ilch Forum » Ilch CMS 2.X » Module und Modifikationen » OpenId Login und Probleme

  1. #1
    User Pic
    MonkeyOnKeyboard Moderator
    Registriert seit
    22 Beitragspunkte
    Moin Ilch Gemeinde,

    um mal licht ins dunkle zu bringen. Ich arbeite gerade an einem LogIn Modul für OpenID -> respective für Wargaming OpenID.

    Da mir kaum hier einer helfen konnte, liegt als Modul Grundlage die Beta von dustiii für twitter-api-anmeldung vor.

    In der nutzt er um den user zu linken oder eine Verbindung zu Ilch herzustellen den AuthProider.
    Nun Bekomm ich ja über OpenID keinen festen Token zurück, sondern folgende wehrte.

    account_id, acces_token (welcher sich bei jeder anmeldung ändert) und dazu noch expired_at.

    Somit gibt es ja auch im ILch das Modul unter user für Authtoken. Nur wie bekomm ich da einen Link zum angemelden Benutzer hin?

    Ich kann euch gern die Auth.php geben, welche momentan funktioniert, aber leider mit authprovider.
    Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen, aus dem chaos ordnung zu schaffen.

    namespace Modules\wargamingauth\Controllers;
    use Ilch\Controller\Frontend;
    use Modules\wargamingauth\Libs\wargamingOAuth;
    use Modules\wargamingauth\Mappers\DbLog;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\AuthProvider;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\AuthToken;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\User as UserMapper;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\Group;
    use Modules\User\Models\AuthProviderUser;
    use Modules\User\Models\User;
    use Modules\User\Service\Password as PasswordService;
    use Ilch\Validation;
    class Auth extends Frontend
         * @var DbLog instance
        protected $dbLog;
         * Renders the register form.
        public function registAction()
            if (! array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login') || array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires') < time()) {
                $this->addMessage('registExpired', 'danger');
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'regist', 'action' => 'index']);
            $oauth = array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login');
            $this->getView()->set('rules', $this->getConfig()->get('regist_rules'));
            $this->getView()->set('user', $oauth);
         * Saves the new user to the database.
        public function saveAction()
            if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
            if (! array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login') || array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires') < time()) {
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
            $input = [
                'userName' => trim($this->getRequest()->getPost('userName')),
                'email' => trim($this->getRequest()->getPost('email')),
            $validation = Validation::create($input, [
                'userName' => 'required|unique:users,name',
                'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',
            if ($validation->isValid()) {
                // register user
                $registMapper = new UserMapper();
                $groupMapper = new Group();
                $userGroup = $groupMapper->getGroupById(2);
                $currentDate = new \Ilch\Date();
                $user = (new User())
                    ->setPassword((new PasswordService())->hash(PasswordService::generateSecurePassword(32)))
                    ->setDateCreated($currentDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true))
                    ->setDateConfirmed($currentDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true));
                $userId = $registMapper->save($user);
                $oauth = array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login');
                $authProviderUser = (new AuthProviderUser())
                $link = (new AuthProvider())->linkProviderWithUser($authProviderUser);
                if ($link === true) {
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userId;
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'index']);
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.linkfailed', 'danger');
            $this->addMessage($validation->getErrorBag()->getErrorMessages(), 'danger', true);
                ->to(['action' => 'regist']);
        public function unlinkAction()
            if (loggedIn()) {
                if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
                    $authProvider = new AuthProvider();
                    $res = $authProvider->unlinkUser('wargaming', currentUser()->getId());
                    if ($res > 0) {
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.couldnotunlink', 'danger');
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.badrequest', 'danger');
            $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.notauthenticated', 'danger');
         * Initialize authentication.
        public function indexAction()
            $callbackUrl = $this->getLayout()->getUrl([
                'module' => 'wargamingauth',
                'controller' => 'auth',
                'action' => 'callback',
            $auth = new wargamingOAuth(
            try {
    //        var_dump($auth->getAuthenticationEndpoint());
    //        die();
                $this->redirect($auth->getAuthenticationEndpoint()); // wargaming openid
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.authenticationfailure', 'danger');
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
         * Callback action.
        public function callbackAction()
            $auth = new wargamingOAuth(
            try {
    //        var_dump($auth->getToken() . '<br>' . $auth->getAccount_id() . '<br>' . $auth->getExpires_at() . '<br>');
    //        var_dump($_GET['nickname']);
    //        die();
    //            $auth->convertTokens();
                $wargamingUser = array(
                  'user_id' => $auth->getAccount_id(),
                  'oauth_token' => $auth->getToken(),
                  'screen_name' => $_GET['nickname'],
                  'oauth_token_user' => null
                $authProvider = new AuthProvider();
                $existingLink = $authProvider->providerAccountIsLinked('wargaming', $wargamingUser['user_id']);
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    if ($authProvider->hasProviderLinked('wargaming', currentUser()->getId())) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " had provider already linked.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->addMessage('providerAlreadyLinked', 'danger');
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    if ($existingLink === true) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " tried to link an already linked wargaming account.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->addMessage('accountAlreadyLinkedToDifferentUser', 'danger');
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    $authProviderUser = (new AuthProviderUser())
                    $link = $authProvider->linkProviderWithUser($authProviderUser);
                    if ($link === true) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " has linked a wargaming account.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                        "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " could not link his wargaming account.",
                            'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                            'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                            'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                    $this->addMessage('linkFailed', 'danger');
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                if ($existingLink === true) {
                    $userId = $authProvider->getUserIdByProvider('wargaming', $wargamingUser['user_id']);
                    if (is_null($userId)) {
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userId;
                if ($existingLink === false && ! loggedIn() && ! $this->getConfig()->get('regist_accept')) {
                    $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.messages.registrationNotAllowed', 'danger');
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
                array_dot_set($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login', $wargamingUser);
                array_dot_set($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires', strtotime('+5 minutes'));
                $this->redirect(['action' => 'regist']);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.authenticationfailure', 'danger');
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                } else {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
         * @return DbLog
        protected function dbLog()
            if ($this->dbLog instanceof DbLog) {
                return $this->dbLog;
            return $this->dbLog = new DbLog();

    verwendete ilch Version: 2.1.x

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  2. #2
    User Pic
    Siggi Hall Of Fame
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    Komme leider zurzeit nicht wirklich dazu es mir gescheit anzuschauen traurig
    Hab mich mit den Login Auth auch noch nicht wirklich mit beschäftigt
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  3. #3
    User Pic
    MonkeyOnKeyboard Moderator
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    22 Beitragspunkte
    Also das Modul an sich funktioniert.
    Nur wollt ich fragen, ob es möglich ist, den user in mehrere gruppen bei der registrierung einzufügen?

    Davon müsste gebrüft werden ob eine Gruppe schon vorhanden ist. wenn nicht muss er sie in dem script erstellen. und zwar auch clantag und role.
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  4. #4
    User Pic
    Slipi Hall Of Fame
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    120 Beitragspunkte
    Man könnte zb die Registrierung manuell bestätigen und danach diesen User im Admincenter einteilen.
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  5. #5
    User Pic
    MonkeyOnKeyboard Moderator
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    22 Beitragspunkte
    SO nun doch noch ein Problem.

    in dem controller auth, welche php ich ja hier bei gelegt habe. speicher ich sachen in die session.

    warum kann ich an einer anderen stelle, diese wehrte nicht mehr abrufen. zb in neum anderen modul?
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  6. #6
    User Pic
    Nex4T Moderator
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    213 Beitragspunkte
    Wie rufst du die Daten zur session ab?
    while(!asleep()) sheep++;
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  7. #7
    User Pic
    MonkeyOnKeyboard Moderator
    Registriert seit
    22 Beitragspunkte
    Moin. so Modul läuft soweit. Dich gibt es kleine Probleme.

    Ich POste gleich nochmal die Auth.php. Aber zuerst zu den Problemen.

    Ich speichere ja in die Session mehrere Wehrte und so. das geht. Nur wenn ich min. 15 min inaktiv bin oder die Seite Schließe. werde ich ausgeloggt. Was für zukünftige Module schlecht ist. Da ich in deren Zeile Parameter mit übergebe, die ja durch ein redirect vom anmledungssystem mit api überschrieben werden.

    Dann habe ich versucht mir die funktion mit dem authtoken aus der login.php zu nunutze zu machen.
    Funktioniert. nur wird ja im cockie nicht dann die session variablen gespeichert, die ich vorher bei der anmeldung definiert habe.

    Wie kann ich das lösen?

    a. entweder alle session variablen im coocki speichern oder b. die globale logoutzeit auf min 1 stunde setzten.

    namespace Modules\wargamingauth\Controllers;
    use Ilch\Controller\Frontend;
    use Modules\wargamingauth\Libs\wargamingOAuth;
    use Modules\wargamingauth\Mappers\DbLog;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\AuthProvider;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\AuthToken as AuthTokenMapper;
    use Modules\Phonebook\Models\Book;
    use Modules\Phonebook\Mappers\Phonebook as PhonebookMapper;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\User as UserMapper;
    use Modules\User\Mappers\Group;
    use Modules\User\Models\AuthProviderUser;
    use Modules\User\Models\AuthToken as AuthTokenModel;
    use Modules\User\Models\User;
    use Modules\User\Service\Password as PasswordService;
    use Ilch\Validation;
    class Auth extends Frontend
         * @var DbLog instance
        protected $dbLog;
         * Renders the register form.
        public function registAction()
            $oauth = array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login');
            $groupMapper = new Group();
            $userGroup = $groupMapper->getGroupByName($oauth['clantag']);
            if (! array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login') || array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires') < time() || !$userGroup ) {
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.logindenied', 'danger');
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
            $this->getView()->set('rules', $this->getConfig()->get('regist_rules'));
            $this->getView()->set('user', $oauth);
         * Saves the new user to the database.
        public function saveAction()
            if (!$this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
            if (! array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login') || array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires') < time()) {
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
            $input = [
                'userName' => trim($this->getRequest()->getPost('userName')),
                'email' => trim($this->getRequest()->getPost('email')),
                'phonenumber' => trim($this->getRequest()->getPost('phonenumber')),
            $validation = Validation::create($input, [
                'userName' => 'required|unique:users,name',
                'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',
                'phonenumber' => 'required',
            $oauth = array_dot($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login');
            if ($validation->isValid()) {
                // register user
                $registMapper = new UserMapper();
                $groupMapper = new Group();
                $userGroup = $groupMapper->getGroupByName($oauth['clantag']);
                $currentDate = new \Ilch\Date();
                $user = (new User())
                    ->setPassword((new PasswordService())->hash(PasswordService::generateSecurePassword(32)))
                    ->setDateCreated($currentDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true))
                    ->setDateConfirmed($currentDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s', true));
                $userId = $registMapper->save($user);
                $phoneBookMapper = new PhonebookMapper();
                $phonebook = (new Book())
               $phonenumberentry = $phoneBookMapper->save($phonebook);          
                $authProviderUser = (new AuthProviderUser())
                $link = (new AuthProvider())->linkProviderWithUser($authProviderUser);
                if ($link === true) {
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userId;
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'index']);
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.linkfailed', 'danger');
            $this->addMessage($validation->getErrorBag()->getErrorMessages(), 'danger', true);
                ->to(['action' => 'regist']);
        public function unlinkAction()
            if (loggedIn()) {
                if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
                    $authProvider = new AuthProvider();
                    $res = $authProvider->unlinkUser('wargaming', currentUser()->getId());
                    if ($res > 0) {
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.couldnotunlink', 'danger');
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.badrequest', 'danger');
            $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.notauthenticated', 'danger');
         * Initialize authentication.
        public function indexAction()
            $callbackUrl = $this->getLayout()->getUrl([
                'module' => 'wargamingauth',
                'controller' => 'auth',
                'action' => 'callback',
            $auth = new wargamingOAuth(
            try {
    //        var_dump($auth->getAuthenticationEndpoint());
    //        die();
                $this->redirect($auth->getAuthenticationEndpoint()); // wargaming openid
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.authenticationfailure', 'danger');
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
         * Callback action.
        public function callbackAction()
            $auth = new wargamingOAuth(
            try {
            //var_dump($auth->getToken() . '<br>' . $auth->getAccount_id() . '<br>' . $auth->getExpires_at() . '<br>');
            //var_dump($auth->getClan_id() . '<br>' . $auth->getAccount_name() . '<br>' . $auth->getClantag() . '<br>'. $auth->getRole(). '<br>' . $auth->getRole_i18n() . '<br>' );
    //            $auth->convertTokens();
                $wargamingUser = array(
                  'user_id' => $auth->getAccount_id(),
                  'oauth_token' => $auth->getToken(),
                  'screen_name' => $auth->getAccount_name(),
                  'oauth_token_user' => null,
                  'clantag' => $auth->getClantag(),
                  'role' => $auth->getRole(),
                  'expires_at' => $auth->getExpires_at() 
                $authProvider = new AuthProvider();
                $existingLink = $authProvider->providerAccountIsLinked('wargaming', $wargamingUser['user_id']);
                $_SESSION['clantag'] = $wargamingUser['clantag'];
                $_SESSION['account_name'] = $wargamingUser['screen_name'];
                $_SESSION['role'] = $wargamingUser['role'];
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    if ($authProvider->hasProviderLinked('wargaming', currentUser()->getId())) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " had provider already linked.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->addMessage('providerAlreadyLinked', 'danger');
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    if ($existingLink === true) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " tried to link an already linked wargaming account.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->addMessage('accountAlreadyLinkedToDifferentUser', 'danger');
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                    $authProviderUser = (new AuthProviderUser())
                    $link = $authProvider->linkProviderWithUser($authProviderUser);
                    if ($link === true) {
                            "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " has linked a wargaming account.",
                                'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                                'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                                'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                        "User " . currentUser()->getName() . " could not link his wargaming account.",
                            'userId' => currentUser()->getId(),
                            'userName' => currentUser()->getName(),
                            'wargamingAccount' => $wargamingUser
                    $this->addMessage('linkFailed', 'danger');
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                if ($existingLink === true) {
                    $userId = $authProvider->getUserIdByProvider('wargaming', $wargamingUser['user_id']);
                    if (is_null($userId)) {
                        $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
                        $authTokenModel = new AuthTokenModel();
                        // 9 bytes of random data (base64 encoded to 12 characters) for the selector.
                        // This provides 72 bits of keyspace and therefore 236 bits of collision resistance (birthday attacks)
                        // 33 bytes (264 bits) of randomness for the actual authenticator. This should be unpredictable in all practical scenarios.
                        $authenticator = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(33);
                        // SHA256 hash of the authenticator. This mitigates the risk of user impersonation following information leaks.
                        $authTokenModel->setToken(hash('sha256', $authenticator));
                        $authTokenModel->setExpires(date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $wargamingUser['expires_at'] ));
                        setcookie('remember', $authTokenModel->getSelector().':'.base64_encode($authenticator), $wargamingUser['expires_at'], '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),  true);
                        $authTokenMapper = new AuthTokenMapper();
                    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userId;
                if ($existingLink === false && ! loggedIn() && ! $this->getConfig()->get('regist_accept')) {
                    $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.messages.registrationNotAllowed', 'danger');
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
                array_dot_set($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login', $wargamingUser);
                array_dot_set($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires', strtotime('+5 minutes'));
                //array_dot_set($_SESSION, 'wargamingauth.login.expires', $wargamingUser['expires_at']);
                $this->redirect(['action' => 'regist']);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $this->addMessage('wargamingauth.authenticationfailure', 'danger');
                if (loggedIn()) {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'panel', 'action' => 'providers']);
                } else {
                    $this->redirect(['module' => 'user', 'controller' => 'login', 'action' => 'index']);
         * @return DbLog
        protected function dbLog()
            if ($this->dbLog instanceof DbLog) {
                return $this->dbLog;
            return $this->dbLog = new DbLog();

    Achso. das authtoken model und so, hab ich erstmal ausgeklammert.

    EDIT: hat sich erledigt. hab einfach noch mehrere Cockies initialisert mit den parametern.

    Zuletzt modifiziert von magicmarkus am 07.11.2018 - 16:38:50
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  8. #8
    User Pic
    MonkeyOnKeyboard Moderator
    Registriert seit
    22 Beitragspunkte
    Gibt doch noch ein Problem. ich hab folgendes in die datei eingefügt

    $authTokenModel = new AuthTokenModel();
                        // 9 bytes of random data (base64 encoded to 12 characters) for the selector.
                        // This provides 72 bits of keyspace and therefore 236 bits of collision resistance (birthday attacks)
                        // 33 bytes (264 bits) of randomness for the actual authenticator. This should be unpredictable in all practical scenarios.
                        $authenticator = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(33);
                        // SHA256 hash of the authenticator. This mitigates the risk of user impersonation following information leaks.
                        $authTokenModel->setToken(hash('sha256', $authenticator));
                        $authTokenModel->setExpires(date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', strtotime( '+1 day' ) ));
                        setcookie('remember', $authTokenModel->getSelector().':'.base64_encode($authenticator), strtotime( '+1 day' ), '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),  true);
                        setcookie('clantag', $_SESSION['clantag'], strtotime( '+1 day' ), '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),  true);
                        setcookie('account_name', $_SESSION['account_name'], strtotime( '+1 day' ), '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),  true);
                        setcookie('role', $_SESSION['role'], strtotime( '+1 day' ), '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),  true);
                        $authTokenMapper = new AuthTokenMapper();

    Dennoch macht er bei remember me statt dem einen tag die 30 tage. was ich nicht brauche. soll schon nur der eine tag sein...
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Zurück zu Module und Modifikationen

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