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MySQL Error:
1055 : Expression #5 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'geobit_.d.name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
in Query:
SELECT DISTINCT b.id as fid, a.name as titel, a.id as id, MIN(c.id) AS firstnew, d.name as author FROM ic2_topics a LEFT JOIN ic2_forums b ON b.id = a.fid LEFT JOIN ic2_posts c ON c.tid = a.id LEFT JOIN ic2_user d ON c.erstid = d.id LEFT JOIN ic2_groupusers vg ON vg.uid = 1 AND vg.gid = b.view LEFT JOIN ic2_groupusers rg ON rg.uid = 1 AND rg.gid = b.reply LEFT JOIN ic2_groupusers sg ON sg.uid = 1 AND sg.gid = b.start WHERE (((b.view >= -9 AND b.view <= 0) OR (b.reply >= -9 AND b.reply <= 0) OR (b.start >= -9 AND b.start <= 0)) OR (vg.fid IS NOT NULL OR rg.fid IS NOT NULL OR sg.fid IS NOT NULL OR -9 = -9)) AND c.time >= 1499612467 GROUP BY b.id,a.id, a.name ORDER BY c.time DESC LIMIT 0,25
Debug backtrace:
@ mysql.php:46 -- debug_bt()
@ mysql.php:64 -- db_check_error(...)
@ search.php:90 -- db_query(...)
@ forum.php:129 -- require_once(...)
@ index.php:18 -- require_once(...)
Gesamt: 0
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /var/www/vhosts/austrian-gladiators.at/httpdocs/include/includes/func/db/mysql.php on line 72
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