hallöchen wollte mal fragen wie ich die spiele größer bekomme
und wie ich das script in ilch integrieren kann
Schreibe schon mal DANKE:
betroffene Homepage: wilderboy.96.lt/190games/
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<div class="core"> <?php if(!isset($_GET['act']) || $_GET['act'] != 'play'){ echo $sys->makeGamesList(); } else { if(isset($_GET['id'])){ echo $sys->makeGameHtml($_GET['id'], $_GET['cid']); } else { echo '<div style="margin: 30px;"> <strong>Error: </strong>Invalid Input<br /><br /> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">Click here to return Home</a> </div>'; } } ?> </div>
<div class="right"> <?php echo $sys->doMostPlayed(); /* for most played, you can also use echo $sys->doMostPlayed(x); Where x = the ammount of games you wish to display. This same methods works for doNewestGames() Default for these functions is 10 */ echo $sys->doNewestGames(); ?> </div>
<?php $user = 'dbuser'; $pass = 'dbpass'; $host = 'localhost'; $db = 'dbname'; @mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); @mysql_select_db($db); ?>
<?php /* Date | GamesPlayed */ require("db.cnf.php"); require("templates.tpl.php"); class GamesSystem { var $gamedata; var $imgdir; var $swfdir; var $loaded; var $template; var $am; function GamesSystem($admin_mode = 0){ if($admin_mode != 1){ global $templates; $this->template = $templates; } $this->gamedata = array(); $this->imgdir = './images'; $this->loaded = false; $this->swfdir = './swf'; $this->am = $admin_mode; } function vQ($info){ if($this->am == 1){ return $info.' != \'1\''; } else { return ''; } } function Load(){ $getCategories = "SELECT cId,cName FROM categories WHERE cVisible = '1' ".$this->vQ('OR cVisible')." ORDER BY cOrder ASC"; if($cats = @mysql_query($getCategories)){ while($category = @mysql_fetch_assoc($cats)){ $this->gamedata[$category['cId']] = $category; $this->gamedata[$category['cId']]['games'] = array(); } $this->gamedata[0] = array('cId' => 0, 'cName' => 'Other Games', 'games' => array()); $getGameData = "SELECT g.gId, g.gDescription, g.gSwfFile, g.gVisible, g.gInCategory, g.gThumb, g.gName, p.Played FROM games as g, playstats as p WHERE g.gId = p.pgId AND g.gVisible = '1' ".$this->vQ('OR g.gVisible')." ORDER BY gOrder ASC, p.Played DESC"; if($games = @mysql_query($getGameData)){ while($game = @mysql_fetch_assoc($games)){ if(!isset($this->gamedata[$game['gInCategory']])){ $game['gInCategory'] = 0; } $this->gamedata[$game['gInCategory']]['games'][$game['gId']] = $game; } $this->loaded = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } function addPlay($gid){ $quickcheck = "SELECT Date FROM gamestoday WHERE Date = '".date("dmy")."'"; if(@mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($quickcheck)) < 1){ @mysql_query("INSERT INTO gamestoday VALUES ('".date("dmy")."', 0)"); } $update = "UPDATE playstats SET Played = (Played+1) WHERE pgId = '".$gid."'"; $update2 = "UPDATE gamestoday SET GamesPlayed = (GamesPlayed+1) WHERE Date = '".date("dmy")."'"; if(@mysql_query($update) && @mysql_query($update2)){ return true; } else { return false; } } function loadPlay($gid,$cid){ if($cid == 0){ $load = "SELECT g.gId,g.gSwfFile,g.gName,g.gInCategory,g.gDescription,g.gWidth,g.gHeight FROM games as g WHERE g.gId='".$gid."'"; } else { $load = "SELECT g.gId,g.gSwfFile,g.gName,g.gInCategory,g.gDescription,g.gWidth,g.gHeight,c.cName FROM games as g, categories as c WHERE g.gId='".$gid."' AND g.gInCategory = c.cId"; } if($data = @mysql_query($load)){ $data = @mysql_fetch_assoc($data); if($cid == 0){ $data['cName'] = 'Other Games'; } return $data; } else { return false; } } function isLoaded(){ if($this->loaded == true){ return true; } else { return false; } } function makeGamesList(){ if(!$this->isLoaded()){ $this->Load(); } $output = ""; foreach($this->gamedata as $category){ $games = ""; $gamedata = ""; if(count($category['games']) > 0){ $count = 0; foreach($category['games'] as $game){ if(($count % 2) == 1 || count($category['games']) == 1){ eval("\$games .= \"".$this->template['game']."\";"); eval("\$gamedata .= \"".$this->template['gdoublewrapper']."\";"); $games = ""; } else { eval("\$games .= \"".$this->template['game']."\";"); } $count++; if(count($category['games']) != 1 && (count($category['games']) % 2) == 1 && ($count == count($category['games']))){ eval("\$gamedata .= \"".$this->template['gdoublewrapper']."\";"); } } eval("\$output .= \"".$this->template['category']."\";"); } } return $output; } function doMostPlayed($showonly = 10){ $list = ""; $action = "Top Games"; $getRecent = "SELECT pcId,pgId FROM playstats ORDER BY Played DESC LIMIT ".$showonly; if($data = @mysql_query($getRecent)){ while($statdata = @mysql_fetch_assoc($data)){ $stat = $this->gamedata[$statdata['pcId']]['games'][$statdata['pgId']]; $extra = ' [ '.$stat['Played'].' plays ]'; eval("\$list .= \"".$this->template['list_repeat_all']."\";"); } eval("\$return = \"".$this->template['list_wrapper_all']."\";"); return $return; } else { return false; } } function doNewestGames($limit = 10){ $action = 'Newest Games'; $list = ""; $getRecent = "SELECT gId,gInCategory FROM games ORDER BY gId DESC LIMIT ".$limit; if($data = @mysql_query($getRecent)){ while($statdata = @mysql_fetch_assoc($data)){ $stat = $this->gamedata[$statdata['gInCategory']]['games'][$statdata['gId']]; $extra =''; eval("\$list .= \"".$this->template['list_repeat_all']."\";"); } eval("\$return = \"".$this->template['list_wrapper_all']."\";"); return $return; } else { return false; } } function makeGameHtml($id,$cid){ $game = $this->loadPlay($id,$cid); eval("\$html = \"".$this->template['game_play']."\";"); return $html; } function makeOptionList(){ $opt = ""; $sortorder = array(); foreach($this->gamedata as $category){ foreach($category['games'] as $game){ $sortorder[$game['gName']] = array($category['cId'], $game['gId']); } } ksort($sortorder); foreach($sortorder as $game){ $opt .= '<option value="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?act=play&id='.$this->gamedata[$game[0]]['games'][$game[1]]['gId'].'&cid='.$this->gamedata[$game[0]]['games'][$game[1]]['gInCategory'].'">'.$this->gamedata[$game[0]]['games'][$game[1]]['gName'].'</option>'; } return $opt; } function getPlaysToday(){ $get = "SELECT GamesPlayed FROM gamestoday WHERE Date = '".date("dmy")."'"; if($data = @mysql_query($get)){ $num = mysql_fetch_row($data); return $num[0]; } else { return ''; } } } ?>
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