Zitat geschrieben von
$team = db_result(db_query("SELECT a.name
FROM prefix_groups AS a
LEFT JOIN prefix_groupusers AS b
ON a.id = b.gid AND b.uid = '1'"));
Zuletzt modifiziert von Saarlonz am 13.11.2015 - 14:55:40
Ich bin zu doof, nutze ilchBB und weiß nicht an welcher stelle ich die SQLabfrage in der schow_posts.php einfügen kann
# Copyright by: Manuel
# Support: www.ilch.de
* @name IlchBB Forum
* @version 3.1
* @author Florian Koerner
* @link http://www.koerner-ws.de/
* @license GNU General Public License
defined ('main') or die ( 'no direct access' );
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Loader :: Start
require_once ('include/contents/ilchbb_forum/ilchbb_loader.php');
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Loader :: Ende
# check ob ein fehler aufgetreten ist.
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Newest Post :: Start
if ($menu->get(3) == 'firstnew') {
$check = $ilchBB->checkNewTopics($fid, $tid);
if ($check == TRUE) {
list($page, $post) = $ilchBB->newestPostPage($fid, $tid, $allgAr['Fpanz']);
header('Location: index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid.'-p'.$page.'#'.$post);
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Newest Post :: End
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Report :: Start
if ($menu->get(2) == 'reportpost' AND isset($_POST['tid']) AND isset($_POST['pid']) AND isset($_POST['page']) AND isset($_POST['grounds'])) {
// Abbruch, wenn nicht eingeloggt
if (!loggedin()) {
echo 'Du musst eingeloggt sein, um einen Beitrag zu melden.';
// Alle Daten escapen
$Ptid = escape($_POST['tid'],'integer');
$Ppid = escape($_POST['pid'],'integer');
$Ppage = escape($_POST['page'],'integer');
$grounds = utf8_decode(($_POST['grounds']));
// Abbruch, wenn Daten fehlen
if (!is_numeric($Ptid) OR !is_numeric($Ppid) OR empty($grounds)) {
echo 'Bitte alle Felder ausfuellen!';
// PM an Admin senden
$link = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"].'?forum-showposts-'.$Ptid.'-p'.$Ppage.'#'.$Ppid;
$txt = escape("[b]Grund der Meldung[/b]\n".$grounds."\n\n[b]Beitrag[/b]\n[url]".$link."[/url]",'textarea');
sendpm($_SESSION['authid'], 1, 'Gemeldeter Beitrag', $txt);
// Return
echo 'Vielen Dank fuer den Hinweis. Dieser wird umgehend bearbeitet.';
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Report :: End
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Rate :: Start
if ($menu->get(2) == 'ratepost' AND isset($_POST['pid']) AND $allgAr['ilchbb_forum_ratepost'] == 1) {
// Abbruch, wenn nicht eingeloggt
if (!loggedin()) {
echo 'Du musst eingeloggt sein, um einen Beitrag gut zu finden.';
// Zeitspanne - Session setzen, wenn nicht vorhanden
if (!isset($_SESSION['ilchbb_ratetime'])) $_SESSION['ilchbb_ratetime'] = 0;
// Zeitspanne testen
if ($_SESSION['ilchbb_ratetime']+$allgAr['ilchbb_forum_ratetime'] >= time()) {
echo 'Du bewertes die Beitraege zu schnell. Bitte beurteile die Beitraege bedacht.';
// Alle Daten escapen
$Ppid = escape($_POST['pid'],'integer');
// Abbruch, wenn Daten fehlen
if (!is_numeric($Ppid)) {
echo 'Hoppla. Da lief etwas schief!';
// MySQL Abfrage nach dem Post
$query = db_query('SELECT `erstid`, `ilchbb_rate` FROM `prefix_posts` WHERE `id` = '.$Ppid);
$result = db_fetch_assoc($query);
// Abbruch, wenn Versuch sich selbst zu beurteilen
if ($result['erstid'] == $_SESSION['authid']) {
echo 'Du kannst deine eigenen Beitraege leider nicht beurteilen.';
// ilchbb_rate umwandeln
$ilchbb_rate = unserialize($result['ilchbb_rate']);
if (!is_array($ilchbb_rate)) $ilchbb_rate = array();
// Pruefen, ob schonmal beurteilt
if (isset($ilchbb_rate[$_SESSION['authid']])) {
$time = $ilchbb_rate[$_SESSION['authid']];
echo 'Diese Aktion hast du bereits am '.date('d.m.Y',$time).' durchgefuehrt.';
// Beurteilung hinzufuegen
$ilchbb_rate[$_SESSION['authid']] = time();
$ilchbb_rate = escape(serialize($ilchbb_rate),'string');
db_query('UPDATE `prefix_posts` SET `ilchbb_rate` = "'.$ilchbb_rate.'" WHERE `id` = '.$Ppid);
// Leeres Return
$_SESSION['ilchbb_ratetime'] = time();
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Rate :: End
$title = $allgAr['title'].' :: Forum :: '.$aktTopicRow['name'].' :: Beiträge zeigen';
$hmenu = $extented_forum_menu.'<a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum">Forum</a><b> » </b>'.aktForumCats($aktForumRow['kat']).'<b> » </b><a class="smalfont" href="index.php?forum-showtopics-'.$fid.'">'.$aktForumRow['name'].'</a><b> » </b>';
$hmenu .= $aktTopicRow['name'].$extented_forum_menu_sufix;
$design = new design ( $title , $hmenu, 1);
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Extensions :: Start
$ilchbb_tpl = new tpl('ilchbb_forum/load_extensions');
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Extensions :: End
# Topic Hits werden eins hochgesetzt.
db_query('UPDATE `prefix_topics` SET hit = hit + 1 WHERE id = "'.$tid.'"');
# mehrere seiten fals gefordert
$limit = $allgAr['Fpanz']; // Limit
$page = ($menu->getA(3) == 'p' ? $menu->getE(3) : 1 );
$MPL = db_make_sites ($page , "WHERE tid = ".$tid , $limit , 'index.php?forum-showposts-'.$tid , 'posts' );
$anfang = ($page - 1) * $limit;
$antworten = '';
if (($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 AND $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE) OR ($_SESSION['authright'] <= '-7' OR $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE)) {
$antworten = '<div class="button_post_new" style="float: left;"><a href="index.php?forum-newpost-'.$tid.'"></a></div>';
$class = 'Cmite';
$tpl = new tpl ( 'ilchbb_forum/showpost' );
$ar = array (
'tid' => $tid,
'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten,
'TOPICNAME' => $aktTopicRow['name'],
'page' => $page
$i = $anfang +1;
$ges_ar = array ('wurstegal', 'maennlich', 'weiblich');
$erg = db_query("SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`txt`, `a`.`time`, `a`.`erstid`, `a`.`erst`,
`a`.`ilchbb_rate`, `b`.`geschlecht`, `b`.`sig`, `b`.`avatar`,
`b`.`posts`, `b`.`icq`, `b`.`homepage`, `b`.`opt_mail`,
`b`.`opt_pm`, `b`.`regist`, `b`.`wohnort`, `b`.`msn`, `b`.`yahoo`
FROM `prefix_posts` AS `a`
LEFT JOIN `prefix_user` AS `b` ON `a`.`erstid` = `b`.`id`
WHERE `a`.`tid` = ".$tid." ORDER BY `a`.`time` LIMIT ".$anfang.",".$limit);
while($row = db_fetch_assoc($erg)) {
$class = ( $class == 'Cnorm' ? 'Cmite' : 'Cnorm' );
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Postdetails :: Start
// Beitragstatus
$new = $ilchBB->checkPostTime($fid, $tid, $row['time']);
if ($new === TRUE) {
$row['STATUS_SRC'] = '_unread';
$row['STATUS_TITLE'] = 'Neuer Beitrag';
} else {
$row['STATUS_SRC'] = '';
$row['STATUS_TITLE'] = 'Beitrag';
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Postdetails :: End
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Userdetails :: Start
// Danke-Funktion erlauben?
$row['rate_allow'] = $allgAr['ilchbb_forum_ratepost'];
// Anzahl von Mitgliedern, die den Beitrag gut finden
if ($row['rate_allow'] == 1) {
$rate_ar = unserialize($row['ilchbb_rate']);
if (is_array($rate_ar)) {
$row['rate'] = count($rate_ar);
} else {
$row['rate'] = 0;
// Online and Offline Button
if ($row['posts'] != 0) {
// User Online od. Offline
$query = "SELECT * FROM prefix_online where uid = " . $row['erstid'];
$result = db_query($query);
if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$row['online'] = ' <img src="include/images/ilchbb_forum/icon_online.gif" border="0">';
}else {
$row['online'] = ' <img src="include/images/ilchbb_forum/icon_offline.gif" border="0">';
}else {
$row['online'] = '';
// Details :: Registriert
if ($row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['details'] = 'Registriert: '.date('d.m.Y',$row['regist']);
} else {
$row['details'] = '';
// Details :: Wohnort
if (!empty($row['wohnort']) AND $row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['details'] .= '<br />Wohnort: '.$row['wohnort'];
// Melden Button
if (loggedin()) {
$row['report'] = '<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="reportPost('.$tid.','.$row['id'].','.$page.');" title="Melden" class="icon post_report" id="report_'.$row['id'].'"></a>';
} else {
$row['report'] = '';
// Quote Button
if (($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 AND $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE) OR ($_SESSION['authright'] <= '-7' OR $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE)) {
$row['quote'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-newpost-'.$tid.'-z'.$row['id'].'" title="Zitieren" class="icon post_quote"></a>';
} else {
$row['quote'] = '';
// MSN Button
if ($row['msn'] != '' AND $row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['msn'] = urlencode($row['msn']);
$row['msn'] = '<a href="http://members.msn.com/?mem='.$row['msn'].'&submit=&lang=de" title="MSN Profil" class="icon contact_msn"></a> ';
} else {
$row['msn'] = '';
// MSN Button
if ($row['yahoo'] != '' AND $row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['yahoo'] = urlencode($row['yahoo']);
$row['yahoo'] = '<a href="http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target='.$row['yahoo'].'&.src=pg" title="Yahoo Profil" class="icon contact_yahoo"></a> ';
} else {
$row['yahoo'] = '';
// ICQ Button
if ($row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['icq'] = str_replace("-", "", $row['icq']);
$row['icq'] = str_replace(".", "", $row['icq']);
$row['icq'] = str_replace(" ", "", $row['icq']);
if (is_numeric($row['icq'])) {
$row['icq'] = '<a href="http://www.icq.com/people/webmsg.php?to='.$row['icq'].'" title="ICQ Profil" class="icon contact_icq"></a> ';
} else {
$row['icq'] = '';
// Homepage Button
if ($row['homepage'] != '' AND $row['posts'] != 0) {
$row['www'] = '<a href="'.$row['homepage'].'" title="Homepage" target="_blank" class="icon contact_www"></a> ';
}else {
$row['www'] = '';
// PM Button
if ($row['opt_pm'] == '1') {
$row['pm'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-privmsg-new=0&empfid='.$row['erstid'].'" title="Nachricht schreiben" class="icon contact_pm"></a> ';
}else {
$row['pm'] = '';
// E-Mail Button
if ($row['opt_mail'] == '1') {
$row['email'] = '<a href="?user-mail-'.$row['erstid'].'" title="E-Mail" class="icon contact_email"></a> ';
}else {
$row['email'] = '';
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Userdetails :: End
# define some vars.
$row['sig'] = ( empty($row['sig']) ? '' : '<br /><hr style="width: 50%;" align="left">'.bbcode($row['sig']) );
$row['TID'] = $tid;
$row['class'] = $class;
$row['date'] = date ('d.m.Y - H:i:s', $row['time'] );
$row['delete'] = '';
$row['change'] = '';
if (!is_numeric($row['geschlecht'])) {
$row['geschlecht'] = 0;
if (file_exists($row['avatar'])) {
$row['avatar'] = '<br /><br /><img src="'.$row['avatar'].'" alt="User Pic" border="0" /><br />';
elseif ($allgAr['forum_default_avatar']) {
$row['avatar'] = '<br /><br /><img src="include/images/avatars/'.$ges_ar[$row['geschlecht']].'.jpg" alt="User Pic" border="0" /><br />';
else {
$row['avatar'] = '';
$row['rang'] = userrang ($row['posts'],$row['erstid']);
if ($row['time'] <= 1439739471) {
$row['txt'] = bbcode($row['txt']); ## <= 01.08.2015
} else {
$row['txt'] = html_entity_decode($row['txt'], ILCH_ENTITIES_FLAGS, ILCH_CHARSET);
$row['txt'] = (isset($_GET['such']) ? markword($row['txt'],$_GET['such']) : $row['txt']);
// $row['txt'] = (isset($_GET['such']) ? markword(html_entity_decode($row['txt'], ILCH_ENTITIES_FLAGS, ILCH_CHARSET),$_GET['such']) : html_entity_decode($row['txt'], ILCH_ENTITIES_FLAGS, ILCH_CHARSET) );
$row['i'] = $i;
$row['page'] = $page;
if ( $row['posts'] != 0 ) {
$row['erst'] = '<a href="index.php?user-details-'.$row['erstid'].'"><b>'.$row['erst'].'</b></a>';
} elseif ( $row['erstid'] != 0 ) {
$row['rang'] = 'gelöschter User';
if ($forum_rights['mods'] == true AND $i > 1) {
$row['delete'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-delpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'" title="Löschen" class="icon post_delete"></a>';
if (($forum_rights['mods'] == true OR $row['erstid'] == $_SESSION['authid']) AND loggedin()) {
$row['change'] = '<a href="index.php?forum-editpost-'.$tid.'-'.$row['id'].'-'.$i.'" title="Bearbeiten" class="icon post_edit"></a>';
$row['posts'] = ($row['posts']?'Beiträge: '.$row['posts']:'').'<br />';
$tpl->set_ar_out( array ( 'SITELINK' => $MPL, 'ANTWORTEN' => $antworten ) , 2 );
if (loggedin()) {
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Quick Post :: Start
if ((($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 AND $forum_rights['reply'] == TRUE) OR ($_SESSION['authright'] <= '-7' OR $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE))
AND $allgAr['ilchbb_forum_qpost'] == 1 AND loggedin() AND is_numeric($allgAr['antispam']) AND has_right($allgAr['antispam'])) {
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Quick Post :: End
if ($menu->get(3) == 'topicalert') {
if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid),0)) {
db_query("DELETE FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = ".$_SESSION['authid']." AND tid = ".$tid);
} else {
db_query("INSERT INTO prefix_topic_alerts (tid,uid) VALUES (".$tid.", ".$_SESSION['authid'].")");
if (1 == db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefix_topic_alerts WHERE uid = " . $_SESSION['authid'] . " AND tid = " . $tid), 0)) {
echo '<div class="forum ui-corner-all" style="background-color: #DCDDE2; text-align: center;"><a href="index.php?forum-showposts-' . $tid . '-topicalert">' . $lang['nomailonreply'] . '</a></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="forum ui-corner-all" style="background-color: #DCDDE2; text-align: center;"><a href="index.php?forum-showposts-' . $tid . '-topicalert">' . $lang['mailonreply'] . '</a></div>';
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Read :: Start
$ilchBB->deleteNewTopics($fid, $tid);
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Post Read :: End
if ( $forum_rights['mods'] == TRUE ) {
$tpl->set ( 'status', ($aktTopicRow['stat'] == 1 ? $lang['close'] : $lang['open'] ) );
$tpl->set ( 'festnorm', ($aktTopicRow['art'] == 0 ? $lang['fixedtopic'] : $lang['normaltopic'] ) );
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Copyright :: Start
// IlchBB Forum 3.1 :: Copryright :: End
@name IlchBB Forum
@version 3.1
@author Florian Koerner
@link http://www.koerner-ws.de/
<!-- Funktionen fuer Beitrag melden und Danke-Funktion -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var reportTopicID = 0;
var reportPostID = 0;
var reportPostPage = 0;
function reportPost(tid,pid,page) {
reportTopicID = tid;
reportPostID = pid;
reportPostPage = page;
function ratePost(pid) {
type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php?forum-showposts-ratepost',
data: { pid: pid },
success: function(response) {
if (response == '') {
rate = $("#rate_"+pid)
} else {
$(function() {
var rG = $("#reportGrounds");
autoOpen: false,
width: 350,
modal: true,
resizable: false,
buttons: {
'Melden': function() {
type: 'POST',
url: 'index.php?forum-showposts-reportpost',
data: { tid: reportTopicID, pid: reportPostID, page: reportPostPage, grounds: rG.val() },
success: function(response) {
'Abbrechen': function() {
<!-- Div fuer Beitrag melden -->
<div class="forum" id="reportPost" title="Begründung">
<textarea rows="4" name="reportGrounds" id="reportGrounds" style="width: 300px;"></textarea>
<div style="float: right;">
<br style="clear: both;" />
<div class="forum ui-corner-all ilchbb_{class}">
<div class="post message">
<div class="text">
<a name="{id}"></a>
<span style="float: left;" class="smallfont">
<a href="index.php?forum-showposts-{TID}-p{page}#{id}" title="{STATUS_TITLE}">
<img src="include/images/ilchbb_forum/icon_post_target{STATUS_SRC}.gif" border="0" />
<span style="float: right;">
<br style="clear: both;" />
<div class="post details">
<div class="text" style="margin: 5px 15px 5px 0px; border-right: 1px solid #666666;">
<a href="index.php?user-details-{erstid}" style="font-weight: bold;">{erst}</a><br />
<p class="smallfont">
<p style="font-size: .8em; padding-top: 5px;">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="ratePost({id});" title="Finde ich gut" class="icon rate_good" style="float: left;"></a>
<strong id="rate_{id}">{rate}</strong> Mitglieder finden den Beitrag gut.
<br style="clear: left;" />
<br style="clear: both;" />
<div style="text-align: right;">
<a href="#"><img src="include/images/ilchbb_forum/icon_back_top.gif" border="0" /></a>
<div style="float: right;">
<br style="clear: both;" />
<br />
<div class="forum ui-corner-all" style="background-color: #DCDDE2; text-align: center;">
<a href="javascript:renametopic()">{_lang_rename}</a>
<a href="index.php?forum-edittopic-{tid}-2">{_lang_delete}</a>
<a href="index.php?forum-edittopic-{tid}-3">{_lang_shift}</a>
<a href="index.php?forum-edittopic-{tid}-4-2">{status}</a>
<a href="index.php?forum-edittopic-{tid}-5">{festnorm}</a>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function renametopic () {
var x = prompt ( "Bitte den neuen Namen vom Thema eintragen" , "" );
if ( x ) {
<div class="forum ui-corner-all Cmite" style="padding: 5px; background-color: #DCDDE2;">
<div id="qpost">
<form id="qpost_forum" action="index.php?forum-newpost-{tid}" method="POST" name="form" style="display:none;">
<!-- <div> -->
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