich hätte es gerne,
wenn Mann in AdminBereich unter Gallery Kategorien ein Bild für die Kategorie hinzufügen kann.
Aber ich bekomme es mit der gallery.php nicht hin.
Ich Bitte um eure HILFE!
Das Habe ich Hinbekommen.

ilch Admin Gallery: include/admin/templates/gallery/gallery.htm

Meine: include/admin/templates/gallery/gallery.htm
<table border="0" class="border" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="9"> <tr> <td class="Chead" colspan="1"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <img src="include/images/icons/admin/gallery.png" width="16" height="16" /> Gallery </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" class="Cnorm"> <form action="admin.php?gallery" method="POST"> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="60%" rowspan="2"> <table cellpadding="3" border="0" cellspacing="5" class="border"> <tr> {EXPLODE} <td class="{class}" valign="top"> <table cellpadding="2" border="0" cellspacing="1" class="border"> <tr> <td valign="top" class="{class}"> <table cellpadding="1" border="0" cellspacing="0" class="border"> <tr> <td class="Cmite"><a href="javascript:del({id})"><img src="include/images/icons/del.png" border="0" title="löschen" alt="löschen"></a></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cnorm"><a href="javascript:edit('{besch}',{id})"><img src="include/images/icons/edit.png" title="ändern" border="0" alt="ändern"></a></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cmite"><a href="javascript:reload({id})"><img src="include/images/icons/reload.png" border="0" title="erneuern" alt="erneuern"></a></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cnorm"><input type="checkbox" name="img[]" value="{id}" style="margin:0px; padding: 0px;" title="Bild für Verschieben markieren" /></td> </tr> </table> </td><td valign="top" class="{class}"> <img title="{datei_name} |---| {besch}" alt="{datei_name}" src="include/images/gallery/img_thumb_{id}.{endung}" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> {EXPLODE} </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top" width="40%"> <table cellpadding="3" border="0" cellspacing="1" class="border"> <tr class="Chead"> <td colspan="9"><b>Kategorien</b></td> </tr><tr class="Cmite"> <td><a href="?gallery-S0">Keine</a></td> <td><a href="javascript:uploadImages(0)"><img src="include/images/icons/upload.png" title="Bilder in diese Kategorie hochladen" alt="Bilder in diese Kategorie hochladen" border="0"></a></td> <td><a href="javascript:reloadImages(0)"><img src="include/images/icons/reload.png" title="Bilder in diese Kategorie erneuern / einlesen" alt="Bilder in diese Kategorie erneuern / einlesen" border="0"></a></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>{EXPLODE} </table> <br /> <table cellpadding="3" border="0" cellspacing="1" class="border"> <tr class="Chead"> <td colspan="9"><b>Bilder verschieben</b></td> </tr><tr class="Cmite"><td>nach:</td><td><select name="movecat">{Ccat}</select></td> </tr><tr class="Cdark"> <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="markierte Bilder verschieben" name="movepics" /></td> </tr> </table> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="Cpkey" value="{Cpkey}"> <table class="border" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <tr class="Chead"> <td colspan="2"><b>Gallery Kategorien</b></td> </tr> <td class="Cmite">Kategorie</td> <td class="Cnorm"><select name="Ccat">{Ccat}</select></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cmite">Kategorie Bild :</td> <td class="Cnorm"><select onChange="sichtbar()" name="katLis">{KATS}<option value="neu">Neu:</option></select> <input type="text" name="kat" size="40"></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cmite">Sichtbar ab</td> <td class="Cnorm"><select name="Crecht">{Crecht}</select></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cmite">Name</td> <td class="Cnorm"><input type="text" name="Cname" value="{Cname}" /></td> </tr><tr> <td class="Cmite">Beschreibung</td> <td class="Cnorm"><textarea cols="30" rows="3" name="Cdesc">{Cdesc}</textarea></td> </tr> <tr class="Cdark"> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Absenden" name="Csub" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td></td></table> </td> </tr> </table> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function Kdel ( id1 ) { var Fenster = window.open ('admin.php?gallery-D' + id1, 'delKat', 'status=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=150,width=550,left=300,top=50'); Fenster.focus(); } function del ( id1 ) { var x = confirm ( "Dieses Bild wirklich löschen?" ); if ( x ) { document.location.href="?gallery-d"+id1; } } function edit ( besch, id1 ) { var x = prompt ( "Bitte die neue Beschreibung eingeben!", besch); if ( x ) { document.location.href="?gallery-e"+id1+"=0&besch=" + x; } } function reload ( id1 ) { var x = confirm ( "Dieses Bild wirklich erneuern?" ); if ( x ) { document.location.href="?gallery-r"+id1; } } function reloadImages (kid) { var Fenster = window.open ('admin.php?gallery-reloadImages-' + kid, 'reloadImages', 'status=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=350,left=300,top=50'); Fenster.focus(); } function uploadImages (kid) { var x = prompt ( "Wie viele Bilder möchten Sie hochladen?", "5"); if ( x ) { var Fenster = window.open ('admin.php?gallery-uploadImages-' + kid + '=0&anzb=' + x, 'uploadImages', 'status=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=350,left=300,top=50'); Fenster.focus(); } } //--> </script>
php my Admin-Datenbanken: neu Eingetragen

So und Jetzt muss ich das ja noch in der: include/admin/gallery.php neu Eingetragen
<?php # Copyright by: Manuel # Support: www.ilch.de defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' ); defined ('admin') or die ( 'only admin access' ); require_once('include/includes/func/gallery.php'); // START: Neu seit Ilch 1.1 Patchlevel 15 function image_valid($type) { $file_types = array( 'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpeg', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/X-PNG' => 'png', 'image/PNG' => 'png', 'image/png' => 'png', 'image/x-png' => 'png', 'image/JPG' => 'jpg', 'image/GIF' => 'gif', ); if ( !array_key_exists ( $type, $file_types ) ) { return false; } else { return true; } } // END: Neu seit Ilch 1.1 Patchlevel 15 function gallery_admin_showcats ( $id , $stufe ) { global $menu; $q = "SELECT * FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE cat = ".$id." ORDER BY pos"; $erg = db_query($q); if ( db_num_rows($erg) > 0 ) { while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { if ($menu->getE('S') == $row->id) { $row->name = '<strong>'.$row->name.'</strong>'; } echo '<tr class="Cmite"><td>'.$stufe.'- <a href="?gallery-S'.$row->id.'">'.$row->name.'</a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="javascript:uploadImages('.$row->id.')"><img src="include/images/icons/upload.png" title="Bilder in diese Kategorie hochladen" alt="Bilder in diese Kategorie hochladen" border="0"></td>'; echo '<td><a href="javascript:reloadImages('.$row->id.')"><img src="include/images/icons/reload.png" title="Bilder in diese Kategorie erneuern / einlesen" alt="Bilder in diese Kategorie erneuern / einlesen" border="0"></a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="admin.php?gallery-E'.$row->id.'#edit"><img src="include/images/icons/edit.png" border="0" alt="ändern" title="ändern"></a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="javascript:Kdel('.$row->id.')"><img src="include/images/icons/del.png" border="0" alt="löschen" title="löschen"></a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="admin.php?gallery-M'.$row->id.'-o'.$row->pos.'"><img src="include/images/icons/pfeilo.png" border="0" title="hoch" alt="hoch"></a></td>'; echo '<td><a href="admin.php?gallery-M'.$row->id.'-u'.$row->pos.'"><img src="include/images/icons/pfeilu.png" border="0" title="runter" alt="runter"></a></td></tr>'; gallery_admin_showcats($row->id, $stufe.' ' ); } } } function gallery_admin_selectcats ( $id, $stufe, &$output, $sel = 0) { $q = "SELECT * FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE cat = ".$id." ORDER BY pos"; $erg = db_query($q); if ( db_num_rows($erg) > 0 ) { while ($row = db_fetch_object($erg) ) { $output .= '<option value="'.$row->id.'"'.($sel == $row->id?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$stufe.' '.$row->name.'</option>'; gallery_admin_selectcats($row->id, $stufe.'»', $output, $sel ); } } } # Bilder einer Kategorie erneuern oder einlesen if ( $menu->get(1) == 'reloadImages' ) { $msg = ''; if (isset($_POST['do_aktion']) AND $_POST['do_aktion'] == 'yes') { # wenn keine aktion gewaehlt wurde if (empty($_POST['aktion'])) { $msg = 'Bitte eine Aktion auswählen<br />'; # aktion alle bilder eines ordners einlesen } elseif ($_POST['aktion'] == 'ins') { if (is_dir($_POST['dir'])) { $msg .= 'Bilder aus Ordner '.$_POST['dir'].' eingefugt<br />'; $o = opendir($_POST['dir']); while($f = readdir($o)) { if ($f == '.' OR $f == '..') { continue; } $imgpath = $_POST['dir'].'/'.$f; $size = getimagesize($imgpath); if ($size[2] == 2 OR $size[2] == 3) { $name = basename($imgpath); $tmp = explode('.',$name); $tm1 = count($tmp) -1; $endung = $tmp[$tm1]; unset($tmp[$tm1]); $name = implode('',$tmp); $id = db_result(db_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `". DBDATE ."` LIKE 'prefix_gallery_imgs'"),0,'Auto_increment'); $bild_url = 'include/images/gallery/img_'.$id.'.'.$endung; if (@copy ($imgpath,$bild_url)){ db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_gallery_imgs (cat,datei_name,endung,besch) VALUES (".$menu->get(2).",'".$name."','".$endung."','')"); $msg .= '- '.$imgpath.'<br />'; $bild_thumb = 'include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$id.'.'.$endung; $bild_norm = 'include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$id.'.'.$endung; create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_thumb, $allgAr['gallery_preview_width']); create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_norm , $allgAr['gallery_normal_width']); } } } } else { $msg = 'Konnte den Ordner '.$_POST['dir'].' nicht finden<br />'; } # aktion alle bilder erneuern mit oder ohne ueberschreiben } elseif ($_POST['aktion'] == 'alle' OR $_POST['aktion'] == 'alle_no') { $erg = db_query("SELECT id,endung FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = ".$menu->get(2)); while ($r = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) { $endung = $r['endung']; $id = $r['id']; $bild_url = 'include/images/gallery/img_'.$id.'.'.$endung; if (file_exists ($bild_url)) { $bild_thumb = 'include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$id.'.'.$endung; $bild_norm = 'include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$id.'.'.$endung; if ($_POST['aktion'] == 'alle' OR !file_exists($bild_thumb)) { create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_thumb, $allgAr['gallery_preview_width']); } if ($_POST['aktion'] == 'alle' OR !file_exists($bild_norm)) { create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_norm , $allgAr['gallery_normal_width']); } } } if ($_POST['aktion'] == 'alle') { $msg = 'Alle Bilder erneuert'; } else { $msg = 'Alle Bilder erneuert, nicht überschrieben'; } } } # anzeigen $tpl = new tpl ( 'gallery/images_reload', 1); $cname = 'keine Kategorie'; if ($menu->get(2) > 0) { $cname = db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = ".$menu->get(2)),0,0); } $tpl->set('cat', $menu->get(2) ); $tpl->set('cname',$cname); $tpl->set('msg', $msg); $tpl->out(0); exit(); } # Bilder in eine Kategorie hochladen if ( $menu->get(1) == 'uploadImages' ) { $msg = ''; if (isset($_POST['hochladen']) AND $_POST['hochladen'] == 'yes') { foreach ($_FILES['file']['name'] AS $k => $v) { if (!empty($_FILES['file']['name'][$k])) { $name = $_FILES['file']['name'][$k]; $tmp = explode('.',$name); $tm1 = count($tmp) -1; $endung = $tmp[$tm1]; unset($tmp[$tm1]); $name = implode('',$tmp); $besch = escape($_POST['besch'][$k],'string'); $id = db_result(db_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `". DBDATE ."` LIKE 'prefix_gallery_imgs'"),0,'Auto_increment'); $bild_url = 'include/images/gallery/img_'.$id.'.'.$endung; // START: Geändert seit Ilch 1.1 Patchlevel 15 if( image_valid ( $_FILES['file']['type'][$k] ) ) { if (@move_uploaded_file ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$k], $bild_url)) { @chmod($bild_url, 0777); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_gallery_imgs (cat,datei_name,endung,besch) VALUES (".$menu->get(2).",'".$name."','".$endung."','".$besch."')"); $msg .= 'Datei '.$name.'.'.$endung.' erfolgreich hochgeladen<br />'; $bild_thumb = 'include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$id.'.'.$endung; $bild_norm = 'include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$id.'.'.$endung; create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_thumb, $allgAr['gallery_preview_width']); @chmod($bild_thumb, 0777); create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_norm , $allgAr['gallery_normal_width']); @chmod($bild_norm, 0777); } else { $msg .= 'Datei '.$name.'.'.$endung.' konnte nicht hochgeladen werden<br />'; } } else { $msg .= 'Falsches Dateiformat'; } // END: Geändert seit Ilch 1.1 Patchlevel 15 } } } # bilder hochladen $anzb = 5; if (isset($_GET['anzb']) AND is_numeric($_GET['anzb'])) { $anzb = $_GET['anzb']; } $tpl = new tpl ( 'gallery/images_upload', 1); $tpl->set('cat', $menu->get(2) ); $tpl->set('msg', $msg); $tpl->out(0); $class = 'Cmite'; for($i=1;$i<=$anzb;$i++) { $tpl->set('class', ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ) ); $tpl->out(1); } $tpl->out(2); exit(); } # Kategorie löschen if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'D' ) { $tpl = new tpl('gallery/delkat', 1); $tpl->out(0); //Kategorie und alle Bilder löschen if ($menu->get(2) == 'delall') { $r = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT id, pos, cat FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'")); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'"); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE pos > ".$r['pos']." AND cat = ".$r['cat']); $sql = db_query("SELECT * FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = '{$r['id']}'"); while($r2 = db_fetch_assoc($sql)){ @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_'.$r2['id'].'.'.$r2['endung']); @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$r2['id'].'.'.$r2['endung']); @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$r2['id'].'.'.$r2['endung']); } db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = '".$r['id']."'"); echo 'Kategorie und Bilder gelöscht<br />'; $tpl->out(2); } elseif ($menu->get(2) == 'delkat') { $r = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT id, pos, cat FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'")); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'"); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE pos > ".$r['pos']." AND cat = ".$r['cat']); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = '".$r['id']."'"); echo 'Nur Kategorie gelöscht, Bilder noch auf dem FTP<br />'; $tpl->out(2); } elseif (isset($_POST['move']) AND $_POST['cat'] != $menu->getE(1)) { $_POST['cat'] = escape($_POST['cat'], 'integer'); $r = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT id, pos, cat FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'")); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'"); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE pos > ".$r['pos']." AND cat = ".$r['cat']); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_imgs set cat = '{$_POST['cat']}' WHERE cat = '".$r['id']."'"); echo 'Bilder in Kategorie "'.@db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '{$_POST['cat']}'"),0).'" verschoben und alte Kategorie gelöscht.<br />'; $tpl->out(2); } else { $row = array('id' => $menu->getE(1)); gallery_admin_selectcats('0','',$row['cats'],$row['cats']); $row['cats'] = '<option value="0">Keine</option>'.$row['cats']; $tpl->set_ar_out($row,1); } $tpl->out(3); exit(); } #Bilder verschieben if (isset($_POST['movepics'])) { if (count($_POST['img']) > 0) { $pics = implode(',',$_POST['img']); $cat = escape($_POST['movecat'],'integer'); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_imgs SET cat = $cat WHERE id IN ($pics);"); $menu->set_url(1,'S'.$cat); } } $design = new design ( 'Admins Area', 'Admins Area', 2 ); $design->header(); $tpl = new tpl ( 'gallery/gallery', 1); # Bild loeschen if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'd' ) { $id = $menu->getE(1); $row = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT endung,cat FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$id)); $endung = $row['endung']; @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_'.$id.'.'.$endung); @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$id.'.'.$endung); @unlink ('include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$id.'.'.$endung); db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$id); $azk = $row['cat']; } # Bild Beschreibung aendern if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'e' ) { $id = $menu->getE(1); $besch = escape($_REQUEST['besch'],'string'); $row = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT cat FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$id)); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_imgs SET besch = '".$besch."' WHERE id = ".$id); $azk = $row['cat']; } # Bild erneuern if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'r' ) { $id = $menu->getE(1); $row = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT endung,cat FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE id = ".$id)); $endung = $row['endung']; $bild_url = 'include/images/gallery/img_'.$id.'.'.$endung; if (file_exists ($bild_url)) { $bild_thumb = 'include/images/gallery/img_thumb_'.$id.'.'.$endung; $bild_norm = 'include/images/gallery/img_norm_'.$id.'.'.$endung; create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_thumb, $allgAr['gallery_preview_width']); create_thumb ($bild_url, $bild_norm , $allgAr['gallery_normal_width']); } $azk = $row['cat']; } if ($menu->getA(1) == 'M') { $pos = $menu->getE(2); $id = $menu->getE(1); $cat = db_result(db_query("SELECT cat FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = ".$id),0); $nps = ( $menu->getA(2) == 'u' ? $pos + 1 : $pos - 1 ); $anz = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE cat = ".$cat),0); if ($nps < 0) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = ".$anz." WHERE id = ".$id); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos -1 WHERE cat = ".$cat); } if ($nps >= $anz) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = -1 WHERE id = ".$id); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos +1 WHERE cat = ".$cat); } if ( $nps < $anz AND $nps >= 0 ) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = ".$pos." WHERE pos = ".$nps." AND cat = ".$cat); db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = ".$nps." WHERE id = ".$id); } } # kategorie eintrage speichern oder aendern. if ( isset ( $_POST['Csub']) ) { if ( empty($_POST['Ccat']) ) { $_POST['Ccat'] = 0; } if ( empty ($_POST['Cpkey']) ) { $nextpos = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE cat = ".$_POST['Ccat']),0,0); db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_gallery_cats (`cat`,`name`,`besch`,pos,recht) VALUES (".$_POST['Ccat'].",'".$_POST['Cname']."','".$_POST['Cdesc']."','".$nextpos."',".$_POST['Crecht'].")"); } else { $r = db_fetch_assoc(db_query("SELECT cat, pos FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = ".$_POST['Cpkey'])); $bool = true; $tc = $_POST['Ccat']; while ($tc > 0) { if ($tc == $_POST['Cpkey']) { $bool = false; } $tc = @db_result(db_query("SELECT cat FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = $tc")); } if ($bool) { $epos = $r['pos']; $akc = $r['cat']; $npos = $epos; if ($akc != $_POST['Ccat']) { $npos = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE cat = ".$_POST['Ccat']),0,0); } db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET `cat` = '".$_POST['Ccat']."',pos=".$npos.",recht=".$_POST['Crecht'].",`name` = '".$_POST['Cname']."',`besch` = '".$_POST['Cdesc']."' WHERE `id` = '".$_POST['Cpkey']."'"); if ($akc != $_POST['Ccat']) { db_query("UPDATE prefix_gallery_cats SET pos = pos - 1 WHERE pos > ".$epos." AND cat = ".$akc); } } } $azk = $_POST['Ccat']; } if ( !isset($azk) ) { $azk = 0; if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'S' OR $menu->getA(1) == 'E' ) { $azk = $menu->getE(1); } } $tpl->out(0); $class = 0; $abf = "SELECT id,besch,datei_name,endung FROM prefix_gallery_imgs WHERE cat = ".$azk; $erg = db_query($abf); $i = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg) ) { $class = ( $class == 'Cmite' ? 'Cnorm' : 'Cmite' ); $row['class'] = $class; if ( $i <> 0 AND ($i % $allgAr['gallery_imgs_per_line'] ) == 0 ) { echo '</tr><tr>'; } $tpl->set_ar_out($row,1); $i++; } # links $tpl->out(2); # cat if ( $menu->getA(1) == 'E' ) { $erg = db_query("SELECT id,cat as Ccat, recht as Crecht, name as Cname,pos as Cpos,`besch` as Cdesc FROM prefix_gallery_cats WHERE id = '".$menu->getE(1)."'"); $_Cilch = db_fetch_assoc($erg); $_Cilch['Cpkey'] = $menu->getE(1); } else { $_Cilch = array ( 'Ccat' => '', 'Cpkey' => '', 'Cpos' => '', 'Cname' => '', 'Crecht' => '', 'Cdesc' => '' ); } #$_Cilch['Crecht'] = arlistee($_Cilch['Crecht'],getFuerAr()); gallery_admin_selectcats('0','',$_Cilch['Ccat'],$_Cilch['Ccat']); $_Cilch['Ccat'] = '<option value="0">Keine</option>'.$_Cilch['Ccat']; $_Cilch['Crecht'] = dblistee($_Cilch['Crecht'],"SELECT id,name FROM prefix_grundrechte ORDER BY id DESC"); gallery_admin_showcats ( 0 , '' ); $tpl->set_ar($_Cilch); $tpl->out(3); $design->footer(); ?>

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Zuletzt modifiziert von FightClub am 17.02.2014 - 12:26:15